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关于”祝福的高级“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Blessed High。以下是关于祝福的高级的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Blessed High


1、Ive come to give you my blessing.

2、好运由我的祝福扎堆,happiness and good fortune be with you always!


3、Lovers end-to high TOEFL and GRE scores were admitted at Columbia University.


4、Desertification thoughts to the hearts of countless blessings unlimited silently pray for you, and I wish you health and happiness!


5、You enable me to be possible to soar to great heights , bring to love, have the blessing, carry on tranquil, and enter eighth level of universal resonating status.


6、Then he blessed him there.


7、We will accept nothing less than full victory Good luck and let us all beseech the blessing of almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.


8、Please accept my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for your future success.


9、The far side, and I with Shu Mingliang moon, in good faith for the friends to pray for blessing, wish friends good health happiness!


10、Allow me to congratulate you with all my best wishes upon your having reached your sixtieth birthday. May you live a long, healthy and joyful life.

11、wishing you a beautiful holiday season,祝福您不论何时何地!


12、In Russia, after children are given the traditional response, "bud zdorov" ("be healthy"), they are also told "rosti bolshoi" ("grow big").


13、Shenzhen Futian Foreign Languages High School is a public high school founded in 1998.


14、High Tech High School International (San Diego, California)


15、With very securest wishes for your hinstanceiness in the NewYear.


16、Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings, and happiness.


17、In a state of numbness, one cannot feel or love or bless or be blessed by the kingdoms or the land.


18、Leader & Harvest also improves the Group's advanced service capability for its customers.


19、Blessing of Kings is now trained at level 22, up from


20、i wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead. 衷心祝贺你喜结良缘并祝将来幸福美满。

21、I must tell you how pleased I was to hear of your engagement, and hasten you my earnest congratulations.非常高兴听到你订婚的消息,谨致上我虔诚的祝福。

22、I was to hear of your engagement, and hasten you my earnest congratulations.非常高兴听到你订婚的消息,谨致上我虔诚的祝福。

23、Hearty congratulations on your marriage best wish for your future happiness. 衷心祝贺你喜结良缘并祝将来幸福美满。

24、Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.衷心祝福来年高兴、庆幸!

25、Warmest wishes for a very merry Christmas!(衷心祝福圣诞快乐!

英文句子26:,26、and he blessed Abram, saying, "Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth.他为亚伯兰祝福,说:“愿天地的主、至高的上帝赐福与亚伯兰!

27、Let us all send our very best regards to them through the website.让我们透过网页,一同向高锟教授伉俪送上最诚挚的祝福!

28、Please accept my best wishes for your continued happiness and well being. 请接受我的美好祝愿,祝你们永远美满,幸福。

29、Best blessing to you! My dearest dad!美丽的白衣天使,祝福你!

30、bast wishes for you. give you my bast wishes. 最好的祝福送给你.

31、I have my blessings on the 365 flower buds , they open one day, a beautiful day to bless you.我已经把我的祝福放在365朵花苞中,它们每天开放一朵,每天给你美好的祝福。

32、Let us sing our heart of blessings.让我们献上祝福的心曲!

33、"I will not let thee go, except thou bless me ... and he blessed him there." (Gen.32:26“你不给我祝福,我就不容你去……于是在那里给雅各祝福”(创三


34、My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness. 向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

35、We have to bless one another constantly.我们要不断的祝福他人。

36、Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year. Wishing you many future successes.愿你在未来的xx年里,吉星高照。希望新年祝福给你带来欢乐,我的好朋友。免费将此祝福发送到自己手机。

37、Please accept the assurances of my sincere regards and high esteem at all times.顺致诚挚和崇高的祝福!

38、The Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must.意味着祝福和快乐的福字不可缺少。

39、Bofook Premier Hotel is collects guest room, dining, banquet, leisure, meeting, entertainment, landscape, golf , as one of the senior five-star hotel.宝福铂尔美酒店是集客房、餐饮、宴会、休闲、会议、娱乐、园林、高尔夫为一体的高级五星级酒店。

40、May your Christmas be merry as a song, And your heart be happy the whole year long!祝福您的圣诞像仙乐般美好,祝福您的心中永远快乐,年复xx年,随着时轮飞转!

41、warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year.衷心祝福来年高兴、庆幸!

42、No, blessing all is me.祝福无重数,全是我发出。

43、Brenner: Well, Im happy for you. I wish a long life of happiness for both of you.布伦纳:是吗,真为你高兴,祝你们两个幸福毕生。

44、My birthday wihers to you are the hotest.热烈祝福你的生辰!

45、I won't be sad, oppositely , I 'm very happy. So I will pray for you :Happy Forever!我不会悲伤,相对的,我很高兴.所以我会祝福你们永远开心!

46、subtle wishes come from the bottom of my heart 淡淡的祝福很诚朴

47、Burn the midnight oil for the first time share &bless worship song bless people at 熬夜首次分享《释放心中的悲泣》祝福在中国


7.1 级玉树青海大地震的百姓们!

48、Ble ing of Light and Greater Ble ing of Light removed. Their effects have been folded into all relevant abilities.光明祝福和强效光明祝福移除。他们的效果被其他相关技能整合了。

49、God bless your love is taller than Gao Tian longer, you love deeper than the deepest ocean wide"!"愿上帝祝福你们的爱比高天更高更长,你们的情比深海更深更广”!

50、Funafuti senior adviser Lastly real estate advisory company said.福纳咨询公司房地产高级顾问杨子江说道。

经典英文句子51:祝福的高级,51、Wish you all A Fantastic Happy Rabbit Year 2011.祝大家兔年快乐,福星高照。恭喜恭喜!

52、Delight without well-wishing may be cruel; well-wishing without delight easily tends to become cold and a little superior. ------ Russell, The Good Life.没有祝福的喜悦可能是残忍的;没有喜悦的祝福易于倾向于冷酷与少许高傲。 ------《美好的生活》。

53、my very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness. 向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

54、意思是"谢谢你的祝福. 我们很高兴. "回答应用"This is what I should be doing."

55、May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.让暖馨的祝贺、幸福的思念和友爱的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,陪你左左。

56、Some higher officials attended the celebration rally.一些高级官员参加了庆祝大会。

57、Wish God bless your loves than high sky of higher more lengthways, your feeling specific depth the sea is more deeply more wide!愿上帝祝福你们的爱比高天更高更长,你们的情比深海更深更广!

58、He will perform with heavyweight Israeli pianist Michael Tsalka in a "Greetings from Jerusalem" concert.他将与重量级以色列钢琴演奏家麦可举办「从耶路撒冷来的祝福」爱与关怀音乐会。

59、Let my blessing like high low wind-bell, give you bring ding ding dany dany happiness!愿我的祝福像高高低低的风铃,给你带去叮叮铛铛的快乐!

60、Looking at your happiness, I am the grudge, or the blessing.看着你的幸福,我是该咒怨,还是该祝福。

61、subtle wishes come from the bottom of my heart 淡淡的祝福很诚朴

62、See God's blessings in it. (v. 看到神在其中的祝福。


63、And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth.他为亚伯兰祝福,说,愿天地的主,至高的神赐福与亚伯兰ⅵ。

64、a christmas greeting to cheer you, my goodfriend.献上令你高兴的圣诞祝福,我的好友。

65、I wish my elder brother had a good future and happy life.祝福我的二哥前途无量,幸福健康!

66、I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead。 衷心祝贺你喜结良缘并祝将来幸福美满。

67、New Year's Day blessing: this time of year, blessing will flock to you like the ocean, I hope that my wishes as a leaf boat, set your wind and waves to reach the other side of success!元旦祝福:每年的这个时候,祝福就会象海洋涌向你,希望我的祝福象一叶轻舟,载你乘风破浪,到达成功的彼岸!

68、I send my love and good wishes.献上我的爱以及祝福。

69、My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。

70、There is laughing and congratulations.台上充满笑声和祝福声。

71、Any computer (old or new, PC or Mac) can be used to watch the live webcast - and at full screen quality - or to send a video (or written) telegram.任何型号的计算机都能够用于观看现场全频高质量的婚礼直播视频,并且可以上传祝福视频或者写祝福留言。

72、Junior artists inspired by the suffering of well-being of senior artists, inspired.初级艺术家的灵感源于痛苦,高级艺术家的灵感源于幸福。

73、May God's blessings be flown to the land.让我们的生命成为满溢的福杯,让神的祝福遍满全地。

74、My very best wishes to you for a lifetime of happiness.向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。



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