关于”100句怼死人“的英语句子45个,句子主体:100 words dead.。以下是关于100句怼死人的初二英语句子。
英文句子模板1:100 words dead.
1、Inorganic arsenic in a single dose of about 100 milligrams can kill by shutting down energy metabolism.
2、Two people have been killed and more than 100 injured in the magnitude-7.4 earthquake that hit the sea near Miyagi Prefecture in northeastern Japan.
3、They claim at least 100 people have been killed in the Bishkek clashes.
4、India's recent outbreak of dengue fever has killed over 100 people in the past seven weeks, and infected nearly
6, 000.
5、Against the god who had abandoned him all those years ago.
6、Lightning kills and injures between 75 and 100 people every year - more than hurricanes or tornadoes.
7、Feili Miss Xiaojinjin machine on the teacher said.
8、Earlier reports said the death toll in Balad was nearly 100.
9、The twentieth century saw
20 to 100 million deaths from pandemic flu and 200 million deaths from wars and famine, but
2 billion deaths from preventable childhood causes.
10、His mother said: "The saying is also seeking to hate who died?"
11、More than 100 people are believed to have been killed at the Wall while trying to escape.
大约100 只穴乌在瑞典街头死亡。
12、Some 100 jackdaws turned up dead on a street in Sweden.
星期六,在宫城县接近震中的地区,又发现了100具尸体。 这些地方的总死亡人数已超过500。
13、And an additional 100 bodies were foundSaturday in Miyagi Prefecture, near the quake’s epicenter, bringing the totalin those places to more than 500.
结果 DDT、溴氰菊酯和马拉硫磷对大劣按蚊的死亡率均为100%;
14、Results Mortality in An. dirus was 100% to DDT, deltamethrin and malathion.
15、During the eight-month siege of Dubrovnik, about 100 civilians died and more than 30, 000 fled their homes.
16、She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death.
每100 000人群中与意外跌落相关的死亡率(MR)为
17、The unintentional-fall-related mortality rate (MR) per 100 000 population was
14.5 (99% confidence interval, CI:
18、Overall, about six in 100 multivitamin users and non-users died from heart disease. Cancer claimed about five in 100 from both groups, and four in 100 died from other causes.
19、And for you the godless there shall be a curse.
20、It is said that he will say sorry first when they quarrel .
21、Rhode Island is marking the tenth anniversary of night club fire that killed 100 people in west Warwick.罗德岛为西沃里克夜店火灾10周年举行纪念活动,这场火灾造成100人死亡。
22、The Great Plague of Marseilles killed 100, 000 people in 1720马赛大瘟疫(死亡10万人)
23、In Panama around 100 people are reported to have died after ingesting tainted cough syrup from China.在巴拿马,有100余人由于食用了从中国来的有毒咳嗽药而死亡。
24、We already know that a SARS super spreader can cause more than 100 people ill or may die.我们已经知道一个萨斯超级传播者可造成100多人染病或者死亡。
25、Results:The operative resection rate was 100% without operative death.结果:手术切除率为100%,无手术死亡者;
英文句子26:,26、Therefore, the official image of K2 was used as the source material of the posters.是以海报肿怼用了K2的民圆模特形象做为素材。
27、Sid Vicious was charged with stabbing his girlfriend to death in room 100.斯德.费西斯(Sid.Vicious)被指控在100号房捅死了他的女友。
28、An estimated 185, 000 civilians died and another 100, 000 were severely wounded – nearly all by burns.据估算,
29、An older people often find that the side against people less and less.一个长大的人往往会发现身边可以怨怼的人越来越少。
30、Results Of those 100 patients who were included in the statistics, 46 were suffered from acute infarction, 26 from subacute infarction, and 结果 100例有症状患者纳入统计,急性梗死46例、亚急性梗死26例、慢性期梗死15例、无梗死13例。 梗死部位包括脑干、桥臂、小脑半球、枕叶、中脑、丘脑及延髓。
15 from chronic infarction, and
13 had no infarction.
31、The casualtyestimates of the 在xx年夷平东京和港口城市横滨的
8.3-magnitude quake that flattened Tokyo and the portcity of Yokohama in the fall of 1923 range from approximately 100, 000to 142, 000 people.
8.3级地震中,估计死亡人数约为100 000至142 000人。
32、The state says more than 100 people are unaccounted for and the death toll has now risen to 139.该州相关部门表示有100多人行踪不明,死亡人数已达到139人。
33、That evening he ran into Death again, wondering "Why 到了晚上,他又碰见了死神。 “你告诉我你要带走100人,为什么有1000人死了?”
1,000 individuals died although you told me you would take 100 lives?"
34、Almost everyone at the scene was incinerated, with close to 100 people killed.目标被准确击中,有近100人被炸死。
35、At least 土耳其伊斯坦布尔城两起爆炸造成至少14人死亡,100多人受伤。
14 people have been killed and around 100 injured in two explosions in the Turkish city of Istanbul.
36、50-100 Jackdaws dead in Norway50-100寒鸦死在挪威
37、God heard their complaint and promised to supply them with both meat and bread.神听见他们的怨怼之声,于是承诺赐给他们食物。
38、Maternal mortality per 100, 000 births fell from 产妇死亡率,每10万例活产婴儿的死亡人数,从1600人减少到1100人。
1, 600 to
1, 100.
39、Results The mean corrected death rate of Anopheles anthropophagus was 100% and the mean corrected death rate of Anopheles sinensis was 90.86%.结果嗜人按蚊的校正死亡率平均为100%,中华按蚊的校正死亡率平均为90.86%。
40、So dear, never hesitate to ask and even to give answer.并卟媞那庅连怼事,寻问,给予归答绝怼请犹豫。
41、Floods and rain-triggered landslides have left more than 100 people dead or missing in Jilin over the past few days.连日洪水和暴雨引发的泥石流已造成吉林省100多人死亡或失踪。
42、Pregnant women accounted for 每100个死于甲流的人中就有13个是怀孕女性。
13 in 100 deaths from swine flu.
43、Rabies is one of the 37 legal infectious diseases which were agreed unanimously by national medical program.,The mortality rate of rabies is nearly 100%.狂犬病是国际医学界统一认定的37种法定传染病之一,其死亡率几乎100%,中国狂犬病死亡人数高居37种法定传染病之首。
44、Fishermen also have the deadliest job in the country, with a 141.7 fatality rate per 100, 000. Not the kind of odds most people would take for a median salary of $34, 000 per year.渔民的致死率是10万人致死141.7人,平均工资34000美元xx年。
45、The quake -- the most powerful to hit Japan in more than 100 years -- caused massive damage and many people are missing and feared dead.这次日本xx年来最强烈的地震造成大规模的损失,许多人失踪,甚至恐怕已经死亡。
46、Around one in a hundred deaths worldwide is due to passive smoking, which kills an estimated 600, 000 people a year, World Health Organization (WHO) researchers said on Friday.世界卫生组织的研究人员周五称,全球每100例死亡中就有1例是死于被动吸烟,每年全球约有60万人死于二手烟。
47、Is afraid to him is merely resent a Dui rage to dislike.对他怕是只有怨怼愤恨吧。
48、Death rates fell by 死亡率在xx年至xx年期间下降
2.6% between 2005 and 2006, to 25 per 100 000 population (compared with the 2015 target of
14 per 100 000 population).
49、An outbreak of polio in Congo-Brazzaville has killed more than 100 people and paralysed hundreds more, the authorities say.刚果(布)官员称,国内爆发的小儿麻痹症已经导致100多人死亡、数百人瘫痪。
50、The regional authorities say that 1500 militants and nearly 100 Pakistani troops were killed in the offensive.地方当局声称,在此次攻击中有1500名武装分子和约100名巴基斯坦军人死亡。
经典英文句子51:100句怼死人,51、The cancer is highly lethal, so the lethality rate is, animal dies with a 90-100% chance.这种癌症死亡率很高,一旦患上,动物的死亡率为90%-100%。
52、According to the epidemiological study, incidence of cerebrovascular disease is about 140-200/100000 population, average death rate is 100/100000 population.据流行病学调查得知,全世界范围内脑血管疾病的发病率为140-200/ 10万人口,其平均死亡率为100/10万人口。
53、In Brazil more than 100 people were killed after hours of torrential rains triggered mudslides in Rio de Janeiro state.在巴西的里约热内卢超过100人被豪雨带来的泥石流淹死。
54、Over 100 workers.工人共100余人。
55、The gene therapy also reduced the mortality of severe diabetic mice significantly from 100% to 37% at the 6th week.转基因治疗也显著降低了严重糖尿病小鼠的死亡率,其6周时的死亡率由100%降为37%。
56、Up to 100 people have been killed in the unrest which shows no sign of subsiding.多达100在看不到平息下来的动荡中死亡。
57、Mortality was highest in the first 死亡率在开始接受抗逆转录病毒疗法的前三个月里是最高的:每100人年有30.1人死亡(95%置信区间:26.3–34.5)。
3 months after ART initiation: 30.1 deaths per 100 person–years (95% CI: 26.3–34.5).
58、In Ahmedabad this month, police said more than 100 people died and more than 200 were sickened after drinking tainted alcohol.警方表示,本月初在艾哈迈达巴德,有超过100人在饮用假酒后死亡,另外有超过200人因此生病。
59、Together, the attacks killed 40 and injured more than 100, with dazed, bloodied survivors fleeing up escalators.两起爆炸袭击,一共造成了40人死亡,受伤人数超过100人,惊慌、沾带着血迹的幸存者从电梯里逃出来。
60、That's 20% of all deaths. We think that our proposals could lead to a significant reduction in smoking-related deaths – perhaps down to just 100 annually.死亡率占了20%。我们认为我们的建议会带来与香烟有关死亡人数的显著降低---也许会降到每年仅100人左右。
61、An estimated 90 percent of home in New Orleans have been destroyed by flood waters and more than 100 people have been confirmed dead.在新奥尔良,估计就是90%的房屋被洪水冲坏,有超过100个人被证实已经死亡。
62、On February 在xx月xx日,在San Migue两辆火车相撞,4人死亡,大约100人受伤。
16, four people were killed and about 100 injured when two trains collided in San Miguel.
63、To my investigation,all The people eat meals。据我调查,死予肝癌的人100%都吃饭的。
64、One in 59 women dies in pregnancy or childbirth in her lifetime, and more than five in every 100 babies die before they are 28 days old.每59名女性中,就有1人死于怀孕或分娩,每100名婴儿,有5名死于出生不满28天。
65、The reality is far more complicated, as suggested by this statistic: out of those 但现实要远为复杂。 正如数据所示:所有1万 4千名死者之中,只有不到100人是士兵。
14,000 dead, fewer than 100 have been soldiers.
66、We think that our proposals could lead to a significant reduction in smoking-related deaths – perhaps down to just 100 annually.我们认为我们的建议会带来与香烟有关死亡人数的显著降低---也许会降到每年仅100人左右。
67、Your grudges③, resentments④, frustrations and jealousies will finally disappear.你的怨怼,愤恨,沮丧和嫉妒最终都会消失。
68、On average, 100 people choke to death.平均每年有100人被圆珠笔呛死。
69、In April, a Congolese aircraft crashed near Goma killing nearly 50 people and injuring more than 100.今年xx月,一架刚果飞机在戈马附近坠毁,导致近50人死亡,100多人受伤。
70、The percentage of BSF in kidneys of chickens died from artificial infection with IBV was 100%.人工感染后病死鸡肾脏均100%检测到特异性荧光;
71、Memories, impressions, knowledge and imagination. " Vignettes"Is a word of the dead .片段、印象、见闻、随想,偶拾是死人的字句。
72、Domodedovo Airport on Jan. 24 explosion, 36 people were killed and 100 wounded.多莫杰多沃机场xx月xx日发生爆炸,36人死亡,100多人受伤。
73、Authorities report at least 29 people are dead and more than 100 injured there following 有关当局说,艾哈迈达巴德城内和周边地区共发生16起爆炸,至少有29人死亡,100多人受伤。
16 separate explosions in and around the capital of the state of Gujarat.
74、Their illegal dealings led to more than 100 drug overdoses requiring visits to emergency rooms and were linked to 68 deaths.他们的非法交易导致100多人药物过量,必须急诊,并与68例死亡相关。
75、Over 100 shops in the coastal town of Cumana were hit and at least one person died according to local media.海滨小镇库马那有100多家商店发生哄抢事件,据当地媒体报道,至少有一人死亡。
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