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关于”有关环境保护“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Related to environmental protection。以下是关于有关环境保护的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Related to environmental protection


1、All the above-mentioned renewable raw materials are crucial to help protect our environment.


2、Behind them all, though, is the contradiction between economic growth and the environment.


3、We suspect there are environmental problems, which the Environmental Protection Agency would pounce on, levying heavy fines, once we own the town.


4、Moreover, many companies do not focus much on social responsibility, and lave shortage of environmental protection awareness.


5、Keep this in mind: One World, one home, the protection of the environment is everyone's responsibility.


6、Thinker, environmentalist and philosopher extraordinaire ... A one-man force of nature.


7、Planning, elevation, execution, and management of environmental protection work at the park.


8、The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said it would investigate any complaints and press the venues to use air-conditioning efficiently.


9、Inamori's thought of symbiosis and circulation is to handle the relation between development of enterprises and environmental protection.


10、To welcome the 2008 Olympics, our group organized lots of activities on environment protection.


11、Point out that trading development and environmental protection have consistence, sustainable development is the effective channel of trade and environmental coordinative development.

本实用 新型有利于节约资源和环境保护,舒适性和保暖性好。

12、The corn fiber bedding has saving in resource, environment friendship, high comfortability and high heat insulating ability.


13、The Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group was set up in 1990 to facilitate exchanges on environmental issues of mutual concern.

同学们,让我们快快行动起来,热烈响应环保局“保护环境,人人有责”的号召吧 !

14、Students, and let us rise up quick action, warm response environmental protection bureau "protect the environment, everyone duty for the call of"!


15、The Environmental Protection Agency does not regulate manganese under the Safe Drinking Water Act.


16、Rhett Bulter Butler says he is concerned about how the correct current economic quires crisis in the world might fit the affect environmental conservation effectsefforts.


17、Environmental quality has a measurable value, which is determined by the amount of tabou(?) consumed in protecting and const(?)ucting the environment.


18、But the publicpartici pation of environmental protection legal mechanism not formed well. The sociality of the environmental protection law was weakening.


19、On a scale from 1-10, how much does Jebsen Group care about the environment?


20、James Marston Fitch: Selected Writings on Architecture, Preservation, and the Built Environment.

21、This thesis states that it is important to pay attention to waste cells and environmental protection.阐述了对废旧电池和环境保护问题关注的重要性。

22、"A key element of this exercise is to build consensus, " Principal Environmental Protection Officer, Dr Malcolm Broom, said.首席环境保护主任彭乐民博士说:「建立共识是整个过程的关键。」

23、Protecting the regional ecological environment, keeping birds' feeding of Handan developing in a healthy way, it is primary concerned question.保护区域生态环境,保持邯郸市畜禽养殖业健康发展,是首要关注的问题。

24、Focused on protecting children's health in a changing environment, the conference will drive Europe's agenda on emerging environmental health challenges.该会议将推动关于新出现的环境卫生挑战的欧洲议程,重点关注在复杂多变的环境中保护儿童健康问题。

25、Green trade barrier is a kind of non- tariff trade measure aiming at environmental protection.绿色贸易壁垒是为了保护环境而实施的一种非关税贸易措施。

英文句子26:,26、The stipulations concerning environment crimes in the Criminal Law of our country don t focus on the principle of environment protection, which embodies the modern human-centered legal value.我国刑法有关环境犯罪的规定没有体现保护环境预防为主的原则,这是近代人类中心主义法律价值观的体现。

27、Serious impact on cross-border pollution of water and environmental protection, and seriously interfere with the construction of environment-friendly society, which has evoked great concern.跨界水污染严重影响流域水环境保护,严重干扰环境友好型社会的建设,引起了各方面的高度关注。

28、The value of A is one of the key parameters in calculating environment purification capacity(EPC) by A-P value method.值是A-P值法计算大气环境容量的关键参数之一,合理确定A值有利于保护大气环境质量和维护大气污染物排放单位的利益。

29、The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) said it would investigate any complaints and press the venues to use air-conditioning efficiently。环境保护署表示,该署将进行调查,并将要求有关场所有效使用空调系统。

30、Their issues of exploitation and protection in Pingdingshan New Urban District, living place in 21th century.新城区景观水体生态保护问题,是建设适宜21世纪人类居住环境的关键。

31、Spending on green technologies rose, but less care was taken over environmental protection.尽管在绿色技术上的资金投入连年看涨,但人们对于环境保护却鲜有关待。

32、It takes on important significance of protecting and improving the Beston Lake environment.保护和改善博斯腾湖环境,恢复芦苇资源,具有重要意义。

33、The most practical and effective way to protect wilderness areas is to attract more tourists to these areas through environmentally sensitive proj ects.保护野生环境最实际有效的方法就是通过环保项目吸引更多的观光客到那些地方去。

34、Both Health Canada and Environment Canada have deemed all chlorinated paraffins "toxic" under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act of 1999.根据xx年的加拿大环境保护法案,加拿大健康署和环保署将所有氯化石蜡均视为“有毒物质”。

35、Nanometric antibiotic porcelain, a 21st Century porcelain, is closely associated with people's health and environmental protection.纳米抗菌陶瓷与人们健康、环境保护密切相关,被人们称为21世纪的陶瓷。

36、Behind them all, is the contradiction between economic growth and environmental protection.所有这一切的背后都是经济增长和环境保护之间的矛盾。

37、It comprises the right to manipulate the environment, right to information and right to requesting responsible agency for protection when the environment is encroached.它包括公民对于环境的使用权、知情权、参与权和受到环境侵害时向有关部门请求保护的权利。

38、Therefore, the deterioration of the ecological environment of the Changjiang River source is one of the important causes of frequent…同时长江源生态环境保护与武汉市经济是否能可持续发展有密不可分的关系。

39、The control of vibration and noise is vital to environmental protection, the auto's flatness and endurance.汽车振动、噪声控制关系到环境保护、汽车行驶平顺性和车辆的耐久性。

40、So, fuel economy and environmental conservancy make a lot of sense if you care about such things, of course.所以,油价和环境保护,是很有意义的,如果你关心这样的事,当然会更好。

41、The professer is giving a lecture on the subject of environmental protection this afternoon.这位教授下午将要做一个关于环境保护的演讲。

42、The employee, who works in special working environment, has the right to enjoy treatment of labor protection and to have labor protection equipment.在特殊工作环境中工作的员工,依有关规定享有劳动保护待遇以及劳动保护用品的权利。

43、Intensive management and sanitary production have key effects on the performance of environment protection duty.集约经营和清洁生产对环境保护责任的履行起着关键的作用。

44、Make the ship-breaking industry have a sustainable development while protecting the environment.加强相关部门的行政执法等措施,在保护环境的同时,可持续地发展拆船行业。

45、We absolutely need strong rules to protect our environment and critical species.我们绝对需要强有力的条例来保护环境和濒危物种。

46、Energy's critical importance in socio-economic development and environmental protection is now universally recognised.如今人们普遍认识到了能源在社会经济发展和环境保护中的至关重要性。

47、There are moves in Congress to repeal or defer the EPA’s power to regulate greenhouse gases.国会也有关于废止抑或是服从环境保护机构管理温室气体权力的行动。

48、So the wind dust network settings so that the environment is effectively protected.因此防风抑尘网的设置使环境得到了有效的保护。

49、Environmental protection is a great career related to sustainable development of our country. Environmental problems become more and more serious as the economic development grows up.环境保护是关系到我国可持续发展的千秋大业,随着经济的发展,环境问题日益突出。

50、to guide the publicity and to give training on environment protection, resources conservation and comprehensive utilization;指导有关环境保护、资源节约和综合利用的宣传和培训工作。

经典英文句子51:有关环境保护,51、to organize and to conduct international exchanges and cooperation on environment protection, resources conservation and comprehensive utilization;组织开展有关环境保护、资源节约和综合利用国际交流与合作。

52、A port operator shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, take effective measures to prevent and control pollution and hazards to the environment.港口经营人应当依照有关环境保护的法律、法规的规定,采取有效措施,防治对环境的污染和危害。

53、Policies -- Australia laws and regulations related to the exploration, mining, corporation, import/export, related law firms and accountants, labour law, environmental protection laws;政策法规-- 澳大利亚有关矿产能源开发, 合作及进出口的法律和规定, 相关律师事务所及会计事务所, 劳工法, 有关环境保护条例;


标签: 环境 保护

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