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关于”介绍家庭成员“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Introducing family members。以下是关于介绍家庭成员的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Introducing family members

1、[常用复数] the father or mother of your father or mother 祖父;


2、My family members are cooperative with one another.

3、My father is a middle school teacher. 爸爸是一位中学教师。


4、Introducing UK & Chinese Speakers by official of the British Council.

可参看艾米丽 亚瑟的《家庭成员》。

5、See “Family Guy,” by Emily Anthes.


6、They regarded their pets as members of their families.

years old. I am a elementary school student. I love my family. 您好,原文翻译如上供参考,希望对您有帮助,不明白可继续提问。

7、years old. My brother is a teacher, and he is


8、Covers Osteopathy treatment costs on referral from a GP.


9、203. How many are there in your family?


10、Eventually I became one of the family.


11、Covers podiatry treatment costs after referral from a GP.

12、My mother works as a teacher in a university .妈妈是位大学老师。


13、Family members resided in four households.

14、years old. I am a elementary school student. I love my family. 您好,原文翻译如上供参考,希望对您有帮助,不明白可继续提问。


15、If any member of the household or a pet has ringworm, check the other family members for signs of infection.


16、If you’re in a band, stick to writing about the band’s overall story, rather than each individual member in detail.


17、Now I'd like to present the world's greatest Peking opera singer to you.


18、Come to the front and introduce the photo of your family to your classmates, please. Thank you!


19、Guang, can family members are not allowed!


20、Results 2919 siblings in the 108 families with epilepsy were studied.

21、The method of home-made red wine processing in Liaodong region (the eastern side of Liaoning Province) is introduced.介绍了辽东地区家庭自酿红葡萄酒的具体方法。

22、A fter the customary introductions we were presented to our host families and taken to their homes.结束了一些礼节性的相互介绍,我们被送给了各自家庭的主人。

23、What do you think of the one-baby family policy?家的成员;而男孩子可以是一个家庭永远的成员。

24、Taizhou Mingnuo of household goods Co. , Ltd. , located in the "Plastic Kingdom" --- Huangyan, Zhejiang, China.企业介绍:台州名诺家庭用品有限公司,座落于“塑料王国”---浙江黄岩。

25、It was addressed to Philemon and the members of his family.这是给利蒙和家庭成员。

英文句子26:,26、Following is the letter from DR. John T. Yang to his patients and family members.下面是杨棣錝家庭医生给他的所有病人及家庭成员的信。

27、Presents the concepts and classification of building atriums.介绍了建筑中庭的概念及分类。

28、As a member, I grieve that God's family is as divided and as divisive as it is.作为家庭成员之一,我为神的家庭四分五裂而感到痛心。

29、Missions Department coworker, Eddie Ho, introduces our Missions team members.宣道部同工何家声介绍我们的短宣队员。

30、Kam formed her own support group from the worst family members and in- laws to help plot against the Tong household to gain their family fortune.锦形成自己的支持小组从最坏的家庭成员和法律,以帮助阴谋反对童家庭获得他们的家庭财富。

31、The father had appeared before a family court earlier this week to settle custody of the couple's three children with their mother, a court official said.一位法院官员介绍说,该男子在这周初曾出席家庭法院,与妻子争夺他们三个孩子的监护权。

32、My sisiter is a university student . 姐姐是个大学生。

33、Black Intimacies: A Gender Perspective on Families and Relationships - by Shirley A. Hill Hamer, Jennifer F. P.黑人的亲密关系:从性别角度家庭与家庭成员关系。

34、A. Don't forget to get a referral from your family Doctor before your come.你来前不要忘记到你的家庭医生处取封介绍信。

35、Have your family members ever taken Yakult?家庭成员是否曾经饮用益力多?。

36、We all have a happy family, listens to Wang Rui to introduce to own family member!我们都有一个幸福的家,来听听王瑞对自己的家庭成员介绍吧!

37、today is my duty.I am very happy to introduce my family member to you!非常荣幸把我的家庭成员介绍给你.

38、Two brothers, family members of the armed organization "Awakening Councils" members.家庭成员中有兄弟两人是武装组织“觉醒委员会”成员。

39、I‘‘d like to introduce you to the new members of the project group.我想要给你介绍项目组的新成员。

40、During implementing the family planning for foreign brides, public health nurses have emphasized more heavily on contraceptive methods and neglecting immigration, and domestic violence prevention.于家庭计划的卫教上较偏重避孕方法的介绍,而较忽 略申请居留、家庭暴力防治及全民健保等部份。

41、ACEA describes the crisis facing its members as 'devastating'.ACEA介绍,面临的危机及其成员为'灾难性' 。

42、So, it is not unusual that a family member would not know how much money another one earns.以是一个家庭成员不晓得另外一个家庭成员的收入是多少是很通常的。

43、He gives me a tour of his home and introduces me to the 他还带我参观了他的家,向我介绍了他的12位家庭成员——他们四世同堂,住在同一屋檐下。

12 family members, covering four generations, who live together under one roof.

44、For the next blog of the documents of Redtory members, we will introduce you EMG Stone Gallery, to be continued…下期红专成员档案将向大家介绍EMG大石馆,敬请期待!

45、Fang Fang soon joined the family—and introduced two other women whom the elderly couple took in as well.方芳很快加入这个家庭,并另外介绍两名妇女过来。

46、Today I will introduce a happy family to you-Leons family. How many people are there in Leons family?今天老师要给大家介绍一个快乐的家庭里昂的一家他们家有几个成员?

47、When introduced to conduct the evaluation phase of the meeting, go to the lectern and introduce each evaluator. After each recitation, thank the evaluator for his or her efforts.轮到评论团介绍的时候,走到讲台,介绍评论团的每个成员。评论团的每个成员讲完,都感谢评估他或她的努力。

48、I am a pupil student .我是个小学生。

49、It is especially apt to take up residence in a household, jumping from one family member to others.它特别容易落足于一个家庭,从一个家庭成员身上跳到其他成员身上。

50、Service learning into the project trainees MP returned:content focuses on training trainees. Organize trainees exchanges, and presentation of the award of the business results.服务学成归来的MP项目学员:内容主要介绍参训学员、组织学员交流和介绍学员取得的商务成果。

经典英文句子51:介绍家庭成员,51、The personnel integration mode and other application details were introduced.介绍了其人员集成模式图,及其它应用情况。

52、But recently I've been introduced to, and become an enthralled fan of, the Home Shopping Network.但最近我经人介绍观看了家庭购物网这个节目,并成为了它的粉丝。

53、Song of the Trees. Song of the Trees introduced the Logan family, the heroes of.宋的树木。宋树介绍了洛根家庭,英雄。

54、Introducing UK &Chinese Speakers by official of the British Council.英国总领事馆文化教育处官员介绍中英双方专家。

55、Certain of my family members are considered uncooperative.有些家庭成员被认为是不合作。

56、Neither he nor his family owned any stocks.他和家庭成员都不持有股票。

57、The children are staying with their grandparents.孩子们与祖父母住在一起。

58、And it summarized the development tendency of home enteral nutrition as well.介绍了家庭营养病人的转归与评价,并总结了其发展趋势。

59、He introduces us to families who have agonized over whether to make that huge investment.他向我们介绍了谁是否有痛苦,使家庭的巨额投资。

60、Get the family cooking.让家庭成员参预烹饪。

61、The condition of two other family members was not available.另外几位家庭成员的情况不明。

62、We will exhibit Buhler employees family photo on the open day. Are you willing to exhibit your photo on that day?我们将在家庭日上展示员工家庭照片,你是否愿意上传你和你家人的照片给我们并且不介意被展示?

63、A new telecontrol of digital family spare location Television is introduced.介绍了一款新型的数字家庭空间定位电视遥控器。

64、Happy Holidays to all our LifeWave Family!所有莱威大家庭的成员假期快乐!

65、How long do your family members usually take Yakult?家庭成员每隔多久饮用益力多?。

66、I have a happy family . There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and me. My father's name is Dave . He is a doctor .主要介绍一下家庭成员情况,有多少劳动力,有几人在读书,家庭收入支出情况,父母赡养老人情况。

67、Psychological aid In families subsisting family violence , nearly all the members have some mental problem.心思援助。 在存在家庭暴力的家庭中,成员简直都存在一定的心思成绩。

68、The family and educational backgrounds of the potential partner are throughly examined before introductions are made.在介绍之前,配偶的家庭和教育背景已经被调查的清清楚楚。

69、The chive is the smallest member of the onion family.细香葱是洋葱家庭的一小成员。

70、You can also talk to friends and family members.你能 并且谈对朋友和家庭成员。

71、Smoking easily induced fires. The survey found that family members of smokers, the risk of occurrence of burn higher than 吸烟易诱发火灾。调查发现,吸烟者家庭成员发生烧伤的危险比无烟家庭成员高

6.6 times the non-smoking family members.


72、years old. I am a elementary school student. I love my family.您好,原文翻译如上供参考,希望对您有帮助,不明白可继续提问。


标签: 介绍 家庭

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