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关于”99句值得珍藏的名言“的英语句子39个,句子主体:99 words worth collecting。以下是关于99句值得珍藏的名言的考研英语句子。

英文句子模板1:99 words worth collecting


1、Tian remembered her English scored 99 out of 100 points.


2、Total 228 cataract operations were facilitated arranged in the eye camps and almost 99 percent patients got back their eye sight.


3、Give them a cherished book.


4、It is such a beautiful moment that worthing cherished.


5、Should <>be eradicated or treasured?


6、The clear drawing and charming design of the carpet convinced with soft dye palette and superb quality make it of particular note.


7、All in all, I believe it has become a good movie after all, and you can see that because I get quite some 100 and 99 points.


8、Measured against gold, the dollar and the pound have declined by 99% since 1913.


9、The official said on condition of anonymity, Gong Development Party obtained 81% in Yangon seats, get 99% in Mandalay, in the Tanintharyi get 97% of the province, in 93 provinces in the Irrawaddy %.


10、He likes to treasure up stamps.


11、Then we together mustering the effort, treasure yesterday, cherish today, cherish tomorrow!


12、Man unit of the gifts in the gift or name engraved on a location, indicate the gift of reason, will have a greater collection of gift value.


13、Said: "There is a 99-year-old Tibetan old, adhere to 45 daily flag lowering of the flag had never broken."

才德的妇人,谁能得著呢?她的价值远胜过珍珠。 <------ 箴言31

14、Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. <------Proverbs 31:10



15、Matches the massive precious old advertisements picture, appeals to both cultured and popular tastes, has the extremely high collection value and the connoisseurship value.


16、Cherish everyone who is worth-while that beside you, especially the one you love and the one who loves you.


17、Natural landscape stone, refers to the natural, ornamental value and collection value of big small and medium-sized landscape stone.


18、She told the Daily Mail it was just a joke and she expected a bid of around £99.


19、Making every "Emperor" piano not only a product, but also an artwork to be worthily cherished forever.


20、I remember. At that shop by the Super 99.

21、The precious gold rings and necklets were encased in box to preserve them.珍贵的金戒指和项链珍藏在盒子里。

22、The two vole species are more than 99% alike, genetically.如就基因而言,这两个物种超过99%的部分绝无二致。

23、Itseemed to me, as I kept remembering all this, that those times and thosesummers had been infinitely precious and worth saving.那些昔日的夏令时光历历在目,萦绕不去,对于我而言,那一切都无比宝贵,值得在心底珍藏。

24、The music piracy rate in China is between 90 and 99 percent, depending on whom you ask.在中国,音乐的盗版率高达90~99%,具体数值取决于你问谁。

25、This is '99 Double Ninth Festival proceeds from a Beijing University student's unique proposal.这是99重阳节从北京大学的一名学生的独特的建议。

英文句子26:,26、Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.不经意而来的感受,通常最值得珍惜。

27、The collection for the tang jar, the collection of rare collection jack, appearance intact, there is a huge collection value, and investment value.此藏品为唐三彩罐,此藏品为不可多得的收藏重器、保存品相完整、有巨大的收藏价值、及投资价值。

28、In the main hall within were enshrined the statues of Li Bing and Son, and were stored witticisms for tapping water, poets' steles of poetry, and so on.庙内主殿分别供有李冰父子的塑像,并珍藏有治水名言、诗人碑刻等。

29、Freshwater cultured pearl of the good old, the collection is worth.养殖淡水珍珠历久弥新,绝对值得珍藏。

30、Dr. Wang lightly speak softly, her every word is from the heart, you feel special and worthy of trust.王医生说话轻言细语,她的每一句话都是发自内心,让你觉得特别地值得信任。

31、The new underbidder stands to lose 99 cents.新的第二名会损失99美分。

32、Steve Jobs shows off the company's new $99 TV set-top box.乔布斯“卖弄”起公司新研发的电视机顶盒,价值99美元。

33、What is worth treasuring is at present all!值得珍惜的是眼前的一切!

34、At this time, the most worth treasuring is my family.这时,最值得珍存的就是亲情。

35、With its lightweight, flexible, and slimmed-down design, these kicks are sleeker than the average skate shoe.轻量的,柔韧易曲的,消瘦的设想,这是一款珍藏者值得购置的滑板鞋;

36、Rannasangpei(RNSP) is one of the most representative valuable Tibetan medicines.七十味珍珠丸是最有代表性的名贵藏成药之

37、If not, the yeas are 99, the nays are 0, and the nomination is confirmed.如果没有,赞成票是99票,否决票是0票,提名得到确认。

38、It is not worth the while to live by rich cookery.靠珍羞美味来生活是不值得的。

39、From the famous Tuscan area Chianti, comes the Chianti Riserva.庞帝庄康帝珍藏干红来自托斯卡纳知名的康帝产区。

40、Please cherish this scarce book, because except for its high readability , it also possesses collecting value. Several years later you might realize that it is really a priceless book.请珍惜这本难得的书,因为它除了有很高的可读性外,还有着珍藏价值,若干年后你就会体会到它的确是一本千金难求的好书。

41、The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the PCR assay were 95%, 97%, 82%, and 99%, respectively.本次快速PCR检测测试的敏感性,特异性,阳性预测值,阴性预测值分别为95%,97%,82%和99%。

42、I keep her hands in my bedchamber.我把她的手珍藏在卧室。

43、I bought a Mini Dozer ice scraper for 99 cents 年前,我在密歇根州的一家洗车行里花99 美分买了一个“袖珍推土机”牌刮冰器。

19 years ago in a Michigan car wash.

44、So this affection is worth treasuring.这份感情值得我们珍惜。

45、Searchers also found less valuable─but still treasured─specimens: vintage comic books, a stuffed bear, a bronze bust of a famed local naturalist.搜寻人员还发现了价值没那么高但仍很宝贵的东西:珍藏的漫画书,一只毛绒玩具熊,当地一位知名博物学家的半身铜像。

46、All in all, the objective effect, we must allow 99% of men, mouth-watering , so that 99% of the women's strange enough.总而言之,在客观效果上,一定要让99%的男人垂涎三尺,让99%的女人自叹不如。

47、Not all we see is worth hoarding .并非我们所见到的一切都值得储藏。

48、Results 99 fetuses were obtained from the treated rats in the experimental group. Among the 99 fetuses, 48.3% (48/99)had major spina bifida and myelodysplasia.结果维甲酸致畸组共获得胎鼠99只,48.3%(48/99)孕鼠胚胎肉眼观察出现腰骶部显性脊柱裂。

49、Fundació Joan Miró, Picasso Museum and Fundació Antoni Tàpies hold major collections of these world-renowned artists.比埃斯基金会拥有很多世界知名艺术家的珍藏品。

50、The $99, 150-slice pizza isnt a one-time deal.这块价值99美元、可切分为150小块的比萨一下子可卖不完。

经典英文句子51:99句值得珍藏的名言,51、So, I think there are many Vico hidden treasures, worthy of our researching!我觉得维柯还有很多深藏的宝藏,值得进一步深挖!

52、The range of values between C1=4 and C1=8 is estimated to be ((8-4)/(99-2)) * C1=4 与 C1=8 之间的值域被估计为 ((8-4)/(99-2)) *

10 = 0.41

10 = 0.41。

53、Soon the highest bid will be 99 cents with the underbidder at 98 cents.最高叫价会迅速达到99美分,第二名达到98美分。

54、However, 99% of the internet pages of information on web users 99% is of no use.然而互联网上有99%的网页信息对99%的网页用户而言是没有用的。

55、Silence and stillness is something to embrace and treasure.沉静是值得拥抱与珍惜的事情。

56、Glorious Tales: themes of historic relevance and epic stories, including Great China and National Palace Museum collections.神话经典:浩博中国文化与传世故宫名作的珍贵典藏;包括中国风系列、典藏故宫系列。

57、In actual exploration, only source-contacting gas(deep basin gas) and conventional gas reservoirs have commercial value.从实际勘探角度而言,仅根缘气藏(深盆气藏)和常规气藏具有工业勘探价值。

58、Every construction plan in Wujin is worth our attention.武进的每一次规划建设,都值得去关注、珍藏。

59、Welcome! OUR painting collection is the Chang home - Shuhuazhixiang Neijiang part of the well-known painters, has appreciation potential, worth collecting!欢迎光临本店!本店书画收集的是张大千故乡——书画之乡内江部分知名画家的作品,具有升值潜力,值得珍藏!

60、Ancient stacks in the library treasuring up voluminous ancient literature and classics have very high value.图书馆古籍书库珍藏有卷帙宏富的古代文献典籍,价值极高。

61、Its two most common isotopes are Technetium-98 and Technetium-99. Technetium-99 is synthetically produced by the beta decay of Molybdenum-99.它最常见的两种同位素是锝-98和锝-99。锝-99是人工制造的,由钼-99贝塔衰变得到。

62、My son, keep my words, and lay up my commandments with thee.弟子阿,你要遵守我的训言;要将我的诫命珍藏于心中;

63、This series reveals the elegancy of the 26 pieces of paintings collected by emperors from 中国历史上最珍贵的绘画作品,大多被历代帝王收藏,本片展示了其中最著名的26幅珍品。

3 to

20 centenaries .

64、Today, her world ranking has dropped to as the first free-falling , such as 99.如今,她的世界排名已经如自由落体般跌至第99位。

65、Refrigerationcould extend the storing period of guava fruit affective ly.冷藏可有效延长珍珠番石榴的贮藏期。


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