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1、And love, and man's unconquerable mind.


2、Father discourage the expression of enthusiasm.


3、Under conditions of pro-and anti-social situation, children had different emotion judgment and attribution patterns.


4、A newborn is ready to bond to its parents.


5、Once their affection broke, the marriage affection would change too.


6、My father and mother knew nothing of that, they only felt how imprudent a match it must be.


7、My mother carried on something awful.


8、It's lucky that his parents are so equable.


9、You're working things through, professionally or personally, or even both.


10、Both padre and padrone seemed in fine fettle.


11、Since his operation, father has been on the up-and-up.


12、Giogio finally tells Alfredo the truth.


13、As my father's daughter, to do something his father is also a natural thing filial piety.


14、The dear ones, are the Lily magnolia for father's story;


15、Thou understandest not these things," said her mother.

Immediately after birth the baby and its mother bond.



17、"Intimacy" "Intimacy" has an interesting plot because it’s all about getting to know the main characters.


18、Perhaps in his mind, his father would take him in (for he was indeed once a son! ) and allow him a chance to survive.


19、The robust people-to-people exchanges between Chinese and Peruvian peoples have brought them even closer to each other.


20、Open heart, you will feel the warmth of family ties , the value of friendship.

21、Xiao Kai deterioration from cancer of the stomach into the tumor, Yi Yi know father condition from the doctor in the mouth, the mood plummet, regret grim ruthless away father.萧凯病情恶化由原先的胃癌变成肿瘤,易奕从医生嘴中了解父亲病情,心情急转直下,后悔当初冷面无情赶走父亲。

22、Years baptism, will show affection shade, Intellect of test, will prove affection rock-solid.岁月的洗礼,会显现亲情的浓淡;物欲的考验,会证明亲情的真假。

23、We are brothers as thick as thieves.我们手足情深亲密无间。

24、We all sympathize with you in your bereavement.我们对你丧亲之痛表示同情。

25、You're warmhearted; but you're talkative.你亲切而有同情心,但是你多嘴多舌的。

英文句子26:,26、She interceded with my father for me.他替我向父亲求情。

27、Johnson & Johnson saw mother got better, they want to in time back to the east China sea, mother dont agree.强生看见母亲病情好转,便想在次回东海,母亲不同意。 。

28、Mom looks at the table and the Windex reluctantly.母亲不太情愿看着桌子和清洁剂。

29、Modi told him all about the visit to the doctor.晚上,父亲回到家。莫迪把今天访问医生的情况都告诉了父亲。

30、An incompetent monster of a mother.我是个不称职的,不近人情的母亲。

31、Mother arrive safely last night letter follow.母亲于昨晚安全到达,详情函告。

32、The traditional human relations lost in Lu Ling's novels, and the affection that blood is thicker than water was defeated by money and power.传统美好的亲情在路翎的笔下丧失殆尽,原本血浓于水的亲情在金钱、权力面前不堪一击。

33、At this time, the most worth treasuring is my family.这时,最值得珍存的就是亲情。

34、It was a love note, in Janet's handwriting.这是一份珍妮特亲笔写的情书。

35、First and foremost, Mother's condition is greatly improved.重要的是,母亲的病情大有好转。

36、The family is the rain, take irritable, leaving cool;亲情是雨,带走烦燥,留下轻凉;

37、Compared with the human nature theory and intension of Confucius view was the difference from Mencius and Xuncius "evil nature"and "virtuous nature" theory.因此,不同于孟、荀的“性善”与“性恶”论,孔子的人性观是以血缘亲情为内涵的“亲情之爱”。

38、The pangs of despis’d love, the law’s delay被亲蔑的爱情和痛苦,法律的延误

39、The mother belabored her child relentlessly.那母亲无情地抽打她的孩子。

40、They create them personally for self-entertainment, or as presents for relatives.他们亲自奏刀创作,寄情写意,聊以自娱,馈赠亲友。

41、Individual's existing-practice is an opening and showing of the consanguineous feeling and the consanguineous relationship.个体的生存实践是对这种血亲情感和血亲关系的开显。

42、"She knew what he wanted to do, and when he was leaving for Baikonur he told her what he was doing," says Gagarina.“母亲知道他要去做什么,在动身前往拜科努尔之前,父亲将实情告诉了母亲,”艾琳娜说。

43、Thee family, is Mulan for the father of story;亲情,是木兰替父的故事;

44、Grade and parental occupation are inportant to family affection education and view of affection of students.年级、父母职业等因素,也是影响家庭亲情教育和中学生亲情观的重要因素。

45、Thou understandest not these things, " said her mother.你不明白这些事情,”她母亲说。

46、A first immersed in the joy, the family rich!一家老小沉浸在喜悦中,亲情浓郁!

47、Now, Daddy, how about the emotional landscape?现在,父亲,关于情感世界呢?

48、Find out why intimacy is an essential ingredient to any relationship and get the lowdown on how to achieve it.亲密对于情侣关系是不可或缺的要素,让我们来看一下什么是亲密,如何做才能做到亲密。

49、The family is a deeply emotional, is a treasure beyond time and space.亲情是一种血肉相连的情感,是一笔超越时空的财富。

50、Section III The importance of family-member-loving education.亲情教育的重要性。

经典英文句子51:亲情,51、We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows. 我的母亲让我做点事情。

52、Sincere service of "silk-like" familiarizes the "Amorous feelings from Europe Continent".“丝一般”的真情服务,使“欧陆风情”别具亲和力。

53、我查过,亲情用英文说是 affection ,比如,父子亲情就是 affection between father and son,这是我在新时代汉英词典里查到的,应该没错.

54、"Bromance" means a close platonic friendship.“Bromance”指的是亲密的柏拉图式的友情。

55、Love, is the story of mulan for the father;⊙、亲情,是木兰替父的故事;

56、Learn not to take everything said or done too personally.学着不要任何事情不要过于亲力亲为。

57、But my mother was so bad.但我母亲的情况很糟。

58、Disaster of the world condition is very much, if kiss affection.天下情劫甚多,如若亲情。一人一世界,自己的世界自己做主。

59、If you want a thing well done, do it yourself。 如果想使事情完满,那就亲自做。

60、This course tea symbolizes the hospitality of the Tujia people, dearly;这道茶象征着土家人的热情好客,亲亲热热;

61、We feel some delighted for the girl's choice, there are still many people know the importance of familial affection.天下父母心,亲情最重要(Yao),该有一些欣慰,还是有很多人懂得亲情的可贵。

62、We're joining with dads across the country to do something about father absence.我们联合全国各地的父亲一起做一些父亲缺席的事情。

63、Years burning passion, make close affection warm rectify an individual to be born.燃情岁月,让亲情温暖整个人生。

64、Immediately after birth the baby and its mother bond.婴儿刚出生后就与其母亲建立亲情关系。

65、He gazed with deep feeling at his mother's wrinkly face.他深情地望着满脸皱纹的母亲。

66、The most sincere affection for not far from and alienation, not because of absence and nonchalance from long more far, affection treasured.最真挚的亲情不因远离而疏远,不因久别而淡漠,离久越远,亲情弥足珍贵。

67、Her previous life is his father's lover.女儿是父亲上辈子的情人。

68、Aqiao told her father all that had happened.阿巧把所发生的事情都告诉她父亲。

69、She was very sympathetic when my mother died.她对我母亲的去世深表同情。

70、She often inquires of me about your father.她常常向我打听你的父亲的情况。

71、Many things, Y0U Don't say, I also know.你不用说,我也知道,因为亲情。

72、Nostalgia. It belonged to Carlisle's father.念旧之情。它属于卡莱尔的父亲。


标签: 亲情

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