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1、Based on the feature domain of Data Clouds obtained in the former chapter, this chapter gets its feature points. Finally free-form curves interpolated through these feature points are produced.


2、Characteristics and requirements for point-to-point equipment and antennas;


3、Kate ordered two fried eggs. I ordered the same.


4、Objective:To study the morphological character of teres major muscle and its pedicel of vessel and nerve.


5、Features of Viscous Damper.


6、Of course, each nationality has its own national features which should be respected.


7、Peter Parker:Why would I be?


8、Pemphigus cells on a TP smear exhibit similar cytomorphologic features to those on a conventional smear.

9、every year. do you know what can we do to help on the day 每年的xx月xx日是植树节,你知道在这天我们要做些什么吗?


10、That was her trait.


11、Features Xiantian moderate Maotai rich, unique flavor.


12、Maybe my aesthetic point of view a little bit special, this age still like fancy dress, not very fashionable, but have their own characteristics.


13、It tries to explain the zone characteristic, folk characteristic, and humanities characteristic from the angle of Music Anthropology.


14、Expounded characteristic, principle, construction component and dry technology of lumber floating pressure dry equipment.


15、Objective To study the clinical and MRI characters of Cryptococcal neoformans meningoencephalitis.


16、Mastering the law of Circulation and Distribution of the Twelve Main Meridians.

特点: 双锁式设计、承受力特殊性强。

17、Usage: Double locking, strong supporting capacity.


18、Traffic flow interweave mutually and bring out conflict points, merging points and diverging points in intersection area, which makes a great difference with that of basic segment of a highway.


19、Points of knowledge: Classification and construction of fluidized bed reactor, two-phase movement and characteristic flow rate;


20、The remainders of original features are viewed as intrinsic features.

21、Read out what and where you point are the distinct characteristics of our reading pens.点读笔具有点什么读什么、点到哪里读哪里的鲜明特点。

22、After processing two images, we can match the character points. The left and right image character points had matched by their gray relativity.对两幅图像进行预处理后进行特征点的匹配,以特征点的灰度相关性作为判据完成左右图像的特征点匹配。

23、In the different stages of life cycle the small and minimum-sized private enterprises have the different characteristics in the enterprises operating, enterprises management and human resource.在企业生命周期的不同阶段,中小民营企业的企业特点、管理特点、人力资源特点具有差异性。

24、Characterisics:High performance Gas Tight and Mechanical Strength.产品特点: 特性:具有良好的气密性和机械强度。

25、Analyze the thermal and technologic features of iron printing dryer.分析了印铁涂料烘房的热工特点和工艺特点。

英文句子26:,26、Scott serves dinner at six.史科特夫人六点开饭。

27、Features: It is warming rapidly, faster cooling characteristics, high rates of radiation.特点:它具有升温快,降温快的特点。

28、The DAPT of children in different areas have not only their similarities but also their diversities.各地儿童画人特点既具有相似性,又具有各自的特点,而且表现出不同的年龄特点。

29、The thesis clarifies with examples the phonetic conformity and divergence of the Zhongshan Min dialect.本文举例说明中山闽语内部语音上一致性的特点和差异性的特点。

30、It has two features.本计画的特 点有


31、Different measures should be taken in eco-construction of these two kinds of industrial parks because of their different features.由于这两类产业区的特点不同,应根据各自的特点确定生态化改造的侧重点。

32、For that reason it is the surrounding landscape and history of the region that largely determines the design.俗话说的好啊,木有特点就是俺的特点啊,就是因为这个木有特点的原因才大大的觉得了小阿的这个设计。

33、Mr. Letterblair's bushy eyebrows went up a fraction of an inch.莱特布赖那浓密的眉毛挑起了一点点。

34、Since 1996, the characters of precipitation assume continuous drought and flood.从xx年起,南阳市降水气候特点呈连续干旱和持续雨涝的特点。

35、The characteristics of eccentric rotating valve?偏心旋转阀的特点?。

36、The circuit and therapeutic characteristic of the branch of meridian are illustrated here to provide the basis for clinical application.文章论述了经别的循行特点及治疗特点,为临床提供依据。

37、From the view of technique, Wushu has its striking skill distinguishing characters;武术在技术上具有技击特点,在文化特征上具有民族特点。

38、A little special country music.一点特殊档南村 音乐。

39、xupdate:append appends a specific node to the selected node.append将特定的节点附加到选定的节点。

40、The article describes the features of off-set 8-h cold plate mill on structure and technique.简要介绍偏八辊轧机、设备结构特点及工艺特点。

41、Features : Built-in image editing;特点:内建图像编辑器;

42、Characteristics :Clearness, lightness, tenderness and appetizing.特点:清淡、嫩鲜、味美。

43、The two Character points is matched when one point's center of gravity is located in the other one's external rectangle and their types are same.如果特征点的重心落在了模板特征点的外接矩形之内,且两者类型相同,则认为两特征点相匹配。

44、I think Patrice understands that.我想帕特莱斯明白这点。

45、High speed rail features: anti-corrosion, anti-aging, anti drying, weather and other characteristics.高速护栏特点:防腐、防老化、抗晒、耐候等特点。

46、I’ll have the special.我要点特餐.

47、"The Mingott family, " said Mr. Letterblair with an explanatory smile and bow.“明戈特家,”莱特布赖微笑着点了点头解释说。

48、The common characteristics is its fakeness.共同的特点是不真。

49、Monoclonal antibodies have emerged as an important therapeutic properties for tumor by targeting specific proteins of tumor.单克隆抗体是以肿瘤的特异性蛋白为靶点,在肿瘤治疗中具有特异性、有效性、低毒性的特点。

50、Special design has been made for all nodes of the curtain wall in accordance with the project characteristics.为适应该工程的特点,幕墙的各个节点均采用了独特的设计。

经典英文句子51:特点,51、BB. Identify patentable design features.确定专利的设计特点。

52、Tasting Notes: Heavy full-bodied red, with intense colour, suggests cranberries and sweet brambles on palate.特点:酒体圆润饱满,色泽深沉,有蔓越桔的香味和黑莓的特点。

53、In grammar, nouns of location are bound in form and indefinite in meaning.方位词在语法上的最大特点是黏着性,在表义上的特点是不确定性。

54、Characteristic:digital song select, display lyric or name, all Radio Stations.特点:液晶显示歌词歌名,全频点,数码遥控.。

55、Each has its own characteristics, and individual sites within each category have their own too.每一种都有其各自的特点,并且在这些类型中的各个景点又各有特色。

56、But there are also certain compelling features of the imagination.但是想象也有其特定的显著特点。

57、It's very prominent.这是个非常突出的特点。

58、And even more specifically, we will expect both neighbors of an anomalous point to be either strongly higher or strongly lower than the candidate point.更具体地说,我们认为一个异常点的两个相邻点比参考点或者特别高, 或者特别低。

59、Nowadays, education is life long, international and characteristic.当今,教育具有终身性、国际化、特色化等特点。

60、Left atrial appendage has become a research hotspot for its special anatomic structure and function characteristics.左心耳特殊的解剖结构、功能特点使其成为目前研究的热点。

61、Ms Smart:Half past seven.斯玛特女士:七点半。

62、Foliage Characteristics: medium leaves.观叶特点:中等树叶。

63、According to thecharacteristics of their structure of building, business running and vulnerability to fire, the thesis expound fire prevention countermeasures.文章结合仓储式超级市场的结构特点、经营特点以及易发火灾特点提出了一些仓储式超级市场的防火策略。

64、Education input, output as the main evaluation link. They also have their obvious characteristics.以教育投入、产出为主要评价环节等共同特点,各榜还具有各自明显的特点。

65、The main feature of Bostonian Confucianism is dialogue and that of Hawaii Confucianism is interpretation.波士顿儒学以对话为主要特点,夏威夷儒学以诠释为主要特点。

66、Every halophyte's feature of salt-absorb and salt-resistent is different.各盐生植物所含可溶盐分数量不同,其含盐特点、耐盐特点也各不相同。



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