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关于”网购的利弊“的英语句子56个,句子主体:The pros and cons of online shopping。以下是关于网购的利弊的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The pros and cons of online shopping

乐购邦返利网: 承诺不了她的未来,只能把她的手一点一点掰开。

1、Could not pledge that her future, can only bit by bit break off hers hand.


2、Yeah, I agree. Every wall has two sides.


3、They all said the benefits far outweighed the costs.


4、What are the pros and cons for each?

如果我们干预的话, 可能弊多利少。

5、If we interfere, it may do more harm than good.

6、It is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 凡事有利有弊。


7、The rich lode of Web data, experts warn, has its perils.


8、For electromagnetic radiation, we should consider objectively all the advantages and disadvantages, develop the good and discard the bad.


9、Personally I believe that RFID, and Internet of Things in general (RFID is just an enabling technology), will bring more good than bad.


10、How to judge the various anti-takeover measures on the pros and cons as we should face the issue.


11、The advantages overbalance the disadvantages.


12、Online literature may affect the acceptors positively as well as negatively.


13、The financial derivatives economic influence both pros outweigh its drawbacks, but from the present development of the financial derivatives, it is nece ity.

利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages。



15、When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.


16、Can see on the farm tax and excise tax reform is big to the advantage of Sichuan in the irregularity.

弊 :微软是否还愿意溢价收购?

17、The Bad : Would Microsoft still be willing to overpay?


18、How can the water in the old deposits be sealed?

19、利远远大于弊 The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.


20、What are the pros and cons of keeping pets?

21、We weighed up the pros and cons .我们权衡了利弊得失。

22、Will credit card change the way people buy things?哪些人爱买?在商场买东西的利弊。

23、Each of these five viewpoints has its advantages and disadvantages.这五种思路各有利弊。

24、Weigh the pros and cons of being a co-pilot with tips from an experienced flight instructor in this free video on career information.权衡利弊,并成为一名副驾驶员来自经验丰富的飞行教官与技巧在这次求职信息免费视频的利弊。

25、Chinese enterprises make direct foreign investment by 我国企业对外直接投资有购并与新建、合资与独资等四种方式;它们各有利弊、互有长短。

4 means: merger, newly establishment, sole investment and joint venture. The four means have respective advantages and disadvantages.

英文句子26:,26、It plays an active role in scholars paintings.引书入画对文人画的成熟发展有利有弊。

27、What are the pros and cons of keeping a pet?养宠物的利和弊是什么?

28、Balancing the pros and cons, of course the school put the students’ welfare first.平衡利弊,当然学校学生的福利放在第一位。

29、However, share repurchasing has both advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to have a correct view upon this and make proper regulations to avoid the risks and make full use of its advantages.但股份回购利弊兼具,正确认识其利弊所在,进而能从制度层面规范行为和规避风险,是利用股份回购这一资本运作手段兴利除弊的有效切入点。

30、) Every advantage has its disadvantage. (有利必有弊。

31、When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions.适逢大财团纷纷涌现,他不厌其烦,尽数此类疯狂兼并和收购的弊端。

32、But it's also room frame structure has both advantages and disadvantages.但完全的框架结构房也有利有弊。

33、On considering those requirements, this thesis lists current research method in construction of real-time network and points out their advantage and disadvantages respectively.本文陈述了嵌入式网路通信的种种特性,列举了目前构建嵌入式实时网络的几种研究方向,分析了各种途径的利弊。

34、This measure will do more good than harm.这项措施利多弊少。

35、Welcome to love to buy network.接待考察爱购网。

36、The aging population has a great influence on the economy and society positively and negatively, but in general the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.这些影响有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。但是,权衡利弊,人口老龄化对经济和社会的影响是利大于弊。

37、Every advantage has its disadvantage. (有利必有弊。

38、every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。

39、In fact, it does more harm than good.事实上,这这样做绝对是弊大于利的。

40、Is Television Good or Bad?权衡利弊:电视:是好还是坏?

41、Global warming impact on both advantages and disadvantages, and does more harm than good, in terms of Heilongjiang Province is a large outweighs any disadvantages.气候变暖对全球的影响是有利有弊,且弊大于利,对黑龙江省而言则是利多弊少。

42、Analyze the advantage and disadvantage of the exclusionary rule.分析非法证据排除规则的利与弊。

43、To sum up, coeducation does more good than harm.总而言之,男女合班利多于弊。

44、And there're trade-offs between both.两者之间各有利弊。

45、Financial report skullduggery; Fraud motive; Financial cosmetic mean; Auditing strategy.财务报表舞弊; 舞弊动机; 舞弊手段; 舞弊策略。

46、There are advantages and disadvantages to each option.每种选择都会有利有弊。

47、The neighbours think that something ought to be done or undone .邻居们认为应该兴利除弊。

48、It has more disadvantages than advantages.它是弊多于利。

49、The advantages of the proposal out-weigh the disadvantages.按这项建议去做利大于弊。

50、Every advantage has its disadvantage. 有利必有弊。

经典英文句子51:网购的利弊,51、And very often,more harm than good is created.很多时候结果都是弊大于利。

52、Ozone is a chemical that can be both friend and foe to human beings — depending on where it is.臭氧是一种利弊两全的化学物质。 是利是弊,这得看它在哪儿出现。

53、Traditional industrial policy advantages and disadvantages of the past;过去传统的产业政策利弊得失;

54、Different viruses have their own advantages and disadvantages.不同的病毒载体各有利弊。

55、The face of the network to the education of the pros and cons, we should correctly deal with and correct guidance, will enable young people to strive to lunwen114become qualified network of citizens;面对网络给教育带来的利与弊,我们应当正确对待、正确引导,使青少年努力成为合格网络公民;

56、Every medal has its reverse.每枚奖章都有反面/凡事有利有弊。

57、Jeff: Yeah, it's a balancing act.杰夫:是的,这需要权衡利弊。

58、Each evaluation method has its advantages and disadvantages.几种评价方式各有利弊。

59、The auction of some 在xx月末针对Nortel Networks北电网络公司破产留下的6000个专利的拍卖会点燃了专利收购的热情。

6, 000 patents from the bankrupt Nortel in late June lighted the fuse.

60、The "why" is easy; it's to reduce the web page disease called "class-itis."原因很简单,它减少网页的 “class-itis” 弊病。

61、In other words,intervention did more harm than good.换而言之,干预弊大于利。

62、One must balance risk versus benefit.使用该药,患者必须权衡利弊。

63、Merger Arbitrage; Risk Arbitrage; Tender Offer; Centralized bidding Acqusition; Agreed Acquisition.并购套利; 风险套利; 要约收购; 集中竞价收购; 协议收购。

64、Both have their pluses and minuses.当然两者各有利弊。


标签: 利弊

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