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关于”成分和基本句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:components and basic sentence patterns。以下是关于成分和基本句型的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:components and basic sentence patterns


1、This article consists of two main parts, The multi-pivot formulas given in the first part, as verified by model tests and full scale wagon test, can be used for design and transportation purposes.


2、A cost-benefit model of risk based optimal inspection planning is proposed for the ship structures subjected to corrosion deterioration.


3、Then we summarize the transactional economics, resource-based view and organizational learning theory as the theory stone for inducement of R&D alliance formation.


4、It is the grape of Barolo and Barbaresco wines.


5、The biennial rhizome of D. zingiberensis is composed of three parts: the periderm, the ground tissue and the vascular bundle.


6、Some applications of phenotyping &genotyping of drug metabolizing enzymes are also introduced.


7、Main Ingredients: Herbal extract, HOE hair treatment essence, protein, compound amino acid, hair core recovering factor, BAS molecule, and essence with special flavor, etc.


8、In the model, the basic grids are sectorial ones, but the source area and near source area is regularly shaped to rectangular grids.


9、The multiple fractal model can describe and prognosticate the wear particles fragmentizing and distribution more reasonably and effectively than traditional models based on statistics.


10、Discrete semiconductor devices and integrated circuits - Partie 5-2 : optoelectronic devices - Essential ratings and characteristics.



11、The formulation ideas and its component selection of solution plasticizer andmonomer plasticizer for bonding polypropylene fibre filter rod and discussed.


12、In the application of ground penetrating radar (GPR) and microwave medical imaging, radar is a usual equipment to detect targets located at near field.


13、Therefore, the development cost and use cost are a sort of investment into human assets.


14、In this comparison with the decentralized sites, the Verbund concept yields savings of approximately € 500 million in infrastructure, energy and logistics costs annually.


15、The model incorporates fixed costs of locating RDCs, working inventory and safety stock inventory costs at RDCs and transport costs from the suppliers to the RDCs.


16、Based on the production function theory, a model of the cost function of electricity distribution utility (EDU) is recommended with applying the method of partial least-square regression.


17、Bandhas are essential components of the ujjayi breathing technique.


18、Infrared spectrum drawing of invert gene color cotton is similar to that of gray cotton fiber, it shows that color cotton and gray cotton has same chemical component and molecular configuration.


19、This model basically meets not only the needs of the statical admissibilities but also the needs of kinematical admissibilities.


20、Methods The chip was made with specific medium distinguish typing probes designed according to gene frequency of HLA-B alleles from Northern Chinese.

21、This first step is discriminating and categorising the basic sound components of the language they are hearing.在首要阶段中,婴儿会对所听到的语言的基本声音成分进行区分和分类。

22、Red cultural landscape is a complex formed from red cultural heritage with both human and natural characteristics, which can be divided into 红色文化景观是基于红色文化遗产而形成的兼具人文与自然特性的复合型景观,可分为集聚型和分散型2种类型。

2 types as the centralized and decentralized ones.

23、Mini-PLC, composed of input and output modules, A/D and D/A cells, has high-performance of small volume, low cost and high reliability.由开关量输入输出模块、A/D和D/A等基本单元组成的小型PLC具有体积小、成本低和可靠性高的优势。

24、The reparation and identification of the main ingredients of TB-3051 type UVcurable adhesive were introduced.本文介绍了TB-3051型紫外光辐射固化粘合剂主成分的分离和鉴定。

25、The second chapter consists of two parts. One part is to describe the basic process of GPK by a case. The other part is to introduce the development course of GPK.第二章由两部分内容组成,一部分是通过一个案例,对弹性边际成本法的基本核算流程进行描述,另一部分重在介绍弹性边际成本法的应用和发展历程。

英文句子26:,26、The fundamental knowledge about ingredients, classification and performance evaluation of greases is introduced.介绍了润滑脂的组成、分类和性能评价的基本知识。

27、Based on finite mixture models, we apply Bayesian method to compositional data and ordinal data clustering.本文将基于有限混合模型的贝叶斯聚类方法推广应用到成分数据和有序数据的聚类分析。

28、The geometrical model of high resolution satellite image is foundation to image processing.高分辨率卫星影像成像几何模型是影像处理的基础和关键。

29、Yes cost resources is the resource type for fixed costs assignable to a task.是的,成本资源是可分配给任务的固定成本的资源类型。

30、Secondly, two classical models of distributed parameter DLSP: power frequency model and time-domain model. Based on these two models dynamic phasor model has been deduced.其次,本文分析了同杆双回线分布参数的两种经典模型:工频量模型和时域模型,并在此基础上推导了时变动态相量模型。

31、The data models are divided into three classes, viz. , object-based logical models, record-based logical models and physical data models.数据模型分成三类,就是基于对象的逻辑模型、基于记录的逻辑模型和…

32、Aggradation is the develolment of that, shows the synthesis, secretion and sediment of FN, collagen I, collagen II.基质沉积是上述慢性炎症的延续,表现为FN、I型胶原、II型胶原的合成、分泌和沉积。

33、This algorithm is consist of two parts: the basic move track of the candlelight under the non-wind effect, and the wind effect model based on the decomposition and the overlay and other concept.该算法由两部分组成,分别是宏观描述无风影响下烛火外观的基本运动轨迹,和基于风的分解和影响度叠加的风力影响模型。

34、The differentiation of the cells derived from the primordial meristem formed protoderm, ground meristem and procambium strand.其衍生细胞分化为原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层。

35、Composed of integration, subtraction, addition and some basic modules with fewer operations, novel algorithm is easy to realize.新型算法由数值积分、减法和乘法等基本环节构成,运算量小、易实现。

36、The results indicated that crude protein and crude sugar contents of dried octopus were 62.7% and 结果表明:章鱼干基本成分中粗蛋白和粗总糖的含量分别为62.7%和

6.2%, respectively;


37、At the end of the period, 36 percent of worldwide investment fund assets were held in equity funds, 在第二季底,全球投资型基金资产中有36%为股票型基金持有,债券型基金和平衡型基金分别持有19%和10%.货币市场基金则占了28%.(完)

19 percent were allocated to bond funds while balanced funds claimed

10 percent.

38、Analyses are made for the influence factors of moulding characteristics such as coal type, size, distribution water content, moulding pressure and briquetting rate.分析了影响成型特性的因素,如煤种、粒度、水分、成型压力和成型率等。

39、It Introduces the basic concept, basic process of the activity-based cost. And an application is imitated about the separately budget based on activity-based cost.介绍了作业成本的基本概念、基本流程,并进行了基于作业成本的分预算的模拟应用。

40、Novel polymeric adsorbents containing amino-group and hydroxyl-group with high adsorption capacity for bilirubin were synthesized.本文分别合成了含氨基和羟基的高分子吸附剂,并对它们对胆红素的吸附性能进行了研究。

41、The infrastructure, which would have been a cost-center, suddenly becomes part of the business model for the enterprise.该基础结构以前可能是一个成本中心,现在突然变成了企业业务模型的一个组成部分。

42、The directivity, sensitivity and gain of the extended hydrophone are researched based on the model.以此模型为基础,计算分析了成组光纤水听器的指向性和灵敏度。

43、Learn from domestic, foreign enterprises on logistics cost accounting, performance evaluation of theoretical study and practical results constructed by ABC-DEA integrated model.配送中心运用作业成本法进行成本核算和运用DEA模型进行绩效评价的可行性和基本原理。

44、Judge water-flooded of thin-poor layer by based unit of explanation and the model with the state space to the reservoir.基于高分辨率曲线基础上的基本解释单元和状态空间模型,它们的有机结合成为薄差层水淹状况定性判别的依据。

45、These results suggest that dentin matrix proteins, or the secreted products of odontoblasts, induced cementoblast differentiation and mineralization.这些结果说明,牙本质基质蛋白,或是成牙本质细胞的分泌产物,可以诱导成牙骨质细胞分化和矿化。

46、Part 本系列第

1 of this series lays out the picture of the model-driven and pattern-based development paradigm.

1 部分描绘出模型驱动和基于模式的开发范例的全景。

47、According to the markers, cucumber genes were divided into morphological genes, isozyme and molecular marker genes.根据标记类型的不同,将黄瓜基因分为形态学基因、同工酶基因和分子标记基因;

48、It also has four basic components which are visitors, actions, referrers, and dashboard.它也有四个基本组成部分是游客,行动,查阅和Dashboard 。

49、LMDS/B-WLL infrastructure technology can be divided into two basic multiple access technologies: FDD and TDD.WLL 基础设施技术可以分成两个基本的多重访问技术:FDD 和TDD。

50、Propose and design the model of "Knowledge-base of user's interests."首先,分析了用户兴趣知识库模型创建的基本原理和意义所在;

经典英文句子51:成分和基本句型,51、The kit will basically be a miniature laboratory using nanotechnology and microfluidics.这个套装基本上将成为一个运用纳米技术(nanotechnology)和微流控术(microfluidics)的微型实验室。

52、Third, the distributed MEMS phase shifters, a key element in miniature phased array antennas, are designed and fabricated.基于微型无人机中MEMS集成系统的构思,本文研究了高阻硅基分布式MEMS移相器的优化设计和工艺制备。

53、Exactly based on this idea, sub-model decomposition approach to concave polygon and hierarchical model weighted measure are presented.本文正是基于这种分层的思想,定义了凹多边形的模式分解方法和分层加权测度模型。

54、The theory of Cosmogony in Han Dynasty can be divided into two kinds: the physical principle and the spiritual one, according to its attribute.汉代哲学的宇宙生成论,按其本原的属性可分为物质性的本原生成论和精神性的本原生成论两种类型。

55、Part 第二部分,行书字体的基本成熟:描摹了行书初步形成以及基本成熟时期的情况。

2. Basic maturity of running script: This part describes the situation of running script in the period of initial formation and basic maturity.

56、Bone china porcelain is basically made by adding bone ash to kaolin and petuntse.骨瓷的基本成分是加入骨粉的高岭土和白墩子。

57、Relation modulus and creep compliance are gained on base of the model and the viscoelastic theory, establish the constitutive equation.基于该模型,应用粘弹性力学理论,获得松弛函数及蠕变函数,建立苜蓿草片的微分型和积分型本构方程。

58、The results show that the spatial distribution pattern of stephanitis(S. )sevensoni obeys the common negative binomial distribution, the basic component of spatial distribution pattern is colony.研究表明其分布型属负二项分布,分布的基本成份是个体群。

59、Based on Object-Oriented Approach, sorting the field archaeology model into the stratum model and geographical object model.基于面向对象思想,将田野考古对象模型分成地层模型和地物模型。

60、The mineral-resources-based cities are quite different from the general cities, and their sustainable development is based on the exploitable mineral resources.在分析资源型城市成长动力和基本特征的基础上,提出了城市可持续发展的措施。

61、They compared cow's milk-based formula to protein hydrolysate formulas, which contain predigested proteins and are typically fed to infants who cannot tolerate the intact proteins in other formulas.他们比较了以牛乳为基本成分的奶粉和水解蛋白为基本配方的奶粉,水解蛋白为基本配方的奶粉含有预先分解了的蛋白质成分,常用来喂养那些自身不能很好的分解其他配方奶粉中的蛋白质的婴儿们。

62、Basic principles, methods, processes and equipments for pipe, wire coating and stripe processing and moulding of PTFE dispersion resin are introduced.介绍了聚四氟乙烯分散树脂的管材、电线包覆和带材加工成型的基本原理、方法、工艺及设备。

63、How Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate Work:Glucosamine is a basic building block for cartilage, synovial fluid and other connective tissue.氨基葡萄糖是软骨,关节液和其他结缔肌肉组织最需要地基本组成部分。

64、The RH process control model includes static decarburization model, dynamic decarburization model, temperature model, alloy minimum cost model, and composition prediction model.RH成套过程控制模型主要包括:静态脱碳模型、动态脱碳模型、温度模型、合金最小成本模型、成分预报模型。

65、Conclusion: composition in Rhizoma is almost the same as Fibrous Root.结论:根茎与须根成分基本相同。

66、The first section mainly introduces the conception of cost-income theory, which mainly consists of two basic theories which are rational choice and cost-income theory.第一节受贿罪成本收益分析,主要论述了受贿罪成本收益分析理论下的两种基础理论,即理性选择理论和成本收益理论。

67、The catalogue is divided into three mini-books.这本图录分成三个袖珍型的书。

68、Conclusion: ligustilide (22.8 %) and Butylidene phthalide (结论:主成分为蒿本内酯(22.8%)和丁烯基酞内酯(

19.5%) are the main constituents.


69、The terms included in DCMI are divided into a minimal set of base elements and an optional collection of refinements to these base elements.DCMI 中的术语被划分成最小化的基本元素集和对这些基本元素细化的可选集。

70、According to Giddens, different roles and functions of allocative resources and authoritative resources in human history constitute the basic criteria for distinguishing the types of human society.配置性资源和权威性资源在人类社会历史中的不同地位和作用,构成了吉登斯社会类型划分的基本尺度。



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