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关于”节约粮食的句子“的英语句子2个,句子主体:Save food sentences。以下是关于节约粮食的句子的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Save food sentences

1、One fine day in winter some ants were busy drying their store of corn, which had got rather damp during a long spell of rain. 冬天一个温暖如春的日子里,蚂蚁们正忙着晒干自己存储的粮食。 由于下来很长时间的雨,粮食已经非常潮湿了。

2、Rice is one of staple grain crops, now it is a kind of modern plant in molecular biology. 水稻是主要的粮食作物之一,也是禾本科作物分子生物学研究的模式植物。

3、Save food for the future life a little more opportunity! 节约粮食给未来生活多一点机会!

4、The quote is engraved along the front, and where it ends, the clasp for adjusting the bracelet begins. 那句话被镌刻在手镯的正面,句子后是用来调节镯子大小的金属扣。

5、As the famine year, food shortages, farmers put the fire Lintong persimmon grain and flour pancake Luo Cheng, Yi-Jun supply of food, sufficient to rations. 时值荒年,粮食短缺,农民便把临潼的火晶柿子和面粉烙成饼子,供给义军食用,以充军粮。

6、The box is considered as arena where they can hunt and gather food. 这个盒子呗想象成一个可以捕获食物和存放食物的平台。

7、Countries should view the fundamental status of food from a strategic perspective, increase grain production through science and technology, and increase grain stocks. 各国应该从战略高度看待粮食的基础性地位,依靠科技提高粮食产量,增加粮食库存。

8、Again, berries, whole grains, things like oatmeal , are much better for you. 还是那句话,浆果、全谷类食品,燕麦片等食物对你更好。

9、Finally, by inducing sentence constituents, the syntactic structures are learned. 最后,通过逐步归约句子成分,推导出汉语句法结构树。

10、Cold storage in a freezer, however, can keep foods in good condition for months after the growing season. 但是食物储存在冷藏柜里,能在收获季节过后的几个月里使食物保持良好的状态。

11、The average temperature of grain kept under quasi-low temperature, that delayed grain quality aging and ensured grain storage safety. 粮食平均温度保持在准低温线以内,延缓了粮食品质陈化,确保了储粮安全。

12、Well, you know, to raise animals for food, we first raise alot of grain and then harvest the grain. 那么,你知道,要生产动物作为食物,我们首先要生产很多粮食然后收割这些粮食。

13、We must protect primary farmland, keep the area sown to grain stable, improve the structure of grain varieties grown and increase the per unit area yield of grain. 要保护好基本农田,稳定粮食播种面积,优化粮食品种结构,着力提高粮食单产。

14、It was delicious, but I really couldn't eat any more! 说这句话,你可以礼貌地拒绝主人给你的食物。

15、Existence-appearance sentences are the group indicating some object exists, appears or disappears in some state form at sometime in some place. 存现句是表示某处、某时以某种状态存在、出现或消失某名物的一类句子。

16、Casella says the World Food Program is feeding about 100,000 people a day. 卡塞拉说,世界粮食计划署目前每天为约10万人提供食物。

17、We have been pulling down world grain stocks until now they are at the lowest level in 34 years. 世界粮食储存量一直在下降,到目前为止,粮食存储量已经降到xx年来的最低点。

18、Save food, starts from me, starts from now! 节约粮食,从我做起,从现在做起!

19、Saving food for our offspring is everybody's responsibility. 为了我们的下一代去节约粮食,是每个人的责任。

20、Grain used to be canoed up the river. 过去粮食由小划子运送到河的上游。

21、Is there any proof that the food of plant differs from that of animals ? (同位语从句)有没有什么证据说明植物性食品不同于动物性食品?

22、Basic arable lands are the essence of arable lands, which almost takes full food production responsibility and ensures the material basis for food security. 基本农田是耕地中的精华,几乎承担了全部的粮食生产任务,是确保粮食安全的物质基础。

23、At last, we should save food and make an contribution to our saving-society. 最后,大家应该节约粮食为我们的节约型社会做出贡献。

24、Our country has carried out the grain subsidy policy for many years during which the policy had changed from allowancing consumers to protecting the farmers with price protection method. 我国粮食补贴政策已实施多年,经历了从对粮食消费者进行补贴到实施粮食保护价制度保护粮农利益的过程。

25、Are they still using rough-wrought mats to store grain in depot? 粮站里现在还用瓝子存放粮食吗??


26、I don't diet. I don't count calories and rarely go hungry. 我不节食,不计算食物的卡路里,也很少饿肚子。

27、Instead of storing food in foil and plastic wrap, put it in airtight re-usable containers. 把食物储存在密封的容器,减少使用铝箔及保鲜纸保存食物。

28、Already, as the World Food Program's stocks were running low, rations had been halved. 世界粮食计画库存渐少,粮食配给早已开始减半。

29、Storing food at the wrong temperature. 在错误的温度保存食物。

30、Daqu production by the addition of fresh distiller's grains could save grains and reduce production cost. 利用添加鲜酒糟生产大曲可节约粮食,降低成本。

31、i.Food grains, edible vegetable oils; 粮食、食用植物油;

32、Instead of staying "clean the plate", perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow. 也许我们应该为明天节约一些粮食,而不足坚持“把盘子里的东西吃完”。

33、Rice is not only the main food crop, but also the model plant of monocotyledonous investigation. 水稻不仅是重要的粮食作物,还是单子叶植物中的模式植物。

34、Means of production of mechanization can increase the grain output, keep sustaining development of grain production, and heighten its efficiency and economic returns. 机械化生产手段可以提高粮食产量,确保粮食生产持续发展,提高粮食生产效率和经济效益。

35、From now on, I will try my best to save food, to do something for them. 从此时开始,我会努力节约粮食,为他们尽一份力。 。

36、Third, , grains, especially coarse food grain in foods take-up a smaller proportion. 第三,是粮食,特别是粗粮 在食物中所占的比例越来越低。

37、He revealed his true motivation when he said "there are enough food produced by other countries and on global market". 他一句“国外有足够的粮食生产和全球化的市场”就露馅儿啦!

38、As the old Chinese saying goes: food is everything。 就跟一句中国古话说的那样:食物即一切。 (沪江小编:这算是哪门子“中国古话”!?)

39、Rebuilding the normal temperature granary into air-conditional standard low temperature granary has the character of fewer investments, becoming effective quick and popularizing easily. 将常温粮仓改建成空调准低温仓,具有投资少、见效快、易于推广之特点。所储粮食保质保鲜,其保管费用较常温仓储费用节约5%。

40、According to Stat. : The planting area of rice in our country occupy 28.9% of it in the world . The overall output occupy primacy in all foodstuff. 据统计,我国水稻播种面积约占全球粮食播种面积的28.9%,总产量居所有粮食作物的首位。

41、The seed grading can improve the seed quality, save the sowing quantity and cereals, advantageous to achieving sowing mechanization and precision sowing, and it can bring a lot of society benefits. 种子的分级可提高种子质量,节省播种量,节约粮食,有利于实现机械化播种和精量播种,可以带来很大的社会效益。

42、Commissariat brings total moisture is to show commissariat is OK the grain moisture content that safety stores. 粮食安全水分是指粮食可以安全储存的粮食水分。

43、A sentence indicating the existence, appearance or disappearance of a person or an object is called an existential sentence. 表示人或事物在某处存在、出现或消失的句子叫存现句。

44、April, Tang Jun Mu break cover Koguryo City, more than twenty thousand prisoners, and seized hundreds of thousands of grain stone. xx月,唐军攻破高句丽盖牟城,俘虏两万多人,缴获粮食十多万石。

45、covering marine and war risks including cargo clauses A institute war claused(cargo) and institute strickes clauses, claim payable in Bomby India. 复盖舰队和战争冒包括的危险货物子句一个学会战争子句 (货物) 而且创立是可付的在 Bomby 印度的 strickes 子句,要求。

46、Grain used to canoed up the river. 过去粮食用小划子运过河。

47、Exist and a presence sentence express someone or something exist, present or disappear in some place. 存现句是处所词语作主语, 全句表示什么地方存在、出现或消失了什么人或什么事物的句子。

48、To guarantee the physical property and the craft quality of the grain, the grain should be humidified before grain processing. 在粮食加工以前经过适当的调质处理可以确保粮食的物理性质和工艺品质。

49、This could mean that listeners need to hold words in their short-term memory to understand word-order sentences, while processing word-tag sentences is more automatic, Newman says. Newman对此说道,这意味着对于语序式句子来讲,其使用者会将这些句子保存在他们的短时记忆中,对应的标签式句子则相对来说更为自动化一些。

50、This demostration project will relate to the links of grain purchasing, selling, distribution, storage and processing. It is an important reform in the grain circulation. 论述了粮食购、销、调、存、加各环节的联系,它是粮食流通领域的重要改革。


51、According to the Food Bank for New York City, an estimated 1.3m New Yorkers now rely on soup kitchens (which provide hot meals) and food pantries (which give away food). 据纽约市粮食银行(Food Bank for New York City)预计,目前约有130万纽约人依赖施舍处(提供热食)和食物站(发放食物)获得食物。

52、They’ve been using four-wheel-drive trucks, and they’ve been using mules,” Ward said. 他们使用四轮驱动卡车运粮食,他们还用骡子驮粮食。

53、Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops. 防风林在保护粮食作物方面极具价值。

54、In addition to cooking pots, fuel, and utensils, displaced people must have containers and sacks (for example, empty cooking-oil tins and grain sacks) to protect and store their food rations. 除了烹饪锅,燃料和用具外,难民必须有容器和袋子(例如,空的油瓶和粮食袋)以保护和存储他们的口粮。

55、Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain, to put each man's silver back in his sack, and to give them provisions for their journey. 约瑟吩咐人把粮食装满他们的器具,把各人的银子归还在各人的口袋里,又给他们路上用的食物,人就照他的话办了。

56、Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities. 约瑟聚敛埃及地七个丰年一切的粮食,把粮食积存在各城里;

57、As far as I know, now, people don't throw Zongzi into water any more in order to save food, and we eat up these delicious food. 据我所知,人们现在为了节约粮食,不再抛洒食物到水里,我们把这些美味的食物都吃了。

58、For example, if a plant needs protection against a leaf-feeding pest, the protective agent need not also be present in the grain (that's harvested for food). 例如,如果一种作物需要保护免于遭受一种以叶子为食物的害虫的侵害,保护剂不需要在(作为粮食而收割的)作物中出现。

59、Save on food(water), please. 节约粮食(水)。

60、Then began this business of deliberate food-growing and of food preservation . 然后开始这种有意识地种植粮食和储存食物的活动。

61、"Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. " ( John 6:27) 不要为那必坏的食物劳力,要为那存到永生的食物劳力,就是人子要赐给你们的。因为人子是父神所印证的。 ( 约翰6:27)

62、You cannot define a foreign key constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement that contains an AS subquery clause. 你不能在CREATE TABLE语句中包含AS子查询子句定义一个外键约束。

63、They wouldn't have bothered with seeds and starchy grains, it was thought, because those foods were too difficult to get and prepare. 而不肯花心思在需要种子种植的及含有高淀粉的粮食上,因为这些粮食很难获取及烹食。


标签: 三年级 年级

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