黄灯的英语说作"yellow light",其次还可以说成"amber light",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到43个与黄灯相关的翻译和例句。
1. yellow light
黄灯翻译为yellow light。
示例:交通信号黄灯亮了。 The traffic lights were on amber.
2. amber light
黄灯翻译为amber light。
示例:我看到了黄灯。 I see a yellow light.
3. amber light -
黄灯翻译为 amber light - 。
示例:我应该在红灯时、绿灯时还是黄灯时减速呢? Should I slow down at a red light, a green light, or a yellow light?
黄灯翻译为 HI-FAIL 。
示例:- Hey, Dirk. - Kaitlin! Hey, honeybear, hi! hi!
1. yellow light(黄灯)
2. Primula cockburniana(n. 鹅黄灯台报春)
3. yellow signal repeater(黄灯信号复示(继电器))
英语短语&俚语, Amber Arrow ( 箭头黄灯 )
Amber light theory amber light theories ( 黄灯理论 )
yellow caution zone ( 黄灯警戒区 )
yellow light ( 亮黄灯 )
yellow light is not bright Wong no lights Yellow light is not lit Yellow light does not shine ( 黄灯不亮 )
Yellow time ( 黄灯时间 )
Huang Joy Joy Huang ( 黄灯耀 )
1. When Armin Brott of Oakland became a father, he stopped running yellow lights.
2. That's what you do in a town where a yellow light still means slow down, not speed up.
译文:开车到镇上来就是要这样 黄灯表示减速,不是加速。
3. if it wasn't green, then it was yellow.
译文:就算不是绿灯 至少也是黄灯。
4. You had a yellow light, for Christ's sake. Go!
译文:黄灯了 看在上帝份上 快点!。
5. ♪ Mysteries flashing amber
译文:# 神秘的黄灯在闪烁。
6. The yellow lights warn other creatures to keep out of its way.
译文:黄灯亮起 以警告其他动物莫要挡道。
7. Yellow light, go very fast.
译文:走。 黄灯: 迅速地走。。
8. i should have gone through that yellow light."
9. i should have gone through that yellow light."
译文:我不应该在那个黄灯停下来” 。
10. And that we should only have yellow lights... because then we can be very cautious but not get stuck in traffic.
译文:- 我们应该只要黄灯... 这样我们就会很小心,但又不会被堵。
11. The traffic lights were on amber.
译文:交通信号黄灯亮了。 。
12. it's a yellow light! Fuck you!
13. swim into whichever room has the yellow blinking switch, flip it.
译文:寻找有闪黄灯开关的房间 打开开关。
14. A blinking green light is the same as a yellow light.
15. ...yellow light, and he drove into me.
译文:那时还是黄灯 他直接冲过来了。
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