课桌的英语单词 英语

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课桌通常被翻译为" desk"的意思,其次还可以说成" pupitre",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到94个与课桌相关的短语释义和例句。


1. desk

课桌翻译为 desk 。

示例:请把课桌摆成4排。 Please put the desks in four rows.


2. pupitre

课桌翻译为 pupitre 。

示例:有许多课桌和椅子。 There are many desks and chairs.


3. desk


示例:这些课桌是红色的。 These desks are red.


4. banco

课桌翻译为 banco 。

示例:He was running Banco Ambrosiano 后来经营安保信银行



1. school table([家具] 课桌)

2. double desk([家具] 双人课桌)

3. in the desk(在课桌里)

4. reading desks([医]阅读课桌)

英语短语&俚语, at the desk ( 在课桌旁 )

on the desk ( 在课桌上 )

Desks And Chairs Mobilier scolaire Student desks ( 课桌椅 )

in the desk ( 在课桌里 )

adjustable desk ( 活动课桌 )

adjustable desk ( 可调式课桌 )

Many desks and chairs Double chair ( 多人课桌椅 )

Single desks and chairs ( 单人课桌椅 )


1. i have putted the pencil box in her desk.

译文:我已经把铅笔盒放在她的课桌里了。 。

2. The left-hand desk drawer is my drawer.


3. i want those desks spick-and-span before anyone leaves.

译文:走之前把课桌摆放整齐 清理干净。

4. in third grade, we were made to sit with our hands folded on our desk, unclasping them only to turn the pages, then returning them to that position.

译文:在xx年级的时候,我们规定 要把双手叠放在课桌上, 只有需要翻页时才能解除这个姿势, 然后翻完之后就要立马恢复原状。 。

5. Trying to emulate the relaxed atmosphere of Ms. Atwell’s classroom, Ms. McNeill pushed the desks out of their rows and against the white cinderblock walls.

译文:她尝试学着艾特维尔轻松的课堂教学方法,把列成排的课桌椅重新打乱,并沿着白土墙边摆放。 。

6. This one is for my desk drawer, and there is no desk drawer.


7. Yong Yu, a Chinese microbiologist, showed off the spacious building, with empty desks under an illustrated timeline detailing the rapid growth of Chinas Antarctic operations since the 1980s.

译文:中国微生物学家余勇向我们展示了这座宽敞的建筑,里面的课桌空空如也。他在一张配有插图的时间轴上详细描述了中国南极探险活动自上世纪xx年代以来的快速增长。 。

8. in grade five, they taped a sign to the front of her desk that read, "Beware of dog."

译文:xx年级的时候,他们在她的课桌前贴了一张纸, 上面写着,“注意,狗出没。” 。

9. You finish your lecture block and immediately you have five hands going up asking you to re-explain the entire thing at their desks.

译文:你完成你的演讲, 然后马上,你就会看到五个人举手 要求你到他们课桌前重新解释整件事。 。

10. Will the person or persons who took my desk blotter please return it?


11. You finish your lecture block and immediately you have five hands going up asking you to re-explain the entire thing at their desks.

译文:你完成你的演讲, 然后马上,你就会看到五个人举手 要求你到他们课桌前重新解释整件事。。

12. in grade five, they taped a sign to the front of her desk that read, "Beware of dog."

译文:xx年级的时候,他们在她的课桌前贴了一张纸, 上面写着,“注意,狗出没。”。

13. Broken windows, all the desks had graffiti on them. - Yeah.

译文:碎掉的窗玻璃 课桌上都是涂鸦。

14. There are some desks.

译文:这有一些课桌。 。

15. i guess Miss Shepherd's lesson plans will be in her desk.

译文:我想谢泼德小姐的课程安排 会在她的课桌上吧.。


标签: 单词

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