不同种类的英语翻译 英语

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不同种类的英语可以这样说: a variety of,还经常被译作 kinds of,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到85个与不同种类相关的译文和例句。


1. a variety of

不同种类翻译为 a variety of 。

示例:很多不同种类的天然药物有助于克服冬季传染病。 There are many different kinds of natural remedies to help overcome winter infections.


2. kinds of

不同种类翻译为 kinds of 。

示例:食物过敏会导致大量不同种类的症状。 Food allergies can result in an enormous variety of different symptoms.


3. variety classes

不同种类翻译为variety classes。

示例:岛上有许多不同种类的动物。 There are many different sorts of animal on the island.



1. homogeneous cargo(同种类货)

2. different kinds(不同的种类)

3. homogenously( 同种类地)

4. otherguess(a. 完全不同种类的, 别种的)

5. miscellaneously(adv. 不同种类地, 多种多样地, 混杂地)

英语短语&俚语, different kinds of various heterogeneous ( 不同种类的 )

heterogeneous ( 由不同种类组成的 )

different kinds of music Different types of music ( 不同种类的音乐 )

otherguess ( 完全不同种类的 )

many different kinds of ( 许多不同种类的 )

Different Kinds of Projections ( 投射的不同种类 )

interpreting different sorts of information ( 解释不同种类的信息 )

eat different kinds of food ( 吃不同种类食品 )

different kinds of film ( 电影的不同种类 )


1. There are many different types of hatha yoga, including

译文:有很多不同种类的瑜伽,包括 。

2. There is different type of barbaria.

译文:有不同种类的野蛮。 。

3. Different varieties of screamers are fighting and killing each other every day.

译文:不同种类的鬼鼠 每天斗杀彼此。

4. These three pictures exemplify different sorts of evil.

译文:这三张图展示了不同种类的恶。 。

5. And, of course, different sources of pollution will make different mixtures of pollutants.

译文:当然了,不同种类的污染源 会产生不同种类的污染混合物。 。

6. it just means that there's a different kind of right.

译文:只是说明“对”有不同种类 。

7. it isn't every day he gets to tinker with alien engines.


8. There is different type of barbaria.


9. There's as many different types of rope as there are material.

译文:根据不同的材质 绳子有很多不同种类。

10. Go buy all kinds of coffee beans available.


11. There are only different kinds of mustards that suit different kinds of people.

译文:只有不同种类,适合不同人群口味的芥末酱。” 。

12. He's a different type of player, said Kenyon.

译文:他们是不同种类的球员。凯尼恩说。 。

13. e. g. Carman likes musicians who play different kinds of music. Carman


14. You know, Peru has 32 different species of monkey.

译文:你知道吧 秘鲁有32种不同种类的猴子。

15. - Oh, yeah. i mean, what are you-- what are you-- what are you getting at ?



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