各种花的英语单词 英语_八级常见词汇表998个

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1、 Upper Abdomen & Kidneys

中文翻译: 上腹部及肾脏

例句:Stab wound, upper abdomen, and there's a severed epiploic artery. 翻译:上腹部刀伤 Stab wound, upper abdomen, 有一条网膜动脉受损 and there's a severed epiploic artery.。

2、 acquittal in fact

中文翻译: 法 依事实宣告无罪 依事实的无罪释放

例句:Acquittal the hands of there! 翻译:把你的手拿开。




例句:it's blank till you activate it. 翻译:It's blank till you activate it.。

4、 adjacent channel

中文翻译: 相邻信道

例句:it's like a ghost-adjacent ... it's like a problem, and the ghost ... whatever. 翻译:- it's like a ghost -adjacent --。



例句:Dare i say, very agreeable. 翻译:very agreeable.。

6、 ground the airliners

中文翻译: 班机停飞

例句:On the ground, on the ground now! Ok! 翻译:on the ground now!。



例句:Your father, he was an abusive alcoholic? 翻译:he was an abusive alcoholic?。



例句:Thing is, he's allergic to my kitties. 翻译:he's allergic to my kitties.。

9、 The Amazing Race

中文翻译: 极速前进 急速前进 惊险大挑战

例句:Previously on "The Amazing Race". 翻译:《極速前進》前情提要。

10、 Anguished Embarrass

中文翻译: 痛苦难堪

例句:with your anguished screams! 翻译:那么如果敌人的力量 完全是未知的力量呢 我也是刚才听说的。



例句:You can't have friends. Not anymore. 翻译:not anymore.。

12、 The Astonishing Game

中文翻译: 惊奇游戏

例句:The internet has done both, and both are kind of amazing and astonishing and which one will win out in the long run is up to us. 翻译:and both are kind of amazing and astonishing。




例句:Remember to watch Grove High School's TV cable show... 翻译:Attention.。

14、 legal attest letter

中文翻译: 存证信函

例句:- Reformed, paroled, legal. 翻译:legal.。

15、 Australian Open

中文翻译: 澳大利亚网球公开赛 澳洲公开赛 澳大利亚公开赛

例句:-An Australian documentary. 翻译:-An Australian documentary.。



例句:So, likely drunk, he climbed onto the barrier and fell. 翻译:he climbed onto the barrier and fell.。

17、 Blurry eyes

中文翻译: 模糊的双眼 模糊的眼睛 眼睛模糊 唱片名

例句:♪ Eyes so blurry with tears 翻译:# 眼中泛满泪花。

18、 peat bog

中文翻译: 泥炭沼 泥炭沼泽

例句:A piece of impassable bog with yield of liquid peat. 翻译:一个不可逾越的泥沼区。

1、 。

19、 Yoon Boo-keun

中文翻译: 尹富根 尹光雄 联席首席执行官尹富根

例句:Yoon Boo-keun, the head of Samsung's TV business, planned to express a similar thought at the German trade show Thursday. 翻译:三星电视机部门主管YoonBoo-keun计划在周四德国举行的交易会上表达类似的想法。。

20、 break out v.

中文翻译: 爆发 突发

例句:- Stop lending the Gallaghers our shit, V. 翻译:V.。

21、 perform brilliantly

中文翻译: 出色地表演

例句:- Or brilliantly retarded. 翻译:-Thank you. -Or brilliantly retarded.。

22、 phosphate buffer

中文翻译: 磷酸盐缓冲剂

例句:A pair of redox peaks attributed to the direct redox reaction of horseradish peroxidase in the phosphate buffer solution was observed. 翻译:结果显示:在磷酸缓冲溶液中,辣根过氧化物酶在钛酸纳米管修饰的玻碳电极上呈现出一对良好的氧化还原峰。。

八级高级词汇表:0,23、 cock and bull story n.

中文翻译: 无稽之谈

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

24、 Jimmy's Gourmet Cajun

中文翻译: 美味奇尊

例句:So our demon gourmet nurse. 翻译:our demon gourmet nurse...。

25、 camouflage color

中文翻译: 迷彩色 不容易分辨的颜色色 迷黑色 不容易分辨的色彩色

例句:Deactivating jungle camouflage. 翻译:解除丛林伪装 Deactivating jungle camouflage.。

26、 tell candidly

中文翻译: 讲话公正

例句:Permission to speak candidly, sir? 翻译:能允许我坦白地说一句吗,长官?。

27、 candor r

中文翻译: 坦白 率真 犬的 公正

例句:Lagerfeld, and in all candor 翻译:#拉格菲尔德,非常坦率#。

28、 bed canopy

中文翻译: 支在床上的篷子 支在床上的

例句:♪ Beneath the canopy of stars ♪ 翻译:♪ Beneath the canopy of stars ♪。

29、 under canvas ◎

中文翻译: 士兵等 过帐篷生活的 住 在帐篷里的

例句:- Hotel, or are we under canvas again? 翻译:睡帆布,我想。。



例句:in a floor-sweeping capacity. 翻译:-sweeping capacity.。

31、 nuclear cataract

中文翻译: 核性白内障 白内障 核性白内障症状 性白内障

例句:in the period of ectatic cataract, mature cataract or hypermature cataract, the relevant ratio of ultrasonography is 100%. 翻译:膨胀期、成熟期、过熟期超声的检出率可达到100%。。

32、 Changing Partners

中文翻译: 交换舞伴 交流舞伴 转换舞伴 互换舞伴

例句:- They're changing partners. 翻译:它们在变换组合了。



例句:How would you characterize that? 翻译:你如何将它们特征化? 。

34、 chastise e

中文翻译: 严厉惩罚 谴责 批判

例句:Sir, before you chastise these two officers, 翻译:长官 在你责罚这两位探员前。



例句:Our team manager, brave Gentleman Cheek 翻译:车队经理Cheek先生。

36、 dark cheery heat

中文翻译: 暗樱红热

例句:The HEAT-16 completes the picture. 翻译:HEAT。

37、 cheesy degeneration

中文翻译: 干酪样变性

例句:That always sounds so cheesy. 翻译:That always sounds so cheesy.。



例句:Yeah, she-she's a chemist, too. 翻译:Yeah, she -she's a chemist, too.。



例句:Hey, Nancy, have you seen my wind chime? 翻译:Thanks! Hey, Nancy,have you seen my wind chime?。

40、 Chopped strand

中文翻译: 短切原丝 短玻璃丝束 之切股 短切纱

例句:No, it's none of those, we've accounted for those. 翻译:Strand.。



例句:( choral singing blaring ) 翻译:(喘氣)操。。

42、 Chubby girl

中文翻译: 胖女孩 小胖丫头 胖乎乎的女孩

例句:i'm giving you Chubby Hubby. 翻译:来点Chubby Hubby吧。



例句:The daughter under such restrictions chafes at them, they circumscribe her whole world. 翻译:他们的女儿是在如此严厉的约束下,她的整个世界都是受的限制的。。

44、 clamp-off

中文翻译: 铸件凹痕 砂模夹坏 铸件凸痕

例句:is it attached to that clamp? 翻译:ls it attached to that clamp?。



例句:What are yours? i come from a poor peasant family too. 翻译:that's my classification。

46、 clear soup

中文翻译: 清汤 没有菜的汤 高汤 清炖肉汤

例句:Clear vegetable soup with julienne 翻译:蔬菜丝清汤。



例句:- Authenticated of the clergy themself, 翻译:通过神职人员的认证。



例句:Be that true, young cleric? 翻译:是真的吗,年轻人?。

49、 Cling wrap

中文翻译: 保鲜膜 保鲜纸 粘着外包装膜


2 to burn a goose leg, wrap it 翻译:wrap it。

50、 in clover

中文翻译: 生活优裕

例句:♪ My heart was wrapped in clover ♪ 翻译:* My heart was wrapped in clover *。

51、 clutter up

中文翻译: 使杂乱

例句:Clean up the clutter and dirtiness. 翻译:清理散乱物件和脏的物品。

1、 。



例句:There was collateral damage. 翻译:连带伤亡惨重 There was collateral damage.。

八级必背单词表:0,53、 at command

中文翻译: 可以自由使用 掌握

例句:Jackal Rocky is in command! 翻译:Jackal rocky is in command!。

54、 The Complimentary Close

中文翻译: 结束礼词 结尾敬语 结尾语

例句:The conclusion of a note need not use the complimentary close, but the name of the addresser.

1、 翻译:便条的结尾无须使用结尾礼词,只须写上作者姓名即可。

2、 。



例句:And Johnnie can go screw himself. 翻译:我们有信心 And we are confident。



例句:The non-confrontational approach. 翻译:-confrontational approach.。



例句:"Cordial" and "reception" come from French. 翻译:"cordial"和"reception"则来自法语。 。

58、 corpse pearls

中文翻译: 体珍珠 尸体珍珠 珍珠

例句:Listen, Ron, you keep the pearls. 翻译:you keep the pearls.。

59、 Corrective Patterns

中文翻译: 调整浪形态 调剂浪形态

例句:This is a colorful picture, special patterns 翻译:special patterns。

60、 Costly Distractions

中文翻译: 昂贵的分心

例句:There are no distractions distractions of any sort. 翻译:以任何方式都行。

61、 get up the courage

中文翻译: 鼓起勇气

例句:♪ you shoot me down ♪ but i get up 翻译:but I get up♪。

62、 credible accident

中文翻译: 可信事故

例句:Not a credible witness either. 翻译:Not a credible witness either.。

八级重点词汇表:0,63、 Croatian Ustashi

中文翻译: 克罗地亚乌斯达莎

例句:Here, a Muslim and a Croatian. 翻译:這裏,一個穆斯林和克羅地亞人。

64、 species is great crotches

中文翻译: 枝丫材

例句:No begging for food. No sniffing of crotches. 翻译:不许讨吃的 不许在跨部闻来闻去。



例句:This alliance will crumble. 翻译:这个联盟就会崩溃。

66、 Cuban Amazon

中文翻译: 古巴亚马逊鹦鹉

例句:i thought he was born on a Cuban plantation. That's what they're all saying. 翻译:I thought he was born on a Cuban plantation?。



例句:Okay, here we go. Domino, Lean Cuisine. 翻译:恩 就这样 Domino, Lean Cuisine.。



例句:Mom, you can't go out this close to curfew. 翻译:you can't go out this close to curfew.。

69、 dab hand

中文翻译: 能手 内行

例句:"Bab-a, dab-a, dab-a" in monkey talk Means, "Chimp, i love you too" 翻译:"Bab -a, dab -a, dab。

70、 daily express

中文翻译: 每日快报

例句:Men in hats and bad coats reading the "Daily Express"? 翻译:戴帽子的那个人和那个穿着破衣服的人都在读日报?。



例句:You might try Decode-a-Con. 翻译:你可以试试去参加 Decode -a -Con.。

72、 Deductible loss

中文翻译: 会计 可减损失 可扣除损失

例句:One has a great many wealthy friends who will risk a tax-deductible loss. 翻译:一种是有不在乎赔钱的 巨商富贾的朋友。

八级重点词汇表:0,73、 class definition

中文翻译: 类定义 类别定义 类界说 类别定义式

例句:in the COMForm class definition, paste the following code under the constructor definition. 翻译:在COMForm类定义中,将下面的代码粘贴在构造函数定义之下。。

74、 image deflects

中文翻译: 图像缺陷

例句:i just wanted to get past this old schoolmarm image. 翻译:That wasn't an image.。

75、 Deformed Steel Bars

中文翻译: 螺纹钢

例句:They are attached to the cement floor with steel bars. 翻译:它们用钢筋跟水泥地板连着。

76、 The Demon

中文翻译: 鬼畜 鬼婆 任细官

例句:Remember the Hellmouth? Mystical activity is totally rife here. This, to me, says demon. 翻译:says demon.。

77、 He Denounces

中文翻译: 他反对

例句:He comes and then denounces us to the Council. 翻译:他可以來向法院投訴。

78、 destabilize an entire region

中文翻译: 破坏整个地球的稳定

例句:and no treaty was reached, it could tip the entire region 翻译:S. 还未能达成协议 整个地区的局势 and no treaty was reached, it could tip the entire region。

79、 content determine

中文翻译: 含量测定

例句:Objective: To determine the content of oxaprozin. 翻译:目的:测定奥沙普秦含量。

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例句:Give the man his dignity. That's not right. 翻译:Give the man his dignity.。

81、 Postgraduate Diploma

中文翻译: 深造文凭 研究生文凭 研究生文凭课程 方案一研究生文凭

例句:To obtain a diploma and degree is not at all the only motive that drives them to pursue their postgraduate studies. 翻译:获取文凭和学历并不是她们读研的唯一动机。。

82、 disengage from

中文翻译: 摆脱 解开

例句:Prepare to disengage from platform. 翻译:准备脱离平台。



例句:They were sneeringly dismissive. 翻译:他们态度轻蔑,不屑一顾。 。

84、 Sinatra Doctrine

中文翻译: 辛纳屈主义

例句:With the doctrine of parens patriae? 翻译:with the doctrine of parens patriae?。



例句:- What is it? - Adventurers, they have dragon heads. 翻译:they have dragon heads.。



例句:He closed his eyes, picke up a pencil, and drew this. 翻译:and drew this.。



例句:There are dead bodies there, dry ammunition. 翻译:dry ammunition.。

88、 dusted paper

中文翻译: 铝粉纸

例句:Yes, Mom. it's your big, special birthday. 翻译:Rock, Paper...。



例句:# But you've got to earn it # 翻译:# But you've got to earn it #。

90、 special edition

中文翻译: 专刊 号外

例句:Offroad Extreme Special Edition - 翻译:极限越野特别版。

91、 The Killer Elite

中文翻译: 杀手精英 铁血精英 特种精英 年

例句:Or you could study Shakespeare And be quite elite 翻译:Or you could study Shakespeare And be quite elite。



例句:You used to be a little more eloquent. 翻译:曾经口才还好些 You used to be a little more eloquent.。



例句:And the Employment Secretary? 翻译:And the Employment Secretary?。

94、 endless loop

中文翻译: 死循环 无限循环

例句:Falling! Like an endless loop... 翻译:在永远的圈圈中。

95、 deep engrave

中文翻译: 深度标刻

例句:Did you just engrave it? No! 翻译:你刚刚刻的对不对?。

96、 equitable benefit

中文翻译: 公平利益 公正好处

例句:i am an equitable man. Equitable. Equitable. 翻译:我是一个正直的人 正直的 正直的。



例句:"No alibi err badly. Near by libra idol." 翻译:"No alibi err badly Near by libra idol"。

98、 espresso coffee

中文翻译: 意大利特浓 浓缩咖啡 浓咖啡 意大利特浓咖啡

例句:Uh, you want a coffee, espresso? 翻译:來杯咖啡嗎 意式濃縮?。



例句:That were reported missing two months ago. 翻译:-exchange students。

100、 Expectancy Model

中文翻译: 期望模型 期望模式

例句:How about a date tonight, model citizen? 翻译:model citizen?。

101、 new experience

中文翻译: 新体验

例句:This a new experience for you? 翻译:这是新的体验吧 {\b0\shad1\fs14\fn微软雅黑\3cH202020}This a new experience for you?。

102、 Explore Guangzhou

中文翻译: 广州地铁线图 广州地铁地图

例句:he will fly from Hangzhou to Guangzhou. 翻译:he will fly from Hangzhou to Guangzhou.。

八级高级词汇表:0,103、 fad food

中文翻译: 应时食品 当天食品

例句:What's that...? Did you say Fad? 翻译:Fad 他说叫Fad?。

104、 the federalism

中文翻译: 联邦制

例句:They argue that the amendment undermines Canadian federalism. 翻译:他们认为这项修改会逐渐损坏加拿大联邦主义。

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105、 Big Fella

中文翻译: 大家伙

例句:You're gonna meet the big fella." 翻译:You're gonna meet the big fella.。

106、 Thiel Fellowship

中文翻译: 泰尔奖学金 蒂尔奖学金 尔奖学金

例句:#What a fellowship, what a joy divine, # 翻译:*What a fellowship, what a joy divine,*。

107、 Felony System

中文翻译: 犯罪系统

例句:Anything less than the best is a felony 翻译:Anything less than the best is a felony。

108、 firm ground

中文翻译: 坚实的地面 硬地

例句:for a case on appeal. - Appeal? 翻译:We're in firm ground on, uh, for a case on appeal.。

109、 Flings figte

中文翻译: 陀螺比赛小游戏

例句:Just one of those crazy flings 翻译:*那些疯狂行为中的一件*。

110、 gas flow

中文翻译: 气流 气流量

例句:The flow of the gas is onflow. 翻译:气膜流动属湍流流动。 。

111、 for instance

中文翻译: 例如 举例说

例句:Like being dead, for instance? 翻译:for instance?。



例句:Earlier this week, former Pennsylvania senator 翻译:former Pennsylvania senator。

八级大纲词汇:0,113、 stack frame

中文翻译: 堆栈帧 计 栈帧 栈框架

例句:Here it is, frame by frame. 翻译:frame by frame.。

114、 al fresco

中文翻译: 在户外 在野外

例句:is al-fresco italian for bleak and terrifying? 翻译:意大利文的"野餐" 是又冷又害怕的意思吗?。



例句:Freudian shit component to it? 翻译:而不需要扯到过于情感化的 佛洛伊德狗屁?。

116、 far from

中文翻译: 远非 远离 远远不是 阔别

例句:Not this far from Memphis. 翻译:Not this far from Memphis.。

117、 Frond End Logical Design

中文翻译: 前端逻辑设计

例句:Logical design dictates they'd never 翻译:设计逻辑学里 这些。

118、 wish fulfillment

中文翻译: 愿望满足 愿望实现 理想实现力

例句:This is about wish fulfillment. 翻译:这本书讲的是愿望的实现。

119、 And garlanded Apollo goes

中文翻译: 戴花环的阿波罗神 佩带花环的阿波罗神 佩戴花环的阿波罗神

例句:And garlanded Apollo goes. 翻译:佩戴花环的阿波罗神。 。

120、 genuine gold

中文翻译: 纯金 赤金

例句:Do you mean, like, "gold" gold? 翻译:gold gold?。

121、 form genus

中文翻译: 生物 形态属 型态属

例句:in any way, shape or form? 翻译:shape or form?。



例句:Who's that, your fairy godfather? 翻译:your fairy godfather?。

八级高级单词表:0,123、 GORILLA GONDOLA

中文翻译: 大猩猩缆车 大猩猩刚朵拉 大猩猩坐缆车

例句:Not the gondola, not the gondola. 翻译:别乘花艇。



例句:She worked as a manager for Goodwill. 翻译:她曾是Goodwill的经理。 。



例句:i was looking for Melinda. - Found it! 翻译:gosh!。

126、 square nose gouge

中文翻译: 男子发式弧刀

例句:- ( man ) Gouge evil from its shell.! 翻译:- Gouge evil from its shell. - [Man] Gouge evil from its shell! 天佑吾王!。

127、 Flying Grasshopper

中文翻译: 飞天蚱蜢

例句:You look like a grasshopper. 翻译:You look like a grasshopper.。

128、 Grind Stormer

中文翻译: 暴风战机 碾磨暴风雨

例句:# You've got to grind, grind, grind 翻译:你不得不在石磨上。



例句:i haven't brushed my teeth since Carrie dumped me. 翻译:噢 AW. 准备登场 (gruff voice)PLACES.。

130、 Water Gun

中文翻译: 海洋 水枪 水炮

例句:Baby: Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water. 翻译:婴儿:Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water。

131、 The Gunshots Over the Plain

中文翻译: 平原枪声

例句:Gunshots. Sheriff's gonna be all over this! 翻译:枪击案, 警察会展开调查!。

132、 Stem and handlebar mount

中文翻译: 把立和把横安装

例句:Electra mount will secure the camera on the handlebar of your bike. [link].

1、 翻译:Electra座架能将相机固定在你的车把上。

2、 。

八级基础词汇:0,133、 Not Faxiu Hardens

中文翻译: 不发臭变硬

例句:The powder hardens the liquid, 翻译:粉末会让液体变硬。

134、 hate doing

中文翻译: 不喜欢做某事 讨厌做某事 与生俱来厌恶

例句:To hate you for doing it to me. 翻译:To hate you for doing it to me. 恨你对我这样做。。

135、 couldn't help

中文翻译: 禁不住 不得不

例句:Sorry, i couldn't help but overhear. 翻译:I couldn't help but overhear.。



例句:When you and i were in Georgia together, she turned up here and tried to slit her wrists in front of Mrs. Jones, my housekeeper. 翻译:she turned up here my housekeeper.。

137、 Bob Hope humanitarian award

中文翻译: 人道奖

例句:The Humanitarian Award ceremony. 翻译:在人道主义奖颁奖典礼上。

138、 Little Hungarian Plain

中文翻译: 小匈牙利平原

例句:Famous for their beautiful music their beautiful women. 翻译:They were Hungarian.。



例句:Last Wednesday night in Texas, while they sang a hymn. 翻译:while they sang a hymn.。

140、 anti-icing

中文翻译: 航 防冰 化工 防冻 防冰冻

例句:Multifold techniques and methods of anti-icing and deicing are summarized. 翻译:总结了目前国内外提出的多种防冰除冰技术及方法。。



例句:For immunity! For immunity! 翻译:来了 为了豁免权。



例句:An impairment in the heart 翻译:心理缺陷才是真正的问题。

八级常见词汇:0,143、 imperfect crystal

中文翻译: 晶体 不完整晶体 非完美晶体 不完美晶体 不完备晶体

例句:i'm picking her up. i'm dropping her off. 翻译:- Crystal。



例句:is there a problem with the implant? 翻译:不能治愈。

145、 incompatible method

中文翻译: 计 不兼容方法

例句:The ships are incompatible. 翻译:The ships are incompatible.。



例句:-insanity is not contagious! 翻译:-Insanity is not contagious!。



例句:No, it was very instructive. 翻译:不,那是非常有益的。

148、 Seth Interjected

中文翻译: 赛斯插话

例句:"Seth is the one. Seth, Seth, Seth." 翻译:"Seth是对的人 Seth Seth Seth"。

149、 jerked mutton

中文翻译: 风干羊肉条

例句:Mutton yesterday, mutton today, and blimey, if it don't look like mutton again tomorrer. 翻译:昨天吃羊,今天吃羊,该死 不会是明天还吃羊吧。



例句:You jostle them, they go off. 翻译:You jostle them, they go off.。



例句:♪ standing to my daddy's knee 翻译:♪ standing to my daddy's knee。

152、 south korean

中文翻译: 韩国的 韩国人

例句:Are they the South Korean team? 翻译:他们是南朝鲜的选手吗?。

八级必背词汇:0,153、 landfill gas

中文翻译: 填埋的废物气体 指垃圾分解而产生的一种甲烷 二氧化碳等的混合气体

例句:Biogas include marsh gas, landfill gas, digester gas. They distinguish by the producing location.

1、 翻译:生物气包括沼气、堆填气体、胃肠气,由产生的地点来区分类别。

2、 。

154、 connecting lever

中文翻译: 连接棒 连接杆 连接杠杆

例句:We cheer when you're connecting. 翻译:We cheer when you're connecting.。

155、 Lighthouse Lunacy

中文翻译: 灯塔狂人

例句:Lunacy. "it was pure lunacy." 翻译:愚蠢. "这太愚蠢了."。



例句:He's been in hiding for years. 翻译:more likely thousands.。

157、 commercial loan

中文翻译: 金融 商业贷款 金融 商业放款 商业性贷款

例句:The song from the gum commercial? 翻译:The song from the gum commercial?。

158、 packaging machine

中文翻译: 包装机 包装机械 打包机 封装机

例句:The Research on the Automatic Metage Device of Rice CA Packaging Machine 翻译:大米气调包装机自动称量装置的试验研究。

159、 little man

中文翻译: 小鬼 小伙计

例句:Well, then, you're just gonna have to, little man. 翻译:little man.。

160、 Policy Mandates

中文翻译: 政策性任务

例句:The policy mandates regarding provision of public utilities and services under the LGC and MBN/SRA are clear and complete.

1、 翻译:这项政策的任务就提供公共设施和服务的LGC和MBN /前者是明确的和完整的。

2、 。

161、 marked price

中文翻译: 物价 价目 明码标价 标牌

例句:Theoretically, the price is supposed to be marked on the shelf. 翻译:从理论上说,价格是要标在货架上的。

1、 。

162、 transmission mechanism

中文翻译: 传导机制 传动装置

例句:Transmission mechanism of interactive information in CVE . 翻译:协同虚拟环境中的交互信息传输机制。

1、 。

八级重点词汇表:0,163、 otitis media

中文翻译: 中耳炎 耳内长期流水 流浓 胀痛

例句:Symptoms of otitis media is how to do? 翻译:急性中耳炎是最常见的儿童。

1、 。

164、 Someone's melancholy is crying

中文翻译: 别人的忧愁在哭泣

例句:~ Crying's not for me, 'cause ~ 翻译:# Crying's not for me, 'cause #。



例句:Memorial. Gotta take a statement. 翻译:Memorial医院 做份笔录。

166、 merchant banking

中文翻译: 商业银行业务

例句:Do you like that, merchant banking? 翻译:你喜歡銀行嗎?。

167、 Meth-O-Gas

中文翻译: 溴甲烷

例句:- Even meth heads need gas. 翻译:- 要登山需要的汽油。。



例句:it's a federal misdemeanour. 翻译:这是一个联邦轻罪。。



例句:Did she misrepresent The bureau? 翻译:毁了调查局的形象?。



例句:This is the way it's supposed to be. You're just not used to feeling pursued and adored. i hate pleated skirts. 翻译:But l just want you girls to understand something about motherhood, okay?。

171、 Multicultural Education

中文翻译: 多元文化教育 多文化教育 多元文化教学 多种文化教育

例句:education,science,technology 翻译:education,science,technology。

172、 Multiple choice

中文翻译: 选择题 科技 多种选择

例句:Multiple choice, of course. 翻译:当然也是多重选择。



例句:- Murmur. - Murmur, murmur. 翻译:murmur.。

174、 military museum

中文翻译: 军事博物馆

例句:With the museum locked down for the night? 翻译:With the museum locked down?。



例句:On my signal, neutralize the Basque! 翻译:当我发令时,就制服那个巴斯克人! On my signal, neutralize the Basque!。

176、 Nineteenth Month

中文翻译: 第十九个月

例句:But the rent is $1 ,500 a month 翻译:500 a month。

177、 Normalize Weights

中文翻译: 规格化权重 权重归一化 标准化权重

例句:Normalize-space against pretty-printing. 翻译:normalize - space与美观打印。

1、 。

178、 obese people

中文翻译: 特大胖子 大胖子 肥胖的人

例句:They worked with obese people ... 翻译:他们研究了肥胖的人。



例句:Obstruction ahead, obstruction ahead! 翻译:前方受阻,前方受阻!。

180、 opposition instruction

中文翻译: 针对性战术

例句:Keep your phone on, instruction will follow. 翻译:instruction will follow.。

181、 Oriental studies

中文翻译: 社科 东方学 东方研究 东方系 东洋学

例句:-"Hookah, an Oriental tobacco pipe..." 翻译:an Oriental tobacco pipe..."。

182、 Ornate Apartment

中文翻译: 华丽公寓

例句:Ornate Crown of the Harrower, 翻译:掠夺者的华丽王冠,。



例句:- Has he opened his outer doors? 翻译:-Has he opened his outer doors?。

184、 outlying service point

中文翻译: 离岸服务点 郊区服务点

例句:The outlying houses are three 翻译:对岸有屋三间。

185、 inside and outside

中文翻译: 内外 里面和外面

例句:- Practice the outside inside, all right? 翻译:- All right. Practice the outside inside, all right?。

186、 feel pain

中文翻译: 感觉到疼痛 觉得疼痛

例句:– i don't feel any pain – You won't feel any pain 翻译:- 我已经不痛了 - 你再感觉不到痛了 – I don't feel any pain – You won't feel any pain。

187、 Another Day in Paradise

中文翻译: 天堂中的另一天 天堂里的另一天 天堂的另一天 天堂另一天

例句:- Another day in paradise. 翻译:和以往差不多。

188、 Pat McGrath


例句:Have you seen my approval ratings, Pat? 翻译:Pat?。

189、 patriotic sentiment

中文翻译: 爱国情操

例句:We don't want our patriotic sentiment to be hijacked by others. 翻译:我们不希望 国民的爱国心被利用。

190、 Deep patriotism

中文翻译: 碧血丹心

例句:That's about as deep as your patriotism goes. 翻译:行不行就取决于你的爱国心了 That's about as deep as your patriotism goes。

191、 the girl has two penises

中文翻译: 这个女孩有两个鞭 该名女童有两个鞭

例句:How long has it been? Two years. 翻译:How long has it been Two years,。



例句:This is religious persecution! 翻译:这是宗教迫害! 起来。

八级常见词汇:0,193、 The Pirate Bay

中文翻译: 海盗湾 海匪湾 海盗湾网站 浜松町

例句:is this inside the Pirate Bay? 翻译:乔纳斯·尼尔森 弗雷德里克的律师 海盗湾的办公室?。



例句:People that plod along without asking questions. 翻译:人民默默耕耘 不会提出疑问。

195、 fiber postpones time

中文翻译: 光纤延时

例句:A seven-millimeter fiber trunk cable 翻译:-millimeter fiber trunk cable。

196、 poultry feed

中文翻译: 家禽饲料

例句:- What happened? Slaughterhouse, poultry. 翻译:poultry.。

197、 The Imagination is Powerful

中文翻译: 想象力最有力量 想象力最有力气

例句:Ernie has a very powerful imagination. 翻译:恩尼的想像力非常丰富。

198、 predating functional response

中文翻译: 捕食功能反应

例句:But i forgot... you two, at best, are functional morons. 翻译:are functional morons.。

199、 preservation of cultural relics

中文翻译: 文物保护

例句:Was it cultural preservation? 翻译:是文化保护吗? 。



例句:And try to release that pressure 翻译:And try to release that pressure。

201、 procedural memory

中文翻译: 程序记忆 程序性记忆 程性记忆 非陈述性程序记忆

例句:Her narrative memory has been obliterated, but her procedural memory still seems to be intact. 翻译:她已经没有叙事的记忆 Her narrative memory has been obliterated, 但是她的知觉记忆似乎没受到影响 but her procedural memory still seems to be intact.。

202、 Only Prohibits Baidu

中文翻译: 只禁止百度

例句:"by the Geneva convention prohibits... 翻译:"日内瓦公约之上"。

八级重点单词表:0,203、 Lotus Proliferate-Flower Form

中文翻译: 荷花台阁型

例句:Lotus flower is hiding in the forest? 翻译:蓮花藏在森林裡?。

204、 promise to pay

中文翻译: 付款承诺

例句:- Will pay me! - Stop, shit! - i promise that i will pay! 翻译:你非得还我钱不可。

205、 She Quieted Down

中文翻译: 她安静下来

例句:And everybody quieted down. 翻译:全场安静下来 And everybody quieted down.。



例句:To Ramazan Culum's mind, it was the ultimate declaration of love. 翻译:对于拉马扎·卡勒姆而言,这是爱的终极宣言。。

207、 reactive power

中文翻译: 电 无功功率 无效功率 无功 千阀

例句:"More power, more power more power to the hour 翻译:"More Power, more Power more Power to the hour。

208、 Reckless Squad

中文翻译: 去死去死战斗队

例句:Crawling with crotes, yeah. you saying my plan is reckless? 翻译:you saying my plan is reckless?。



例句:What were you trying to do, set a record? 翻译:set a record?。

210、 Refuse derived fuels

中文翻译: 从废料中提取的燃料

例句:- That there's a judge, a jury... 翻译:- I refuse to presume.。



例句:You just find a beach and... 翻译:Relative of yours?。

212、 remarkable development

中文翻译: 显著发展

例句:Raymond Shaw! A remarkable development. 翻译:雷蒙德・肖!。

八级常见单词表:0,213、 heat reservoir

中文翻译: 热源 热库 储热器

例句:Between me and the reservoir. 翻译:Between me and the reservoir.。



例句:Restate your reasons clearly. 翻译:重申你的理由清楚。 。

215、 restitution nucleus

中文翻译: 植 再组核 重建核

例句:i mean, not about Nucleus or anything... 翻译:I mean, not about Nucleus or anything...。

216、 Retrace line

中文翻译: 电子 回扫线

例句:Snerdly, have you heard this? 翻译:We can retrace his steps. have you heard this?。



例句:[SiNGiNG] Hey, Jim, you better get the rig 翻译:[SINGING] Hey, Jim, you better get the rig。

218、 Creating a Rubric

中文翻译: 制作评量准则

例句:His children hung it in the heavens, creating Shibalba. 翻译:creating Xibalba.。

219、 Ruddy Duck

中文翻译: 鸟 棕硬尾鸭 街道地址

例句:i don't even like to play bingo. 翻译:Duck.。



例句:He died two years ago on safari. Who? What? 翻译:2玡Safari 琌街ぐ或。



例句:Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. 翻译:锄强扶弱,永不作恶 Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.。

222、 vocational school n.

中文翻译: 职业学校

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

八级必背词汇表:0,223、 bow and scrape

中文翻译: 点头哈腰 卑躬屈节 过于客气 卑躬屈膝

例句:No more Starks to bow and scrape to. 翻译:再不用对史塔克卑躬屈膝。

224、 Spring Scream

中文翻译: 春天呐喊 春天的呐喊 春天呐喊音乐季

例句:The annual Spring Scream is in Hengchun 翻译:每年我们恒春都在春天呐喊。

225、 Dendritic segregation

中文翻译: 树枝状偏析 材 枝晶偏析 树枝状晶偏析

例句:All officers to segregation hallway. Segregation hallway now! 翻译:所有狱警 都去隔离区走廊 现在就去!。



例句:Well, there's no Johnson Senate building. 翻译:there's no Johnson Senate building.。



例句:Five years later, former Serbian revolutionaries were training new groups on the outskirts of Cairo. 翻译:former Serbian revolutionaries were training new groups on the outskirts of Cairo.。

228、 Sharp Point Press

中文翻译: 尖端出版

例句:Something with heft and a sharp point? 翻译:就是顶端大而尖的的那东西 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Something with heft and a sharp point?。



例句:some toys in the shed, yeah? 翻译:some toys in the shed, yeah?。

230、 coffee shop

中文翻译: 咖啡店 等于

例句:Raffi's Coffee Shop. Can't miss it. 翻译:叫Raffi's Coffee Shop 很醒目。

231、 shortly after

中文翻译: 不久之后 很快

例句:We'll intercept it shortly after. 翻译:We'll intercept it shortly after.。

232、 Chicago Asian American Showcase

中文翻译: 美国芝加哥亚裔电影节 芝加哥亚裔电影节

例句:Asian seems right, you know? 翻译:I went Asian. Asian seems right, you know?。

八级新课标单词表:0,233、 Silicone Rubber

中文翻译: 橡胶 硅橡胶 硅胶皮 橡胶 硅酮橡胶 硅橡胶制品

例句:A silicone rubber, composite prototype 翻译:这是一个硅氧橡胶的 20世纪xx年代的 A silicone rubber, composite prototype of。





例句:Skeletal structure normal. 翻译:-你的骨架结构很正常。

236、 sky diving

中文翻译: 尽量延缓张伞的跳伞运动

例句:At his sky-diving school and ask him! 翻译:去他的跳伞学校问问他!。

237、 Her Husband Snorted

中文翻译: 丈夫打着鼻腔说

例句:You see that guy right there? 翻译:That's her husband.。

238、 Solidarity tax

中文翻译: 团结税

例句:They came out of solidarity. 翻译:They came out of solidarity.。

239、 sordid d

中文翻译: 肮脏的

例句:The story is rather sordid 翻译:那是一个颇为肮脏的故事。

240、 River of Sorrow

中文翻译: 悲伤逆流成河

例句:No sorrow here. Tears freeze. 翻译:No sorrow here.。

241、 Spark Test

中文翻译: 火花测试 火花试验 火花检验 火花实验

例句:There were many reasons to act, but we were waiting for the spark. 翻译:but we were waiting for the spark.。

242、 spectacle glass

中文翻译: 眼镜玻璃

例句:♪ i've walked these streets ♪ ♪ in a spectacle of wealth and poverty ♪ # # 翻译:In a spectacle of wealth and poverty In the diamond markets。

八级高级单词表:0,243、 spy plane

中文翻译: 间谍飞机

例句:Remember that spy plane up on the roof? 翻译:记得屋顶那架间谍飞机吗? 记得。

244、 stagnant style

中文翻译: 停滞型

例句:A silver bracelet, indian style. 翻译:Indian style.。



例句:Standardization. 翻译:标准化。 。



例句:What's with the Steely Dan? 翻译:这是什么歌?。

247、 stint someone of something

中文翻译: 节制某人享用某物

例句:With someone, or something. 翻译:With someone, or something.。

248、 strong for

中文翻译:特别偏爱的 特别注重

例句:Good strong name, good strong job. 翻译:Good strong name, good strong job.。

249、 suffer defeat

中文翻译: 遭受失败

例句:i am about to suffer an embarrassing defeat in court. 翻译:我快要在法庭上 遭遇最尴尬的失败。

250、 swirl ratio

中文翻译: 涡流比

例句:The mole ratio therefore is

2:1. 翻译:Mol Ratio 是 2∶1。

251、 swiveled towing

中文翻译: 旋转拖钩

例句:Fasten towing line on towing bitts. 翻译:系缆桩上拖缆绑牢。 。



例句:The whole weak-in-the-knees, tattoo-you-on-my-chest thing? 翻译:tattoo -you -on。

八级常用单词表:0,253、 testicle remover

中文翻译: 去睾器

例句:- Like a testicle with teeth. 翻译:- Like a testicle with teeth.。

254、 thaw out

中文翻译: 融化 解冻 使解冻 消融

例句:Mother Nature, can you thaw him out? 翻译:大自然母亲,你能给他解冻吗?。

255、 therefore e

中文翻译: 因此 所以 因而

例句:i have a wife, therefore i have a mistress 翻译:therefore I have a mistress。

256、 clinical thermometer

中文翻译: 体温计 体温表

例句:Or to use the clinical term, "nuh-uh"" 翻译:Or to use the clinical term, "nuh -uh""。

257、 hollow torning

中文翻译: 蜂窝裂

例句:Puts you there Where things are hollow 翻译:Puts you there Where things are hollow。

258、 trample on v.

中文翻译: 践踏 蹂躏

例句:- Stop lending the Gallaghers our shit, V. 翻译:V.。



例句:To Jeff Hemry for his arrangment of the complete transcript. 翻译:To Jeff Hemry for his arrangment of the complete transcript.。

260、 tug of war

中文翻译: 拔河 拔河比赛 两派间的激烈竞争

例句:-Play tug of war with the Cyclops? 翻译:- 跟小弟弟玩拔河?。



例句:Not much of a turnout, is it? 翻译:出席的人不多 对吗。

262、 covers and uncovers rock

中文翻译: 测 海洋 干出礁

例句:Paper covers rock. Remember that? 翻译:布包住石头,记得吗?。



例句:- Oh, that's his underwear! 翻译:that's his underwear!。

264、 last update

中文翻译: 最新更新

例句:- What was your last update? 翻译:-最近更新的状态是什么。



例句:Nice little fixer-upper in the neighborhood. 翻译:-upper in the neighborhood.。



例句:You're allowed to hold that, Bernard, but not to use it. 翻译:but not to use it.。



例句:Actually, these things can be useful. 翻译:these things can be useful.。

268、 utilization factor

中文翻译: 电 利用系数 利用率 利用因子 科技 利用因数

例句:Although later there was an ick factor. 翻译:Although later there was an ick factor.。

269、 Cervical vertebra

中文翻译: 解剖 颈椎 颈椎骨 下颈椎

例句:The relationship between the lability of the cervical vertebra and the occurring of the sympathetic cervical problem 翻译:颈椎不稳与交感神经型颈椎病发病的关系。

270、 Aguilegia vulgars

中文翻译: 耧斗菜

例句:He that hath no friend and no enemy is one of the vulgars without talents, powers or energy.

1、 翻译:既无敌人又无朋友的人,定是既无才能又无力量的庸才。

2、 。



例句:"Sydney Wilder, Walnut Street.". 翻译:Sydney Wilder, Walnut Street.。



例句:No, no. Warrant's "Cherry Pie. " 翻译:warrant's "cherry pie"?。

八级高级词汇表:0,273、 Watershed Algorithm

中文翻译: 流域算法 分水岭演算法

例句:it certainly was a watershed 翻译:如果是这样 Well, be that as it may,。

274、 in another word

中文翻译: 换句话说 也就是说

例句:i don't even have another word for it. 翻译:I don't even have another word for it.。

275、 wrist strap

中文翻译: 防静电手环 腕带

例句:is the operator wearing ESD wrist strap in handling ESD sensitive materials?

1、 翻译:在碰触对静电敏感的元件时,作业员是否配戴静电环?

2、 。

276、 went wrong

中文翻译: 弄错 走错路 出毛病

例句:i, uh, went there planning to do something wrong. But i didn't kill that guy. 翻译:went there planning to do something wrong。



例句:COLEY: ♪ Give a little yell ♪ 翻译:[ Coley ] " Give a little yell "。

278、 born yesterday

中文翻译: 乳臭未干

例句:You and i weren't born yesterday. 翻译:You and I weren't born yesterday.。


标签: 八级 单词 词汇

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