本科就读于用英语怎么说 英语

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本科就读于用英语翻译为"one's undergraduate study is",还经常被译作one's bachelor's degree is,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到17个与本科就读于相关的翻译和例句。


1. one's undergraduate study is

本科就读于翻译为one's undergraduate study is。

示例:兹证明( This is to certify that (


1) is now studying in the four-year undergraduate program at Nanjing University.


2. one's bachelor's degree is

本科就读于翻译为one's bachelor's degree is。


1、A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the Stanford graduate School of Business, Mrs. Powell Jobs worked in investment banking before founding a natural foods company.



1. perpetual student((超过正常就读年限的)长期就读生)


2. grass families(禾本科,禾本科植物;

3. graminae(禾本科)

4. family Gramineae( 禾本科)

5. family Poaceae( 禾本科)

英语短语&俚语, Undergraduate studying at Changsha University ( 本科就读于长沙大学 )


1. He graduated from Shuren Normal School in 1937, and enrolled in North Union University during the Anti-Japanese War.

译文:xx年毕业于树人师范学校。xx年回国参加抗战,就读于华北联大。 。

2. i was a public school kid in New York City, and i didn't do well at all.

译文:我就读于纽约市一所公立学校 各方面表现都不佳 。

3. And student at a pro photography school, Junpei Koyama


4. He was attending Sequoia Valley High School before he was busted for possession and assault.

译文:在他被捕前 曾就读于红杉谷高中。

5. i study in neijiang one, sichuan province key middle school.

译文:我就读于内江一中,四川省重点中学。 。

6. Yang Sheng, 22, a marketing major at Shenzhen University, is one of them.

译文:杨盛,xx岁,就读于深圳大学市场营销专业。 。

7. Sichuan Conservatory of Music-Mianyang Arts College

译文:就读于四川音乐学院绵阳艺术学院 。

8. i studied at the Beaux-Arts!


9. She attends Fudan University in Shanghai, where she earns her M.B.A.,

译文:她就读于复旦大学 已取得MBA学位.。

10. He studied in Huaiyin Normal University and the Fine Arts department of Nanjing Arts institute.

译文:先后就读于淮阴师范学院、南京艺术学院美术系。 。

11. See, you've now enrolled at a university.


12. We have no record of a Daniel Fremont, ever having attended Ohio State University.

译文:我们没有任何档案证明Daniel Fremont 曾就读于俄亥俄州立大学。

13. He studied at Yale University and he holds a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard Law School.

译文:他曾就读于耶鲁大学,在哈佛大学法学院获得法律博士学位。 。

14. i was getting my bachelor's degree in communications, and that was the first time i realized i couldn't take free speech for granted.

译文:当时我就读于 传播学本科项目, 那时也是我第一次意识到, 我不能视自由言论为理所当然。 。

15. i am a university student studying zhejiang foresty&farming University inlinan.

译文:我是一名大学生,就读于浙江农林大学。 。


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