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提高成绩的英语为"improve performance",还可以翻译为to improve performance -,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到52个与提高成绩相关的短语释义和例句。


1. improve performance

提高成绩翻译为improve performance。

示例:这些数据用于设法帮运动员提高成绩。 This data is used to wring improvements out of athletes.


2. to improve performance -

提高成绩翻译为 to improve performance - 。

示例:“我们不能把时间浪费在看那些空泛的科学问题上,这些问题无助于教练与运动员合作和提高成绩。” AIS 的科学主管彼得·皮纳说。

1、"We can't waste our time looking at ethereal scientific questions that don't help the coach work with an athlete and improve performance,"says Peter Pricker chief of science at AIS.


3. Improve performance

提高成绩翻译为 Improve performance 。

示例:折中观点:提高成绩的药物是在他的过去。 Compromise view: The performance-enhancing drugs are in his past.


4. Raise the result

提高成绩翻译为 Raise the result 。

示例:it's not up for debate. All in favour, raise your hand. raise your hand.



1. gradebook( 成绩单;


2. elevate(提高


3. elevation(提高


4. exalt(提高


5. exaltation(提高

英语短语&俚语, A performance-enhancing Improve your score Together to improve performance ( 一起提高成绩 )

Improve performance in practice In exercises to improve performance ( 在练习中提高成绩 )

how to improve athletic performance ( 如何提高运动员成绩 )

Improving my grades Raising my score Improve my grades ( 提高我的成绩 )

how to improve athletic performance howtoi ( 提高运动员成绩 )

I record by My grades improve My grades increased ( 我的成绩提高了 )

Should improve my performance Improve my results ( 提高我的应以成绩 )


1. [ Man ] ♪ Raise it up, raise it up, raise it up ♪

译文:提高它,提高它, 提高。

2. i got kind of a spotty record, and i gotta keep my grades up for college.

译文:我的记录不是很好,为了上大学 我必需把成绩提高。

3. We know that our path to long-term profitability is through improving student outcomes.

译文:我们清楚,如果要长期盈利, 就要提高学生们的成绩。 。

4. Being a student, results would only advance once they value time and let time be their bases of result increaseing, especially at the time of dealing with examination.

译文:作为学生,只有惜时如金,把时间作为提高学习成绩的坚实基础,学习成绩提升才有可能,尤其是应试阶段。 。

5. All sports coaches believe passionately in the power of the team to lift performance not by just a little, but by 100%.


6. Like Julien, you'll need to improve your results.

译文:和朱利安一样, 你也要继续提高你的成绩。。

7. His best chance at improvement is the written essay... at the end of the year.

译文:他提高成绩的最好办法就是 年底前写篇论文。

8. By the way, Lee Ji Hoon. Your grades went up.

译文:还有李志勋 看你最近成绩提高了。

9. Learn to improve your TOEFL iBT scores 20-40 points in two weeks.


10. But that kid went from getting Cs to As thanks to Joe.

译文:可是多亏了Joe 他的成绩从C提高到A。

11. Due to the increased level of energy, some claim that DMAE also improves athletic performance.


12. MGF is a prime candidate for gene doping for enhancement of athletic performance.


13. For instance, bulrush, an aquatic plant, is believed to increase blood flow and improve performance.


14. She had better also do some English exercises to improve her Enlish.


15. But shouldn't you get the grades up for the students who want to study?

译文:不过学习稍微好一点的人 是不是该集中地提高成绩了呢。


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