渊博的英语说作"broad and profound",还网络中常译为" profound",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到34个与渊博相关的释义和例句。
1. broad and profound
渊博翻译为broad and profound。
示例:他在绘画和音乐方面知识渊博。 He has a wide knowledge of painting and music.
2. profound
渊博翻译为 profound 。
示例:她是一个活力四射、知识渊博的女性。 She was a woman with extraordinary vibrancy and extraordinary knowledge.
3. deep
渊博翻译为 deep 。
示例:她在法律方面知识渊博。 She's very widely read in law.
4. erudite
示例:And Erudite. And Dauntless. 智慧和无畏
1. knowledgeable(知识渊博的
2. knowbies( 知识渊博)
3. knowledgeful( 知识渊博)
4. knowledgefully( 知识渊博)
5. knowledger( 知识渊博)
英语短语&俚语, walking dictionary a learned person A knowledgeable person you know ( 知识渊博的人 )
knowledgeable Profoundly kuowledgeable profound showing great knowledge or understanding ( 知识渊博的 )
profound Connie Broad And Profound Connie Constance ( 渊博的 )
profound ( 渊博精深的 )
broadandprofound broad and profound ( 形容学识渊博 )
Learned Fonda erudite broad and profound ( 学识渊博 )
Knowledgeable extensive knowledge Knowledge erudite ( 知识渊博 )
Profound knowledge knowledge a comprehensive knowledge wide knowledge ( 渊博的知识 )
System of Profound Knowledge Profound Knowledge System ( 渊博知识体系 )
1. You are more knowledgeable.
译文:不不,牧师, 你的知识更渊博。。
2. The profound erudition of the writer came from long years of study.
3. For example, how do you deduce that the man is intellectual?
译文:比方说 你怎么推出他学识渊博?。
4. And they call her knowledgeable!
5. Excuse me, but you don't know enough about life to say a thing like that, Sister.
译文:抱歉 你还没渊博到有资格 对我品头论足 修女。
6. Taylor combined great knowledge with an irreverent attitude to history.
译文:泰勒知识渊博,但对历史却持不尊重态度。 。
7. He's the most knowledgeable. i'm this much knowledgeable.
8. The lecturers are very knowledgeable and i learn a lot from them.
译文:讲师们知识非常渊博,我从他们身上学到了很多。 。
9. My brother is getting cold in the next room and all she can talk about is a book.
译文:渊博的像书本 我十分怀念。
10. You are a knowledgeable little prick, eh?
11. "My father has a very refined knowledge of mathematics."
12. That the man is highly intellectual is, of course, obvious.
译文:这是个学识渊博的人 这一眼就能看出。
13. Deep, Marion. Profound, Marion.
译文:渊博 深奥的玛莲。
14. His dad's well-educated, bright
15. i'd be pleased to have so knowledgeable a guide.
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