人口增长用英语怎么说 人口增长英语翻译

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人口增长用英语怎么说 人口增长英语翻译

人口增长的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为population growth -,还经常被译作 The growth of China's population,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到80个与人口增长相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. population growth -

人口增长翻译为 population growth - 。

示例:地球上的生命将无法延续,除非人口增长得到控制。 Life on Earth will become unsustainable unless population growth is held in check.


2. The growth of China's population

人口增长翻译为 The growth of China's population 。

示例:人口增长被认为是一个特别有影响力的推动力。 Population growth is considered a particularly influential push.


3. population increase

人口增长翻译为population increase。

示例:人口增长每年下降 Population growth is decreasing by


1.4% each year.


4. population growth -

人口增长翻译为 population growth - 。

示例:it's always population growth. 总是拿人口增长说事。



1. growth of population(人口增长)

2. population growth rate(人口增长率)

3. populationism(人口增长控制论)


4. population increase( 人口增长;

5. populationist(主张控制人口增长论者)

英语短语&俚语, population growth population growth rate Growthrateofpopulation rate of population growth ( 人口增长率 )

Negative Population Growth ( 拒绝人口增长 )

urban population growth rising urban populations ( 城市人口增长 )

to curb population growth Population to Be Curbed Control population growth ( 控制人口增长 )

urban populat-ion growth rate urban population growth rate ( 城市人口增长率 )

zero population growth ( 零度人口增长 )

baby boom ( 人口增长的高峰期 )

Malthusian theory of population growth ( 马尔萨斯人口增长理论 )

Global Problems of Population Growth ( 全球人口增长问题 )


1. Population growth's important, but it's also about how much each person consumes.

译文:人口增长是很重要, 但人均消耗也很重要。。

2. What is Martines conclusion about Brazils population growth?


3. it's only by child survival that we will stop population growth.

译文:只有通过提高儿童存活率 我们才能阻止人口增长。 。

4. Almost all of that growth will be in the developed world.

译文:大部分的人口增长会在发达地区。 。

5. it's always population growth.

译文:总是拿人口增长说事。 。

6. Population growth's important, but it's also about how much each person consumes.

译文:人口增长是很重要, 但人均消耗也很重要。 。

7. Secondly, population growth and density into cities.

译文:第二,人口增长 和城市密度增加 。

8. And exploiting that energy, human populations multiplied.

译文:同时利用这个能量, 人口增长。 。

9. You are not told about the population slowing down.

译文:你并不知晓人口增长的放缓。 。

10. But the longer-term social impact is a reduction in population growth.

译文:但它长期的社会影响是降低人口增长。 。

11. We needed to reduce the population growth rate.

译文:我们必须降低人口增长率。 。

12. We needed to reduce the population growth rate.


13. One: the exponential advancement of production technology;



14. That's where we have the fast population growth.

译文:这样的国家就是我们人口增长最迅速的地区了 。

15. Hans Rosling on global population growth

译文:Hans Rosling 探讨全球人口增长。


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