财务人员英语怎么说 英语

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财务人员用英语翻译为" numbers people",还经常被译作finance -,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到14个与财务人员相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. numbers people

财务人员翻译为 numbers people 。

示例:是财政搞砸了,或者更精确一点儿说,是财务人员搞砸了。 Finance screwed up, or to be more precise, financiers did.


2. finance -

财务人员翻译为 finance - 。

示例:这种冲突一般发生于系统用户和信息技术或者财务人员。 This conflict usually occurs between the system users and the information technology or financial people.


3. Financial staff

财务人员翻译为 Financial staff 。

示例:女孩拿出厚厚一摞钱,交到了公司财务人员手中。 The girl took out a large bundle of money and handed it over to the accountant of the company.


4. Joseph

财务人员翻译为 Joseph 。

示例:Joseph... We were expecting you. Joseph..



1. financial accountant([经] 财务会计人员)

2. finance executive([会计] 财务主管人员)

3. finance officer([经] 财务主管人员)


4. financial projections( 财务预测;


5. financial auditor( 个人金融理财人员;

英语短语&俚语, finance knowledge Finance for Non-Finance ( 非财务人员的财务管理 )

Vivian Gu ( 非财务人员的财务培训 )

General Ledger AccountantandAP ( 代聘外资集团财务人员 )

class FinUserUser ( 定义财务人员类 )

Other financial officers ( 其他财务人员 )

Training of financial staff ( 财务人员培训 )

accountable person ( 应负财务责任人员 )

FEI Financial Executives Institute ( 高级财务管理人员协会 )


1. Franco-American Finance Company.

译文:- 法美财务公司。

2. Yeah. Russell Pan handles the finances.

译文:Russell Pan负责财务。

3. Another type of dependency without a choice is financial abuse.

译文:另一种没有选择的财务依赖 是财务虐待。 。

4. if government finds that a serving policeman... has owed money of a financial company... what will happen?

译文:一个现役警务人员 被政府知道欠财务公司钱不还 有什么后果?。

5. "Council Order RB/CZ/907/X."


6. Generally speaking is best looks has intermediate accountant the title affairs personnels to be quite good.


7. The financial responser of TiC had a meeting this afternoon outside, so they have to inform us about the exact information of the issuing bank tomorrow morning.

译文:TIC的财务人员下午在外开会所以有关开证行的准确信息tic只能明早通知我们。 。

8. Financially and personally.


9. Will hates dealing with it.


10. A couple of hours later, a repossessor from a finance company show up and takes away Violet's car.

译文:若干小时之后,财务公司的人员又出现了,并带走了维奥利特的车。 。

11. Looks like the finance guys even found a loophole in the union contract, so, they didn't have to pay severance packages and pensions to their employees.

译文:而且财务人员 在工会合同上找了个漏洞 所以公司没有。

12. Finance will bookkeep this warehouse entry information in ERP.


13. i made... financial outlays...

译文:- 做了财务支出...。

14. Few women fantasize about accountants, office managers, and dental hygienists.

译文:很少有女人幻想的对象是财务人员、办公室经理或者牙齿保健人员。 。

15. if you are in a financial abuse situation, get access to your information.

译文:如果你正遭遇财务虐待, 从接触你的财务信息入手。 。


标签: 财务

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