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关于”诗和诗人“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Poetry and Poets。以下是关于诗和诗人的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry and Poets

此外,约翰·列农(John Lennon)的胡子造型则使人联想到“思想家”和“诗人”。

1、John Lennon's beard connoted 'thinker' and 'poet.'


2、It studies everything of human being, the poetic tradition in the West and "the poem's learning" theoretical development in China have proved this.


3、Last part elaborated saying that the Zhang Jiuling two person of scenery poems to at that time and afterward poet's influence.


4、We can grasp the poetry-charming place of "Mrs. Dalloway" from three aspects: sensation and impression, poetry philosophy theory, symbolism technique.


5、Tools mediate the worker's relation to the world.


6、In the poet and in his work nature grows intelligible.


7、to high rewards in heaven as a virgin and as a poet.


8、The Blue Star Poetic Group holds identical views with the Western symbolist literature on creating a tension between language and contextual construction.


9、He has the kid the sort sensitive and poet the sort flimsiness of heart.


10、It took quite a long time for Poetesses to awake from being veiled and express themselves by poems.


11、Furthermore, TAO's poems were for self-entertainment while XIE's were secular.



12、The greatness of Milton's epic was immediately recognized, and the admiring comments of the respected poets John Dryden and Andrew Marvell helped restore Milton to favor.


13、Miller once called Marilyn “a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes.”


14、There's naturally a lot of pressure on Milton to make this part of the simile beautiful and striking because he's echoing not just one epic poet, but essentially he's echoing just about every epic poet.


15、Our psalmist is certainly no stranger to afflictions and trials.


16、Theorigins of Imagism and cubism are to be found in two poems by TE Hulmethat were published in 1909 by the Poets' Club in London.


17、It's a poem which begins, "I have heard that hysterical women say they are sick of the palette and fiddle-bow, of poets that are always gay..."


18、Their time, order and place are ascertained after textual research, and corrections have been made to smooth out some misunderstandings about them.


19、This had Byron for its poet.


20、It is a style of poem applied by the poets in Sung Dynasty.

21、Zhang: Well, let's enjoy some excellent poems of praise to nature and life, bathed in the seven-colored sunshine.张:让我们在七彩的太阳照耀下,透过一页页诗篇,去体味诗人们对自然和生命的赞誉吧。

22、From a discussion of Tao's poetry, Xiao Tong makes a swift transition to praise of the poet's sincere intent, contentment in poverty and adherence to Dao.在对陶诗的探讨中,萧统特别赞扬了诗人纯真的写作目的和安平乐道。

23、This group had some unique characteristics in regards to region, family, married life, tragedy and fate and marginality .这一庞大的诗人群体凸显出若干总体性特征,即地域性、家族化、伉俪诗缘、多孀居者和边缘性等。

24、A distinguished poet, translator, critic and teacher, Edwin Honig wrote dozens of books and poems that attracted critical praise around the world.杰出的诗人、翻译家、评论家和教授,埃德温•侯内希曾著有几十本书和诗作,受到世界各地评论家褒奖。

25、He nurses an aspiration to be a poet.他心怀当诗人的愿望。

英文句子26:,26、He is unarguably a great poet.他无疑地是位伟大的诗人。

27、His personality and the pursuit of poetic art determined his nobility in poetry and his unique and typical model.将军巨大的人格力量和对诗艺的独到追求,决定了他诗品的崇高,并具有为他人所不能替代的风范和个性。

28、Well--okay. This has nothing to do with the text, we say, and yet at the same time suppose it did.其实这和诗本身并没有关系,但是我们假设它和诗是关联的。

29、He is poet worthy of the name.他是一个名不虚传的诗人。

30、现在还在世的伟大诗人屈指可数。(即用一只手的手指就可以把活着的伟大诗人一一列举)The great poets still living can be reckoned up on the fingers of one hand.

31、He wrote several poems in reply to other poems on his personal homepage.他将几首和诗放在了自己的个人网页上。

32、The poet can be moved along a continuum of femininity and masculinity in poems to produce the effects or characters needed.诗人还会继续在诗中运用女性气质和男性气质来创造他们想要的效果和人物。

33、Misty poetry presents personal element.朦胧诗呈现出个人化倾向。

34、Atharvaveda contains first class poetry coming from visionary poets, much of it being glorification of the curative powers of herbs and waters.阿达婆吠陀包含了来自好幻想的诗人的第一类诗集,很多都是赞颂草药和水的治疗力量。

35、It is often repeated by the Psalmist-'Wait on the Lord and he will strengthen your heart'. Good advice for Ruth and good advice for us.正如诗人经常在诗篇呼吁人要「等候主,祂必坚固你的心」。

36、Not by bread alone, but by the lyrics of poets, the wisdom of sages, the holiness of saints, the biographies of great souls.人活着不仅依靠食物,还需要诗人的诗篇、贤哲的智慧、圣人的圣善和伟人的事迹。

37、The poet embroiders reality with his fantasy.诗人以幻想来点缀现实。

38、In today's ecological crisis, British Poet Laureate-Ted Hughes, makes his persistent poetic pursuit of the re-establishment of the harmony between humans and nature.在当今的生态危机时代,英国当代桂冠诗人特德•休斯,为重新构建人与自然的和谐关系而在诗学上不懈探求。

39、The German poet Heine was Jewish.德国大诗人海涅是犹太人。

40、He Juxue (1963·2—), writer and poet.何炬学(1963·2—) 作家、诗人。

41、In the thinking and poetizing, subjective metaphysics and technological activities should be humanly over-come or transcended. Man become onlooker of Being and lives poetically on the land.在“思”和“诗”中,人最终克服掉主体性形而上学和超越技术活动,成为存在的看护者,诗意地栖居在大地上。

42、George Santayana, [Three Philosophical Poets]桑塔亚那,(三位哲学诗人)

43、Which was the character of Adrian the Emperor; that mortally envied poets, painters, artificers , in works wherein he had a vein to excel.罗马皇帝哈德良这种嫉妒者,他善诗画和工艺,因此他非常嫉妒真正的诗人、画家和技师。

44、In the poem the poet expresses his philosophy of tolerance, generosity and brotherhood in contrast with his dogmatic attitude towards building the wall.在这首诗中,诗人表示他对邻居的修建隔离墙的教条式的态度的容忍、大度和友谊。

45、For centuries, painters, poets, and philosophers have been drawn to this majestic location.几个世纪以来,画家、诗人和哲人被其宏伟的景致所吸引。

46、Yao Zhenhan is an influential modern poet whose essay is unique with a beauty of calm and harmony.姚振函是当代诗坛一位有影响力的诗人,同时,他的散文创作也独具特色,自成一格,体现出一种平静、和谐的美。

47、They imitate things as they should be.诗人只是照原样重现现实。

48、Mout tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.泰山历来是艺术家和诗人钟情的聚集地。

49、My answer is that people have poetic heart.我的回答是,人有诗心。

50、Many poets and artists have drawn their inspiration from nature.许多诗人和艺术家从大自然中获得灵感。

经典英文句子51:诗和诗人,51、The poets and "saints" of medieval bhakti appeared throughout India.中世纪的巴克提诗人和“圣人”遍布了印度。

52、Recently many people have made a deep research on Book op Odes.前人对《诗经》进行了深入研究和详尽考释。

53、The so-called "Association poems" include all sorts of poems, such as the present for reward, the response, the present for send-off, and association with literati.所谓「交往诗」,涵盖酬赠、唱和、赠别,及文人间往來交涉各類型诗篇。

54、Wish all lovers get together forever wherever they are.个人觉得选诗篇更好,

55、All this contributes to the fact that Mr. Ye Shibin is an accomplished and distinguished poet in contemporary China, who deserves our study and expectation.这决定了叶世斌先生是一位具有很高艺术成就的诗人,是一位值得研究和期待的当代杰出的诗人。

56、This professor gets round with many poets and artists.这位教授跟很多诗人和艺术家铰往。

57、Second, discussing the influence of the image herself in the later, from the identity of poetess and a female Taoist priest.其次从“形气既雌”的女诗人和“诗意亦荡”的女冠两方面出发,论述李冶本身形象在后世的影响。

58、Liu virtual white, Jingling people, pull out the first element and Scholars. Write a poem.刘虚白,竟陵人,擢元和进士第。诗一首。

59、He is a poet of profound learning.他是一位才高八斗的诗人。

60、The psalmist teaches us instead to trust.反而,诗人教导我们要信靠。

61、Dawa is a place that can inspire the talents of poets and endow poets with awareness of life and feeling of nature.大洼,是激发诗人才情的家园,大洼的民俗文化使诗人获得了对生命意识和自然的感受力;

62、King find people, but also poetry visit.人们来寻景,更来寻诗。

63、He questions the methods of teaching of the poets.他质疑诗人的教学法。

64、A man, who is a man, is stubbornly described as "Vagrant" in the poem so as to get the theme of the poem reinforced.人,便是人,诗中硬要说成“氓” ,这是用来强化该诗的内涵。

65、Wordsworth enters St John's, and publishes his first poem. He later became Poet Laureate.华滋华斯进入圣约翰学院,并发表了他第一首诗。随后他成为了桂冠诗人。

66、Frankish poet and prelate at the court of Charlemagne.法兰克诗人和查理曼宫廷的高级教士。

67、Heidegger's poetics have always maintained concerns to the survival and existence of human and everythings on earth, which makes it different from traditional aesthetics and poetics.海德格尔诗学始终秉持对人的生存和万物的存在的关注,这使它区别于传统美学与诗学。

68、Jennifer: Barrett like the poet?珍妮芙: 跟诗人巴雷特一个姓?。

69、Apollo was the god of music and poetry.阿波罗是月神和诗神。

70、Abstract : Gong Liu and Mian in the Book of Poetry or Shijing are the earliest records of people's migrations in the Zhou Dynasty.摘要 : 《诗经》中的《公刘》和《绵》是最早记述周人迁徙事件的史诗性文献。

71、They have also inherited the artistic styles of both Huan You poets from other regions and local poets while they promote Jia Dao, Yao He and create Late Tang Dynasty Style.在推崇贾岛、姚合,创作“晚唐体”的同时,他们也继承了温州外来宦游诗人和本地诗人的艺术风格。

72、I croon this poem in delight.本人轻哼这喜悦的诗。

73、Shepherds came to represent not only poets.牧羊人开始不仅仅代表诗人。

74、It suggests premeditation and epic willfulness, codified as inherited instinct.它使人想到形成遗传本能的预谋和史诗般的固执。

75、Joseph Brodsky American Russian poet and essayist, b. 24 May 1940, St.约瑟夫。布罗茨基美籍俄裔诗人和随笔作家。

英文句子模板76:Poetry and Poets,76、Which was the character of Adrian the Emperor; that mortally envied poets, and painters, and artificers, in works wherein he had a vein to excel.罗马皇帝哈德良就是这种嫉妒者,他善诗画和工艺,因此他非常嫉妒真正的诗人、画家和技师。


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