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关于”很污“的英语句子34个,句子主体:very dirty。以下是关于很污的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:very dirty


1、It's a complicated technical issue and it's difficult to know what you're looking for.But there are a few easy ways to check for air pollution near your house.Read on to learn more.


2、Sewage treatment: sewage, waste oil, sludge.


3、If the stain is still very evident, it would take to a layer of primer.


4、A discolored spot, smudge, or area; a stain.


5、example:The dirt will brush off easily.


6、Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution.


7、Now we must cope with a wide array of environmental pollutants including gases, particulates, sewage and et al .


8、Britain also lags badly when it comes to reducing air pollution.


9、It's nice if you block your nose and ignore the pollution.


10、China is home to many of the world's most-polluted cities.


11、This complex emits low pollution levels and employs many workers.


12、Embezzlers of very large sums must be expelled from the Party, no matter how much leniency is shown them because they have confessed their crimes;


13、Studies suggest that fish oil products contain little or no contaminants.


14、While such deals are unlikely to be corruption-free, the scope for corruption is clearly lower.


15、This kind of mud clea new gooder is much needed in this oi1 field.


16、Typically these sludges settle rapidly but do not compact very well .


17、Gaseous fuels are considered as clear alternative fuels for vehicle.


18、The most severe problems are in high-density slums, where the risk of contamination is highest.


19、To spot or stain, as with a discoloring substance.


20、Based on blot algorithm and works well with spatter or cloudy image.

21、So it is normal for a burro to have some dirt in its coat.因此,驮驴的毛发上有脏土污垢是很正常的。

22、Caner pose a great threat to our life.污染给我们的生存造成很大的威胁。

23、Geographic distribution of oceanic petroleum pollutant in the world is regular with influence of pollutant source and ocean circumfluence.世界海洋石油污染物的地理分布特点受到污染源和大气环流的影响,分布很有规律。

24、There is much dirty oil round your ship. Most probably you have pumped out oil.你船附近有很多污油,你船可能排油了。

25、And of course, there are still pollution problems with motorists.当然,机动车的污染问题依然很严重。

英文句子26:,26、In fact, he says, just the possibility of contamination is starting to hurt.实际上,他说,交叉污染的危害很可能已经开始了。

27、The problem of pollution in that area, as you suspect, is very serous now.很可能你猜想的一样,那个地区的污染问题已经很严重了。

28、The ground was covered with dirt with great wide ditches.地面上满是尘土,而且有很宽的排污沟。

29、Tess: Yes, I hope a lot of people will come. Everyone pollutes . So everyone needs to help stop pollution.泰丝:是的,我希望很多人会来参加。每个人都会产生污染,所以阻止污染人人有责。

30、The air and water have dirtied quickly.空气和水很快就被污染了。

31、The sewage-sludge treatment industry has had great development at home and abroad since 1970's.xx年代以来,世界城市污水、污泥处置有了很大发展。

32、The cross contamination in this kind of unidirectional flow area is hardly controlled.这种情况下,很难控制单向流区域内的交叉污染。

33、Of course the serpent would soon attempt to profane God's temple.当然,古蛇很快就想要玷污上帝的圣殿。

34、Note the many small smudgy blue platelets between the RBC's.在RBC之间可见很多小的污垢样的蓝色血小板。

35、STEVE: It's too bad for the environment. So much pollution from cars.史提夫:这对环境很糟糕,汽车制造很多污染。

36、The once clear mountain stream is now polluted and opaque .曾经是很清澈的山溪,现在受到污染变得混浊了。

37、Light-colored carpet is frequently used dye stains the chances of higher, also very conspicuous, after cleaning, to yellow stains appear.浅色地毯频繁使用被染污渍的几率更高,也会很显眼,清洗、变黄后污点还会出现。

38、The atmosphere circumstance and small environment are badly polluted by the sewerage, exhaust gas and waste residue which are largely produced from industry production.而工业生产中大量排放的污水、废气、废渣又对大气环境和小环境造成了很大的污染;

39、Both windows and solar panels are less efficient as they get dirty.窗户和太阳能电池板都有一个共同的缺点,就是这些设备很容易被环境沾污,而且沾污后其工作效率都会有所下降。

40、Coal tar has a strong smell and can stain clothing.煤焦油有很强烈的气味,并且会染污衣服。

41、Soon the ropes was covered with blood and filth from her lungs and intestines.很快,绳子上就沾满了血和肠肺里的污物。

42、The polluted flashover voltages of insulators reduce with the increase of salt density or dust density, and both the influences of salt density and dust.合成绝缘子具有很好的防污闪特性,但也会发生污秽闪络,这与常规的人工污秽试验仅考虑盐密的影响不无关系。

43、Air pollution in Chian is extremely serious, especially in cities with heavy industry.中国的空气污染很严重,尤其在重工业城市中。

44、The water in Miyun is clean and not polluted.密云水库的水很干净没有受污染。

45、Farmland precipitation runoff nonpoint pollution is one of the most important problems in nonpoint pollution problem.农田降雨径流污染是非点源污染研究中的一个重要问题,估算其发生负荷的难度很大。

46、Grease pollutants do harm vey much to our environment and industrial production.油类污染物对环境和工业生产危害很大。

47、People would benefit greatly from a pollution-free vehicle.无污染车辆会给人们带来很大的好处。

48、We have air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.我们有空气污染,水污染和土地污染。

49、Spatial variations of N and P pollution were observed, as the creeks in different places accepted different types and amounts of pollutants.由于受纳污染物类型和总量上的差异,中小河流氮磷污染存在明显的空间分异:居民区附近的小河流氨氮和磷的污染很重;

50、Many judges are poorly educated in the law and corrupt.很多法官没受过什么教育, 贪污腐化。

经典英文句子51:很污,51、It is too ugly for your highness's beautiful eyes.粗鄙得很,别污了殿下漂亮的眼睛。


标签: 英文

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