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1、From the perspective of many of Beardsley's decadent aestheticism painting Analytical will deepen our understanding of the artist's understanding and experience of works.


2、When two eyes meet and hold strongly, they are bound to meet again。


3、Here's how it works. On every U.S. dollar bill in circulation is a 10- or 11-digit serial code that is unique to that bill.

4、Lantern fragile favour hard back. 灯笼易碎,恩宠难回。

5、No matter you have that pocket or not , we'll be with you forever.无论你有没有口袋,我们的爱,永远都在。


6、No longer believing in themselves or their leader, these officials saw their only means of salvation in getting help from the United States.


7、While hourly pay under the current contract averages $31 an hour, that drops to $25 for the second tier, which becomes the only tier once all the veterans have left or retired.


8、Only problem's the searchlights.


9、Dream is the only thing that make you uncomfortable, only action can remove your uneasy.


10、The only reason the Fed isn't doing this is that we're a big player, and can't be seen to be pursuing a beggar-thy-neighbor strategy.


11、The only way is resistance.

You're the only one.呜… 你是唯一一个。



13、The only non-engineering major in the top five is computer science, at $61,112, which is slightly less than last year.


14、Collective solipsism, if you like.


15、Airsickness produces cow's only leaf.


16、Man-made sole with traction.


17、hold you for a minute than live the rest of life knowing I never could.

摘要: 佳美是酿制风格独特的博若莱葡萄酒的唯一红葡萄品种。采用佳美酿造的红葡萄酒往往简单易饮,平易近人。本文将为你介绍这个品种的相关知识。

18、ABSTRACT: Gamay is the only red grape varietal for Beaujolais wine. It produces red wines that are easy drinking and approachable. This article is a guide to Gamay.

19、From now on,I will expect nothing, and just take what I get.—— 从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。


20、That is unique and sufficient.

21、And Japanese films are known for their aesthetic—they have their own way of dealing with a film’s tempo and the color is more ­mellow.日本电影以唯美著称,日本导演对影片节奏的把握与众不同,并且影片的色调更为柔和;

22、Nowadays, with the attention of the study about Shanghai-School Culture or literature and Decadent doctrine, this writer sprang up after long-timely neglected.随着对于海派文化、海派文学和唯美主义研究的关注,这位沉寂了多年的作家逐渐浮出了表面。

23、Thrawn, the only alien Grand Admiral, and one whom Grant sought to defeat.索龙,唯一一个异种人帝国元帅,也是唯一一个格兰特希望打败的人。

24、but you already forgot you’ve been here before. 我还在原地等你,你却忘了你曾经来过这里。

25、Historical materialism is the core ideological line is the ideological base for its implementation.唯物史观是核心,思想路线则是贯彻唯物史观的思想基础。

英文句子26:,26、"The new way of development" was set up after historical materialism was established.唯物史观创立以后,唯物主义的这条“新的发展道路”就开辟出来了。

27、One end of heaven to the uttermost part of the heaven, the sensation of the sea for cape.天之此端为天涯,海之彼端为海角。

28、I maintain the only real way to determine if the sole is going to be slip-resistant enough is to test the shoe's sole in the environment.我坚持的唯一真正的方法,以确定是否唯一的将是防滑足够是测试的唯一在环境中鞋的。

29、A company shall be careful not to have many yes- man in their organization.公司应关注不用聘用太多唯唯诺诺的人在我自己的机构里。

30、Expectation is the root of all heartache .期待是所有心痛的根源。

31、This is only logical.这是唯一合乎逻辑的。

32、You are my only hope.你是我唯一的希望。

33、Feuerbach's humanistic materialism belongs to perceptual materialism and perception and non-thoroughgoing are two shortcomings in his humanistic materialism.费尔巴哈的人本学唯物主义是属于直观的唯物主义,直观性与不彻底性是他人本学唯物主义的两大根本局限性。

34、Chinese dress characteristic is bright red, with Chinese flavor embroidery art, the Oriental woman, classical Chinese bride also beautiful romantic! More and more Chinese girl like this style!中式婚纱最大特点是鲜艳的大红色,带有中华民族韵味的刺绣美工,古典的东方女人,带来同样唯美浪漫的中华新娘!越来越多的中国姑娘喜欢这个款式!

35、Expectation is the root of all heartache.期待是所有心痛的根源。

36、In order to ensure the uniqueness of 为保证记录的唯一性,每种记录的表格均应有唯一的编目。

4.6.1 records, each record form shall be the only cataloging.

37、In fact, the only clue we have is a passage in Isaiah that says: "There is no beauty that we should desire Him" (53:事实上我们唯一的线索仅仅是以赛亚书的一小段话:「也无美貌使我们羡慕他」(53章2节)。


38、Only break can lead to stand.唯有破才能立。

39、Should you be concerned?唯维说,你应该担心吗?

40、Practice makes perfect. It means that after plenty of practice, we will be perfect in what we do. Practice is the only way to achieve perfect.熟能生巧。实践是实现完美的唯一途径。


41、The first is historical materialism Zhuzhao anthropological perspective of the theoretical significance: anthropological research will help deepen the aesthetic dimension of thinking.首先是历史唯物主义烛照下的人类学视角的理论意义:有助于深化审美人类学研究的思维向度;

42、You are unique, irreplaceable.你是唯一的,无可取代。

43、The only way to retain the favour of the Manager is to be a yes man.要维持住经理对你的好感,唯一的办法是作个唯命是从的人。

44、Believe it or not. There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you.不管你信不信,有个人正在等待希望能遇到像你这样的人。

45、Faith was no longer a passive pup watching the world through the eyes of an underling.匪思不再是一只用卑微的目光看世界、唯唯诺诺的小狗。

46、Thus, not only enriched the aesthetic of modern literature-decadent literature, but also enhanced the feeling of Literary Features of the new understanding.由此,既丰富了现代文学中的唯美-颓废主义文学研究,也增进了对新感觉派文学特征的理解。

47、The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes.唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。

48、The monks were his only solace and playing the temple drums his only joy.僧侣们是他唯一的精神依靠,演奏寺院的钟鼓是他唯一的乐趣。

49、They may / might / could be shopping now.(答案不唯


50、Now, he's leaving the only world he's ever known to find the only friend he's ever had.现在,他将离开他唯一所知的世界寻找他曾有的唯一朋友。


一) Dear we will be good !

52、Only beautiful and marked new design makes the photograph of other competition product on Remy Martin XOE and goods shelves is compared, immediateness appears extraordinary.唯美并且醒目的新设计使得人头马XOE与货架上的其他竞争产品相比,即刻显得与众不同。

53、The only non-engineering major in the top five is computer science, at $61, 112, which is slightly less than last year.前五名中唯一非工程类专业的是年薪61 112美元的计算机科学专业,与去年相比也出现少许下降。

54、At the same time the Fed and the three other regulators would cede their consumer-protection duties to a new body.同时,保护消费者这个原由美联储和另外三个监管机构会承担的责任,也将由唯一一家新机构负责。

55、Followership You don't have to be a spineless5) yes-person to be a good follower.服从精神你无须凡事唯唯诺诺才算是一名好的追随者。

56、Heaven and earth, overweening.天上地下,唯我独尊。

57、So that's the only distinction.这就是唯一的区别。

58、You are the only exception.你是唯─旳例外。

59、Both materialism and idealism admit the existence of material and consciousness. The question is which comes first?唯物与唯心都承认物质意识的存在性,问题是哪个第一?

60、Category Codes are unique.分类码是唯一的。

61、Through long years, only the words will not rust, only the thought of eternal bright.穿越悠悠岁月,唯有文字不会生锈,唯有思想永恒璀璨。

62、New concept, first-class professional work, the visual aesthetic and unique taste, make us have a broad market and good reputation.崭新的理念、一流的专业做工、唯美的视觉享受、独特的品味,使我们拥有广阔的市场和良好的声誉。

63、Scientific abstract magic art is linked together cheek by jowl with dialectical materialism, historical materialism.科学的抽象法是与辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义紧密相连的。


标签: 英文 简短 唯美

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