前和后用英语怎么说 前和后英语翻译

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前和后用英语怎么说 前和后英语翻译

前和后的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 Anterior and Posterior,还可以翻译为 Before and after,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到99个与前和后相关的翻译和例句。


1. Anterior and Posterior

前和后翻译为 Anterior and Posterior 。

示例:如今,女性在生孩子前和生孩子后都工作。 Now women work both before and after having their children.


2. Before and after

前和后翻译为 Before and after 。

示例:我们调查的患者治疗前和后,并取得了很好的效果,受到称赞。 We survey patients pre and post treatment, and have had excellent results and compliments from all patient groups.


3. Front and rear

前和后翻译为 Front and rear 。

示例:运动前和运动后马上做了心电图。 An ECG was done before the exercise and immediately after.


4. Front and back

前和后翻译为 Front and back 。

示例:Nobody wants to see the front! Not the front! Nobody wants to see the front!



1. forearms forward(臂后前屈)

2. metabranchial foregut(后鳃前肠)

3. postpresequential(后前系列(音段))

4. proventriculus posterior([动] 后前胃)


5. queen's pawn( 后兵开局;

英语短语&俚语, Affixes are divided into two kinds prefixes and suffixes prefikso kaj sufikxo Affix ( 前缀和后缀 )

Functionality on Front-End and Back-End ( 前台和后台功能 )

loss carryback and carryforward ( 亏损移前和移后扣减 )

lead and lag ( 超前和滞后 )

in front and behind ( 某一地点的前面和后面 )

Leads and lags ( 提前和拖后 )

Prefixes and Suffixes ( 前辍和后辍 )

front face and back face ( 前表面和后表面 )

Backwards and forwards forward-and-backward ( 向前和向后 )


1. Northern Dialects have front and back nasals, no voiced.

译文:无浊音;有前鼻音和后鼻音; 。

2. - You do! "Dad this, Dad that."

译文:- 你! 爸爸前,爸爸后...。

3. Ready,and feet in front,feet back, feet front,feet back.

译文:开始,前,后 前,后,加油。

4. Six inches forward and five inches back


5. "in front, behind, on top, below, right and left! "

译文:前 后 上 下 左和右。

6. Northern Dialects have front and back nasals, no voiced.


7. That's done on a tare of the empty bottles ahead of the filler and with weigh scales after filling.


8. Research on Mechanism and Rules of Pro-glycogen and Marco-glycogen Repletion in Skeletal Muscle after Exercise


9. The function of the data interaction between Loan Origination System (LOS) and Excel Loan System (ELS) is designed and implemented .


10. Before or after the explosion?


11. Foremilk, Hindmilk, and Lactose FAQ.


12. These are respectively known as postaxial, preaxial, and central polydactyl.

译文:这些分别被称为轴后、轴前和中央多指。 。

13. There're Lily fans from before, and fans from when she went solo.


14. Before or after Sheep Road?


15. Knocking things over and grabbing things and throwing them away and grabbing again.

译文:东奔西撞 扔前抢后。


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