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关于”主谓宾“的英语句子50个,句子主体:subject-predicate object。以下是关于主谓宾的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:subject-predicate object


1、Distinguished guests from New Zealand, ladies and gentlemen, I feel honored and pleased to be here to preside over this grand welcome ceremony for the honorable New Zealand guests.


2、To be frank, big restaurants and big hotels are the main places producing drainage oil.

RDF 中的宾语可以是 URI(在此情况下可使用 LSID),也可以是所谓的“文字”值(也许可以输入,也许不能输入)。

3、The objects in RDF are either URIs (in which case you can use LSIDs) or so-called "literal" values that may or may not be typed.


4、Criticism of the papal visit has come mainly from the "Los Indignados" (Indignant Ones) protest movement.


5、Binbai is used for narrative, so that narrative is a main function of the binbai.


6、Then, Spinoza began his defense of his liberty of thought and liberty of speech.


7、After five years of negotiations, Daiwan and the Philippines finally signed a labor agreement that would allow employers to hire Filipino workers without going through middlemen.


8、Rubin was just running the meeting, but I knew he agreed with them.


9、Corporate representatives can attend major PR events such as tee-off, Pro-Am and welcome Gala dinner as special invited guests or guests of honor.


10、Design of adornment of some setting wall is too messy, often a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role.


11、This is a key reason why rampant corruption in the country cannot be eradicated.


12、John waited some time but rather eventuficwoulsly he went home.


13、So-called the relationship of Heaven and human is about the relationship between human and nature.


14、Corporate representatives can attend a series of major PR events as special invited guest.


15、The first period witnessed the influence from Herbert Spencer and other Social Darwinists.


16、At the Monterey Hotel in Sendai, two chefs dressed in their signature hats from the hotel restaurant spooned out hot soup for breakfast.


17、SHEP O'NEAL: The Republican victory destroyed the hopes of many nationalists in the Philippines.

本公司成立于xx年, 主营产品为宾果系列产品。

18、The company was established in 2005, the main products for bingo products.

可是,军事 冒险主义者则坚决反对此种步骤,他们的主张是所谓“御敌于国门之外”。

19、But military adventurists stubbornly oppose such a step and advocate "engaging the enemy outside the gates".


20、The ballad is the theme song for the movie “Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves.”

21、IV. Allotments and Remittances: Allotment shall be paid to designated allottee in the Philippines thru any authorized Philippines bank with the assistance of the EMPLOYER.分配金和汇款:分配金应经过任何认可之菲律宾银行,由雇主协助付款给在菲律宾指定之分配人。

22、The order on the toast may be based on age from the eldest to the youngest by social position from high to low, or by guest status from principal to secondary.敬酒的顺序通常要按照年龄先长后幼、职位由高到低或者先主宾后次宾的顺序。

23、Programs, hosts, and managers, are all controlled, he says, as are the decisions of who to invite or not to invite as guests.他说,电视节目、主持人和管理人员都受到控制。 节目邀请哪位嘉宾,不请哪位嘉宾的决定也受到控制。

24、The loo conversation was a turning point in our landlord-tenant relationship.这次关于马桶的对话,是我们宾主关系的转折点。

25、VIP tickets to Jim Cramer's "Mad Money" show on CNBC had a price of $4,200.CNBC电视台主持人吉姆•格雷姆主持的“疯狂赚钱”节目的贵宾门票拍价为4200美元。

英文句子26:,26、Our guest, the Nobel prize winning economist, Milton Friedman.我们的嘉宾,是诺贝尔经济学奖的得主米尔顿·弗里德曼。

27、This is a key reason why rampant corruption in Philippine cannot be eradicated.这就是菲律宾贪污问题难以根除的主要原因之

28、Today's chat will be the guest Lin and I co-chaired the East.今天的嘉宾聊天将由我和东林共同主持。

29、The Chief Concierge will assign drivers available at that time for the journey.礼宾部主管将安排一名当班司机驾车送客人到机场。

30、The emerald deposits in Brazil belong to the classic schist-hosted emerald deposit type.巴西的祖母绿矿床主要属于所谓的片岩型祖母绿矿床。

31、Zongbin that omit from the table from the main not omitted from that.宾说,省略从表中的主要不遗漏这一点。

32、Should invite a main guest to go into a lord first guest seat, then according to everybody's identity select fairness of location.首先应请主要客人入主宾席,然后按每个人的身份选择适当的位置。

33、Brook Levin heads a preschool in Broomall, Pennsylvania.布鲁克莱文主管着宾夕法尼亚州布鲁莫尔的一所幼稚园。

34、The dissertation focuses on the remarkable importance how the penmanship of Huang Binhong effects on his painting, according to the "draw calligraphy into painting" principle.本文以黄宾虹“引书入画”为主要线索,着意梳理出书法对黄宾虹绘画成因的重要作用。

35、Knightley takes the lead as Gwyn, the offspring of Robin and Marion.奈特莉,主演格温,是罗宾和马里恩的后代。

36、The key vista into the bowl shaped Spencer Gorge occurs right in front of the main exterior courtyard.碗形斯宾塞峡谷的主要景色正好呈现在主要外部庭院前方。

37、The scheme appears a victim of "numbyism" – not under my backyard.这个计划成了所谓的“独善其身主义”的牺牲品,该主义的宗旨就是永远不要在我家后院捣乱。

38、Meanwhile, both parties held friendly discussions on the possibility of future mutual cooperation.同时,宾主双方就今后相互合作的可能性进行了友好洽谈。

39、The main helicopter used in the club is Robinson R44.在这个社团中最主要的飞机是罗宾逊R44直升飞机。

40、Jin Yingxi , ed. The History of Philippines. Zhengzhou: Henan University Press, 1990金应熙主编:《菲律宾史》。郑州:河南大学出版社,xx年。

41、When the doctor arrives at the hotel, the GSO will escort the doctor to the guestroom.医生到达酒店后,宾客关系主任应该陪同医生到房间。

42、Norrine Bailey Spencer is the associate provost and director of undergraduate admissions.劳瑞拉贝雷斯宾塞是负责本科招生的协理主任。

43、In fact, the BARF diet is what dogs have eaten for several hundred thousand years!事实上,所谓的“BARF食谱”正是所有的狗数十万年来的主食。

44、In addition, the emulator provides a true isolation of the guest from the host.此外,仿真器提供了来宾机器与主机的真正隔离。

45、Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology.在Engadegt主站罗斯•鲁宾Ross Rubin每周都有一篇消费电子专栏评论。

46、Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Manpower will grace the occasion as the Guest-of-Honour.人力部部长颜金勇先生已应邀为晚宴主宾。

47、The third chapter discuss the point of view from the spoken parts'aesthetic characteristics.第三章主要从宾白的审美特征的角度论述。

48、Angra was a featured guest on many mainstream TV shows in Brazil.安格拉是很多主流电视节目特邀嘉宾在巴西。

49、As a matter of fact, the geographical scope of Nansha Qundao is clear, and the so-called "Kalayaan Island Group" is part of China's Nansha Qundao.事实上,南沙群岛的地理范围是清楚和明确的,菲律宾所谓“卡拉延岛群”就是中国南沙群岛的一部分。

50、The Skilled Worker with Employer Support stream will accept applicants with guaranteed job offers from New Brunswick employers.有雇主支持的技术移民类别将接受有纽宾士域省当地雇主担保聘用的申请人。

经典英文句子51:主谓宾,51、Words do not automatically follow the object, that word in front of the back of the body can not be with accusative particle, in addition to only fill in the nominative particle.自动词不跟宾语,即前面的体词后面不能跟宾格助词,除此之外只能填写主格助词。

52、It plans to improve lighting and displays and expand what it calls its beauty 'concierge' program, which puts a trained employee in the section.塔吉特打算改善货架的灯光和陈设,并扩展其所谓的美容“礼宾”项目,将会为这个区域配一位经过培训的员工。

53、It is my pleasure to introduce the keynote eaker for tonight, Dr. Smith.很荣幸介绍今晚演讲的主要来宾,史密斯博士。

54、A strong typhoon devastated the Philippines last week. Typhoon Nesat hit the main Philippine island of Luzon and brought the capital city of Manila to a standstill.一强烈台风在上周重创菲律宾。尼莎台风侵袭菲律宾的主要岛屿吕宋岛,造成首都马尼拉动弹不得。

55、Chiuyuan: I sometimes think that ghosts have this advantage over men because they can go where they like.九烟曰:予尝谓鬼有时胜于人,正以其能自主耳。

56、当然礼貌上不论好不好玩, 我都会说, yes, i really have a great time today. 这样就可算是宾主尽欢了。

57、This year's Frankfurt Book Fair, China's first to debut as the guest country.今年的法兰克福书展,中国首次以主宾国身份亮相。

58、In a moment they were all out of the chaise, rejoicing at the sight of each other.一刹眼工夫,他们都下了车,宾主相见,无限欢欣。

59、The center has one main building, five standard building, one president building and the other areas for outside sports, parking and greening, etc.由一栋宾馆主楼、五栋标准宾馆楼、一栋总统楼及室外休闲健身区、停车场、绿化等区域组成。

60、Hey liberals…?…consta?nt war until 2024? I think your "peace activist" president bamboozled you.嘿!自由主义的伴侣们……将战斗举办到2024?我想你们所谓的“僻静主义”头领在瞎搅你吧!

61、The host looks after it carefully every day and Bingo helps to guard the house.它主人每天都悉心照顾它,而宾果也会每天帮忙看家。

62、Yue dominated the days, that is, the so-called heaven God, and of character meaning days, Emperor.曰主宰之天,即所谓皇天上帝,有人格意义的天、帝。

63、The study, conducted by University of Pennsylvania researchers, involves 100 people.这项由宾西法尼亚大学研究人员主导的研究涵盖100人。

64、The theory of mind flourishes in contemporary western philosophical circles, and several doctrines emerge in an endless stream, for instance, Behaviorism, Functionalism, Computationalism, etc.在当代的西方哲学界,心智学说可谓百花齐放,行为主义、功能主义、计算主义等等学说层出不穷。

65、There are vampire-themed lounges or VIP rooms full of glitz and glamour.有吸血鬼为主题的休息室或浮华魅力的贵宾室进行演出。



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