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关于”新年的诗“的英语句子30个,句子主体:New Year's Poetry。以下是关于新年的诗的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:New Year's Poetry


1、White Apples and the Taste of Stone (2006) is his new and selected poems.


2、It was popular in the Song Dynasty "to simulate the poetry with the drama", especially, for the School of Jiangxi, headed by Huang Tingjian.


3、This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Norwegian poet Olav H. Hauge .


4、The major emphasis of this hymnal is the concept of whole family worship.

5、作者, another chance 另xx年,另一个机遇 To start our lives anew!


6、Simulation is the "new" strategy of court poets in the Liang and Chen Dynasties.


7、Carol Ann Duffy, 53, has been named Britain's new Poet Laureate and has become the first openly gay woman to be appointed to the post in its 341-year history.


8、Looking forward to more instalments of your epic journey.


9、That's why the poem, the lyric poem, is privileged among the forms of literary discourse in the New Criticism.


10、Han Meng Poets, an artistic original school, which were filled with high individual characteristic, have always been followed with interest by people in its features of innovation.


11、Not content with beating his own all-time box-office record with Avatar, the director is planning to re-issue his 1997 epic in 3D in 2012, 100 years after the ship went down


12、He had been Poet Laureate since 1984.


13、The "creative school" young poets belonging to the late creative society had a more apparent inclination of modernism.


14、He pointed out that Burn's poems are fresh in all times.


15、Her daughter, Kristin Cast, has won awards for her poetry and journalism.


16、As requested by some disciples two new poems are in calligraphy.


17、Looking back on the months gone by,


18、To discuss He Qifang's building and constructing of new poems and the feature of his new poem theory in part two.


19、We’ll read and learn a lot,


20、Xia Chuancai asserted that it was impossible for scholars to make clear the argument without new historic information excavated.

21、Guo Moruo is a well-deserved founder of Chinese New Poetry.郭沫若当之无愧是中国新诗的奠基者。

22、We reflect upon who really counts,我们将真正重要的人放在心上,

23、As a pre-creation of new poems, the translation practice experienced the transition and witnessed the bud of Chinese New Poetry.其译诗本身也成为一种准创作,在不少方面成为新诗创作的萌芽和先声。

24、This time we’ll leap old barriers这一次我们要跳过旧的障碍

25、Zang Kejia, one of them, consistently held high realistic banner in his over 70 years creation, and so, established his position in the China New Poetry.他在xx年的创作历程里,始终高举现实主义的旗帜,并以此奠定自己在中国新诗史中的地位。

英文句子26:,26、All our goals will be accomplished,所有的目标都将实现,

27、He died in 1963. He was a French poet.他逝于xx年,是法国诗人。

28、We’ll read and learn a lot, 我们要多学多读, All our goals will be accomplished, 回顾过去的岁月;

29、We’ll show off all our talents我们要展示全部的才能

30、When it came to light in the 1920s, its great originality proved an influence on later generations of English-speaking poets.在xx年代他的诗为世所知时,其原创性对英语世界的后辈诗人产生了影响。

31、Wordsworth was Britain's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.从xx年直到xx年去世,华兹华斯一直是英国的“桂冠诗人”。

32、Non-versification prevailed both in creative writing and translating after the deconstruction of constraints of literary language and metrical patterns.新诗在打破一切语言和格律的束缚之后,翻译和创作均呈现出非诗化、散文化的倾向。

33、In chinese free-style verse modernism is adroit at creating images.在中国新诗史上,“现代派”是营造意象的高手。

34、当我写这些的时候 I’m getting very tired.) 真累呀 We’ll give up all bad habits, 哎, 所有的目标都将实现!

35、Kerastase Sa, created in 1985 from Austria.卡诗萨,源于奥地利 xx年创建。

36、Recalling all the happy times, 回想着欢乐的时光。

37、Postmodernists subvert Plato's metaphysics and abolish the transcendence of poetry, so poetry is being devaluated now.诗艺的当代危机在于:后现代对柏拉图形而上学的彻底颠覆意味着把诗艺重新带入无超越性的形态。

38、Poetry Wan see old friends face, thinking into the country weather male.新诗宛见故人面,思入江山气象雄。

39、So, little girl baby in a blog published doggerel creation is new, but the verse of the history or the long-standing.所以妞宝宝在博客上发表的打油诗创作虽新,但该诗体的历史还是源远流长的。

40、From the early 40s to the late 40s, Mu Dan , as a younger academic poet, received more attention from the older generation and was highly appraised by the young critics of the academic background.从xx年代初期到xx年代中后期,穆旦作为学院派青年诗人受到老一代诗人的重视,同时得到具有学院背景的青年批评家的积极评价。

41、He pointed out that Burns poems are fresh in all times.他指出彭斯的诗在任何时代都具有新鲜感。

42、Fu Tian-lin's poetry Lemon Leaves, is featured as one word "novelty, " namely, new content, new form, new feeling, new presentation, and new achievements.傅天琳的诗集《柠檬叶子》,其突出特点是全显出一个"新"字,新的内容、新的形式、新的感觉、新的呈色、新的成就。

43、The poem reached its present form c. AD 400.该诗约在西元xx年完成现在的形式。

44、Critics say there is something elegant, and melancholy in his new poems.评论家说:他的新诗,文辞雅致哀婉。

45、Besides, the hot response of the media to the "New Poetry" and the widespread of the new style in middle schools are the two significant achievements of the legitimation pursuit.媒体对“新诗”的热烈响应和“新诗”在中学的广泛传播,也是外部话语空间合法性成果的重要体现。

46、Chairman of Kincline Poetry Society in 1993.xx年任康乐诗会会长。

47、Remembering how they enriched our lives,记住它们是怎样将我们的生活充满,

48、The verses do not furnish us with fresh information but deal with what is found in the foregoing prose passages.这个诗篇并没有提供新的信息但是与在前面的散文诗是相匹配的。

49、Thanks to disciple Detong Dakini for typing the two new poems.谢谢弟子茶桶空行打好了这两篇新诗。

50、Breaking with tradition of old poetry was an important strategy for early new poetry to seek for its legitimacy.与“旧诗”所代表的传统决裂,是早期“新诗”争取自身合法性的一个重要策略。

经典英文句子51:新年的诗,51、Early this year, Estée Lauder (EL) struck a deal to install 600 kilowatts of solar power at a manufacturing plant in Oakland, N.J., putting no money down.今年初,雅诗兰黛(EL)在新泽西州奥克兰的工厂,安装了600千瓦的太阳能系统。

52、New poetry by its own unique language ( " poet's language" ), it is highly concise, jump, full of suggestive.新诗采用了自己独特的语言表达方式(“诗家语”),它高度凝练,大幅跳跃,富有暗示性。

53、We contemplate what brought us joy,我们回想着带给我们欢乐的那些事物,

54、And when I/we ponder those who do! 作者:By Joanna Fuchs 自己翻译的, Sigh., Remembering how they enriched our lives, As the fresh and bright new year arrives. 当新鲜明媚的xx年来访。

55、And when I/we ponder those who do,当我/我们乘上思绪的翅膀,

56、1965- poet T.S. Eliot died in London at age 76.xx年的今天,诗人托·史·艾略特在伦敦去世,享年xx岁。

57、His new film is an epic of the nomads.他新拍的这部电影是游牧民族的一部史诗。

58、So when Skakkebaek and his team saw the news about the choirboys they contacted the Royal Chapel Choir.就在斯卡贝克与他的团队看到这则关于唱诗班男孩的新闻后,他们即刻与皇家礼拜堂唱诗班联系。

59、And we think of our loved ones and our friends.也把我们爱着的人与朋友放在心上。

60、Liang's poetic theory and creation practice provided a possibility for the modernization and purification of the new form of Chinese poetry.梁宗岱的诗学理论和创作实践,为中国新诗的现代化和纯正化提供了一种可能性。

61、"Topics" re-discovery of the poetry is a crucial matter.“话题”的重新发现对诗来说是一件至关重要的事。

62、The death of Hai Zi is a heavy symbolization of post-new-poem-tide.海子之死是后新诗潮的沉重象征。

63、The temple was given its current name in 1099 by the exiled poet Su Dongpo (1037-1101), who commemorated the banyan trees in the courtyard with a poem.xx年,贬谪岭南的大诗人苏东坡(1037-xx年)在此留下一首诗,抒咏榕树。 从此以后,寺庙改名为"六榕寺"。

64、The creation of Chinese modern new poetry have ignored theoretical construction of its own, but put undue emphasis on the colloquial and prose style, and opposed the metrical and standard patterns.中国现代新诗创作长期以来忽视自身理论建设,片面强调口语化、散文化,而反对新诗的格律化和规范化。

65、Wheeldon's latest piece, Shambards, will be premiered by the New York City Ballet (NYCB), the company for which he has been resident choreographer since 2001.惠尔登的最新作品《伪诗人》将由纽约市芭蕾舞团(NYCB)首演,他自xx年起一直担任该团的常驻舞蹈编导。

66、Most of WangWei's poetry, especially the landscape poetry in his later years, is full of interest and theory of Buddhism.王维的许多诗作,特别是他晚年所创作的山水田园诗,极富禅理禅趣。

67、But Qian Zhongshu criticized Huang s "new style poetry" as to bear the following three defects:it had new things without new thinking;钱先生的批评主要有三点:一是黄遵宪的“新派诗”有新事物而无新理致;

68、Tet on the whole his poetry are classified into two main categories:involved and abstruse style and plain style.作为宋诗的代表,山谷诗具有多样的风格,它们大致可以分为生新和平易二体。

69、You can't derange , or re-arrange, your poems again.你无法再弄乱,或重新整编你的诗篇。

70、In 1980, at Hillary’s urging, I had joined Immanuel and begun to sing in the choir.xx年,在希拉里的怂恿下,我加入了以马内利浸礼会,开始在唱诗班中唱诗。

71、They show us a poet taking language apart and putting it back together in new ways, new configurations, new anatomies.它们给我们呈现的是一个顾此即彼的诗人,以新方式把他所言重新组合,新的形态,新的躯体。

72、Ba-Shu poets, a powerful force with intensive development innovation, are enlivening in the Chinese present age poetic world.活跃在中国当代诗坛上的巴蜀诗人,是一支有着强烈开拓创新意识的文学劲旅。

73、As the fresh and bright new year arrives.当新鲜明媚的xx年来访。

74、The age when epic Mahabharata was written is variously dated around 800 BC to 1000 BC.史诗《摩诃婆罗多》成书的年代可以回溯到由公元前xx年到公元前xx年不等。

75、Nowadays there is nothing strange in a youngster writing verses.现在年青人写诗已是司空见惯。



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