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关于”下册第75页“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Page 75 of the second volume。以下是关于下册第75页的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Page 75 of the second volume


1、Toyota earlier released more than 75, 000 pages of documents, including

20, 000 in Japanese, that the committee had requested.


2、Freedom from recurrence after five years was 94 percent in the first group and 75 percent in the second group.


3、Team Process Observation Guide. Module

5, pp. 6-14.


4、Browse the same (user registration) page once again.

GVI 现在包括一个链接对产品注册网页在帮助菜单之下。

5、GVI now includes a link to the product registration web page under the Help menu.


6、New user signs up as a user by completing the user registration page.

7、No.2 75% of conversations with your spouse will be about poo

二 你和你伴侣75%的对话将会使关于便便

每周阅读 75 到 130 页,或者平均约 100 页。

8、Weekly readings range from 75 to 130 pages, or about 100 pages on average.

第一次加载此页面时 (onLoad event),请求处理程序使用 Ajax 引擎进行注册。

9、When the page is first loaded (onLoad event), the request handler is registered with the Ajax engine.


10、Complete 1B activity work pages

16 to

20 (HCL pages

20 to 28 ).


11、There is a USD $75 registration fee per family. There is a reduced cost of $50 for families who have already had surgery or have a confirmed surgery date.


12、Performing "These Apples" from the album "Rock Spectacle".


13、This is page 238 of the Hughes, Book Two, line 249.


14、V. Open your workbook on P.


11,12 Do all the exercises.


15、Taylor, Lucien. "A Conversation with Jean Rouch. " Visual Anthropology Review. Vol.

7, no.

1 (Spring 1991): 92-102.


16、Upon application, it seems that the Company holds 25% or less of the registered capital of the joint venture and that the Chinese party holds 75% or above.

请参阅 getopt 的手册页 man

17、Read the man page for getopt(), man

3 getopt().

3 getopt 。


18、The software comes with a 200-page manual.


19、Enrollment page (wps.Selfcare)


20、Do exercise

20 on page 75.


21、The next one is Sensing - Intuiting (S-N), with about 75 % of the population sensing.第二项是感觉——直觉(S-N),大约有75%的测验者是感觉派的。

22、The first time the dynamic page is served, no Records object has yet been added to the registry.第一次处理动态页面时, Records 对象还未被添加到注册表中。

23、We have worked through Unit 我们已经学习了包括教材以及练习册第五单元的A、B课,54-57页。

5, Lesson A & B, pg 54-57, in both the Workbook & Student Book.

24、A free update for registered users of version 对2版本的注册用户可免费升级,Hexagon价值149美元(xx月末它仅价值75美元)。

2, Hexagon costs $149 (though it's only $75 through the end of May).

25、few controls to perform navigation between report pages (First, Prev, Next and Last buttons, and CurrentPage and LastPage textboxes);几个用来在报表页面间导航的控件(第一页,上一页,下一页和最后一页按钮,当前页和最后一页文本框)

英文句子26:,26、Induction therapy is explained below. Consolidation therapy is explained on page 诱导治疗会在下面进行解释,巩固治疗在本册第12页。

12 of this booklet.

27、By the way, if you cannot find the manual page for man.conf, try running man man.config顺便提一下,如果无法在手册页中找到 man.conf,那么尝试运行 man man.config。

28、In the second half Massimo Ambrosini scored a brace (75', 81'); the Giallorossi scored through Menez in the 80th minute and Totti in the 84th minute.下半场安布罗西尼在第75和第81分钟梅开二度,不过罗马队由梅内在第80分钟和托蒂在第84分钟各打进一球。

29、Page 数据手册的第6页被省略。

6 of the datasheet is omitted.

30、In addition, the continuation sheets will be numbered to indicate the number of continuation sheet(s) in a carnet.此外,还须为续页编号,以显示单证册的续页页数。

31、The whatis command searches man pages for the name you give and displays the name information from the appropriate manual pages.whatis 命令在手册页中寻找您指定的名称,并从合适的手册页中显示名称信息。

32、The Originality of Registration, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 艾伦波塔杰,注册的背景,法律研究牛津评论,第15卷,第3期,第371-401页。

15, No.

3, 371-401.

33、With the same concentration, 75% tricyclazole WG was in advance of 75% tricyclazole wettable powder in the control of spike blast.相同浓度下,75%三环唑水分散粒剂对穗瘟的防效优于75%三环唑可湿性粉剂。

34、To navigate through the rest of the manpage, use the up and down arrows, or page up and page down.如果要浏览其手册页的剩余部分,那么可以使用键盘上的上下键或者翻页键来翻阅。

35、Lycoris radiata Herb上一页 返回目录 下一页Gunslinger Girl(枪姬), 第九话 彼岸花(Lycoris radiata Herb),翠微居小说阅读。

36、The hinds of the group3(75) accepted no treatment.


37、And I want to focus especially on pages 我想要重点讲一下第四第五页。

4 and


38、With the original process, the qualification rate of the liquation carbonide was only 75.原工艺下液析碳化物合格率仅为75。

39、More than 75 tons of Chinese language brochures and catalogues were produced and distributed during the five-day event.在为期五天的展会上,散发了超过75吨的中文宣传册和产品目录。

40、May 31,1931: China's first domestically made vehicle—a truck named Minsheng 75.xx年xx月xx日: 中国国产第一辆汽车——民生牌75型载货汽车问世。

41、Mentioning money on the first page often works well!在第一页提一下钱数很有效!

42、Chap. 《情意运算》第二章(第60-75页)及第七章;

2 (pp. 60-75) and chap.

7 in Affective Computing.

43、Please assist your child to complete the reading booklet P. 6-8 during the holidays.请利用假期协助贵子弟完成「悦读.阅读奖励计划」阅读记录册第6至8页。

44、Maybe you’re building a web application that forces users to register and you want to experiment on your landing page.也许你正在创建一个用户注册的网页程序,并且你想在你的着陆页(注册首页)做测试。

45、You may also check student handbook P. 8-9 for more details about the guidelines for students' appearance and school uniform.其他有关学生仪容及校服要求,可参阅学生手册第8页及第9页。

46、Researchers considered the drug effective if it caused a 75% reduction in the psoriasis area and severity index score (PASI 75) at week 如果皮损面积和严重指数评分(PASI 75)在第12周减少75%以上研究者认为这药有效。


47、Registry information for businesses and services can be thought of in three groups: white, yellow, and green pages.我们可以把企业与服务的注册信息分成以下三组:白页、黄页和绿页。

48、Indeed, GWTW has been translated into 35 languages, selling hundreds of millions of copies worldwide over 75 years.确也如此。 《乱世佳人》已被译成35种语言,xx年来在全球已售出了数百上亿册。

49、The third quartile Q3 is the 75th percentile.第三四分位数Q3 是第75个百分点。

50、Students must study Unit 同学们需要复习第五单元教材及练习册的54-63页。

5, Student Book and Workbook, pg 54 – 63.

经典英文句子51:下册第75页,51、For any other case, the tree must be sorted upward (lines 75 to 116).对于其他任何情况,树必须按升序排序(第 75 - 116 行)。

52、In a first embodiment, the ceramic is formed from yttrium oxide at a molar concentration ranging from about 50 mole % to about 75 mole %;在第一实施方式 中,该陶瓷由以下成分形成,即:摩尔浓度变化范围从约50%摩尔比到约75 %摩尔比的氧化钇;

53、Review flashcards 6-11; Pupil's Book page 复习单词卡片6-11;·(学生用书第11页和68页下)用68页下面的图片在11页上拼起来。

11 put the puzzle together with the pieces from page 68.

54、This is page 228 of the Hughes, Book One, line 678.在《力士参孙》的第228页,第一册,第678行。

55、Use the first, next, previous, and last link elements to guide your users through your data in manageable chunks.使用第一页、下一页、上一页、和最后一页链接元素指导用户分块(这些块是可以管理的)查看数据。

56、Displays page-links by default with line breaks before and after, using next page and previous page, listing them with page numbers as Page 默认显示网页链接,网页链接的前后都有行分隔符,使用上一页和下一页,并将这些网页标号为第1页,第2页等等。

1, Page

2 and so on.

57、The default maximum reservable bandwidth value of 75 percent is designed to leave sufficient bandwidth for overhead traffic, such as routing protocol updates and Layer 75%的默认最大带宽保留值留下了充足的带宽给了上层的数据流,例如路由协议更新和第二层Keepalive。

2 keepalives.

58、For additional information see the su and chuser manpages.更多信息参见 su 和 chuser 手册页。

59、Punters on Intrade.com, by the way, think there is a 75 percent chance that the economy will grow in the third quarter, but only a 顺便提一下,Intrade.com上的投票认为有75%的可能,经济会在第三季度增长,但是在第二季会增长的可能性仅为12%。

12 percent chance that it grew in the second.

60、Write page 297 of your 300-page autobiography.请写下你共300页的自传的第297页内容。

61、See the manual page (man chkconfig) for further details.详细信息请参考手册页(man chkconfig)。

62、See pages five to seven.参见第五页至第七页。

63、We measured this at Yahoo! and found the number of page views with a primed cache is 75-85%.我们 来衡量这在 Yahoo! 和发现 primed 的缓存页意见的数目是 75 85%。



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