铲车的英语怎么说 英语

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铲车通常被说作:"loader"还经常被译作forklift -,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到36个与铲车相关的释义和例句。


1. loader


示例:他需要用铲车把这颗南瓜载到官方称重地点称重。 He needed a forklift truck to carry it to the official weighing.


2. forklift -

铲车翻译为 forklift - 。

示例:如果一些矿石从运输车中掉出来,一种特质的铲车会把它们送回采掘现场。 If something falls out of the rock handler, a special bulldozer take it back to the excavating site.


3. forklift

铲车翻译为 forklift 。

示例:联合太空联盟前重型机械师有xx年修理肯尼迪的铲车和超重机经验。 The heavy machinery mechanic employed by United Space Alliance has logged

10 years fixing Kennedy's forklifts and cranes.


4. [机] Fork-lift truck

铲车翻译为 [机] Fork-lift truck 。

示例:She hitched a lift on a truck. 她免费搭乘了一辆卡车。



1. forklift(铲车

2. setting elevator(铲车)

3. shovel car(铲车)

4. electric pallettruck(电动铲车)

5. fork lift pocket(铲车叉槽)

英语短语&俚语, Boom of a fork-lift truck lift truck ( 铲车臂 )

bucket lift truck bucket shovel truck ( 斗式铲车 )

Shovel Car ( 短臂铲车 )

Power Shovel ( 长臂铲车 )

sideway fork lift truck sideway lift truck ( 侧面铲车 )

front support hydraulic forklift ( 前支撑液压铲车 )

Forklift Series ( 铲车系列 )

holed by forklift hands ( 被铲车碰成洞铲车齿洞 )

fork extension ( 铲车叉套杆 )


1. Bobby, move up the Payloaders. Move them up.


2. Drive a forklift at Costco?


3. - Hey, Larry, where's the forklift?


4. Hello, i'm calling about the forklift driving course.


5. Hydraulic fluids may be used in various places in registered establishments, such as adjustable stands, restrainers, and forklift trucks.

译文:液压机液体可以用在注册场所的各个地方,如可调节的台子、抑制剂和铲车中。 。

6. My heroes are... the man that invented the steam shovel,


7. No, he just doesn't want to drive that trolley for the rest of his life.

译文:哪有的事,是他不想 一辈子往铲车上搬铁块。。

8. On the third day, the National Guard had brought up large equipment, including forklifts and things, and the crowd had grown by this time.

译文:第三天, 国防卫队带来了... 重型机械,包括铲车和其他一些。

9. Jesse operates the forklift, not me.

译文:杰西负责操作铲车 不是我。

10. Can't even get them out the door -- and i'm being serious -- can't even get them there. Forklift.

译文:我们没法把他们弄出门,我是严肃的 根本没办法把他们弄到那里,要用铲车。。

11. Qin left just to see the big three forklifts , though down.


12. The heavy machinery mechanic employed by United Space Alliance has logged

10 years fixing Kennedy's forklifts and cranes.

译文:联合太空联盟前重型机械师有xx年修理肯尼迪的铲车和超重机经验。 。

13. in the end, he had to be forklifted out after the front wall of his house was torn down.

译文:最后,他房子正面的那道墙壁被拆掉后,他才被用铲车搬出去。 。

14. With no information or negotiation, no agreement on the issue, my 200-square-meter home was demolished.

译文:在这期间不给我们动迁户 ,也不协商,也不写下任何协议。 他就用那个铲车把我那200多平米的房子给推掉了,。

15. Have them send out steam shovels and dig up that whole area where we found the station wagon.

译文:让他们带铲车来 把我们发现旅行车的 整个区域都挖一遍 你认为我们能发现多少具尸体?。



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