菜地用英语怎么说 菜地英语翻译

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菜地用英语怎么说 菜地英语翻译

菜地的英语是" vegetable patch",还可以翻译为vegetable plot,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到48个与菜地相关的翻译和例句。


1. vegetable patch

菜地翻译为 vegetable patch 。

示例:村子四围都是菜地。 All around the village are vegetable fields.


2. vegetable plot

菜地翻译为vegetable plot。

示例:蔬菜地共有12科15属17个种,优势种为金色狗尾草。 There are

12 families, 15genus,

17 species in the vegetable site and the advantage species is Setaria glauca.


3. Vegetable garden

菜地翻译为 Vegetable garden 。

示例:这块菜地xx年种几茬? How many crops can this vegetable plot produce a year?


4. vegetable field

菜地翻译为 vegetable field 。

示例:You're a vegetable, you're a vegetable You're a vegetable, you're a vegetable



1. vegetable field(菜地)

2. vegetable plot(菜地)

3. pot garden(na. 菜地\n 花盆花园)

英语短语&俚语, cabbage patch ( 圆白菜地 )

Dig the City ( 城市里的菜地 )

soil for vegetable cultivation vegetable garden soils vegetable soil vegetable farm soil ( 菜地土壤 )

local dish local cuisine Local food local l dish ( 地方菜 )

beet cellar ( 甜菜地窖 )

beetsilo ( 甜菜地下贮藏室 )

open vegetable fields ( 露天菜地 )

Vegetable land vegetable soil ( 蔬菜地 )


1. i kept the vegetable garden and the goats.


2. We'll work the lettuce fields. it's good money.

译文:我们会在菜地里干活 能赚不少。

3. Our vegetable allotments are here


4. And we use vegetables around the school ground, so they raise their own vegetables.

译文:我们把学校周围的土地用做菜地, 人们可以自己种菜。。

5. Ontario's most valuable farmland continues to be the Holland Marsh vegetable fields between Highway

9 and Lake Simcoe, where stretches of rich, organic soil sell for $20,000 an acre and more.

译文:安大略省的最宝贵的耕地仍然是荷兰沼泽和湖之间的公路9锡姆科,其中丰富,土壤有机延伸卖 20000美元一亩多的菜地。 。

6. Pollution situation of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in partial vegetable soil around Tianjin suburbs


7. Over the rapeseed field, fruit tree orchard and woodland, the highest concention of air- Hg appeared somewbere in the canopy of the plants.

译文:油菜地、果园及林地的气汞浓度峰值出现在植物枝叶密集分布层上部的一定范围内; 。

8. But all that was just a more sophisticated way to manipulate my body -- a further disassociation, like planting a vegetable field on a freeway.

译文:但这都只是更精巧的方法 还是为了操纵使用我的身体—— 使我的精神和身体进一步分离, 就好象在高速道路上种植一片蔬菜地。。

9. There's only miners and farmers and shell-shocked veterans of the Great War, smashing each other's skulls together in a million turnip fields from Duluth to East Jesus.

译文:只有矿工、农民和在伟大战争中 被震昏了头脑的退伍老兵 从德卢斯一直到乡下的犄角旮旯 在上百万片菜地里 扯着头皮乱打一气。

10. Mr.Wherere's the cabbage patch.


11. You're the one who needs to keep his mouth shut,cabbage patch.

译文:你才应该小心提壶 白菜地。

12. in San Francisco's Tenderloin district, Maya Donelson has filled planter boxes with vegetables on a 900-square-foot patch of roof at the Glide Memorial Church.

译文:在旧金山坦德尔·劳恩区,哥力德纪念教堂的屋顶上有一块900平方英尺大小的菜地。玛雅。 。

13. The rest, like Ndiaga Ndiaye, use buckets to water garden-sized plots of vegetables.

译文:其他的村民,像Ndiaga Ndiaye,还在用桶来灌溉花园大小的蔬菜地。 。

14. Fiamma, remember that vegetable patch near here?

译文:菲娅玛 记得附近有块菜地吗?。

15. This morning, it was announced that Master Xuecheng would work in the fields with class B.

译文:早上出坡缘念,当月执事法师宣布:今天上午,师父要跟乙班同学一起到菜地出坡。 。


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