记叙文用英语怎么说 记叙文英语翻译

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记叙文用英语怎么说 记叙文英语翻译

记叙文在英语中的翻译是"narration -",在日常中也可以翻译为"narration",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到31个与记叙文相关的译文和例句。


1. narration -

记叙文翻译为 narration - 。

示例:给一篇记叙文中的事件排序。 Sequencing events from a narrative story.


2. narration


示例:记叙文讲述的是发生在当前或过去事情的经过。 To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening.


3. narrative


示例:大致有5%是记叙文,讲述博主最近发生的一些故事。 Roughly 5% are narratives telling stories about events that have recently happened to the author.


4. Narrative

记叙文翻译为 Narrative 。

示例:At the narrative level, the case report is put into the actantial narrative schema and the canonical narrative schema. 在叙事层面上,案例报告被置入行为叙事模式和规范叙事模式中来考察。



1. narratives(n. 记叙文( narrative的复数形式 ); 故事; 叙述; 叙述部分)

2. recitativos( 记叙)

3. syvanpera(叙文佩雷)

4. write something up(详细记叙,正式报道)

5. narrative summary(n. 记叙体概要)

英语短语&俚语, Narrative Writing ( 记叙文写作 )

commonly used sentence patterns ( 记叙文常用句型 )

present narration ( 叫做现在记叙文 )

time sequence in a narration ( 记叙文中的时间顺序 )

Strategies for Narration Writing ( 记叙文写作策略 )


Discuss autobiographical narrative ( 谈论自传体记叙文 )


1. The concept of structure is extended to other types of text. Chronological, narrative, parallel and deductive texts are considered.


2. The epic Meige narrated about the world creation, everything in the nature, anthropogenesis, production and living, custom and rites, and the flood myth is one of its core contents.

译文:史诗“梅葛”是记叙开天辟地、自然万物、人类起源、生产生活和风俗礼仪的“活形态史诗”,洪水神话是其核心内容之 。

3. The Junior Jedi Knights series, with books by Nancy Richardson and Rebecca Moesta, chronicled Anakin's studies at the Jedi Academy and his meeting with Tahiri.

译文:由南希·理查森和丽贝卡·默斯塔创作的《小绝地武士》系列,记叙了阿纳金在绝地学院学习,并遇见塔希丽的经历。 。

4. they niggle endlessly over details and remain obstinately silent about his really great discoveries.


5. This anomaly was documented in the early 1970s, but only now is science beginning to tell us why.


6. in documenting the historical crapshoot of the last 200 years, there have been few losers more assiduous than the Chinese.


7. Session

8: Present ideas for your first essay (Montaigne, Lery, Jesuit Relations); Lead discussion on the movie How Tasty.


8. Bob Lancaster, a witty columnist for the Arkansas Gazette, wrote a hilarious article chronicling the struggle of the condom Congress.


9. Well, it continues on a page we don't have yet.


10. Originally published in two volumes, the narrative follows Don Quixote as he travels through central and northern Spain fighting the forces of evil.

译文:这本书最初分两卷出版, 故事跟随堂吉诃德的脚步 遍及西班牙中部和北部, 记叙了他与邪恶势力的斗争。 。

11. Li Shi Pedigree has narrated Li clan at Tang village in Boai, which was written in the tenth year of Kangxi reign.

译文:康熙xx年《李氏家谱》记叙的是博爱唐村李氏谱系。 。

12. And i want to tell you this story because i think we need to remember that sometimes the stories we tell each other are more than just tales or entertainment or narratives.

译文:我之所以想分享这个故事 是因为我认为我们需要记住, 有时我们向别人讲述的故事 并不仅仅是传说,或只为博君一笑 或为了记叙的故事。 。

13. Today we're gonna try something new. A collective narrative.

译文:今天我们尝试新的写法 集体记叙文。

14. She said Miss GAO , her Chinese teacher, told them to write a solicit article "My Father"that evening. But she did not know what to write.


15. Next, this book applies this model to writing outlines for expository articles and narrative articles.



标签: 翻译 记叙文

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