等价用英语怎么说 等价英语翻译

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等价用英语怎么说 等价英语翻译

等价的英语翻译是"equal in value",其次还可以说成" Parity",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到96个与等价相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. equal in value

等价翻译为equal in value。

示例:这一反自反性可以用来建立一个等价关系。 This irreflexivity can be used to set up an equivalence relation.


2. Parity

等价翻译为 Parity 。

示例:所有工作都有同等价值,所以我们不能歧视体力劳动者。 All work is of equal value, so we can't look down upon those manual workers.


3. of equal value

等价翻译为of equal value。

示例:为何要和那些懒得为你献上玫瑰与钻石可疑的等价物的二等男友配对呢? Why mate with a second-class beau who cannot be bothered to bring you the fishy equivalent of roses and diamonds?


4. equivalence -

等价翻译为 equivalence - 。

示例:The graph isomorphism is an equivalence relation on graphs and as such it partitions the set of all graphs into equivalence classes. 该图同构的等价关系的图形,因此,它的一套分区所有图表到等价类。



1. equivalent extension(等价扩张;

2. equal in value([物价] 等价)

3. equal vector(等价向量)

4. equative deletion(等价省略)

5. equative sentence(等价句)

英语短语&俚语, equivalent ( 等价物 )

logical equivalence Eqv ( 逻辑等价 数 )

equivalent form equivalent form of value ( 等价形式 )

exchange of equivalents equivalent exchange ( 等价交换 )

general equivalence general/universal equivalent universal equivalent ( 一般等价物 )

equivalent value equivalent equivalent for value ( 价值等价物 )

equivalence class aequivalenzklasse equivalence class ( 等价类 数 )

principle of the exchange of equivalents ( 等价交换原则 )

Ricardian equivalence proposition Ricardo–de Viti–Barro equivalence theorem the Ricardian Equivalen( 李嘉图等价定理 )


1. images must have textual equivalents.

译文:图像要有文本的等价物。 。

2. Both are living creatures of equal value in nature's scheme.

译文:但在自然规律中... 它们是同等价值的生物。

3. Forty-seven percent -- yes, as soon as they could -- price could come down.


4. is it also accurate to say that you had no guarantee of an equivalent... payoff...

译文:你已经没有等价物的担保... 收买...。

5. The Application of Equivalent Relationship in Teaching Coset


6. Some Equivalent Conditions for Nilpotency of Finite Groups


7. Our strategy is mathematics.


8. i, therefore, will match bail to street value.


9. Shared is equivalent to -g on Solaris.

译文:shared等价于Solaris上的- G。 。

10. i like to say that the alternatives are "on a par."

译文:我偏好把各选项看做 “等价”。 。

11. - everyone's voice has equal merit.

译文:- 每个人的声音 具有同等价值。。

12. So, the modern equivalent would of course be this.

译文:所以,在现代社会等价的东西应该类似这种。 。

13. A string is equivalent to a sequence of char, while a wstring represents a sequence of wchar.

译文:string等价于char的序列,而wstring表示wchar的序列。 。

14. ANSi is equivalent to -xa on Solaris.

译文:ansi等价于Solaris上的- Xa。 。

15. That's fair, i feel better this way.



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