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关于”能的软件“的英语句子31个,句子主体:capable software。以下是关于能的软件的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:capable software


1、Software shall authenticate these credentials and upon authentication shall permit the users to access sections of the software that they have access privileges for.


2、The function of SoftMan is presented at the end.


3、Renegade: So, is a license for the ability to test your software or to say that your software has been tested?


4、New significant functionality leveraged in an existing hardware or software product.


5、The APC40 comes Ableton Live Akai Professional APC40 Edition software, which is fully functional for performance and production.


6、She enabled the compression feature of the software.

微软发言人Janice Kapner表示,基于Web版本的免费Office软件将提供"非常丰富的用户体验",且功能甚至可能超过谷歌的软件.(完)

7、Company spokeswoman Janice Kapner said the free Web version will provide "a very rich experience" and probably have more functionality than Google.


8、VTK is one of the most important software packages in visualization software, while ITK shows prominent performance in image progressing.


9、"This is software that can touch you, " Calo says.


10、You will not be expected to know all of these packages, but a basic understanding of each will help you out in the longrun .


11、Firefox 3's filetype handling mechanism can now associate web applications as well as desktop applications with certain files.


12、I have no control over the size and frequency of Microsoft’s software updates.


13、Tactical function verifying of ship-borne operation software is an important task for operation software exploitation.


14、Software component technology realizes the reusage by encapsulating certain functions, and is regard as a key factor to realize the software reusage.

网络虚拟化把硬件和软件网络资源以及网络功能组合成单一的基于软件的管理实体 — 虚拟网络。

15、Network virtualization is the process of combining hardware and software network resources and network functionality into a single, software-based administrative entity—a virtual network.


16、Add the following PPA to your software sources so that we can install timekpr from our Ubuntu Software Sources.


17、The Software and respective printed materials are copyrighted. The copyright notation contained within the Software may not be removed.


18、Function and Innovative Application of Chemsketch Drawing Software;


19、When malware is detected or suspected, the smartphone software can be restored from trusted backups in the cloud.


20、It performs all the low level functions of software installation.

21、It will support a solid foundation for the development of software project when we can select the high applicable software engineering knowledge.选用高适用度的软件工程知识,能够为软件项目开发构造坚实的实施基础。

22、The Retriever software package, which costs $29.95 (£21) but has a free trial period, has the functions of many security software programs.《防盗猎犬》套装软件定价$29.95 (£21)。 处于免费试用期的软件也具有很多安全功能。

23、Ensuring software quality involves testing functionality, reliability, and performance.确保软件质量包括测试功能、可靠性和性能。

24、Hence, performance optimalization in software maintenance phase takes important part in all software lifecycle.因此,软件维护阶段性能优化在整个软件生命周期中占有重要位置。

25、Michael: It is probably pirated software.迈克尔:它可能是盗版软件。

英文句子26:,26、The world is just not win­ning the war against the malware authors, despite all the talented antivirus efforts.即便毕所有天才反病毒软件所付出的努力于一役,我们还是不能战胜恶意软件黑客。

27、This software can also be networked between domes.这个软件也能在天穹里互相连接。

28、In the emerging, highly programmed landscape ahead, you will either create the software or you will be the software.在未来,面对着一个高度程序化的世界,如果你不能开发软件,那么你将变成软件。

29、Software elements can use UML and use case realization, an approach very similar to MDSD, but applied at the software design level, to create the technical design of the software.软件元素能够使用 UML 和用例实现(一种同 MDSD 非常类似的方法,但是被应用于软件设计层级上),创建软件的技术设计。

30、The term "basic functions of accounting software" as mentioned in these Rules refers to the essential functions of accounting software and the basic steps to perform such functions.本规范所称会计核算软件基本功能是指会计核算软件必须具备的功能和完成这些功能的基本步骤。

31、Going back to the software world, the RUP principle of component-based architecture relieves software developers of the need to be heroes on impossible quests.回到软件领域内,RUP基于组件的架构使软件开发者不再像英雄一样要完成不可能的需求。

32、They complained about sub-standard hardware features and glitchy software.他们抱怨说硬件功能不合标准、软件也有漏洞。

33、We can only pray that Microsoft and all the other software vendors will agree.我们只能祈盼微软和别的软件卖家会同意喽。

34、The slave computer software uses the new Hualong IDE software programming environment as the development platform to realize related Function of hardware Circuit.下位机软件以新华龙公司软件编程环境IDE为开发平台,完成硬件电路相关设计功能;

35、Using these tools centralizes package management while simplifying it and giving the distributors (those who set up the repositories) a centralized way to send you updates(使用这些工具对包进行集中管理可以使之简单化,并给软件发布者(那些设置软件库的人)能统一给你的软件发送更新。

1) to your software.

36、The functional distinction of IC's allows hardware to be developed in much the same manner as soft- ware.集成电路之间的功能区别使得硬件系统能与软件一样发展。

37、However, if that's the case, then the large number of off-market iOS apps should be counted, too.然而,如果那个软件能列入的话,许多已经退出市场的iOS应用软件也应该计入总数。

38、We hope you can apply these software patterns to better organize the next generation of service-oriented software.但愿您能够应用这些软件模式来更好地组织下一代面向服务的软件。

39、You will need a software that opens . TOAST / burns toast files to be able to install this software, tip is this one, ROXIO TOAST.注意:你需要安装指定软件来烧录或打开文件,以能安装此版本编辑软件。

40、Today's richer capabilities enable services and functions to be implemented in hardware, firmware, software, or some combination of the three.今天的更丰富的性能使服务和功能能够在硬件、固件、软件或者这三者的一些组合中被实现。

41、All of the software would be napoohed by such a virus.这种病毒能毁坏整个软件。

42、The next iterations, such as software by the British company OmniPerception, will identify—and perhaps someday decode—an individual’s gait or smile.下一代软件,比如英国OmniPerception公司的软件,将能够识别——也许某一天能够解码——个体的步态或笑容。

43、Firstly, ATMC software can support device type single.首先,ATMC软件能支持的设备类型单

44、And it can be saved as files, Realize the general basic training ability playing register for easy reference software.它还能对乐谱文档以文件形式保存,并能将原保存的文件打开,实现一般的打谱软件的基本功能。

45、The corresponding general-purpose software was developed, the constitution structure of this software and its function were expounded and an applied computational example was presented.开发了相应的通用软件,阐述了该软件的组成结构及其功能,并给出一个应用算例。

46、Drawing software can not draw oblique axonometric drawing at the present.目前的绘图软件不能绘制斜轴测图。

47、The aim of it is improving the ability of fitting accuracy for software reliability models and predicting the software's fault behavior in the future better.目的是提高软件可靠性模型的拟合能力,使可靠性模型能更好地对软件将来的失效行为进行预测。

48、Agile software process may become one of the most rational development patterns in global economic environment, as it can assist software enterprise to make rapid response to the market.敏捷软件过程可能成为最适应软件开发全球化、个性化、快速化、高质量新格局的先进开发模式,它能够帮助软件企业快速响应市场赢得竞争。

49、The basic concept of Software Defined Radio (SDR) is to realize as many as wireless and personal communication functions with software based on a common hardware platform.软件无线电,其基本概念是以硬件作为无线通信的基本平台,把尽可能多的无线及个人通信功能用软件来实现。

50、Now, we are software manufacturers and we build different kinds of software programs with different components or functionality based upon the requirements.现在假设我们是软件生产商,我们使用基于需求而来的不同组件或功能构建各种不同的软件程序。

经典英文句子51:能的软件,51、The plugins let you keep track of alerts, tickets, new software, and new hardware, as well as a inventory summaries.你不但可以利用这个软件插件工具来记录一些警报、票务、软件和硬件的最新信息,还能把它当做一个库存摘要来使用。

52、Power consumption is controlled by management software.能源消耗由管理软件控制。

53、Characteristics and Functions of ETAP software and its application on assessing harmonic influences of customers are introduced.文章介绍了E TAP软件的特点和功能以及如何应用该软件对用户谐波影响进行评估。

54、Due to the overdue of the software, it cannot funcion properly.由于软件过期,不能正常使用。

55、How to assure the quality of software, prompt the capability of the software productivity, develop and grandness the software industry, This is the most important things we must face and solve.如何保证软件的质量,提高软件产业的生产能力,发展和壮大软件产业,是我们必须面对和解决的重要问题。

56、Tailoring your software to the environment it runs in is critical if you want the software to be stable, perform well, and scale to meet the demand placed upon it.要想使软件稳定运行、执行良好且能进行伸缩以满足所有的功能需求,至关重要的一点是针对软件的运行环境来量身打造软件。

57、This process is called software maintenance.这一过程叫做软件维护。 在设计时保证程序能容易的维护是软件工程的一项重要内容。

58、It doesnot have software that makers of tablet computers want.微软没能拿出平板计算机制造商想要的软件。

59、Technically, C-D does not detect cheats.技术上来说,C-D不能侦察作弊软件。

60、The SCADA the researching communication software in is introduced, such as the functions, the environment of software and hardware, the modes of net framework, and the frame of software.继而从功能、软硬件环境、组网方式和软件结构上对课题中通信软件所在的SCADA系统作了总体介绍。

61、A component is a replaceable piece of software that fulfills a clear function.组件是一个具有清晰功能的可替换的软件模块。

62、The application of MVC mode in software design can improve the extendibility, maintainability and reusability of the code.采用M VC软件设计模式能够有效的提高软件的可扩展性、可维护性和代码复用率。

63、Certain planetarium-type software programs (generally on CD-ROM) that do not give the full-precision positions for GSC stars.类似于天象演示的软件(往往是在光碟中),这些软件不能给出很精确的位置坐标。

64、It is included that the automatic data exchange between BIM-based building design software and building energy simulation software is feasible.结果表明,上游建筑设计软件与建筑能耗模拟软件间自动的数据交换是可行的。

65、Samsung this month provided samples of a Windows-based tablet for programmers who participated in a Microsoft developers conference.三星还将与微软合作开发基于微软Windows软件的智能手机和平板电脑。

66、For any piece of software, the ability to short-circuit a user's learning curve is critical to the adoption and success of that piece of software.无论对于哪一种软件来说,缩短用户学习曲线的能力对于该软件的推广及其能否取得成功都是至关重要的。

67、After debugging, the software can basically achieve the function of breakpoint transmition.经过调试,本软件能够实现断点续传的下载功能。

68、Give developers an easy way to socially enable their applications without having to write a whole supporting back-end第三方软件开发者省去了后台支持的开发过程,软件更容易实现社交功能。

69、Software delivery process automation and optimization is quite possibly the "final frontier" left for modernization in the software development lifecycle (SDLC).软件交付过程的自动化很可能就是软件开发生命周期(SDLC)中现代化的“最终边境”。

70、control.tar.gz may also contain a file with information about configuration files for the package called conffiles and a file with the MD5 checksums for the package called md5sums.gz 可能还包括另外两个文件:一个文件名为 conffiles,包含有关软件包配置文件的信息,另一个名为 md5sums,包含软件包的 MD5 校验和。

71、This powerful, award-winning free defragmenter is 100% safe and clean with no adware, spyware, or viruses.这种功能强大,屡获殊荣的无碎片整理程序是100%安全,无广告软件,间谍软件或病毒干净。

72、Be able to use relevant softwares to make mechanical drawing.能运用相关软件进行机械制图。

73、And malicious software could corrupt or erase files on the external drive.一些恶意软件可能会毁坏或删除外置硬盘上的文件。

74、A Multi-purpose utility software!一款实用多功能的象棋软件!

75、Unregistered software can only be used for 未注册软件只能使用10天。

10 days.

英文句子模板76:capable software,76、To keep sustainable innovation capability, Eastern Communication Company have certified software enterprise and products;为保持持久创新能力,东方信通公司通过了软件企业和软件产品认证;


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