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关于”缅怀亲人“的英语句子29个,句子主体:Remembering loved ones。以下是关于缅怀亲人的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Remembering loved ones


1、In 1993 an In Memoriam section was introduced, [34] honoring those who had made a significant contribution to cinema who had died in the preceding

12 months.


2、A golden wedding is the fiftieth everlasting nature of a married relineship.


3、His main subjects were the places and people of Chadds Ford and Cushing, Maine.


4、Tenacity, resolve and perseverance are the hallmarks of success.


5、The Dao used by Burman. It's very hard to find a good Burma Dah.


6、Who'll miss the wings of your compassion more than you'll ever know.


7、Burmese language signs in the market are testament to the Burmese in the community.


8、Morley : And he Shang carved jade birds to honor their ancestors, so the Zhou did the same.

9、I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. 我不缅怀过去的历史,而致力于未来的梦想。


10、In the village of Spring Valley, people rarely spoke of the dead, and they didn't like to reminisce.

连赤手大盗费恩都在缅怀他从前睡觉的台阶和那 些大空桶。

11、Even Finn the Red-Handed was dreaming of his doorsteps and empty hogsheads.


12、Among them the Yuxu Palace is the largest in scale, and it is the holy place for the Chinese people to worship the ancestors.


13、Ep632 - WaWa and Jianzhong miss each other greatly. They met by chance at the church.


14、The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins.(Kierkegaard)


15、I tried not to cherish the memory of the past, as to when the road is impossible to turn back.

正在中国缅怀乔布斯的时候,宁波出台了 培养“乔布斯式领军人物”意见。

16、After the Chinese outpouring of admiration for Steve Jobs, the Ningbo press heralded another local initiative: a program to cultivate “an army of Steve Jobs-style leaders.”


17、And feel that my mother now thinks of her child.


18、Do somebody suspect their mother , that his father is Mr. X or Y ? Indians are crazy , they seldom think much when start suspect their wives.


19、Nobody could accuse Melanie of being insincere . Could they, my dear?


20、In the CCTV network, a lot of friends to hold a memorial ceremony written articles, remember his charisma left to the memory of hundreds of millions of viewers.

21、For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。

22、After all, we are all human, and all have family and friends to mourn for or be mourned by.我们都是人,都有要祭奠的以及将来缅怀亲友。

23、The act or process of recollecting past experiences or events.缅怀过去的经历或事件的动作或者过程。

24、I have ever heard from some people that when one is approaching the end of life, he is fond of recalling the past.我曾听别人说,当一个人日薄西山时,他喜欢缅怀过去的事情。

25、The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule begins.(Kierkegaard) 暴君死了,他的统治就结束了;

英文句子26:,26、Some have shown their devotion to our country in deaths that honored their whole lives, and we will always honor their names and their sacrifice.他们中的一些人光荣地为国牺牲了。我们将永远缅怀他们。

27、We will miss Giacinto so much because he was an extraordinary person, a very very good human being.我们深切缅怀吉亚琴托,因为他是一位传奇人物,有着非常非常高尚的人格。

28、Stop being a fuddy-duddy any more, always dwelling on the past just means nothing!不要再唠唠叨叨了,总是缅怀过去,一点意思都没有!

29、Possibly she is from Myanmar, there people think pretty women should have long neck.她可能是缅甸人, 在缅甸人们以女子长颈为美。

30、'There's an appropriate time and place to remember, ' says Mr. Berry.巴瑞说,“缅怀遇难者应该有一个合适的时间和场所。”

31、My father was not always a man who hated.我的父亲并不总是一个心怀仇恨的人。

32、And it is lowered on days of remembrance to honor fallen service members and public servants; or when tragedy strikes and we join together in mourning.在缅怀殉职的军人和公仆时或在悲剧发生后集体哀悼时,我们会降半旗志哀。

33、I think it's a meaningful holiday just to benice to people and to remember people.这是一个有意义的节日,人们相互关爱,相互缅怀。

34、White writes to his stepson in 1964 from his farm in Maine.怀特在他缅因的农场里写信给他的继子说。

35、After the pine tree was felled, many still pined after it.松树被移除后,不少人尚缅怀著、怀念著它。

36、In ancient Egypt, people used to shave their eyebrows to mourn the death of their cats.在古埃及,人们经常通过剔眉毛的方式来缅怀死猫。

37、Some are wondering whether or not their loved ones will reappear.有些人在怀疑他们的亲人是否还会再次出现。

38、Before the immigration of Burmese, the majority nationality in today's Myanmar, those who controlled this region were the ancient Pyu, one of the Sino-Tibetan groups, who immigrated earlier.缅甸的主体民族缅族进入缅甸之前,在当地唱主角的骠人是早期进入今天缅甸一带的一支藏缅语民族。

39、But women outdid men in that category, with guys ranking work regrets above relationship ones, the researchers say.研究人员称感情之事女性比男性更难释怀,而男性对工作上的遗憾则更为缅怀。

40、We remember the many good lives that ended too soon -- which no one had the right to take.我们缅怀那许许多多夭折的善良生命──任何人都没有权利夺去的生命。

41、I knew Emily since she came to UK in 1993, as one of her close friends I am honoured to be speaking here on behalf of the family and friends.我是在xx年邓煜女士到英国后有幸结识她的。作为她的亲密朋友之一,我感到十分荣幸能代表她的家人和亲友在这里与大家一起缅怀她的一生。

42、In recent times, the golden wattle has been used as a symbol of remembrance and reflection.近年来,人们常用金合欢来表达缅怀和纪念之情。

43、The second chapter tries to explore the similar theme shared by Faulkner's The Bear and Jia Pingwa's Missing the Wolf such as the harmonious relationship between man and nature.第二章对《熊》和《怀念狼》的共同主题,即人与自然的和谐、对过去的缅怀及对人类自身的反思等作以分析。

44、He said the day of remembrance is mixed with sorrow and incredible pride.他说,这个缅怀亡灵的日子充满了哀伤和无尽的骄傲。

45、We make us belive that we are not lonely via missing old people.我们怀念亲人,我们自己也不再孤独。

46、She cannoned into her father.她撞在父亲的怀里。

47、He fell into the enemy hands and died a martyr at the age of 他落入敌人手中,壮烈牺牲,那7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333236373132时才xx岁。

48、We will miss Giacinto so much.我们将深切缅怀吉亚琴托。

49、It's a time when they get together with their families to think about their history and their ancestors in Africa.这段时间里他们和家人待在一起缅怀他们的历史和非洲的祖先。

50、Morley: Bnd he Shang carved jade birds to honor their ancestors, so the Zhou did the same.莫理:商人雕刻玉鸟来缅怀祖先,于是周人也恁地做。

经典英文句子51:缅怀亲人,51、Pay-per-view funerals go live online in Britain, allowing mourners who cannot attend services in person to pay their last respects via the Internet.按次计费的葬礼在线直播登陆英国,此举使那些不能亲自到场参加葬礼的致哀人士能够通过网络缅怀逝者。

52、Gathered here are images of Steve Jobs, along with a few remembrances from around the world.荟萃于此的是乔布斯以及世界各地的人们缅怀他的照片。

53、Justa Eduardo King naufrago The title of the book is Justa Eduardo King naufrago, Obsequies on Edward King, Lost at Sea or Drowned.书的名字叫,缅怀爱德华·金,海上失事而亡。

54、A new guardrail was constructed in honor of the three lives lost.为缅怀这三个人,人们修了一段护栏。

55、Open up to a trusted friend or loved one.向可信赖的朋友和亲密的人敞开胸怀。

56、For example, flowers recall astronaut Laurel Clarke who was called Flora.例如,鲜花缅怀被称为“弗洛拉“的宇航员劳雷尔•克拉克。

57、Instead of trusting God, they began to turn their hearts back to Egypt (v. 他们不单不懂得信靠神,反而缅怀埃及的生活(3节)。


58、Mother Teresa died in 1997, but she is still remembered all over the world for what she did for the poor.特丽萨嬷嬷于xx年去世。他为穷苦人作出了贡献,为此,全世界的人们将永远缅怀他。

59、But now is also a time to reflect on those we lost, and the sacrifices of all who serve, as well as their families.然而,此时此刻,我们也缅怀我们失去的这些人员,追忆所有为国效力的人及其家属作出的牺牲。

60、They ran up and kissed her on both cheeks and they talked about old times.朋友们都向她跑来,吻她的双颊,一起缅怀美好的旧时光。

61、I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.我不缅怀过去的历史,而致力于未来的梦想。

62、Cherish the memory of the past, things were, he was kind of enjoyment, but also the habit of a lifetime Gai Bule.缅怀过去的人、事、物,对他是种享受,也是一辈子改不了的习惯。

63、He lives in the past now,bethinking himself of happier days.他现在追念过去,缅怀往昔更美好的日子。

64、We properly spent much of the week mourning the victims and remembering their lives.本周大部分时间我们都在为受害者志哀,缅怀他们的生命。

65、Most Burmese regard their new parliament with a healthy dose of scepticism, as well they might.大多数缅甸人都是以一种善良的怀疑主义来看待他们的新议会的。 他们或许是对的。

66、This year's Quidditch World Cup should be dedicated to their memory; it will be a chance to heal.今年的魁地奇世界杯应缅怀这些人,作为愈伤的良机。


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