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关于”了不起的盖茨比中“的英语句子26个,句子主体:The Great Gatsby。以下是关于了不起的盖茨比中的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:The Great Gatsby


1、K&L Gates, 10th August 2007. Letter to George Davies Solicitors.


2、But the choices are not always clear, even if you are taking advice from Bill Gates or Steve Jobs.


3、Microsoft maven Bill Gates co-founded a data business that focused on traffic counts, Traf-O-Data, when he was in high school.


4、The Chinese term "Ba-Bi" refers to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, the two hosts of the much-hyped dinner event.


5、Gates and Henry pulled apart and turned so they were facing opposite directions, Gates swiveling her hips and snapping her fingers.


6、They look pretty thin and weak to me, Gallegher.


7、He called Colonel Moammar Gadhafi's claims of civilian casualties "outright lies."

比尔盖茨, 微软的创始人之一,目前位列排行榜第三位。

8、Bill Gates , the co-founder of Microsoft, is now ranked as the world's third richest person.


9、In 2009, Gates established its Engineering & Services operation in Dalian, one of China's shipbuilding hubs.


10、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. 'He'd sort of break them apart and calm things down, ' says Ms. Blake , the eldest sibling.


11、But when Gates gave up his CEO role to Ballmer in 2000, it was like Batman ceding Gotham to Robin.


12、Melinda Gates said that since 2003,

15, 000 regional health centres have opened in Ethiopia alone, employing 35, 000 healthcare workers.

5 千个地方性医疗服务中心在埃塞俄比亚成立,聘用了3万5千名医疗的工人。

还能和戴尔间接进行比较的故事来自微软的比尔·盖茨和Gateway的Ted Waitt。

13、The only stories even remotely comparable to Dell's come from Bill Gates at Microsoft and Ted Waitt at Gateway.


14、She began her life-long friendship with Ellen Gates Starr, co-founder of Hull House.


15、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker. 'He'd sort of break them apart and calm things down,' says Ms. Blake, the eldest sibling.


16、In February, Bill Gates, then chief software architect, hinted at the same time frame.


17、"We can cut hunger in half in Africa by 2020, " said Bill Gates.


18、The Microsoft Online Services beta is underway and Bill Gates is talking about a future where millions of servers will live in their data centers.


19、Last week my foundation, Sun Culture foundation, co-organized an event with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


20、The Bill &Melinda Gates Foundation has thrown its weight behind microsavings.

21、The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Time Magzine and other organizations provided support for the meeting.比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金会、时代杂志及其他组织为大会提供了支持。

22、Thus, what Bell calls the "Bill Gates-Larry Page-Sergey Brin-Mark Zuckerberg model, " is slowly but surely being born in China.因此,贝尔所称的“比尔•盖茨、拉里•佩奇、谢尔盖•布林和马克•扎克伯格式的创业”,正在缓慢但稳扎稳打地在中国诞生。

23、The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently pledged ten billion dollars to help vaccinate children around the world.比尔与美琳达•盖茨基金会承诺了100亿美元去支援全世界儿童接种疫苗。

24、Apparently, Allen has some rather unflattering things to say about his old high school buddy Bill Gates. [Wall Street Journal]显然,对于高中老友比尔•盖茨,艾伦有些猛料要爆。

25、To find out, the researchers recruited 81 different students. This time, they asked some of the students to visualize an extraordinarily wealthy individual — someone like Bill Gates, Kraus said.为了找到这些问题的答案,研究者们又招募了另外81名学生,让其中的部分学生去想象一位极为富有的人物,比如:比尔·盖茨。

英文句子26:,26、Sean s office Bill Gates s office was in the top floor.山杉在这个办公楼的一楼工作。 最上层北端原是比尔盖茨的办公室。

27、“Computing, ” Mr. Spector said, “is far more interesting than when Bill Gates and I were students at Harvard.”“现在的计算,”Spector先生说,“比我和比尔盖茨还是哈佛学生时要有趣的多。”

28、Billionaire Bill Gates is bringing an unexpected gift to his Chinese fans right before Valentine's Day.亿万富翁比尔盖茨将在情人节前一天为他的中国粉丝带来惊喜大礼包。

29、It is providing $388, 000 for the research, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is providing a similar amount. The Gates Foundation gave Okumu $100, 000 for preliminary studies, as well.该机构为这项研究提供了388,000美元资金,比尔与美琳达·盖茨基金提供了类似数目的资金支持,盖茨基金还支持过Okumu100,000美元用于其初步研究。

30、Mr. Gates Sr. played the role of peacemaker.老盖茨这时则扮演了和事佬的角色。

31、Mr. Gates will now spend most of his time working at his charity organization the Bill and Malinda Gates foundation.盖茨先生将把他以后大部分时间放在慈善组织比尔梅琳达基金的工作中。

32、You know, I certainly wouldn't mind if Bill Gates give me a million dollars.我当然不会介意,盖茨给我一百万。

33、What Microsoft doesn't want you to know though is that Gates has almost nothing to do with the company anymore.可是微软不想让你知道的是,比尔盖 茨几乎已与它无关了。 这便是由最新财富榜彰显出来的明显的事实。

34、It must have seemed obviously broken to Bill Gates that you could only program the Altair in machine language.对当初的比尔·盖茨来说,只能用机器语言编写Altair程序显然看上去不尽人意。

35、He filled the program with a collection of stars from various fields, like the musician Herbie Hancock, the architect Frank Gehry and the software tycoon Bill Gates.他从众多不同的领域请来了一打大明星:包括音乐家赫比汉克,建筑设计师弗兰克杰瑞,还有微软大亨比尔盖茨。

36、Love him or hate him, Bill Gates was, and still is, the face of Microsoft.爱他也好恨他也罢,比尔盖茨曾是而且仍是微软的形象。

37、Gates has rewriten management principles in technological companies.盖茨重新定义了技术公司的管理规则。

38、Echoing Bill Gates' comments at Davos last year, Mr. Priem said that the "war for talent" was just beginning.普里姆重复了比尔·盖茨去年在达沃斯的言论,认为“人才大战”刚刚拉开帷幕。

39、I said yes. Then Gate stared at me with astonishment.我说你猜对了,然后盖茨目瞪口呆的盯着我。

40、It's tempting for investors and others to want Gates to return, but it's just fantasy.尽管投资者及其他人希望盖茨重返公司的要求也在情理之中,但也不过是痴人说梦罢了。

41、Jobs merely handed Gates a cold bottle of water he was carrying.这时乔布斯不动声色地将身上带的一瓶冷水分给了盖茨。

42、But Mr. Ballmer, who took Microsoft's helm from co-founder Bill Gates in 2000, can now point to improvements in key products.但xx年从创始人之一比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)手中接过帅印的鲍尔默现在终于看到了关键产品的改进。

43、Bill Gates has repeatedly said that in high-tech field, use of personnel and do not care about age, experience.比尔·盖茨曾多次说过,在高科技领域,用人之道并不在乎年龄、阅历。

44、I read a book by Bill Gates in the 90s where he talked about his “Spiral of Success”.xx年代,我读过比尔盖茨写的一本书,书中谈及“接力式的成功”。

45、He gets up early and falls asleep late in order to find a chance of becoming Bill Gates.他早出晚归,寻着所有可能变成比尔·盖茨的机遇。

46、On behalf of the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation, I wish you all a very happy new year.我代表比尔及梅琳达•盖茨基金会给大家拜年!

47、In Bill Gates' Book for high school and college graduates, there is a list of 在比尔·盖茨写给高中毕业生和大学毕业生的书里,有一个单子上面列有11项学生在学校里学不到的事情。

11 things they did not learn in school.

48、At 22, Mark Zuckerberg, a Harvard dropout, is being labelled as the next Bill Gates.佛大学xx岁的辍学学生马克· 朱克伯格现在被贴上了“下一个比尔·盖茨”的标签。

49、As Gates turns his attention full time to philanthropy, I wonder what will be left of the great company he founded, Microsoft, by the time Gates picks up a Nobel Prize for Peace.盖茨把精力都投入到慈善事业中了,那么我想知道的是:如果有一天盖茨拿到了诺贝尔和平奖,那时的微软会是什么样子呢?

50、Needless to say, Mr Gates didn't wade through mud for the final miles.最后的数英里路,盖茨先生并没有趟泥巴,这一点就不必说了。

经典英文句子51:了不起的盖茨比中,51、Bill Sr. and his wife, Mary, had three children: Kristi; then Bill, born in 1955; and Libby.老盖茨和妻子玛丽有3个孩子:克里斯蒂(Kristi)、比尔(xx年出生)和利比(Libby)。

52、Bill Gates offered Mark a million dollars while Mark was still in high school to work for him, and Mark turned it down.梅达补充说:“当马克还在高中读书时,比尔盖茨要提供一百万美元让来他那工作,然而马克拒绝了。

53、Gates remeasured the distance between commerce and the public people.盖茨重新定义了商业和公众的距离。

54、It could “render the loss of ice sheets and the accompanying sea-level rise unstoppable beyond a certain amount of warming.”诺茨写道,它可能因为“气候变暖超出了一定的限度,引起冰盖消失,同时海平面以不可阻挡的态势上升。”

55、“Nah, ” laughed Mr. Gates, “we’ll do something different.”盖茨先生笑着说,“嗯,我们会用不一样的方法。”

56、The first stage -- argumentative young boy -- 'started about the time he was 在系列采访中的某一次,老盖茨说,盖茨成长的第一阶段──爱争论的小男孩──大约是从xx岁的时候开始的。

11,' Mr. Gates Sr. says in one of a series of interviews.

57、Five years later Larson runs about $44 billion, some $17 billion of which is Gates' personal fortune, not including Microsoft stock (Gates owns another $29 billion in MSFT).xx年后,拉森管理着440亿美元,其中170亿是盖茨的私人财富,不包括微软股份(盖茨拥有另外290亿美元的微软股份)。

58、I’m a great salesman. I could sell a knockoff Windows 2000 to Bill Gates.我是一个很棒的推销员,我能把盗版的Windows 2000卖给比尔*盖茨。

59、Inevitability and temperament are two hallmarks of Gates the innovator.势不可当和喜怒无常是革新者盖茨的两大标志。

60、It is quite unimaginable to many Chinese that Bill Gates abandoned Harvard in the third or fourth term.牛人比尔-盖茨在第三还是第四学期抛弃了哈佛,这对于很多中国人来说委实难以想像。

61、That's when Mr. Gates Sr., in a rare blast of temper, threw the glass of water in his son's face.向来脾气好的老盖茨再也压抑不住心中怒火,将一杯水泼到了儿子的脸上。

62、In a wide-ranging interview with The Atlantic recently, Gates tacked pretty hard to the left.最近在大西洋报的广角采访中,盖茨强烈抨击了左党。

63、Bill Gates invested his own money into his first business, a project called Traf-O-Data.比尔•盖茨 把他自己的钱投到自己第一笔生意中,那是一项叫做“Traf-O-Data”的计划。

64、In 2000, a rigorous multi-country evaluation of the strategy for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness was launched, with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.xx年,在比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会支持下,发起了一项对儿童期疾病综合管理战略的严格多国评价。

65、It's a full agenda.盖茨说:"议程排得很满。

66、Gates constantly reminds allies that US air and naval assets outnumber those of China.盖茨不断提醒盟国,美军空军海军的装备数量远胜中国。

67、What do Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison have in common?比尔•盖茨、史蒂夫•乔布斯、拉里•埃里森有什么共同之处?

68、John Stamos as Dr. Tony Gates on ER.在急诊室的故事中约翰·斯塔莫斯饰演托尼盖茨医生

69、Ben Gates: What's the final clue?本?盖茨:开首的线索是什么?

70、Many Aspies believe that Bill Gates shares some of their traits.很多阿斯皮士们觉得比尔·盖茨也有一些和他们一样的特征。

71、"We had more people working on the Mac than he did, " Gates said.“我们从事麦金塔电脑相关开发的人员比苹果还多,”盖茨说。

72、But the tactic has some heavy hitters on its side, including Bill Gates.但这种策略已经得到一些重量级大人物的支持,包括比尔盖茨。

73、K&L Gates, 10th August 2007. Schedule attached to letter sent to George Davies Solicitors.K•盖茨及L•盖茨,xx年xx月10号,致乔治·戴维斯律师事务所信函所付的时间计划

74、Know what Bill Gates and Siegel have a preference among Griffith on the line, no need to have to separate the high and low.知道自己在比尔盖茨和格尔菲斯之中更喜欢哪个就行了,没必要非得分出高低贵贱。

75、However, it was with even greater delight that I was asked to present my first ever TechFest demo to Bill Gates.然而,还有更令我兴奋不已的是,我被要求为比尔·盖茨演示这项技术。

英文句子模板76:The Great Gatsby,76、He can be an ambitious and distinctive film-maker when he puts his mind to it, while his cheerful line in irreverence paid brilliant dividends on Romeo + Juliet.他愉快的台词是对传统的不敬,却为《罗密欧和朱丽叶》带来不错的回报,与此同时, 他为《了不起的盖茨比》投注了全部心血,可以凭这部作品成为一位雄心勃勃而又出类拔萃的导演。

77、If you do that, you will be on your way to becoming the next SteveJobs or Bill Gates.如果你能那样做,就在成为下一个史蒂夫乔布斯或者比尔盖茨的路上了。

78、IN SEPTEMBER last year Bill Gates and Warren Buffett sat down with 50 of China's richest tycoons to a sumptuous dinner of nothing at all.去年xx月的一晚,比尔·盖茨与沃伦·巴菲特相约50位中国最富有的商界大鳄共进了一顿奢华晚宴,但晚宴的主题却不在经商。

79、Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Charles Schwab are just a few "innis."比尔•盖茨、沃伦•巴菲特和查尔斯•施瓦布都是“性格内向者”。


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