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关于”情人节的诗“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Valentine's Day Poetry。以下是关于情人节的诗的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Valentine's Day Poetry

具体情节上的差异有,《渔夫和他的妻子》中的鱼是 比目鱼,而普希金的诗则改为了 金鱼。

1、Its theme was used in The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, a 1835 poem by Aleksandr Pushkin.


2、269 a.d., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.

节日是最开心的, 尤其赶上“情人节”,人人手中都有成千上万块糖,甜甜的酸酸的。

3、Holidays are the best. When it was Valentine's Day, we got millions of candies that taste sweet and sour.


4、There is something of poem and painting and something of Fengshui, which is so called typical south China scholar garden.


5、The twist is an unexpected shock, and its reveal is critical to appreciating the clever storyline and directorial work done throughout the entire movie.


6、This Valentine's Day, forget the wining and dining. Do something that matters.


7、May be, Love 1s on1y a chapter 1n a guy's l1fe.


8、Kennedy says she has bought special-occasion horses for Christmas, Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day.


9、Men because men do things, of course, you have to find those poetic feelings, but real life does not allow you to have sank.


10、Grab his arm during the scary part.


11、Their poems reflect their life philosophy, cultural ideas, thought and feelings.


12、Valentine’s Day was a great chance to splurge, but heck, what about a good round of Easter and Passover presents.


13、Poems in praise of the Seventh Evening of the Seventh Moon reveal a picture of folk customs and a sense of humanity of national feelings.


14、The author discovers that the scholars in the Song Dynasty insist on tracing his emotion to nature and tao, as a result, their poetry is asked to show the gentle emotion and gentleness style.


15、Once considered a symbol of the West, Valentine's Day is becoming big business in China.

16、Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie. >16 我想在情人节紧握你的手。


17、Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei in the "September

9, Shandong Yi brothers" wrote: "every festival, loved ones, " brotherhood and loneliness, people moved to the extreme.

xx年级的情人节- 菲贝卡(第一级是最好的!)

18、First Grade Valentines - Pbk First Grade Is the Best!


19、Ms. Kennedy says she has bought special-occasion horses for Christmas, Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day.


20、This may seem to be a perfectly reasonable vision for a poet considering himself to be an inspired poet to have, but there's something peculiar here.

21、As a key of Wang fuzhi's poetics, Feeling-Situation generation theory includes two theoretical layers, the feeling-situation paradigms and the feeling-situation occurrence mechanism.作为王夫之情景诗学的重要环节,情景生成理论包括情景生成范式和情景审美发生机制两个理论界面。

22、The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating.这部小说的情节错综复杂, 引人入胜。

23、Tats what I wanted to tell you on Valentines day.这就是我想在情人节和你们讲的话。

24、Mout tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.泰山历来是艺术家和诗人钟情的聚集地。

25、Both music and poetry are the expression of human feeling.音乐与诗都是人类情感的吐露、抒发的表现形式。

英文句子26:,26、China celebrates the equivalent of Valentine's Day with the Qixi Festival, this year being on August 6中国对情人节的理解。

27、Dylan Thomas was an emotional, passionate poet, true to the character of Wales.迪伦·托马斯是一个感情丰富、易于激动的诗人。 这是威尔土人的典型拉格。

28、Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. Every thing will be good and lovers get married!祝大家新年暨情人节快乐!新的xx年事事如意暨有情人终成眷属!

29、Valentine's Day is a special day dedicated for lovers to let their significant others know how much they are loved and appreciated.情人节是恋人间的特殊节日,他们在这一天互诉爱意与倾慕。

30、Generally speaking, the kernel of the poetic flavor is the constant and eternal human sympathy.概言之,诗意的核心是永恒不变的人情。

31、Love said, everyone of us is the shadow drama, shadow is thought Lyric poet.小影说,我们每个人都是影子的戏子,影子又是以为抒情诗人。

32、So wrote James Elroy Flecker in his 1913 poem, “The Golden Journey to Samarkand”, which played upon exotic and romantic perceptions already well established in European minds.xx年,英国诗人詹姆斯.艾尔劳埃.弗莱克在他的诗里如此写道。 “到撒马尔罕的金色之旅”,是多么富有异域情调和浪漫情怀,已经深深植入欧洲人的心中。

33、It makes men do stupid things, like light candles and stuff.情人节令男人做蠢事,例如微弱的烛光之类。

34、Mr. Ondaatje, who started out as a poet, says plots often come to him as 'a glimpse of a small situation.'以诗人身份开始创作生涯的翁达杰先生表示,故事情节对他来说常常就是“对某些小事的一瞥”。

35、And in the streets: the children screamed, The lovers cried, and the poets dreamed.在街道上:孩子们在街上哭叫,情人们哭泣着,而诗人还在幻想。

36、Literator leave behind countless poems when they riot in the landscape.文人置身山水,纵情山水,寄意山水留下了一首首动人的山水诗篇。

37、It develops in Nan Qi dynasty, Shen Yue as the chief person, trends to enjoy the the sense and the shape performance, which is indeed the main character of Yan Qing poem.南齐为发展时期,主要人物有沈约等,这一时期的艳情诗人审美心态趋向与感官享受和形态表现,而这正是艳情诗的主要特点之


38、The whole thing comes to a head on Valentine's Day.整件事在情人节那天有了重要的发展。

39、The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray's acute eye for social detail.情节和人物塑造都要归功于萨克雷对社会细节敏锐的捕捉。

40、In a way, women were asking for men to be poets and driving, passionate lovers at the-same time.从某种意义上讲,女人正在要求男人们既是诗人同时又是勇猛而热情奔放的情人。

41、According to market surveys, during Valentine's Day are the major consumer groups of unmarried young people aged 20-25, such consumers are spending Valentine's Day of the main crowd.根据市场调查,情人节期间的主要消费群体是20—xx岁未婚青年,此类消费者都是情人节消费的主力人群。

42、We need to deprive, again, the poets, the song makers, the lyricists, the musicians, the mythmakers, the storytellers, all of them, the power to enchant us.我们必需剥去,诗人、作曲家、抒情诗人、,音乐家、神话创造者、说书人等,这类人迷幻我们的能力。

43、Then, the very hour, as on Valentines before然而,在那个特别的时刻,正在情人节之前。

44、269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。

45、Becca: You're not going to the school Valentine's Day dance?你不去参加学校的情人节舞会吗?。

46、The plot and characterisation are underpinned by Thackeray’s acute eye for social detail.情节和人物塑造都要归功于萨克雷对社会细节敏锐的捕捉。

47、This is because poetry is, in the first instance, carefully contrived to express exactly what the poet wants to say.这是因为诗首先要经过精心构思,以便确切地表达诗人所想要抒发的思想感情。

48、Once considered a symbol of the West, Valentine's Day has become big business in China.曾被视为“洋节日”的情人节如今渐渐成为中国的一个“大产业”。

49、269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。

50、269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries.关于情人节的起源有许多种说法。

经典英文句子51:情人节的诗,51、By studying Sa Dula, the representative of minority poets, we can see the basic situation of minority poets'creation in Yuan Dynasty.藉由元诗冠冕——萨都刺的研究可以管窥元代后期色目诗人群体的创作情况。

52、Dawa is a place that can inspire the talents of poets and endow poets with awareness of life and feeling of nature.大洼,是激发诗人才情的家园,大洼的民俗文化使诗人获得了对生命意识和自然的感受力;

53、Novel turned movie The Notebook is the ultimate Valentine's Day go-to.小说改编的电影《恋恋笔记本》已经成为了情人节的保留节目。

54、love you more than i can say! :) 没什么好说的了,离情人节还早呢,别太急

55、It's slated to hit newsstands Valentine's Day weekend next year.它将在明年的情人节周末正式发行。

56、Because of his special art characteristics, Haizi is often looked upon as a lyricist.因为海子独特的艺术风格,当代人们多认同他是一个抒情诗人。

57、In valentine's day, the streets are covered with couples with roses and chocolate in their hands and so as on Christmas and on Double Sevens Day and even on New Years' Day.情人节的时候,街上到处都是手拿玫瑰和巧克力的情侣,还有圣诞节、七夕节甚至新年。

58、You deserve to celebrate your love - that’s what Valentines day is all about.庆祝你自己的爱情是你应得的——这就是情人节的意义所在。

59、This school of poets' works has very strong power and can edify people's emotion.这一派诗人的作品既有很强的感染力,更易对人们的情感进行熏陶。

60、The difference between "quickness" and "slowness" showed the change of emotion of protagonist, the dramatic change in rhythm endowed the whole poem with art effect and tragic atmosphere.“快“与“慢”的区别,真实体现出主人公思想深处情感的变化,这种节奏上的跌宕变化,极大地增添了全诗的艺术效果和悲剧气氛。

61、So his birthday and Valentine's Day are right next to each other.他的生日和情人节正好只隔一天。


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