关于”主谓宾宾补结构“的英语句子34个,句子主体:subject-predicate object-object complement structure。以下是关于主谓宾宾补结构的小学英语句子。
英文句子模板1:subject-predicate object-object complement structure
1、We call people from the Philippines, Filipinos.
2、In summary, meaning transparency seems to plays a role in idiom comprehension, the higher the transparency the better.
3、Constructing an object of derived type involves constructing and initializing all its base subobjects.
4、You should also be able to read and speak Filipino (Tagalog) fluently.
5、All the charges including room rate, meal, communication, laundry and others should be checked out for departure.
6、Dupin stopped talking to light his pipe. I did not understand.
( 宾补) 汤姆在这次大火中活下来了。
7、Tom was kept alive in the big fire.
8、Third, carving out conceptual domains involved in Double Object Construction and present their content in form of conceptual frames.
9、And recently British Prime Minister Gordon Brown refloated the idea of a Tobin tax on all cross-border currency flows which could help dampen movements.
10、We are willing to provide package transport service for top hotels which offer the best service before reaching or after leaving the hotels for the guests.
11、Result: the lens is within factory specifications.
12、Shubin writes: “The conclusion was inescapable: the same gill arch that formed part of the jaw of a reptile formed ear bones in mammals.
13、Second, this thesis also compares the traditional lexical semantic studies with the approach of Construction Grammar.
14、We consdier it to be true that he won the first prize. 我们认为他获得一等奖应该是真实可信的。
(过去分词作宾补) 由于问题得到解决,我们进展顺利。
15、With the problem settled, we went on smoothly.
宾补)他保持教室干净 。
16、He keeps the classroom (clean .
美统时期,在美对菲关税与贸易政策主导下,菲律宾以糖、麻、椰、烟等初级产品为主的出口商品结构得到强化,并集中于对美出口; 美工业制成品则构成菲进口商品的主体。
17、Under the policy of US tariff and trade, Philippine export structure consisting mainly of primary products such as sugar, hemp, coconut, tobacco, was strengthened during the American colonial period.
18、Yujing Hotel is a university hotel authorized to accommodate overseas guest.
19、The foreign guests were motored from the airfield to the guest house.
20、Every cause produces more than one effect(Herbert Spencer.
21、At last he got home.我把他放在地上,他死了。(宾补)
22、Inspects all VIP rooms prior to arrival.在贵宾到达前对贵宾房进行检查。
23、Hotels are three-star hotels by standards require renovation Hotels, guesthouses for you with large car parks, leisure centers.宾馆是按三星级宾馆标准要求装修的宾馆,宾馆为您设有大型停车场、休闲中心。
24、I would consider it unlikely(that) long skirts will go out this year. 我看今年长裙不见得会过时。
25、She is afraid of dogs.她怕狗。 dogs是介系词of的宾语,是宾格。
英文句子26:,26、The exterior structure of the labial palps of Cristaria plicata (Leach) was studied by using the scanning electron microscope.用扫描电子显微镜技术研究了菲律宾蛤仔唇瓣的表面结构。
27、“As a result?” said Robin, a bit hoarsely.“结果呢?” 罗宾说,声音有点沙哑。
28、The word order of object and complement has also been summarized.该章的最后还对动词后面宾语与补语的先后位序进行了概括。
29、I consider it useless discussing the matter with them. 我认为和他们讨论这件事没有用。
30、Binbin is going to the stadium.宾宾准备去露天运动场。
31、Arthur Rubinstein.亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦。
32、You use object pronouns as the direct or indirect object ofa verb.宾格人称代词用作动词的直接或间接宾语。
33、He saw the thief stealing some money from the bank.(作宾补)他看到小偷正在从银行偷钱。
34、There is no information about some hotels and the one-day tour.我补上了缺的几家宾馆的信息和与xx日游相关的内容。
35、Jack Robinson, Tom Ince and Conor Coady are on standby.杰克-罗宾逊,汤姆-因斯和科纳-科迪在替补之列。
36、Yibin an area, Yibin City, the dual leadership, business- oriented region .属宜宾地区、宜宾市双重领导,业务面向全区。
37、These discoveries complement those of Karen Spencer at Bristol University.这些发现与布里斯托尔大学卡伦•斯宾塞的发现形成了互补。
38、Filipino and Filipina candidates encouraged to apply.菲律宾和菲律宾籍考生踊跃申请。
39、I assume you mean Doberman from AKC lines and Dobermann Euro lines?您是在讲AKC的杜宾和欧洲血系的杜宾?
40、Braided gabion: in addition to the lateral plate cover, end plate and the bottom plate are inseparable.格宾网箱的编织结构:在除盖的外侧板,端板和底板不行支解。
41、About tariff, non-registered members ' guests can't be treat as the registered members'guests.不记名会员嘉宾不享受会员嘉宾待遇。
42、Xiaolianzhuang Hotel is Located in Nanxun Town-ong of Chinese "Top Ten Town", attractive for it's unique tourist culture.小莲庄宾馆是一家独具旅游文化特色的精品宾馆,按三星级宾馆标准设计装饰。
43、Put this on. It'll keep your ears warm.把这个戴上,这可以使耳朵暖和些。(形容词作宾补)
44、The dissertation focuses on the remarkable importance how the penmanship of Huang Binhong effects on his painting, according to the "draw calligraphy into painting" principle.本文以黄宾虹“引书入画”为主要线索,着意梳理出书法对黄宾虹绘画成因的重要作用。
45、The well-know Tobin effect and pipe effect describe their substitution and complement respectively.“托宾效应”和“导管效应”分别描述了它们二者之间的替代和互补。
46、The king wanted to keep Gulliver alive.(作宾补) 国王想让格利佛活着。
47、The exterior structure of the labial palps of Rud it apes philippinarum was studied using the scanning electron microscope.用扫描电子显微镜技术研究了菲律宾蛤仔唇瓣的表面结构。
48、Like Rosenberg, like Rosenberg's poem, this one comes out of and returns eventually to sleep.像罗宾森,罗宾森的诗,这来自同时最终也以睡眠结束。
49、Robin really entered the public space through the ballads of the 14th and 15th centuries -- "Robin Hood and the Monk, " "Robin Hood and the Potter, " and "A Gest of Robyn Hood."15世纪的民谣,让罗宾汉走进了民众:《罗宾汉和僧侣》、《罗宾汉和制陶工》,还有《罗宾汉演义》。
50、PEZA, an investment promotion agency attached to the Department of Trade and Industry, manages areas declared as economic zones to foreign investors.菲律宾经济特区署是附属于菲律宾贸工部的一个投资促进机构,管理落户于经济区的外国投资者。
经典英文句子51:主谓宾宾补结构,51、So, the cyclopropane product comes from nickel carbenoids and chromium carbene.因此,环丙烷化反应产物来源有镍卡宾和铬卡宾。
52、The Regent Hotel.丽晶宾馆。
53、It would monitor the placement fee collected by the PRA and ensure that it only collects the POEA prescribed fees.双方要监督菲律宾人力仲介公司所收取的递补费用,并确保只能收取菲律宾海外就业署所规定的费用。
54、I am willing to provide package transport service for top hotels, which offer the best service before reaching or after leaving the hotels for the guests.我愿意为高档宾馆酒店提供配套贵宾用车服务,使您的客人在抵达宾馆前就享受或离开宾馆后能继续享受高档用车服务。
55、Without respect, love cannot go far.爱情如不能相敬如宾,则无结果。
56、The friendship store just only open to foreign people at that time.当时,友谊商店只对外宾开放,不对中宾开放。
57、The Pentax Area is provided the camera & lens data, answer the question for the member.宾得专区, 专为宾得发烧友提供资料, 解答宾得问题。
58、Hello, My name is BinBin. What's your name?嗨,我的名字是宾宾,你叫什么名字?
59、Guest only - local users authenticate as Guest.“仅来宾 - 本地用户以来宾身份验证”。
60、This dissertation aims at explicating the complex structure of Books III and IV of Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene.本论文旨在探讨史宾色《仙后》第三与第四卷的特殊结构。
61、I make him (monitor.宾补)我们选他班长。
62、Double twisted hexagonal steel wire mesh is a new type of reinforced material that is being used in many countries across the globe.双绞合六边形钢丝网作为一种新型加筋材料,主要用于各类加筋支挡结构中,加筋格宾挡墙就是其中一种重要形式。
63、One of the main puzzles students may come across is why different verbs are followed by the infinitival complements of different structures.其中一个问题是为什么作为动词宾语的不定式结构会不同。
64、You should put the direct object after the indirect object.你应该把直接宾语放在间接宾语之后。
65、是.than 的宾语.真正的宾语是 The practical subjects a middle school offer them to choose.
66、The center has one main building, five standard building, one president building and the other areas for outside sports, parking and greening, etc.由一栋宾馆主楼、五栋标准宾馆楼、一栋总统楼及室外休闲健身区、停车场、绿化等区域组成。
67、Members can take member's guest who enjoys member'guest green fee.会员携带的会员嘉宾,其果岭费可享受会员嘉宾价。
68、My brother is taller than me.be taller 尽管是形容词,但看作是个动宾词组,所以用 我的宾格me。
69、Dance with ushers and any single male guests who ask them.和迎宾员和单身男来宾一起跳舞。
70、With him for the fun: His wife Danielle Spencer and their sons, Charles Spencer Crowe, 他的乐趣:他的妻子和儿子丹尼尔斯宾塞,查尔斯·斯宾塞克、6和丁尼生斯宾塞克(
6, and Tennyson Spencer Crowe,
71、Have you looked around the lobbies both in the VIP building and the Guest Building?贵宾楼和嘉宾楼的前厅您都找过了吗?。
72、The Double-Object Construction(DOC)has always been a hot topic among the linguistic field at home and abroad.双宾语结构一直是国内外学者非常感兴趣和重视的一个研究热点。
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