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1、Every summer, mother puts up a large quantity of vegetables for us to eat during the winter.

Last summer we did five countries in two weeks.


如果飞来了一只白蝴蝶,预示着夏天来了。 %。

3、If a white butterfly comes, summer follows.


4、The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and


5、In summer the stream from the gully flows into the Baikal.

地的一切疆界,是你所立的。 夏天和冬天是你所定的。

6、Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.

还特别自私! 夏天他都得要点上炉火!

7、He has to have a fire even in summer!


8、That summer the roses flowered in unwonted beauty.


9、That afternoon, Charlotte and I went trolling for men.

就我记忆所及, 这是最热的一个夏天。

10、This has been the hottest summer within my memory.


11、Wind over the summer, with 45-degree angle looking at the sky, the sun that is dazzling.


12、Summer, the jujube tree branches and leaves on a more lush.


13、She likes to wear her hair in ponytail during the summer .


14、I did not read books the first summer; I hoed beans.


15、In the summer the ice melted so they stopped their journey.


16、Hollywood's betting sequel summer will set records.


17、This summer, he will make his debut in animation.


18、I was living in Conyers, Georgia the summer it all happened.

她离开了一段时间, 在大连过夏天。

19、She has been away, spending the summer in Dalian.


20、I am so happy that it is here eventually, I am a bit afraid of summer because I cannot stand the hot weather, unless I could stay at the beach the entire summer time.

21、Summer the person is easy and giddy, how to do giddily ?夏天人容易头晕,眼花怎么办?

22、We stand; leaves have not timed the summer.我们站着;树叶没有为这个夏天计时。

23、The last African qualifier is June 21. They say always that they cannot organise the Africa Cup of Nations during the summer but they play all their qualifiers in the summer!他们(非足联)总是说他们不能在夏天组织非洲杯,但是他们却在夏天安排预选赛!

24、The scorching summer left people enervated and listless.炎热的夏天让人们虚弱无力,情绪低落。

25、Every summer the Browns bath themselves in a hot spring.每年夏天布朗一家都去洗温泉。

英文句子26:,26、This summer the chain began accepting food stamps.今年夏天,该连锁店开始接受食品券。

27、That summer with purple hair was absolutely amazing.顶着紫发的那个夏天,我过得痛快淋漓。

28、How much did you enjoy your summer with Spain U19s?夏天在西班牙U19队中感觉如何?

29、She collected lots of snow water in winter so as to reduce the heat in summer.她在冬天收集了许多雪水,准备夏天用来降暑。

30、Carried water to them for a solid summer.整整一个夏天我都坚持为它们浇水。

31、It is the most hyped movie of the summer.这是今年夏天炒作最热的一部电影。

32、What are you doing this summer?---We're going comping .这个夏天你做什么了?---我们去野营了。

33、Our construction crew has been shorthanded all summer long.我们建筑队整个夏天一直人手不够。

34、Yes, I gue so. It's really hot in summer but it can be freezing cold in winter.B 是的,我想是的。夏天非常热,但是冬天非常冷。

35、We idle the summer away swimming and playing tennis.我们游泳,打网球,把这个夏天混过了。

36、“…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days.”----- Henry David Thoreau.我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。

37、This summer, clipper cut is preferred by many men.这个夏天,帆船头受到众多男士欢迎。

38、The dog will have less coat in the summer.这个品种在夏天毛可能会少一些。

39、Summer parties and many activities with special theme like Tianjin Guqu Opera, and Peking Opera, etc. , are held here each summer, forming a unique Eyes of Tianjin cultural night market.每年夏天这里都会举办消夏晚会和天津鼓曲、京剧专场等多种主题活动, 形成了独具特色的“天津之眼”文化夜市。

40、The summer after ninth grade, Jordan and Smith both went to Pop Herring’s basketball camp.读完xx年级的那个夏天,乔丹和史密斯一同参加了波谱·赫里的篮球夏令营。

41、As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild.因此这儿冬天平均气温在零上而且夏天也不会酷热。

42、Summer is my favorite season 很多的表达方法 请您自己选择

43、In summer, the hills in rain is attractive;夏天雨水充沛,有高山“银流泻玉珠”之景;

44、Personally, I do not like summer, because it's too hot and the sunshine is strong.我个人不喜欢夏天,因为天气太热了,阳光也很强烈。

45、I met a summer with snow, but not to meet you.我遇到夏天飘雪,却没遇到你。

46、The cloud after a rainy day and before the …在雨天刚刚过去,酷夏未至之时的云。

47、You are the heart of the orange moist summer?你是这个夏天来滋润香橙们的心么?。

48、Hainan Island is the place to be, whether it's summer or winter!不管夏天还是冬天,海南岛都是我们观光旅游的好地方!

49、The second critical decision is during the summer of 2001.第二个重要决定发生于xx年夏天。

50、Last summer we did five countries in two weeks.去年夏天我们在两周内游览了五国。

经典英文句子51:夏天,51、My uncle was selling vegetables at the market last summer.我叔叔去年夏天在大卖场卖菜。

52、Juventus were interested in me last summer.去年夏天尤文就已经表达了对我的兴趣。

53、Do you know what snowmen do during summer day?你知道雪人在夏天时做些什么吗?

54、He's meant to lose at least one stone this summer.今年夏天,他打算减掉一石重呢。

55、So don’t sweat it if you don’t have time to shower three times a day in the summer.所以不用担心你夏天没时间一天洗三次澡。

56、"…I was rich, if not in money, in sunny hours and summer days. "----- Henry David Thoreau.我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。

57、The usually striking blue skies were white for much of the summer.往日蓝得醉人的天空在夏天很多时候被一片白烟笼罩。

58、I like to eat some leafy vegetables in the summer.在夏天我喜欢吃一些叶状蔬菜。


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