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关于”常用的100句“的英语句子24个,句子主体:Common 100 sentences。以下是关于常用的100句的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common 100 sentences


1、Two-step rolling process-the warm rolling at 100-200℃ plus normal cold rolling have been presented in order to improve cold workability of the steel.

金属硫蛋白启动子是最常用的诱导型表达启动子之一,经过重金属诱导,其表达强度可以增加100 倍。

2、MT promoter is one of the common inducible promoters which can enhance expression of gene 100 times after being induced by weight metals.


3、We use standard ANSI approved water meters, with installations available to measure 100% of domestic water consumption.

用于每个应用程序的应用程序控制堆为: (100-70)% * 512 = 153 4K 页 = 0.6MB

4、The application control heap for each of the application is:(100-70)% * 512 = 153 4K pages = 0.6MB


5、Results Of all the patients,

19 cases were cured

7 cases improved, and the overall effective rate was 100% .


6、A single won is divided into 100 jeon, the monetary subunit. The jeon is no longer used for everyday transactions, and appears only in foreign exchange rates.

如果 util_impact_lim 是 100(默认值),则不用调整诸如 RUNSTATS 之类的实用程序调用。

7、If the util_impact_lim is 100 (the default value), no utility invocations such as RUNSTATS are throttled.

北京阳光100 集团有限公司常务副总经理范家考虑小冲杆。

8、Beijing Sunshine 100 Holdings Limited, executive deputy general manager of home FAN consider small punch.


9、For this example, use 100 grams of natural wool.


10、Super Collagen is enzymatically processed into its amino acid form with a very low molecular weight, which can be utilized 100% by the body.


11、And 50 or 100 years traveling around the world.

主要应用在压力超过100 PSI(

12、Mainly used in pressure that more than 100 PSI(

7 Bar).

7 Bar)的应用面。

测试分别采用 25、50、75、100、125 和 150 个并发用户。

13、Tests were conducted with 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, and 150 concurrent users.

插穗生根, 100 %珍珠岩的使用。

14、For rooting cuttings, 100% perlite is used.


15、Moscow, civilian aircraft in the world, the 100 or more, A300, only 80, not more than 100 points in Russia.


16、Visitors can drink free and clean water every 100 meters.


17、Today is the 100th day of school. He was very excited and told me everything he knows about the number 100, including that 100 was an even number.


18、The accuracy rate of neural network was 100% both for normal liver and fatty liver.


19、It is common to pay the bill with 100-peso ($24) notes, once nearly impossible to change.

为了用 100 步来实现渐变,你可以将定时期设置成 3000/100=30毫秒。

20、To perform the blend in 100 steps, you'd set a timer for 3000/100 = 30 ms.

21、He wagered $100 on the result of the election.他用100美元来对选举结果打赌。

22、METHODS:SP immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of S100A4 and MMP2 proteins in 100 cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and adjacent normal mucosa.方法:应用SP免疫组织化学技术检测100例食管鳞癌及其癌旁正常黏膜组织中S100A4和MMP2蛋白的表达。

23、And the final constructor takes the string of characters "100" -- but this time creates an integer using base 最后一个构造函数也采用了字符串“100”—— 但是它使用基数

8, which is more commonly known as base octal.

8 来创建整数值,通常称为 八进制。

24、Applications include 100 KHz adjacent channel DX.应用范围包括100千赫相邻信道的DX。

25、Area : 100 square meter, it can allow 80 people to have various activities.梦花堂近100平方米,可容纳80——100人的会议、活动以及用餐。

英文句子26:,26、The rates of male-sterile plants all could come to 100%, flowers unfolded normally, also gynoecia and fruit could normally developed.这些雄性不育系不育株率均达100%,不育株花开放正常,雌蕊和结实情况也基本正常;

27、Biodiesel is used in a range of concentrations; it can be used in a pure form as 100% biodiesel (B100) or blended with traditional diesel to various levels.生物柴油可以使用不同的浓度,可以用100%的纯生物柴油(B100)或以不同比例与常规柴油混合使用。

28、These modern toothbrushes made from 100% recyclable material. The bristles are 100% nylon and imported from Japan.这些时尚的牙刷用100%可回收利用原料制成。牙刷毛100%用尼龙制作并且从日本进口。

29、The speed of a computer is usually expressed in cycles per second. Typical machines operate at100 to200 megahertz or100 million to200 million cycles per second.计算机的速度通常用每秒(行)(钟)期来表示。典型的机器运转在100到200兆赫或者说每秒100到200兆周期。

30、Note that when the GC is inactive, application utilization is 100%.注意,如果 GC 是不活动的,则应用程序的利用率为 100%。

31、I'll bump up to 100% eraser for the lightest edges, and I usually make the eyes as bright as po ible, even if the face is in shadow.我将为最亮的边缘,用一下子提高到100%的擦除工具,我通常让眼睛部分尽可能明亮。

32、Concentrations of fecal coliforms are usually expressed the fecal coliform count per 100 milliliters (mL) of water.粪大肠菌群浓度通常以每100毫升水的细菌量来表达。

33、These modern toothbrushes made from 100% recyclable material.这些时尚的牙刷用100%可回收利用原料制成。

34、Recover passwords from 100+ applications;为100 +的应用找回密码;

35、And you've managed to build a terrific Web application, with nearly 100 pages -- some static HTML and some generated with PHP scripts.您已经设法构建了一个非常出色的约有 100 个页面的 Web 应用程序 ——— 有一部分是静态 HTML,还有一部分由 PHP 脚本生成。

36、Subtract that from one, 100 multiply it by 100 and you have something between zero and 100.用一减去后面那部分,再整体乘以,你就能得到0-100间的一些数值。

37、Nowadays, for many of us it's an afterthought, often after spending $100 or so on a fancy mouse.而现在,我们许多人常常是在花100美元买了个时尚鼠标后才想起要给电脑配键盘。

38、With over 100 contributions this book is an invaluable resource for the total quality managment journey.捐款超过100本书,是全面质量管理的旅程非常宝贵的资源。

39、So instead of having 52 grams of fat per 100 grams, the new reduced-fat option has about 43 grams of fat per 100 grams (and a little extra sugar).新的含较少量脂肪的产品每100克约含43克脂肪(额外加少量的糖),而普通常规的产品则是每100克约含52克脂肪。

40、Methods 100 Chinese patients that taking long term esomeprazole magnesium were choosed and randomized into 方法选取长期服用埃索美拉唑镁片患者100例,根据服用时间长短随机分为3组,另选30例胃镜检查正常者作为正常对照组。

3 groups, and 30 normal Chinese were choosed as the controls.

41、It identified about 100 different miRNAs that are present usually at very high levels in the tumor tissue compared with their levels in normal pancreatic tissue.研究发现在肿瘤组织中大约有100种不同的miRNA通常表达水平非常高,而它们在正常胰腺组织的中水平并不高。

42、Usually German archives but not only German ones charge reproduction fees which in the case of an internet publication amount to about 100 Euros per page.通常不只是德国档案馆,要求重版费,一个网上出版商,要付每页100欧元的费用。

43、The %Disk Time revealed 100% utilization (75% read and 25% write).Disk Time 反映了 100% 的利用率(75% 读和 25% 写)。

44、When the benchmark starts, it instantly creates 100 very active user sessions that select, add, update, and delete records at the same time.当基准测试开始时,它立即创建 100 个非常活跃的用户会话来同时选择、添加、更新和删除记录。

45、Compared to the conventional method, hybrid seed production will save 40% of the cost and the outcrossing rate will reach 100%.应用辣椒雄性不育系繁制一代杂交种子比常规去雄繁种节省工本40%,杂交率达到100%。

46、Full-width top feed utilizes 100% of the useable screen area.顶部加料没使用100%可用的筛选区域。

47、CoSign is used in over 100 Part 连署保证用于超过100第11部分的安装。

11 compliant installations.

48、Our export fruit knives are packed in boxes of 100 dozen each.咱们用于没心的生果刀每箱100击。

49、IBM suggests using a scale of IBM 建议使用

1 to 100.

1 到 100 的范围。

50、Larger packs generally have no specific names but are designed to distribute the weight of increased numbers of gear and supplies for longer-duration trips (60-100 litres);较大的包通常没有具体的名字,而是旨在分发的装备和用品的数量增加较体重时间旅行(60-100升);

经典英文句子51:常用的100句,51、There is often a risk of early late preterm births with c-sections because estimated due dates are not 100% accurate.因为预产期并不一定100%准确,所以施行剖腹产常常存在生下早期的后期早产儿的风险。

52、Special relativity itself came from trying to fix a big anomaly more than 100 years ago.相对相对论本身就是在试着解释xx年前一个异常现象中诞生的。

53、For this project, a church-building had to be designed and built for 400 people, including a chapel which would cater for about 100 people to use iton a daily basis.该项目是设计建造一个能容纳400人的教堂,其中包括一个供日常使用容纳100人的小礼堂。

54、The agency has asserted that levels above a 100-in-a-million risk level are generally unacceptable.该机构宣称,高于每百万人中 100 人的风险水平通常是不能接受的。

55、The Victoria tower of palatial southwest Cape, 100 meters in height, whole stone structure, very sublime.宫殿西南角的维多利亚塔,高100米,全石结构,非常壮观。

56、Registration up 30 - 100%注册用户增长30~100%

57、Study: Optix Metro "100" regular energy consumption about 作者:威捷新城100例正常功耗约为15瓦,没有球迷的需要。

15 watts, there is no need for "the" masses.

58、Super Baby Nicety Fibre Bath Towel makes by 100% nicety fibre, exceed power of sop up water, soft and light material.非常亮娃净洁柔软超细纤维沐浴毛巾采用100%超细纤维织造,具超强吸水性,质地柔软轻盈。


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