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关于”两个逗号隔开“的英语句子49个,句子主体:separated by two commas。以下是关于两个逗号隔开的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:separated by two commas

因此,如果后缀为 jpg,jpeg,那么将遍历那些使用逗号分隔为两部分的内容。

1、So if the suffixes are jpg,jpeg, then you'll iterate over those two split on the comma.


2、The names are displayed in one line and are separated by commas.

导入和导出支持的文件格式为 XML、以逗号分隔和以管道线分隔的格式。

3、The file formats supported for import and export of data are XML, comma-delimited, and pipe-delimited formats.


4、Enter your guesses in a single text field, separated by a comma.

Exhibit 会自动将列表属性 categories 转变成以逗号分隔的值。

5、Exhibit automatically turns the list property categories into comma-separated values.

classes 参数是一个以逗号分隔的列表,它由带有 DWR 注释的所有类组成。

6、The classes param is a comma-separated list of all classes that are annotated with DWR annotations.


7、Even better than multipart, why not just send back a comma delimited list of order URIs?

Default Facet – 要显示的缺省方面列表,以逗号分隔。

8、Default Facet â “ the comma-delimited list of the default facets to display.

使用 implode() 函数将获得的数组转换为一个以逗号分隔的列表。

9、Use the implode() function to turn that array of values into a comma-separated list.

JSON 对象是一系列以逗号分隔的 name:value 对,最外面有一对花括号。

10、A JSON object is simply a series of comma-separated name:value pairs wrapped in curly braces.

输入受信任域或 URL 列表,使用逗号进行分隔。

11、Enter your list of trusted domains or URLs, delimited by commas.


12、For multiple Executors, the class names should be separated by commas.


13、Each entry in the log file is a single line that begins with a 13-digit time stamp and contains comma-separated data.

13 位数字组成的时间戳开头,并包含逗号分隔的数据。


14、Tip: You can compare searches by separating with commas .


1 shows an example of the comma-delimited output file for two client drivers created by Workload Data Rollup.

1 展示了一个由 Workload Data Rollup 创建的、以逗号分隔、用于两个客户机驱动程序的输出文件示例。


16、When several selectors share the same declarations, they may be grouped into a comma-separated list.


17、A comma-separated value is the default configuration for the delimited data handler.


18、The topic of this document as comma-separated key words, phrases, or classifications.


19、When describing several attributes to an object you may list them all in one sentence separated by a comma .


20、For the first argument to the utility I will expect a comma-separated list of directories.

21、The code looks through the comma-separated list, finds the first match, and extracts the profile.而且该代码还将遍历逗号分隔的列表,找到第一个匹配项并提取概要。

22、Each column's data is separated from the next by a comma.每列数据与下一列数据之间都是用逗号分隔的。

23、You can also specify a list of text-shadow (separated by a comma).您也可以指定一个文本阴影列表(以逗号分隔)。

24、First, the string of comma-separated words is divided into individual elements using the preg_split() function.首先,使用 preg_split() 函数把用逗号分隔的单词字符串分隔为单个元素。

25、.driver.class.path: A series of comma-separated classpath entries to the JDBC driver's location..driver.class.path:一连串由逗号隔开的通往 JDBC 驱动程序位置的类路径入口。

英文句子26:,26、The value passed to the actions should be comma-delimited lists of values.传递给动作的值应该是以逗号分隔的值列表。

27、Curly braces denote an associative array (that is, an object), with its key-value pairs separated by commas.大括号表示联合数组(即对象),它的键 -值组合由逗号分隔。

28、If there are more than one JAR file, delimit them with a comma.如果不止一个 JAR 文件,就用逗号来分隔。

29、The rest of the line consists of name/value pairs, separated by commas.剩余的行包含名称/值对,以逗号进行分隔。

30、The syntax is slightly different using commas instead of semicolons to separate parameters.语法有些不同,即采用逗号代替分号来分隔参数。

31、The semicolon separates each of the parts.每个部分用冒号隔开。

32、Input is HTML table, Remove all tags and put data in a comma/tab separated file.输入一个HTML表格,将其转换为以逗号或制表符分隔的文件;

33、Importing files in a comma-delimited format is much more of a chore than it should be.以逗号分隔格式导入文件则更常见。

34、You can add attributes and body in the same comma-delimited list.您可以在相同的逗号分隔的列表中添加属性和主体。

35、Finally, all column definitions are separated by commas, and embedded in brackets.最后,所有列定义都由逗号分隔,并括在括号中。

36、Enter a comma-delimited list of trusted domains or URLs.输入受信任的域或 URL 列表,用逗号隔开。

37、Each element can consist of a comma-delimited list, a hyphenated range, or a single entry.每个元素可以由一个以逗号分隔开的列表组成,或者由一个用连字符连接的范围组成,或者单独由一项组成。

38、Multiple member initializations are separated by commas.多个成员的初始化用逗号分隔。

39、Multiple sources and targets should be surrounded by double-quotes ("), with each entry separated by a comma.对于多个源或目标,应当使用双引号(")包围起来,并且使用逗号分隔每一项。

40、This property value enumerates all the available logical identifiers in a comma-separated list.这个属性值以逗号分隔列表的形式列出所有可用的逻辑标识。

41、Create a comma-separated String from the above list of pairs (Element ID and message key).从上面的 Element ID 和消息键对列表中创建一个以逗号分隔的字符串。

42、Constructors by enumeration allow you to specify the values of all the elements as comma-separated scalar values, as shown in the following two listings.通过枚举的构造函数允许您将所有元素的值指定为逗号分隔的标量值,如以下两个清单中所示。

43、The two names are assumed to be separated by a comma and can use any amount of white-space around the comma.假设这两个名称以逗号分隔,并且可以在逗号周围使用任意数量的空白。

44、Separate multiple options, such as remount and ro, with commas.用逗号分隔多个选项,比如 remount 和 ro。

45、Ports may be separated with commas to disable more than one port.是例如 /noserialmice:comx,其中 X 是串行端口数。 端口可能是用要禁用多个端口的逗号隔开的。

46、Besides the numbers, the comma is also flagged as a grouping separator and the percent sign is flagged as a percent.除了数值之外 ,逗号也被标记为一个分组分隔符,百分号被标记为一个百分数。

47、If multiple paths are specified, they must be separated by commas; no blanks are allowed between values.如果指定了多个绝对路径,就必须使用逗号将其分隔开;值之间不允许有空格。

48、Notice the use of multiple name-value pairs separated by the comma in the parameters.注意,在 parameters 中使用了多个以逗号分隔的名称-值对。

49、Provides a list of the source-target schema mapping, separated by commas, surrounded by brackets.需要提供一个源-目标模式映射列表,映射由括号包围,由逗号分隔。

50、Either an Array of property names, or a comma-delimited list of property names to copy.可以是属性名称构成的数组,也可以是属性名称构成的字符串,用逗号、分号隔开。

经典英文句子51:两个逗号隔开,51、Multiple packages and bundles are comma separated.(多个包及bundles可以用逗号分开)。

52、The access rights are stored as a comma-separated list of rights.访问权被存储成一个以逗号隔开的权限列表。

53、I've got two parameters, they're separated by a comma. Ah, right. Sorry?我说的是什么?20和56对吧?注意格式,我有两个参数,它们由一个逗号隔开?

54、Spreadsheets, such as the comma separated values format (.csv), tab separated values format (.tsv).电子表格,例如逗号分隔格式(.csv),项目分隔格式(.tsv)。

55、The Web application reads comma-delimited text files.Web 应用程序读取逗号分隔的文本文件。

56、The argument received consists of everything on the line following the vertical bar up until a vertical bar, a semi-colon or a comma. That means the argument may contain spaces.接收的参数为紧跟在竖线后面的一行数据,到竖线、分号、逗号结束,这意味着参数可以包含很多间隔隔开。

57、An array literal is a comma-separated list of values contained within square brackets.数组直接量是一个封闭在方括号中的序列,序列中的元素由逗号分隔。

58、There should be an even number of entries after splitting the value using a "," (comma) as the delimiter.在用 “,” (逗号)作为分隔符分隔此值后,项的数目应该为偶数。

59、Where there are multiple daemons or clients on a line, separate each one with a comma.当一行有多个守护进程或客户端时,用逗号分隔开来。

60、A sequence is a range of numbers in brackets ([]); a set is a comma-delimited list in braces ({}).序列 是放在方括号([])中的一个数字范围;集 是放在花括号({})中的逗号分隔的列表。

61、A comma should only be used to separate function arguments.逗号只能用于分隔函数的自变量。

62、This function can also be used for lists that are not comma-delimited.此函数还可用于未以逗号分隔的列表。

63、Note that each argument list is surrounded by parentheses and the arguments are separated by commas.注意,每一个参数列表会被括号所包围,并且所有的参数由逗号隔开。

64、Form of initialization that places a comma-separated list of initializers inside a pair of parentheses.一种初始化形式,将逗号分隔的初始化式列表放在圆括号内。

65、A hash is expressed as a set of attributes delimited by commas between curly braces.hash 被表示为使用逗号间隔的一组属性,并且使用大括号括起。

66、I want to populate 我希望从一个 ASCII 逗号分隔的文本文件填充

10,000 new users from an ASCII comma delimited text file.

10,000 个新用户。



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