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关于”努力奋斗“的英语句子26个,句子主体:Strive hard。以下是关于努力奋斗的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Strive hard


1、It's our goal to build an enterprise with first-class products, first-class management team, first-class management means.


2、Recalling the past time, after more than ten years hard work, then with many manufacturers establish a solid relationship.


3、After many years, when looking back to the past, you will not forget the time when you went go to great lengths striving for your dream.


4、"We worked so hard and so long for it," Nowitzki said. "The team has had an unbelievable ride."


5、Finally, Firefox is fighting hard in the mobile space.


6、Wangchong ideal but did not because he's working hard to achieve, life dies blossom in his later years he began to Ming of deep thinking.


7、Raine had made a pledge to his brother then. A promise to keep fighting to make sure that he never had to say "all gone".


8、It's what drove those students at Forsyth Tech to learn a new skill and work towards the future.

especially those of other actors.一位有天赋, 但仍然努力奋斗的演员愿意作任何事情来得到工作- 包括“断腿”… 特别是其它演员的。

9、A talented, but struggling actor is willing to go to any length to get a job - including "break a leg"…


10、No. 51 Senior High School is building a harmonious campus, shaping the charming teachers, realizing efficient class, nurturing excellent students and establishing a prestigious senior high school.


11、Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let us re-double our exertion and strike with united strength while life and power remain.


12、Some of these goals may have been written in long before you two met each other, long before marriage was under consideration.


13、But let this not blind you to what virtue thers is;many persons strive for high ideals and everywhere life is full of heroism.


14、Let's try to buck the losers up.


15、Veryone is struggling to gain something which he does not possess, and he's lamenting for something which he has lost.


16、Crossing the infiniteness Leading the future", Huasure are using the persistent and actually, innovational spirit to hardly work and courageously forward."


17、Always want other people's needs, to answer the question, persist in the end, picked the efforts, when carefully compared the re-election.


18、Over these years , I've been trying to remould myself. Eager to live up to all their expectations, I make every effort to fight .

鑫盛通科技以“ 超宽带、大功率、高线性、高效率、高可靠、体积小、重量轻”功率放大器为目标而努力奋斗!

19、Xinsheng Technologies to "ultra-wideband, high power, high linearity, high efficiency, high reliability, small size, light weight, " PA strive for the goal!


20、The newly engaged couple have not always seen eye to eye and Francinaldo had to work hard to get the ring on Elisany's finger.

21、They are willing to work hard on achieving their goals, but only until the going gets too rough or their motivation dwindles.人们很乐意于为自己的目标努力奋斗,但当困难变得艰巨时,当他们的动机衰弱时,他们就会放弃。

22、We are convinced that as long as all Chinese people at home and abroad work together, the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland will be realized.我们坚信,只要海内外中华儿女继续共同努力奋斗,祖国和平统一大业一定能够实现!

23、Our whole staff shall try our best to become an excellent company who are good at technique, environment-protection, cost-saving, service and development.我 公司 全体 员工将为塑造技术的、环保的、节约的、服务的、发展的企业而努力奋斗。

24、It is a formidable but great historical mission representing the human justice and ideals; it demands persistent exertions and struggles generation by generation.这是一项既艰巨又伟大的历史重任,它代表着人类的正义与理想,需要几辈人的不懈努力和奋斗。

25、With our own advantages, we are glad to make joint efforts with you in realizing China's agricultural modernization!北京东方沁园高科技有限公司将凭借自身优势,愿与您携手为实现我国农业现代化努力奋斗!

英文句子26:,26、PTB: One of my favourite quotes which you introduced me to is: “the price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret”.PTB:我最喜欢的一句话是你所说的“努力奋斗付出的代价总是小于后悔带来的伤痛”。

27、I am gonna keep grindin and keep workin to get back to competing for Championships.我将永远保持战斗力,一直为返回总冠军行列而奋斗!

28、Hard work by hundreds of scientists and engineers pushed CCDs closer to reality over the next few years.在接下来的几年里,成百上千的科学家和工程师努力奋斗,逐步将CCD推向了实用化。

29、Let US learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience. Let US redouble our exertions, and strike with united strength while life and power remain.让我们从如此残酷的经历中吸取教训,让我们在生命与力量尚存的时刻加倍努力,团结奋斗。

30、In prime time of life, when all his peers are striving for their rosy future, he has to spend his life in hospital now.花样年华,当同龄人都在为自己的前途努力奋斗时,他却要在医生度过短暂的余生。

31、We always talk about the story of a young couple, they are so perfect, so happy, I began to make unremitting efforts, struggle.我们俩谈话时总是谈起某某小两口故事,人家是多么完美、多么幸福,我就开始不懈地努力、奋斗。

32、In all 'green dream' personnel under the efforts of the dream, 'green tea drinks' got consumers and milk tea joining trader's favorite and affirmation.在全体'绿的梦'人员的努力奋斗下,'绿的梦奶茶饮品'得到了消费者及奶茶加盟商的喜爱与肯定。

33、You are all honest, hardworking people.你们都是诚实正直、勤奋努力的人。

34、As the saying which called "time is money", classmates and my friends, let us hold our time, study hard, for our goal to struggle!所谓“一寸光阴一寸金”,同学们,让我们抓紧时间,努力学习,为我们的目标而奋斗!

35、Where I have seen struggle, I have seen great strength.我看到的是人们的拼搏奋斗和巨大的力量。

36、I was too busy with the high-resolution immediacies of finding work, finding love, and trying to find a way to become a writer.我忙于找工作,寻求爱情,努力奋斗成为一名作家,完成这些实实在在的人生大事。

37、They are willing to work hard on achieving their goals but only until the going gets too rough or their motivation dwindles.人们很乐意于为自己的目标努力奋斗,但当困难变得艰巨时,当他们的动机衰弱时,他们就会放弃。

38、He ceaselessly strives for the realization of individual capacities and talents.他为实现个人能力与才智而奋斗不息。

39、Even if I was not always prepared for whatever fate has given me to carry on my shoulders I struggled and I managed to get all things to an end.尽管我并不总是做好准备去承受命运加诸在我肩上的重担,但我总是努力奋斗并竭尽全力把事事处理得宜。

40、Body made of earth strives to reach the center of the universe, bodies in the heaven strive to move in the perfection of circles.土属性的物质为了到达宇宙的中心而奋斗,天堂里的物质为了实现完美的循环而努力。

41、"Success is almost totally dependent upon drive and persistence. The extra energy required to make another effort or try another approach is the secret of winning. " -Denis Waitley.“成功几乎完全靠奋斗和坚持。”——丹尼斯·威特利。


42、We need to do what we've always done – put our ingenuity and can do spirit to work to fight for a brighter future.我们要一如既往的努力——将我们的聪明才智和敢做敢当的精神投入到工作中,为了美好的未来而奋斗!

43、They want to undermine you but your response should be to work that much harder in order to increase your level of success.他们企图渐渐瓦解你,所以你的回击便该是更加努力地奋斗,以获取更大的成功。

44、Let us one heart and one mind, down-to-earth hard work, innovation, advance with the times, in order to create a better tomorrow Xixia work hard!让我们同心同德,扎实苦干,开拓创新,与时俱进,为创造西峡美好的明天而努力奋斗!

45、Where there is no struggle,there is no strength. 没有奋斗,你就没有力量. To live the life I dreamed!

46、In the third-year year, she dreams of for their own hard work of students in her driving, it is also hard to learn, the whole class had to show an intense learning culture.在初三的那xx年里,她为了自己的梦想努力奋斗,同学们在她的带动下,也勤奋学习,整个班级都展现出浓烈的学习风气。

47、This will take hard work and dedicated effort.这将需要勤奋工作,竭诚努力。

48、As the fast development of Chinese exhibition industry, with constant effort of "Guangzhan People", the company has earned high respect and praise from clients.不懈的奋斗和努力,广州广展展览设计有限公司逐渐赢得了同行和客户的尊重与赞扬。

49、It was his dream and hard work that made it possible for him to set a world record in pole vault.他正是凭着梦想和努力奋斗使自己在撑杆跳比赛中打破世界记录成为可能。

50、I want to be a leading economist in a top international economic company. Quickly teachable, strive for professional and personal growth.我想成为一名顶尖国际经济公司的知名经济人士,快速的学习能力,为职业和个人发展努力奋斗。

经典英文句子51:努力奋斗,51、But also an overwhelming sense of energy, of striving, ofaspiration.但是,也感觉到压倒一切的活力、奋斗和渴望。

52、I must try my best to do everything, letting the people who despise me to know that they are so silly.读文吧» 情感心绪» 青春期» 我要努力奋斗,让那些蔑视我的人知道,他们有多么愚蠢!

53、In the end, Jin smoked to soar, to attract many talented trainees, everyone towards a common struggle with a debut goal!最终,在金皓薰的努力下,翱翔天际招揽了众多有才华的练习生,大家朝着一个目标共同奋斗着—出道!



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