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1、Mike: (Interrupting) 'Look, what you should do is get the tyre pressure checked when you fill up at the garage.


2、ANGELA, I am ready to sleep, and now to give you a cheer, refueling!


3、Beat butter with salt and sugar until light and fluffy. Add vanilla essence and eggs one at a time. Beat until combined after each addition.

锦州25-1南油气田; 隔水导管; 打桩作业; 模块钻机;

4、JZ25-1S oil and gas field; drilling riser; pile driving; rig module;


5、Beat cream cheese and basil until blended. Mix in butter and olive oil.


6、In a large bowl beat the butter or margarine, granulated sugar and brown sugar together. Add the eggs and vanilla, beating well.


7、With the increase of oil-air pressure in rating scope, the temperature drops monotonously.


8、Scavenge box manhole opened, oil sludge removed out and wiped with diesel oil.


9、I never had not had an extravagant hopes coming on the stage competition. But I am sure to support you when I am a alternate player.


10、Encourage to inflate for our the elder brothers everyday!


11、Red Poppy beats out the ambition of Chinese people, brings out the vitality and charm of modern females, and demonstrates the profound and inclusive Chinese culture.


12、Chi Ming very angry, the result two people fighting in the street.


13、These include all the oil and gas in the reservoir, combining both the recoverable and non-recoverable portions.


14、Warm the Cream Cheese, beat it until smooth;


15、The Tazhong paleo-uplift is a multiple oil-gas accumulation play, and medium-large scale reservoirs have been found in the Carboniferous, Silurian, Ordovician and Cambrian Systems.


16、Cap covering the oil filler hole.


17、Even without whipped cream it still has 457 calories.


18、Fold in the whipped cream to create the cheese mixture.


19、It's not easy to do anything. But never give up. Come on, girl.


20、Stir together flour and baking powder. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and creamy . Gradually add in the egg and beat until well-combined.

21、A combination of falling oil prices and debt levels has hit Canadian oil and gas shares in recent months as investors fret that growth prospects are shriveling.近几个月来,加拿大油气行业股价受到油价下跌和债务水平的双重打压,而投资者也担忧行业的成长前景.

22、Abundant oil seepage and asphalt existing in the Silurian and the Ordovician reveal large-scale petroleum migration and accumulation happened in Keping area.丰富的地面油气显示及奥陶系、志留系普遍含沥青的事实,表明本区曾有过大规模的油气运聚过程。

23、Trouble removal for insufficient oil supply or absence of oil supply caused by poor separation of oil and gas and oil leak from gas outlet is described.对加油机油气分离器的油气分离能力差、出气管冒油、油气分离器引起的不供油或供油不足等故障的排除方法进行了介绍。

24、Beat the sugar and salad oil until smooth. Add in eggs, beat well.砂糖加入沙拉油打成冰沙状后,加入鸡蛋打匀。

25、Beat butter and sugar until light and creamy . Add in egg and beat well. Add in mashed banana.牛油和砂糖打发至轻身,加入鸡蛋打匀。然后加入香蕉泥。

英文句子26:,26、With MDT pressure measurements and samples, oil-testing beds may be accurately selected in the complex reservoirs, so quickening the exploration progress.对于油气水关系复杂的油(气)藏,通过MDT测压及取样,可以准确选择试油层位,加快勘探进程;

27、Add the gelatine . beat the cream cheese and sugar until smooth.加入吉利丁。把奶油芝士和糖打到润滑。

28、She crowned the dessert with whipped cream.她在甜点心上面加上搅打过的奶油。

29、Beat heavy cream with confectioners sugar using cleaned beaters until it just holds soft peaks, then beat in sour cream until mixture holds stiff peaks.使用搅拌器搅打浓奶油和糖果,直到起泡,然后加入酸奶油搅打到起泡。

30、The discovery of the Silurian-Devonian oil and gas reservoir reveals a good exploration prospect.塔里木盆地志留-泥盆系油气藏的发现,展示了志留-泥盆系良好的勘探潜力。

31、Often I was urged on by the spectators-at least by some of them.在比赛时,常常有围观者为我加油打气。

32、Planes drop minivan-size water-cleaning robots and inflatable booms near the spill site.飞机在漏油地点附近放下小型货车打消的清洁海水机器人和充气的漏油栅。

33、Use eggbeater to beat cream butter and sugar till puffy and milky, add egg gradually and beat until smooth;牛油加糖后以打蛋器打至轻软及变白,然后把鸡蛋逐一加入拌至完全混合;

34、Rousing the Spirits with the First Drum Roll. 这应该是通用的翻法。

35、go the whole hog do sth 在字典上可以查到!

36、Oblivious to the traffic, or to me as I overtook them, for encouragement she sang him classic melody.就在四周流动的车辆还有我忽略他们时,她为了给自己的丈夫加油打气,哼起了一段经典的旋律。

37、Opening the intake valve before TDC and closing it after BDC increase the fill of air-fuel mixture in the cylinder .在上止点前打开进气门并在下止点增大气缸内的油气混合物之后关闭。

38、She looks really sad. Let me go pump her up.她看起来很伤心。让我为她加油打气。

39、I think the fuel truck which is refueling DA42 is really a fuel truck!这种油车看起来才气派一些!正在给DA42加油。

40、Shut - off and excess flow valve for the LPG pump by-pass and dispenser return;石油气泵旁路及加气机回气喉的开关及溢流控制阀;

41、With the riser height increases, the mass fraction of heavy oil reduces, while the weight of gasoline, LPG, gas and coke has been increasing.随着提升管高度的增加,重油的质量分率降低,而汽油、液化气、气体和焦炭的产率增加。

42、Its heating has three ways i. e. steam, hot water, heat conduction oil.加热分蒸气、热水、导热油加热三种方式;

43、Tectonic evolution and its bearings to the oil and gas with in the central Tarim uplift of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang;塔中古隆起复式油气聚集区在石炭系、志留系、奥陶系及寒武系均发现了大中型油气藏。

44、Snuggle up together as you cheer onyour favorite team.依偎在一起为你们最爱的球队加油打气。

45、Patty smiles without giving any answer. She said, Its just my friends supporting me, Im definitely happy and very thankful for his support.侯佩岑笑而不答,仅说: 朋友帮我加油打气,当然很开心,也很谢谢他的支持。

46、It's easy to root for a guy like Phillips, a legitimately good guy who has had to endure so much heartache.为像灯泡这样的球员加油打气是很容易的,一个中规中矩的好人但总是承受著许多悲痛。

47、when your hope is gone ,just look around and you'll see ,family is here to cheer you on当希望渺茫时,抬头环视一下四周,你会发现,家人还在那里为你加油打气。

48、In use butter model, the remaining amount, fueling, out of oil, air package at a glance.在使用中黄油的型号、剩余量、加油量、出油量、空气包一目了然。

49、There are about 60 sedimentary basins in Indonesia, 油气盆地分别位于苏门答腊油气区(印尼最主要的产油区)、爪哇油气区、东加里曼丹油气区、东部油气区和南海海域油气区。

11 of them are oil and gas producing basins which are distributed on Sumatra, Java, East Kalimadan, East Indonesia and South China Sea.

50、The lock is so stubborn that it needs oiling (or it needs to be oiled).那把锁很难打开,需要加油了。

经典英文句子51:加油打气励志,51、Colin Myler, the outgoing editor, addressed the media gathered outside his offices, watched by his staff who cheered him loudly.即将卸任的编辑迈勒,向聚集在办公室外头的媒体发表致词,并看著为他大声加油打气的员工。

52、Triassic basin is the main oil and gas bearing basin in Algeria, with excellent geologic conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation. The main source rock is Lower Silurian shale.三叠盆地是阿尔及利亚的主要含油气盆地,油气成藏地质条件优越,主要烃源岩为下志留统页岩。

53、He snapped his lighter to see if it needed fuel.他啪啪按打火机看看是否要加油。

54、The economic benefits of gas station and oil station were evaluated .同时对加气站、 加油站的经济效益进行了评价。

55、In 1970s , the discovery of Wenliu coal-formed field marked a new period of Neopaleozoic field exploration in North China.上个世纪xx年代文留煤型油气田的发现,标志着华北上古生界油气田勘探进入了一个新阶段。


标签: 简短 励志

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