关于”花的短句“的英语句子34个,句子主体:Short sentences of flowers。以下是关于花的短句的四级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Short sentences of flowers
1、During this short time the mirror moves, though but little, and in it the exit-spark is seen as if it had moved aside from the entrance-spark.
2、In this population, the quantity of the long-styled flower plants is similar to that of the short-styled ones.
3、The company places in Xinjiang cotton, Corps cotton, short fiber, medium-and long-cotton, cotton-ching shells, long-staple cotton, cottonseed.
4、Coffee trees produce highly aromatic, short-lived flowers producing a scent between jasmine and orange.
本公司虽成立只有短短的xx年时间,但从事绣花, 服装面料已有多年经验。
5、Although the company set up only one-year period, but engaged in embroidery, garment fabrics have years of experience.
6、The brand's goal is to bridge the divide between long cargo shorts and fussy, high-end designer short-shorts.
7、炯炯有神的眼睛 短语 Icicle Sparkler 冰灵魔杖 Cranberry Sparkler 起泡蔓越莓汁 Tears sparkler 泪的小花
8、Try forcing people to try pairing for a very short time.
9、The loose bearing may generally be isolated by shorting spark plugs .
10、Immediately triggered my thoughts so sudden bloom, the flowers of the same thing applies to just how short is the best!
11、Pepper is a volatile substance, brewed according to the length of time flexibility, the general view of the fried pepper taste, and easy, it boiled a short time.
12、Too much, there's no spark. Too little, you short out. Right?
13、The vernalized plants can finish the development stages of floral organ and floral stalk, no matter long-day or short-day.
14、Safety Features: Spark-resistant, reverse hookup, short circuit and overcharge protection.
15、Petal margin entire or shortly fimbriate and erose proximally.
16、Petals lorate, to
2 mm, pubescent on parts exposed in bud.
外花被片段为深棕红色, 短披针形, 带白色边缘。
17、Outer perianth segments dark brownish - red, short lanceolate, with whitish edge.
18、The duration required to define the work depends on the length of time necessary to discover and document the information, as well as the time required to gain agreement and approval from the client.
19、To reduce time wasted on the journey, I usually don't take the slow train.
20、Red, Lotus_shaped; straight stems, short stalks, dense pointed leaves in dark green, erect and much branched, medium flowering.
21、The short blooming period hinders the development of the floricultural industry of moutan peonies .自然花期较短严重影响了牡丹产业的发展。
22、The reason of it is, that after the appearance of the entrance-spark it takes a short time, before the exit-spark appears.原因是这样的。 先出现的“入端火花”与较后出现的“出端火花”,先后有一段很短的时差。
23、No spinning value cotton : mouldy cotton, water damaged cotton, oil stained cotton, burned cotton, cotton waste and linters, etc.无纺用价值棉花:霉变棉、水渍棉、油污棉、火烧棉、棉花废料、棉短绒等。
24、This sentence, makes the north wild strong to immediately heave to look to cost not intentional.这句话,让北野烈顿时抬眼看着花无心。
25、24. Life is to short to spend time worrying。生命太短了,不要花在焦虑上。
英文句子26:,26、She wore a pink T-shirt with a butterfly design on the shoulder.她穿了一件肩膀有蝴蝶花纹的粉色短袖。
27、Runs on top of the Cuyahoga framework, and it took me just a couple of hours to bring this site up and running.关于亚霍加框架上运行,我花了短短几个小时,使这个站的建设和运行。
28、Girly floral printed skirt with mesh ruffled sweep…花布短裙,裙脚有网布褶饰边。
29、Meet like the meteor across the sky, the gorgeous fireworks, just a short moment, and fall into the endless darkness.邂逅如流星划过天际,那烟花一样的绚烂,只是短短的一瞬,又沦入无边无际的黑暗。
30、And so what does the Hibiscus Flower Kingdom wish to conclude this essay with?而木槿花王国想以什么来结束这篇短文?
31、Extruded food, melon, peanut, popcorn, detergent powder, white sugger, salted which shape is roll, grain, liquid food.膨化食品、虾条、花生、爆米花、麦片、瓜子、果冻、白糖、盐等颗粒状,短条状,液体食品的三角型的包装。
32、Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.爱是生命之花,出人不意地开花并无章可循;一旦遇见了就要采摘,及时享受其短暂的花期。
33、Outer perianth segments dark brownish-red, short lanceolate, with whitish edge.外花被片段为深棕红色,短披针形,带白色边缘。
34、Cool storage changed the physiological metabolism of cut gladiolus flower and resulted in water lose of flower and affected the absorb of water.结果表明,冷藏不仅缩短了唐菖蒲切花瓶插时间,也降低了切花的小花开放率。
35、But I see a man wearing the same short pants and T-shirt for almost thirty days and I wonder that, why not change?可是我见过一个人老是穿同样的短衣短T恤,差不多三十天了,怎么老是不换换花样?
36、Bracts lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, apex long acuminate, shorter than calyx. Corolla tube without hairy annulus inside.苞片披针形到宽披针形,先端长渐尖,短于花萼。 花冠筒没有有毛环带在里面。
37、A short stalk is at the base and a thick stamen centered in the bowl.花蒂之下则是一根粗短的茎杆,而在碗型花冠中则有一根粗大的雄蕊。
38、Corolla lobes 花冠裂片5,近等长,圆形,筒部短。
5, subequal, rounded, tube short.
39、The long filaments are accompanied with plump and white anther, large numbers of pollen grains, shorter style and sterile gynoecium;其中,长花丝对应的花药饱满、白色、花粉量大、花柱较短、雌性败育;
40、Ovary is narrow, short style and the column head that next delaying lay on;子房窄,上生短花柱和下延的柱头;
41、The results showed that increasing the degree of shade, Salvia farinacea budding, flowering date postponed and the duration of flowering shortened.结果表明:遮荫程度的加重,鼠尾草现蕾、开花的日期延后,开花持续的时间缩短。
42、Among sika deer, the time span of genetic differentiation of Dongfeng and Zuojia Sika deer was the shortest, 110 years.在梅花鹿中东丰梅花鹿和左家梅花鹿的分化时间最短,为xx年;
43、The Four Seas Xianting fly short Zhao, the Shenzhou held fire cherry Xie.四海闲庭飞短棹,神州举火樱花谢。
44、Raceme rachis and pedicels pubescent or puberulent ; bract and bracteole usually borne on distal 1/2 of pedicel.总状花序轴和花梗具短柔毛或微柔毛;苞片和小苞片通常生于花梗上部的1/2。
45、Zhengmai 小穗分化期持续时间较短,分化的小花数较少;
1 had relatively shorter spikelets differentiation period resulted in fewer the number of differentiated florets.
46、Construction on the $3.75 billion terminal, designed by British architect Norman Foster to evoke a red, orange, and yellow dragon, took a lightning-quick three years and nine months.这个花了37.5个亿美刀的航站楼展现了红橙黄三色龙的形象,由英国设计师诺曼福斯特设计。 只花了短短的xx年零9个月。
47、Short flowering stems, called spurs, grow from the youngest, leafless portions of each vine.短枝即开花枝就是长在每个藤枝的新长的无叶部位。
48、People ask me why I spend the time to write essays.人们问我,为什么花那么多时间写短文。
49、Corolla salverform, slightly shorter than calyx, constricted and annulate at throat;高脚碟状的花冠,稍短于花萼,缢缩和有环在喉部;
50、It has become the symbol for all that is transient and evanescent in life.它已成为所有的符号是短暂的昙花一现的生活。
经典英文句子51:花的短句,51、Staminal 雄蕊4,微2强,退化雄蕊较短,着生花冠筒中部,花丝细长,扁平,花药椭圆形,2室;
4, small
2 strong, degrade stamen is shorter, the move is strange corollaceous canister is mid, filament slightness, compressed, antheral elliptic,
2 rooms;
标签: 短句
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