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关于”基本句型“的英语句子53个,句子主体:basic sentence pattern。以下是关于基本句型的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:basic sentence pattern


1、The applications of

2,6-NDA in preparation of new aromatic polyamides were also studied.



2、A solution method of cam with oscillating follower′s pressure angle and basic dimensions;


3、Based on the Foreward-put of Intangible Exchange, this article explores the foundation and possibility of the realization of resource saving economic process.

Protocol buffers支持如下的可以被“对象”图表达的基本数据类型

4、Protocol buffers supports the following primitive datatypes that can be represented in "object" graphs


5、Objective To investigate the relationship of HBV Lumivudine resistant and HBV genotypes and basic core promoter(BCP) mutation.


6、This article presented a multifunctional audio digital watermark algorithm based on psychoacoustic model.


7、Misteli said that gene activation needs to be measured at other times, and that the computational model of self-organization was relatively rudimentary.


8、The baseline version of C919 features 168 seats for an all-economy class configuration and 156 seats for a hybrid class layout.


9、This research tries to establish the ICOS transgenic mice model and applies it to the study of schistosomiasis Japonicum.


10、The basic theories and the applications of both the critical resolved shear stress model and viscoplastic model are presented for predicting the dislocation density during crystal growth process.


11、Based on JM model, we propose a software reliability prediction model involving fault-remove time which followed exponential distribution.


12、A novel approach is proposed to create a smooth path based on quadtree environment model.


13、A component level aerothermodymamic model of a turbofan aeroengine is created in this thesis using OO technology.


14、The development of ground source heat pump (GSHP) at home and abroad is briefly introduced.


15、The principle of the GEOX clamped on ground meter and its application is emphasized.


16、Confusingly, a neutralino is not actually the partner of a particular Standard Model particle but is, rather, a mixture of the partners of several of them.


17、What's the difference between open -end and closed-end funds?


18、The two-fluid model is adopted. The local instantaneous equations of mass and momentum of two-phase flow are derived together with the corresponding Inter-phase jump conditions.


19、On this basis, this degree dissertation has also selected " deifying text" and "icon text" as typical texts for the further study of their uniqueness.


20、Roll-up processing is performed against base facts or measures in a dimensional model.

21、Its basic human resource strategy is to develop a team-based, market-oriented, talent-lead professional workforce in which all personal talents, skills and potentials will be maximized.以人为本,以市场为导向、以人才为支撑、建设发展型团队,并以团队为基石,发挥个人能力与潜质是本公司的基本人才战略。

22、The basic composition, types, characteristics and applications of fire-retardant coatings are introduced. The present status of this kind of coatings are discussed in brief.介绍了膨胀型防火涂料的基本组成、类型、特点及其应用,概述了膨胀型防火涂料的发展现状。

23、The result showed: windward slopes of crescent dune are basically in the process of wind erosion.结果表明:新月型沙丘迎风坡基本处于风蚀过程;

24、Based on the research of classification and feature of typical mudstone in some projects in Guangxi area, three groups of model test on rock-socked pile are designed.针对广西地区建筑工程中典型泥岩的基本类型和特点,设计了三组嵌岩桩模型试验。

25、Mundell-Fleming model is one of the basic models of macro-economics in open economy.模型是开放经济宏观经济学的基本模型,其存在的缺陷和局限是理论拓展的主要方向。

英文句子26:,26、The distribution of grain weight on the panicles was consistent in the two panicle types.两穗型材料籽粒粒重在穗上的分布与排序基本一致。

27、The basic flow patterns and hydraulic characteristics, flow velocity and pressure distribution characteristics, have been investigated on a model of the level rotary flow discharge tunnel.通过模型试验,研究了水平旋流泄洪洞的基本流态、基本水力特性、流速分布与压强分布特性。

28、The basic tenet of SVC of the type FC-TCR was expounded first of all.论文首先阐述了FC-TCR型SVC补偿无功功率的基本原理。

29、Based on the basic principle and modeling method of partial least-square regression (PLSR), establishing the mathematical model for parameter prediction of the steam turbine units.根据偏最小二乘回归的基本原理和建模的基本思路,建立数学模型并将其应用于电厂机组的参数预测中。

30、She's just appeared on the cover of Vogue Hommes Japan wearing a meat bikini.她最近以一身鲜肉比基尼造型亮相日本时尚杂志封面。

31、The model isdebugged and validated by the data observed, so it is proved suitable to simulate river network discharge, water level and contamination concentration.模型利用实测资料进行模型率定与验证,证明该模型基本合理,能够模拟河网各河道的流量、水位与浓度。

32、ESCP, based on cybernetics, is brought forward to fit modeling the behavior of virtual CGF entity in virtual battlefield.基于控制论的基本思想,提出适应虚拟战场需求的虚拟实体对象行为模型ESCP。

33、The conversion coefficient is stabilized about 0.6 and the change is small.我国小型蒸发皿折算系数基本在0.6左右波动,变幅很小。

34、The vegetation type is essentially halophytic in the center with widespread grasses along the sandy shore of the Island.在沿著本岛的沙岸广布草地中央的植群型基本上都是属于盐生性植物。

35、Laboratory-scale HIP equipment is an essential means for studying HIP technology.实验室型热等静压设备是开展HIP技术研究的基本手段。

36、Patent leather shoes can be cleaned with solvent-based leather cleaners or basic furniture polish.漆皮鞋可以清洗溶剂型皮革清洁剂或基本家具上光剂。

37、Finally, a numerical example is served for demonstrating the essential feature of the developed multi-round bilateral negotiating framework.最后,用算例说明了所发展 模型的基本特征。

38、Basically, there is a fixed pattern in the global anti-terrorist defensive task.世界各国的防御型反恐怖工作基本上都有一个固定的模式。

39、Recent developments in the preparation of composite membranes for gas separation are presented.介绍了气体分离复合膜的基本构型、制备方法及近期的发展。

40、CAPM Model and APT Model based on the theory of investment combination is the core of mod- ern capital market theory.建立在投资组合理论基础之上的CAPM 模型和APT 模型是现代资本市场理论的核心。

41、The thesis, at first, has explained the basic conception and classification of water rights and orientates water rights as the new-type usufruct on the civil law.论文首先从水权基本理论入手,阐述水权的基本概念与分类,将水权界定为民法上的新型用益物权。

42、But on the whole they display a general convergence to some basic features on the basis of which they introduce themselves as Grameen replication programmes or Grameen type programmes.但总体上还显示一般收敛一些基本功能的基础上,他们引进格拉明乡村复制方案或方案本身的类型。

43、The installed power in the table means the parameter with the basic type, users can change it upon different material conditions.本参数中的装机功率是指基本型的参数,用户可根据物料不同状况改变。

44、The basic or elementary principles; rudiments.基本原则;基本原理,入门。

45、Once they had sold Christian Poulsen, Liverpool should basically have been set.只要裁汰掉冗员鲍尔森,利物浦的中场配置基本就能定型了。

46、Models and parameters to estimate energy and amino acid requirements for broiler chickens were determined by factorial methods with Arbor Acres broilers.本研究以爱拔益加肉鸡为模型动物,采用析因法建立肉鸡的能量和氨基酸需要模型并确定模型的相关参数。

47、Optimal design on aerofoil parameter of impeller is made based on the second YQH-100 oil-gas pump.基于第二代YQH-100油气混输泵叶轮的基本参数,对叶轮的翼型参数进行了优化设计。

48、The equations of motion governing the quasi_static and dynamical behavior of a viscoelastic Timoshenko beam are derived.利用哈密尔顿原理在积分型本构模型描述基础上建立粘弹性移动梁的控制方程。

49、The viability of pollens in the studied resynthesized rapeseed lines was basically normal.人工合成甘蓝型油菜特异材料的花粉生活力是基本正常的。

50、The application of new type all-hot skid rail can basically eliminate the above-mentioned defects.通过新型全热滑轨的应用使上述缺陷基本得到根治。

经典英文句子51:基本句型,51、Quality pit mud is one of the essential factors for quality Luzhou-flavor liquor production.优质的窖泥是生产高质量浓香型曲酒的基本条件之

52、Based on research of predecessor, this thesis takes typical Oasis--- Fukang as research area.本文在前人研究的基础上,以典型绿洲——阜康作为研究区域。

53、The repressor gene and its allele-a temperature sensitive mutant have been cloned from the defective prophage PBSX of Bacillus subtilis by means of PCR technique.本研究利用聚合酶链式反应技术,成功地克隆了枯草芽孢杆菌缺陷型原噬菌体PBSX阻遏基因及其温度敏感型等位基因。

54、The performances of these criteria are further demonstrated by simulation under different sample size as well as a numerical example.基于上述模型选取准则各有其适用性,因此本研究著重于不同样本数情形下,如何利用适当的准则选取正确的统计模型。

55、Relation modulus and creep compliance are gained on base of the model and the viscoelastic theory, establish the constitutive equation.基于该模型,应用粘弹性力学理论,获得松弛函数及蠕变函数,建立苜蓿草片的微分型和积分型本构方程。

56、The basic principle and one-dimensional mathematic model of MagnetoHydrodynamic (MHD) controlled inlet were presented.阐述了磁控进气道的基本原理,建立了一维数学模型。

57、The acquisition-based box-model, the role-based three-line-model and the contractor-based magic-cube model are established.提出了基于采购的匣子模型、基于角色的三线模型和基于承制方的魔方模型;

58、On the basis of research on the algorithms using shading models, we further focus onto the Photometric Stereo algorithms using reference objects.在分析基于光照模型的光度立体算法的基础上,本文进一步研究了基于参照物的光度立体建模算法。

59、Propose and design the model of "Knowledge-base of user's interests."首先,分析了用户兴趣知识库模型创建的基本原理和意义所在;

60、Based on this, this article advocates to apply the death sentence in the violence crime and abolishes the death sentence to the non- violence crime.基于此,本文主张对暴力型犯罪适用死刑,对非暴力型犯罪废除死刑。

61、An supply and demand cooperating modeling is established by the sharing of information, based on the cooperating relation of supply chain and Up-Down stream planning modeling respectively.本文基于供需链合作关系,建立了上下游企业计划模型。 在计划模型的基础上,通过信息、计划共享,给出了上下游供需合作模型;

62、Based on the theory of particle flow, Particle Flow Code (PFC) model of sand and clay were constituted respectively by adopting the different particle contact constitutive relationships.本文基于颗粒流理论,引入不同的颗粒接触连接本构模型,分别建立了砂土和粘性土的颗粒流模型。

63、Based on these, multiple linear regression, LMBP, MOBP, VLBP and BRBP model are used to forecast oil-gas prospecting cost, and each of their forecasting performances is compared.在此基础上,采用了多元线性回归模型、LMBP模型、MOBP模型、VLBP模型与BRBP模型对油气勘探成本进行预测,并对各模型的预测性能进行了比对。

64、At the end of the period, 36 percent of worldwide investment fund assets were held in equity funds, 在第二季底,全球投资型基金资产中有36%为股票型基金持有,债券型基金和平衡型基金分别持有19%和10%.货币市场基金则占了28%.(完)

19 percent were allocated to bond funds while balanced funds claimed

10 percent.

65、The genomic organization of D2 04 strain was similar to that of other reported Dengue 结论我国D2 0 4株的基因组全序列基本类似于已发表的其它登革2型病毒株。

2 virus strains.



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