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1、I like seafood with ginger.


2、To salt or not to salt?


3、And rather than one large lunch, pack a couple of smaller meals.


4、People eat pig liver, but not grape skins.


5、We can say we are going to have chicken for dinner. Why can't we say pig, bull or sheep for dinner instead of pork, beef or mutton?


6、In the Spring Festival to eat nutrition, eat health, eat civilized, happy to eat, must pay attention to etiquette.

7、The apple pie tastes really delicious. 苹果派吃起来真是好吃。


8、How to eat: Choose sardines packed in olive or sardine oil. Eat plain, mixed with salad, on toast, or mashed with dijon mustard and onions as a spread.


9、How about an omelette, or something?


10、To eat less salt, eat more salty things, the more want to eat.


11、The glutinous rice salted fish can be parched, fried, grilled, steamed with small red pepper.


12、What trade-offs could you make in order to continue to eat the foods you want -- to have your cake and eat it too?


13、Hairy crabs eat, I eat slowly, but constantly eating, eating embarrassed every time, and so I should be friends again, I would "wash their hands to eat."


14、Wife: Yes and no.


15、This is better than going from no food to bingeing.


16、Great trees keep down the little ones.


17、Do people eat blue catfish?


18、I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious.


19、I like eating Beijing snacks.


20、You can't afford meat, you eat vegetables.

21、Please eat less meat, take more vegetarian food (No Milk). Be Veg, Go Green, Save The Planet.请尽量少吃肉,最好吃全素(无奶): 吃素,吃素可以环保,拯救地球。

22、Eat invigorator while can you eat hot?吃补药的同时能吃辣的吗?

23、They eat them mashed, boiled and baked, in pancakes, soup and pirogies.他们搅碎 吃、煮着 吃、烤着 吃,夹在煎饼里 吃、烧汤 吃、做陷 吃。

24、海南吃海鲜 Hainan to eat seafood 海南吃海鲜 Hainan to eat seafood

25、Two heads are better than one.一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃

英文句子26:,26、That is the best tiramisu I've ever had!太好吃了!这是我吃过的最好吃的提拉米苏!

27、Try eating more slowly and stop eating when you feel comfortable, not stuffed.吃得慢一点,不要吃得太饱,感觉舒服就不要再吃了。

28、For a quick, authentic meal, try the snack stalls down one of the side streets.想吃得快、吃得好,试试街边的小吃店。

29、A cow is eating. Eating, eating. Moo!一只牛在吃草,吃啊,吃啊,哞!

30、It tastes best when taken piping hot。 趁热吃好吃。

31、Eat a little of this and some of that, she tells us, but never this and only a smidgen of that.她告诉我们,少吃这个,吃点那个,永远不能吃这个,那个只能吃一点点。

32、You eat too much pastry.你吃油酥点心吃得太多了。

33、He often stammers during his speeches.他经常说话吃吃的。

34、Do you love to snack?你喜欢吃小吃吗?

35、Eight eat dinner, and must have not eaten enough, the next still want to eat.吃饭八分饱,绝得没吃够,下次还想吃。

36、“早吃好,午吃饱,晚吃少” Having a perfect breakfast,an adequte lunch and enough dinner.

37、I should eat whatever I can't eat later, especially curry chicken.这几天要多吃吃以后没有机会吃的东西…咖哩鸡了。

38、Mother : He didn't eat them. Sometimes if he was at home he'd eat eggs, two eggs and mixed with some flour.母亲 : 他吃不到,有时候他碰到才吃得到,吃蛋,做两个蛋,放点粉做着吃。

39、She eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat.她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。

40、I would rather have noodles than rice.我宁愿吃面条也不吃米饭。

41、I have fish. Yummy ! Yummy!我吃鱼。真好吃!

42、Go easy on salt. The more salted food you eat, the more you want.少吃盐。你吃的腌制食品越多,你就越想要多吃。

43、Eat slowly and don't bolt your food.慢慢吃,别囫囵吞吃食物。

44、I am allowed to eat whatever I want on Saturdays, and I go out of my way to eat ice cream, Snickers, Take 在周六,我允许我自己吃我所想吃的任何东西,我在路上便窃喜边吃冰激凌,一下吃了5个,以及吃了过多的其他的所有的想吃的东西。

5, and all of my other vices in excess.

45、Eat fish instead of meat.吃多点鱼,吃少点肉。

46、I just eat a few mouthfuls and found his mother without food, it tells us asked:"how do you eat that?"我刚吃几口,发现妈妈没吃,就边吃边问道:“你怎么不吃呀?。

47、You do not want to eat a blend of the good and the bad.你不想吃好吃的和坏难吃的的混合物。

48、I haven't had my meal yet.吃过饭了没有?还没吃过呢。

49、We'll have fish instead of meat.我们将吃鱼而不吃肉。

50、Rosalie: No, I want more cheesecake. I've never eaten anything so delicious.萝莎莉: 不,我还想再吃,我从没吃过这麽好吃的东西。

经典英文句子51:吃,51、Please open your mouth. Eat this delicious food.张开嘴巴,吃吃这个好吃的。

52、Eat a healthy breakfast. Eat a full and reenergizing lunch. Eat little supper.每天注意吃好早餐,吃饱午餐,少吃晚餐;

53、Eat only the filling of the egg roll and not the shell. Saves 400-500吃蛋卷的时候,只吃芯别吃皮.

54、Yes. I ate a few minutes ago.吃了,我几分钟前吃了饭。

55、And I will eat them in the rain. And in the dark. And on a train. And in a car. And in a tree.我还要在雨里吃。还要摸黑吃。还要在火车上吃。还要在车里吃。还要在树上吃。

56、Man: Eggs Man: I'd like chicken for breakfast Man: I usually do eggs Man: Chicken sounds good Man: Eggs Roxie: Eggs?男:吃蛋,男:我早餐喜欢吃鸡,男:我通常吃蛋,男:鸡好吃,男:蛋,洛克茜:吃蛋?

57、Marcus:You go ahead. I'm full !马卡斯:你吃吧,我吃饱了!

58、Eat, is a supreme art, as we want to eat Chinese chowhound, pay attention to eat, eat, entertainment culture.吃,是一门至高无上的艺术,而作为天朝吃货,咱们要吃的讲究、吃的娱乐、吃的有文化。

59、No! I'd rather have more snacks.不,我情愿再吃一些小吃。

60、Does Professor Liu eat steamed bun not?刘教授吃不吃馒头?。

61、Moreover, in my home during one of the main purposes is to eat special food to eat wolfing down his food Kuang Chi Ho (另外在回国期间本人主要目的之一就是大吃特吃猛吃狂吃豪吃(不肥20斤誓不为人)。

20 kg Never human fat).

62、I love to pig out at all-you-can-eat buffets. ;我喜欢到“任君吃饱为止”的自助餐馆, 去大吃特吃一顿。

63、The way Gary eats, you would think he has a hollow leg.看格雷的吃相, 你会以为他怎么吃都吃不饱。

64、What's Wrong With Eating Sugar?吃了这么多年糖,你说吃错了?

65、People love eating and drinking.人们喜欢吃吃喝喝。

66、Liu eat steamed bun not?刘教授吃不吃馒头?。

67、We were late (in) having dinner.我们吃饭吃得晚。

68、The boy glutted himself with the cake.这男孩吃蛋糕吃多了。

69、I ate a few minutes ago.吃了,我几分钟前吃了饭。

70、I prefer more vegetables than meat.我愿意多吃青菜,少吃肉类。

71、"Here, "she said. "Eat this candy.“喏,”她说,“吃吃这种糖。

72、Take no leavened bread with it;吃这祭肉时,不可吃发酵饼;

73、I like eating and sleeping.我喜欢吃吃睡睡。

74、He eats, and while he eats he devours information about what he is eating.他是在吃,但他吃的时候,不断咀嚼着吃的信息。

75、I prefer fish to beef .我爱吃鱼不大爱吃牛肉。

英文句子模板76:Eating,76、I could eat this all day.太好吃了我不会吃腻。

77、He ate food you left.吃你吃剩的东西。

78、Eat, eat, eat! What else do you know?吃!就知道吃!让你一次吃个够!喵了个咪的

79、Eat steamed vegetables, eat steamed fish or eat salads.吃蒸熟的蔬菜,吃清蒸鱼或吃沙拉。

80、It is love meat , canned fish does not love favorite fish.它非常爱吃肉,爱吃鱼罐头却不爱吃活鱼。



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