木琴的英语怎么说 英语

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木琴翻译为英语通常说作:xylophone,其次还可以说成" Marimba",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到91个与木琴相关的译文和例句。


1. xylophone


示例:这是一架木琴。 This is a xylophone.


2. Marimba

木琴翻译为 Marimba 。

示例:手机的外观和形式旨在模仿木琴的俏皮本质。 The look and form of the phone are designed to resemble the playful nature of the xylophone.


3. Gamelimba

木琴翻译为 Gamelimba 。


1、The stage is decorated with red and yellow cloth; a Japanese musician accompanies the dialogue on drums, xylophone and strings.


4. Gamelan

木琴翻译为 Gamelan 。

示例:A History and the Theories of Gamelan 加美兰的历史与理论



1. xylophone(木琴


2. marimba(木琴

3. zylophone( 木琴)


4. xylophonelike( 木琴;


5. xylophonist(木琴弹奏者

英语短语&俚语, Kotomi Aoki Aoki Kotomi ( 青木琴美 )

PLANTOYS ( 弧形木琴 )

The Overture ( 最后的木琴师 )

Xylophone ( 柔音木琴 )

PLANTOYS ( 头大玩具)

Balaphon ( 非洲木琴 )


1. Musical innovator Andrew Bird winds together his trademark violin technique with xylophone, vocals and sophisticated electronic looping. Add in his uncanny ability to whistle anything, and he becomes a riveting one-man orchestra.

译文:音乐革新者安德鲁·伯德Andrew Bird带来了包含木琴、人声及复杂的电子线路的标志性的小提琴技术。加上他能用口哨演奏任何事物的怪诞能力,他变成了令人着迷的一人乐队。。

2. Narrator: Kanzi plays the xylophone; using both hands he enthusiastically accompanies Dr. Sue's singing.

译文:Kanzi在弹木琴, (它)用两只手热心地配合Susan的歌词。 。

3. Maybe the wall is nothing more than an enormous instrument, the world's largest xylophone, and we could play down this wall with weapons of mass percussion.

译文:也许这墙不过是一个巨大的乐器, 世界上最大的木琴,而我们 可以用大规模打击性乐器 来打下这堵墙。 。

4. One of the sons is playing a xylophone with his "cock."

译文:其中一个男孩 播放木琴kullillaan。 矮人有三个公鸡头。。

5. Young and single, Ron spent nearly every evening and weekend working on his marimba, determined to get it right.


6. Narrator: Kanzi plays the xylophone; using both hands he enthusiastically accompanies Dr. Sue's singing.

译文:Kanzi在弹木琴, (它)用两只手热心地配合Susan的歌词。。

7. The look and form of the phone are designed to resemble the playful nature of the xylophone.

译文:手机的外观和形式旨在模仿木琴的俏皮本质。 。

8. And the marimba, for everybody like me, it was this huge, wooden xylophone.

译文:和我一样对乐器不在行的朋友,马林巴是 一个巨大的木琴。 。

9. Ron's first marimba took over a year to build.

译文:罗恩做第一架木琴花了xx年多的时间。 。

10. Ron's first marimba took over a year to build.


11. You must have found a marimba in the Alameda


12. That’s a proton collision played on marimba.

译文:这是木琴演奏的一段粒子碰撞的声音。 。

13. One day, he will make a marimba that will fully reveal the secret of that sound to the rest of us.


14. An included SoundFont focusing on hammered instruments (tubular bells, piano, xylophone) is included with the downloads.

译文:下载的部分包括专用于打击乐器(管钟、钢琴、木琴)的内置 SoundFont。 。

15. We are very familiar with the percussion, such as drums, gongs, xylophones and so on.

译文:我们对打击乐器非常熟悉,比如鼓、铜锣、木琴,等等。 。



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