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关于”中国的句子“的英语句子4个,句子主体:Chinese sentences。以下是关于中国的句子的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Chinese sentences

1、• There is a Chinese saying, “Those who don't reach the Great Wall are not true men.” 中国有句谚语:“不到长城非好汉。

2、Two types of queries can be used in the WHERE clause of an UPDATE statement: a scalar subquery and a table subquery. 两种查询可以用于 UPDATE 语句的 WHERE 子句中:标量子查询 和表子查询。

3、Korean "za" inducement sentences and Chinese Imperative sentences as the communicative style are frequently used in daily life. 韩国语“(?)”类共动句和汉语请求句作为交际语体,在人们的日常生活中使用得非常频繁。

4、Considering all these differences in sentence structure, translators find switching subject-predicate into topic-comment sentences is often necessary but difficult in English-Chinese translation. 由于英汉语在句子结构上的巨大差异,英汉翻译中,句式转换通常是必要的但也是十分困难的一个环节。

5、In this case, composing the deliverable into a Chinese sentence should have no problem. 在这种情况下,把思想组织成汉语句子是不成问题的。

6、The room (in which/where my friend and I often have lessons) is this。 这两句意思差不多,这个句子中括号里的从句是room的定语。

7、Chinglish is a common mistake in English compositions of the Chinese students because it is a result of the influence of the rhetoric mode of Chinese sentences. 汉式英语是中国学生写英语作文时常出现的错误,其原因是受汉语句子修辞模式的影响。

8、Since both languages differ in cultural psychology, some CPS is translated into Japanese active sentences. 汉日语言文化心理存在差异,有些汉语“被”字句须译为日语主动句。

9、The existential construction, representing a typical feature of Chinese as a topic-prominent language, is a special kind of sentence pattern in modern Chinese. 存现句体现汉语作为话题突出型语言的典型特征,是现代汉语中比较有特点的一种句式。

10、Second, Chinese, different from Korean or English, is Isolating Language with its semantic and Pragmatics features. 在本文的第二章,分析了韩国语和汉语‘谁’在特殊疑问句中的句法对应关系。

11、The double object sentence is very common in Chinese. 双宾句是汉语中普遍存在的一种句式。

12、Therefore, in translation from Chinese to English, Chinese topic is frequently arranged as object of English sentence. 因此,在汉译英中往往将置于句首的汉语话题转换成英语句子中的宾语。

13、Most of the available length-based Chinese-English sentence alignment methods take Byte as their sentence length computation unit. 传统的基于长度的汉英双语句子对齐算法大都以字节作为汉英句子长度的计算单位。

14、The conclusion of this study is that syntactic processing and semantic processing interact with each other in the late proficient Chinese-English bilinguals'comprehension of English sentences. 本研究结论是:在晚期汉英双语者理解英语句子的过程中存在句法加工和语义加工的交互作用。

15、Syntactic elaboration is more effective than syntactic simplification on the listening comprehension of intermediate-level Chinese EFL learners. 句中增加冗余信息比简化句子结构更有助于中等水平的中国英语学习者的听力理解。

16、Most of the available length-based Chinese-English sentence alignment algorithms take byte as their sentence length computation unit. 传统的基于长度的汉英双语句子对齐算法大都以字节作为句子长度的计算单位。

17、It is thought that in S1+S2+V sentences, if S1 indicates time or place, they can not be considered as Subject-predicate Predicate Sentence. 认为在S1+S2+V的句子中,如果S1表时间或地点,那么该类句子不能看作主谓谓语句。

18、You cannot define a foreign key constraint in a CREATE TABLE statement that contains an AS subquery clause. 你不能在CREATE TABLE语句中包含AS子查询子句定义一个外键约束。

19、" may not be in your phrase book, but it is one of the most useful sentences in the English language. 这句话在你的英语小册子里可能没有,但它却是英国语言中非常有用的一句话。

20、English cause and effect compound sentence; Chinese cause and effect compound sentence; cognition. 英语因果复合句; 汉语因果复句; 认知。

21、Sometimes my wife and I mix Chinese and English words in the same sentence. We call it Chinglish. 有时候我妻子跟我常把英语和中文混在一个句子里,我们称它中国式英语。

22、Where do adverbials go in a sentence? 状语在句子中在什么位置?

23、Well, here are sentences with two-word verbs with objects, They all mean different things. 嗯, 下列这些句子里的成语动词有宾语,这些句子的意思都不相同。

24、The traditional EFL reading teaching approach is mainly atomistic and form-oriented and the reading teaching only stays at the sentence level. 传统的英语阅读教学方法主要以语言形式、句子结构为中心,且停留在句子层面。

25、The Chinese word order is rather agility, so different word order can often change the sentence frame and its meaning in syntax, semantics and pragmatics . 汉语的语序比较灵活,不同的语序往往可以在句法、语义、语用上改变句子的结构和意义。


26、Verb is always the predicative in the sentence. 动词,在句子中经常充当谓语。

27、I heard Jean singing this morning. 句子中的Jean显然是宾语。

28、Other language indicate subjects and objects with cases or other grammatical markers. 汉语和英语一样,是用语序表示句子的主语(施事)和宾语(受事)。

29、The lausal predicate is of unique syntactic pattern in Chinese. 主谓谓语句是汉语的一种特殊句式。

30、It often consists of English words used to directly translate Chinese phrases. 它通常是由英语词汇组合而成,语意直接翻译自汉语句子。

31、If we compare an English sentence with its Chinese version, we find a great difference in word order especially in the position of adverbs. 我们如果把英语句子和它的汉译句子比较,就会发现在语序上有很大的不同,尤其是在副词的位置方面。

32、This is the case of the subject of a sentence 2 Vocative. 主格。 这是一句句子的主语的语格。

33、There are fewer columns in the INSERT statement than values specified in the VALUES clause. 在INSERT语句中的字段数比VALUES条件子句中指定的值少。

34、As a syntactical phenomenon, existential sentences are widely used both in Chinese and English. 存现句作为一种句法现象在汉英两种语言中普遍存在,汉英存现句有同有异。

35、Finally, by inducing sentence constituents, the syntactic structures are learned. 最后,通过逐步归约句子成分,推导出汉语句法结构树。

36、( Tom wants to dress up as Monkey King) 根据句意和所给汉语提示填写单词,使句子完整

37、Choose the best response. 读句子,选择最佳的答语。

38、In Chinese, causative construction is one of the most important types of syntactic constructions. 不论是在汉语还是在日语中,使役表达都是句子表达的一个重要组成部分。

39、The existential sentence is a characteristic sentence pattern that is different from either initiative sentence or passive one. 存现句是汉语句式中区别于主动句、被动句的独具特色的句式。

40、The shallow parsing theory is applied to partition Chinese sentence parsing into three procedures:TAG, CHUNK, BUILD and CHECK. 文中运用浅层句法分析理论,把汉语句子分析划分为标注、组块、构造和检查三个过程。

41、Non-clause post-positioned attributive is highly representative of English syntactic features, and it is also one of the differences between Chinese and English sentence structure. 非从句类后置定语是英语句子结构中极具代表性的句法特点,也是英汉句法结构区别所在。

42、In Chinese, a sentence can be embedded in a noun phrase to modify its head noun and such a process is called relativization. Relativization usually results in relative clauses or adjectival clauses. 汉语可以把一个句子内嵌在一个名词短语中作中心语的限定语,这种过程就是“关系化”,而关系化的产物就是关系小句或形容词性小句。

43、Chinese topic is always placed at the beginning of a sentence and regarded as normal word order. 因此,在汉译英中往往将置于句首的汉语话题转换成英语句子中的宾语。

44、First, ask students to listen to and repeat after the tape , then read the dialogue in groups. 让学生找出对话中的被动语态的句子,读熟并仿照造句子。

45、It's a vinyl doll with movable arms and legs 双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义

46、There is an abundance of non-verb predicate sentences in Chinese, especially in old Chinese and in oral Chinese. 汉语中,尤其是古汉语和口语中,存在着大量的非动词谓语句。

47、This essay dwells on thc sentence structure of general negation and special negation in both English and Chinese, depending on the kind and position of the negatives in the sentences. 本文拟通过否定词在英汉一般否定句和特殊否定句中出现的位置,分析比较英汉一般否定句和特殊否定句的句子结构特点。

48、As the English attributive clauses may perform different functions and the concepts they express vary with contexts, the translator usually restructures the Chinese version accordi… 由于英语定语从句在不同的语境中可表达不同的概念,起着不同的功用,译者常须根据句间句群间的逻辑语义关系与汉语规范重构汉语译文。

49、my wife and I mix Chinese and English words in the same sentence. We call it Chinglish. 有时候我妻子跟我常把英语和中文混在一个句子里,我们称它中国式英语。

50、This study is an attempt to explore the following aspects concerning Korean and Chinese comparative sentences based on the summary of former insightful studies on this field. 第二章汉语“比”字句研究和韩语比较句研究综述。本章分成三个部分进行综述:汉语“比”字句研究、韩语比较句研究、汉韩比较句对比。


51、dress,Monkey ,Tom,to,King,up,wants,as ( Tom wants to dress up as Monkey King) 根据句意和所给汉语提示填写单词,使句子完整

52、Impersonal subject is an English language phenomenon which lends simplicity and vividness to the sentence concerned. 英语中有一个不同于汉语的语言现象,即用非生物名词作主语,使句子简洁生动。

53、The passive sentence is a kind of sentence construction which Kore an and Chinese usually use. 被动句是韩国语和汉语两种语言中经常使用的一种句型。

54、It also indicates that the transtated correspondent ratio of English existential constructions is higher than that of Chinese ones. 这同样也印证了英语存现句的汉译较汉语存现句的英译其句式的对应程度要高。

55、As sentences become more complex, this does not work as well. In my second example, the Chinese does not work. 但如果是复杂的句子,这种翻译方法就不起作用了。请看下面的例子,逐字逐句翻译成的汉语就不通顺了。

56、The study of the sentence-accomplishment of self-sufficiency in the Chinese grammar had began since 1940 s, and it focused on how phrases were transited sentences. 汉语句子自足成立问题的研究始于上世纪xx年代,主要集中在词组成句上。

57、So, in english-chinese translation, we often passive sentences in English as much as possible in the active sentences into Chinese. 所以,在英译汉时,我们往往尽可能把英语中的被动句译成汉语中的主动句。

58、The reversed translation method is: to translate affirmative sentences in English into negative sentences in Chinese or vice versa. 英语中的反译法即将英语的肯定句译成汉语的否定句,或者将英语的否定句译成汉语的肯定句。

59、The main instrument involved in this study was a questionnaire of eight Chinese-English sentence translations which was designed with the aid of two corpuses---CLEC and ECBPC. 主要的测试工具是含有八个汉译英句子的调查问卷。这个问卷是在中国英语学习者语料库和英汉双语平行语料库帮助下设计完成的。


标签: 中国 六年级 年级

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