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关于”因果关系的句子“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Causal sentences。以下是关于因果关系的句子的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Causal sentences

1、This is the law of cause and effect or the science of causality. 这是原因与结果的法则或是因果关系的学说。

2、Additional clauses that must be specified between the RTCE and final SELECT statement allow predefining the sequence in which the result is to be returned. 在 RTCE 与终止 SELECT 语句之间必须指定额外的子句,该子句充许预先定义返回结果的顺序。

3、The verbs need the corresponding grammar elements in event sentences and non-event sentences on the sentence structural level. 在句法层面上,事件句、非事件句和构句成分有相互的选择关系。

4、In normal conversation, if I'm to say "S-- entence" you won't hear that as "S-- entence." 在正常对话中,如果我说"句-句子",你不会听成"句--子"

5、The asking composition of Causality Sentences is a kind of composition that joins effect to arouse asking the cause. 因果句群的询承成分,指处于结果和原因之间、通过询问原因而起连接因果作用的成分。

6、The verbs modified by "Yishi" have the semantic features of termination and "Yishi" sentences are often used as follow-up sentences and form a conditional-causal relation. 所叙事件具有突发性、非可控性;“一时”后动词具有“终结性”语义特征;“一时”句往往为语篇中的后续句,与前分句构成条件-结果关系。

7、Sentence group and its domain can be extracted by combining sentences with the same or similar domain. 根据领域关系可以合并领域相同或相似的句子,得到句群及其领域。

8、She left out 3 words when she copied the sentence and the result was (a) nonsense. 她抄句子的时候漏下了三个字,结果是一句无意义的话。

9、Have I used a range of structures toconvey modality, conditionals, active/passive, cause/effect and tenses? 我是否用了不同的结构去传递语法的正确形式、条件句、主被动语态、因果句、时态?。

10、There are large numbers of students in the lecture hall. 因此,There be…的句式都是全部倒装的句子。) 演讲厅里有大量的学生。

11、Just because of this, the kind of clause is a special nominal clause as well as a special relative clause. 正因为如此,这种从句即是一种特殊的关系从句又是一种特殊的名词性从句。

12、Water consists of molecules composed of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, which we describe by the formula H2O. 水分子由两个氢原子和一个氧原子组成,因此可用分子式H2O来表示。(译成表示结果的分句)

13、The person who lives in the house is my brother. 在以上的句子中,who lives in the house是一个子句,因为它有主词,也有动词。 他的作用是形容The person,所以是一个形容词子句。

14、My mother is very beautiful,my father is very handsome and i am very naughty。 这句子有点太单调了,如果你自己写的话不行的啊,都是简单句。

15、English cause and effect compound sentence; Chinese cause and effect compound sentence; cognition. 英语因果复合句; 汉语因果复句; 认知。

16、If the first part of the sentence is negative, the tag question is usually affirmative. 如果句子是以否定句开始的,那附加疑问部分通常是肯定句。

17、Use colored tape or strings to show cause-effect relationship. 用一些涂有颜色的绳子去展示因果关系。

18、这个语句不需要任何 WHERE 子句,因为我们希望检索所有的行。 This statement needs no WHERE clause, because we want to retrieve all the rows.

19、If you wish to understand the connections. 如果我们想找到其中的因果关系的话。

20、Another problem commonly thrown at dualism hinges on the causal closure principle, the causal closure of physics. 关于二元论另一个常见问题则取决于因果关系的完结原理,因果关系的物理完结。

21、The sense of the sentence pushes us on to the next line, which alters our view of the meaning of the word "fruit:": "Of Man's First Disobedience and the Fruit / of that Forbidden Tree." 句意迫使我们看下一句,看了这句我们对“果子“的理解也发生变化:,“关于人类最初违反天神命令偷尝禁树的果子“

22、"Ruguo … jiu …" expresses a postulation. 表示一种假设关系的句子。

23、For this reason, this dissertation specially studies the Causality Sentences in modern Chinese. 因此,本文专题分析现代汉语的因果句群。

24、The theories on criminal causation that could be adopted are the theory of condition, the theory of common possibility and the theory of objective attribution. 刑法因果关系理论中较值得为我国刑法因果关系理论借鉴的有“条件说”、“相当因果关系理论”与“客观归责论”。

25、Her sentences are encumbered by modifying clauses. 她的句子因为修饰性从句多而显得啰唆。


26、The first produces output; the second consumes it, and a conjunction -- the pipe -- connects the two. 第一个句子输出的结果作为第二个句子的输入,并由连接词(管道)连接这两个句子。

27、When a nonrestrictive clause appears in the middle of a sentence, place commas around it. 如果这组单词是两个句子,则需在相应位置添加句号。 两句的句首单词均应大写。

28、The sense of the sentence pushes us on to the next line, which alters our view of the meaning of the word "fruit:": "Of Man's First Disobedience and the Fruit / of that Forbidden Tree." 句意迫使我们看下一句,看了这句我们对“果子“的理解也发生变化:,“关于人类最初违反天神命令偷尝禁树的果子

29、It is widely accepted that ambiguity in syntactic structure results from the different syntactic levels and syntactic relations in an ambiguous syntactic structure. 一般认为汉语句法结构产生歧义的首要原因是句法结构层次不同和句法结构关系不同。

30、Generally speaking, clauses in a complex sentence have the same structural relationship as sentences in a sentence group. 复句中的分句间和句群中的句子间,在结构关系上总的讲是一致的。

31、If it expensive one, it means I am serious with our relation. 如果贵的话,这句话的意思是:我对我们的关系很认真。

32、A coordinate complex sentence is composed of clauses with coordinate relations. In a coordinate complex sentence all the clauses are equal, there are no primary-secondary relations. For example. 并列复句由表示并列关系的分句构成的。 并列复句中各分句都是平等, 没有主次关系。 比如。

33、In addition, the relationship between personal pronouns and targets of imperative is another important factor in forming imperative clauses. 另外,人称与祈使对象的关系,也是祈使句构成的重要因素。

34、There is mainly several categories such as typical cause-effect relation, condition-hypothesis relation and atypical cause-effect relation (including deductive relation, objective relation etc. ). 主要包括以下几种:典型因果关系、条件假设关系、非典型因果关系(包括推断关系、目的关系等)。

35、What are syntactic relations? 什么是句法关系?

36、It is thought that in S1+S2+V sentences, if S1 indicates time or place, they can not be considered as Subject-predicate Predicate Sentence. 认为在S1+S2+V的句子中,如果S1表时间或地点,那么该类句子不能看作主谓谓语句。

37、Oppositely, the blame from quantum non-locality to the causality has injected new elements, providing us with new problems and research material. 量子非定域性对因果关系的责难又一次为因果关系的研究注入了新的元素,为我们提供了新的问题和研究素材。

38、Dante here reverses causal relationships by writing first that the arrow hits the target, and only later that it leaves the string. This allows us to feel the velocity inside the words. 但丁在诗句里将因果关系换了一个位置,先写箭中了目标,后写箭离了弦,让我们一下子读到了语言中的速度。

39、Effective sentence can be achieved by periodical sentences, parallel structures, and emphatic words in the sentence. However, there are some factors which affect the effectiveness of a sentence. 通过使用圆周句、排比句和强调句,可以增强句子的表达能力,但是仍会有一些因素影响句子的有效表达。

40、The concept of "casual complex sentences" is toted by Mr. “因果类复句”这一概念是由邢福义先生提出来的。

41、If you just scramble a sentence, it's pretty useless because the recipients are never going to be able to reverse the process. 如果你只是加密一个句子,这是毫无用处的,因为收件人没法将这个句子,反加密出来。

42、>, since this statement must be the first statement in the resulting document. >为开头,这是因为该语句必须是结果文档的第一个语句。

43、Sentence Structure (24%). Questions in this category test your understanding of relationships between and among clauses, placement of modifiers, and shifts in construction. 句子结构(24%)这方面问题考察考生对从句关系、修饰词的使用及句型转换的理解和运用。

44、Every sentence is a predication, and if every sentence is a predication, it also has the structure of a metaphor; and the metaphor in a sentence and the predication in a sentence are always going to be at odds. 每句话都是一句声明,而如果每句话都是一句声明得话,它同样也有隐喻的结构,而一个句子中的隐喻,和句子中的声明总会有分歧。

45、If we stick to causality as such, we have it not in its truth. Such a causality is merely finite, and its finitude lies in retaining the distinction between cause and effect unassimilated. 如果固执着因果关系的本身,则我们就得不到这种关系的真理性,而只能看到有限的因果性,而因果关系的有限性就在于坚持因与果的区别。

46、The parser in this made-up example does not care about the exact contents of the declaration, because it's tangential to the sentence. 在这个虚构的示例中,解析器并不关心声明的实际内容,因为它与句子没什么关系。

47、Event causality can be broken down into horizontal causality and vertical causality. 事件因果关系可分为水平因果关系 和垂直因果关系。

48、The causality in insurance law differs from the one in civil law, which centralizes the causality of liability establishment. 保险法的因果关系与民法的因果关系有所不同,保险法的因果关系集中于“责任成立”的因果关系。

49、Because the needs of expression, Syntax Part can move it's static position. It can not change syntactic construction and semantic structure. It only can change pragmatic function. 在句子的语用平面上,由于表达的需要,句法成分可以移动其静态位置,移位不改变句法结构关系和语义结构关系,只改变语用功能。

50、The two relation completely covers all the transitionalized senses of sentences, such as comparison, contrast, cause-effect, condition-concession, interpretation-exactness and so on. 这两种意义关系基本囊括了所有使句子繁化的意义,如比较意义、对比意义、包孕意义、原因—结果意义、条件—让步意义、解说—确切意义、接续意义等。


51、The syntactic relations can be found in coordination, concession, cause and result clauses, among which the contrary relation is the most common one. 这两种连用形式,在并列、转折、因果三大类句法关系中都有分布。其中,以对照关系最为常见。

52、Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. 如果句子时正确的写T,如果句子是错误的写F。

53、Cause and effect, buddy, cause and effect. 因果关系,巴蒂,因果关系。

54、Which statement about project deliverables is correct? 关于项目可交付成果,下列哪句是正确的?

55、That is, social scientists are still concerned with showing the relationship between looks and votes is causal, and not a mere correlation. 换句话说,社会科学家仍要继续研究以证实相貌与投票之间的关系是因果性的,而不只是一个相互关系。

56、It is different from the causal compound sentence and expresses objectivity in a natural order of time sequence and a past time. 与因果复句不同,由“于是”连接的句子具有客观性,只采用按照时间顺序的自然语序,多用于表示过去时、已然体的动态句。

57、A mark of punctuation (; ) used to connect independent clauses and indicating a closer relationship between the clauses than a period does. 一种用来连接主句的标点(;),其显示的主句间的关系比句号连接的主句间的关系更密切。

58、Grammatical relations:the structural and logical functional relations between every noun phrase and sentence. 句法关系:指每一个短语和句子之间的结构上与逻辑上的关系。

59、The Causality Sentences that this thesis studies is a type of Sentences that it consists of two or several sentences and states causality. 本文研究的“因果句群”是狭义的因果句群,指由两个或几个句子构成的、重在说明因果关系的句群。

60、By AND-ing these statement (and other awk statements ), the results will only produce what we want excluded. For example 通过 AND 关系将这些语句(和其他 awk 语句)连接起来,结果只产生了我们希望排除的记录。

61、If the first part of the sentence is affirmative, the tag question is usually negative. 如果句子是以肯定句开始的,那附加疑问通常使用否定句。

62、This study examines the effect of implicit verb causality in determining the antecedent of a pronoun in Chinese sentence comprehension. 本研究探讨了在汉语句子理解中动词隐含因果性对代词指认的影响。

63、In this part, firstly, the writer expounds the double layers mode -the cause in fact and the cause in law and the theories of the causalities; 该部分首先介绍了英美法系因果关系研究的双层模式——事实和法律原因和英美法系因果关系的学说;

64、In Chinese, a sentence can be embedded in a noun phrase to modify its head noun and such a process is called relativization. Relativization usually results in relative clauses or adjectival clauses. 汉语可以把一个句子内嵌在一个名词短语中作中心语的限定语,这种过程就是“关系化”,而关系化的产物就是关系小句或形容词性小句。

65、This statement needs no WHERE clause, because we want to retrieve all the rows. 这个语句不需要任何 WHERE 子句,因为我们希望检索所有的行。

66、Long-distance dependency between words and sentence understanding are two important problems in language modeling. 句子中词与词之间的远距离关系和句子意义的理解是建立语言模型的中两个重要问题。

67、Causality Sentences is the representative type of the Sentences that states causality. 因果句群又是因果类句群中具有代表性的一类句群。

68、But the group left out the study's very next sentence acknowledging that the association may be “noncausal and may be due to unmeasured confounding. 但这个研究组在下一句中接着又承认这种关系可能“并没有因果关系,而且也许是其他因素共同作用造成的”。

69、From the semantic aspect, in the internally casual type the relation between the subjects of two clauses (NP_1, NP_2)is whole-part. 在语义上,内部事因小句补语句中两个小句的主语(NP_1、NP_2)多具有整体与部分的关系;

70、Therefore, sentence-level concurrence can be used as a surrogate for existence of the relationship between the words. 因此,句子水平的同时出现能够用作单词之间关系存在的一种替代。

71、She discusses parts of speech, basic sentence patterns, verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs, prepositions, relative clauses, imperative sentences, and so on. 内容包括词类、基本句型、动词、名词、形容词与副词、介词、关系子句、祈使句等等。


标签: 五年级 关系 年级

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