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关于”表示祝贺的句型“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Congratulatory sentence pattern。以下是关于表示祝贺的句型的初一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Congratulatory sentence pattern

1、Allow me to congratulate you on your graduations! 值你毕业之际,请允许我向你表示祝贺!

2、Let me begin by extending warm congratulations on the opening of the forum. 我对论坛的召开表示热烈祝贺!

3、Allow me to send my warm congratulations, on achieving a triumph. 请允许我对你获得的胜表示热烈祝贺。

4、Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations on your marriage. 请允许我向你结婚表示最衷心的祝贺。

5、And I congratulate him on being the best at what he does. 我对他成为自己领域里的顶尖好手表示祝贺。

6、The whole family felicitated John on his new appointment. 全家为约翰新的任命向他表示祝贺。

7、May you have many gold years。 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。

8、I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary. May you have many gold years. 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。

9、Rumei: Oh, congratulations. 如梅:啊,祝贺你。

10、Allow me to send my warm congratulations, on achieving a triumph. 请允许我对你获得的胜表示热烈祝贺。

11、I must congratulate you on ... 我得祝贺你......。

12、Congratulations to Lei Lei! 向雷磊表示祝贺!

13、May eVery abundancething beautiful and prime be condensed into the card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success. 愿一切最美好的祝贺都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你开心、愉快、胜利!

14、Please accept our most sincere congratulations and very best wishes for all the good future in the world. 谨向你表示祝贺和最良好的祝福。

15、Hear the voice, see the gestures, and feel the reality of it all. 倾听祝贺的声音,看到祝贺的姿态,感受这些画面的真实感。

16、) 58. Congratulations on you success.(祝贺你的成功。

17、May you have many gold years. 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。

18、Congratulations to establishment of ctime! 祝贺表态网的成立!

19、Congratulations Germany! 祝贺你,德国!

20、 Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation. 祝贺你毕业,并致以良好的祝愿。

21、Let's cheer for the Fleet Team and congratulations! 让我们再次对批售团队表示祝贺!

22、Meike Bao for the arrival of the guests welcomed the convening of the forum said. 梅克保对客人的到来表示欢迎,对论坛召开表示祝贺。

23、Best wishes and congratulations on your graduation. 祝贺你毕业,并致以良好的祝愿。

24、I send my sincere felicitations and good wishes to the organizers of the event, and wish them every success in this impressive venture. 我向这次活动的组织者表示诚挚的祝贺和良好的祝愿,祝福他们举办的这一令人激动的大型活动取得巨大的成功。

25、祝愿、祝贺和应答 Good wishes,congratulations and responese (1)Good luck!


26、A:Please sent him my congratulations. 请代我向他表示祝贺。

27、贺卡贺言 祝贺婚姻 Every happiness on your engagement!

28、B: Congratulations! 祝贺你!

29、I congratulate him; I congratulate Gov . Palin for all that they've achieved. 我对他和帕林所做的一切表示祝贺。

30、I’d like to offer my congratulations on your success.谨对你的成功表示祝贺。

31、Congratulations on you success . (祝贺你的成功。

32、National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country. The birthday wish you mood every day happy, eternal happiness! 国庆,国庆,举国欢庆。 祝贺国庆节的英语句子 祖国生日祝你美好心情,天天开心,快乐永恒!

33、致祝词 I congratulated my friend on her birthday. 我向女友祝贺生日。

34、Congratulations for this finishing! 对这项成就谨表祝贺!

35、i look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary. may you have many gold years. 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。

36、Those in favour signify the same in the usual way. 通常表示祝贺的人明显都是心不在焉的;

37、Allow me to express my heartiest congratulations ! 请允许我表达我最衷心的祝贺!

38、Tom mand Mary congratulated us on the birth of our daughter. 汤姆和玛丽为我们女儿的出生向我们表示祝贺。 。

39、贺卡贺言 表示一般的祝愿 Hope you have lots of fun.希望你欢乐无比。

40、I want to congratulate you. 我向你表示祝贺。

41、Let me offer my enthusiastic congratulations upon finishing the task.让我对你完成这项任务表示热烈的祝贺。

42、贺卡贺言 祝贺圣诞 With all good wishes for a bright and happy Christmas Season.祝贺圣诞节愉快美好!

43、I look forward to greeting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years. 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。

44、贺卡贺言 祝贺生日 Many happy returns of the day.祝你生日快乐多多!

45、China extends its congratulations and wishes them early recovery of health. 中方对此表示祝贺,并祝愿获救矿工早日恢复健康。

46、Congratulations to you, Duncan, for your well-deserved recognition as well. 也祝贺你,邓肯,祝贺你获得了应有的荣誉。

47、Allow me to offer my warmest congratulations on your success! 请允许我对你们的成功表示最热烈的祝贺!

48、I congratulate him! 我祝贺他!

49、Congrats to yourself here. 祝贺你们。

50、May you have many gold years. 在您们金婚纪念日之际,向您们表示祝贺,祝你们有更多的金色岁月。


51、Congratulations on the birth of your child. 祝贺你们喜结良缘。 谢谢! 祝贺生子。

52、Congratulations for this achievement! 对这项成就谨表祝贺!

53、That's great! Allow me to express my heartiest tions on your success. 太好了。请允许我对您的成功表示的祝贺。

54、Others are celebrations where we want to express our congratulations to someone special. 另外一些庆祝的场合我们希望向特别的人表示祝贺。

55、to tell someone that you think it is good that they have achieved something 例句:I congratulated him on his success. 我对他的成功表示祝贺。

56、Heartiest congratulatiONS and best wishes to you both for along life and an ever—lasting happiness. 向你们表示最衷心的祝贺和最美好的祝愿,愿你们健康长寿,永远幸福。

57、Warm greetings and prime wiITs for Christmas and the New Year! 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝贺,圣诞愉快,新年愉快。

58、I wish to begin by warmly congratulating Asia House on the opening of this summit. 首先,我要对峰会的召开表示热烈祝贺!

59、Good luck in all that you'll achieve. 祝贺你,毕业生, 祝贺你取得的一切成绩…

60、Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations. 请允许我向你表示最衷心的祝贺。

61、After brief discussion, Board congratulated Swanson and asked her to pass on their congratulations to Browne as well. 经过简短的讨论,董事会斯旺森表示祝贺,并请她转达他们的祝贺和布朗。

62、The Chinese delegation sincerely congratulates you. 为此,中国代表团对你表示诚挚的祝贺。

63、祝愿、祝贺和应答 Good wishes, congratulations and responses

64、祝贺某人被大学录取的英文贺词 congratulations on your admission by xxx university!

65、Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. 请允许我向您升任贸易部长表示祝贺。

66、And Congratulations to Lianyungang Danyu Pig Breeding Technology Co. , Ltd. ! 向连云港丹育种猪技术有限公司表示热烈的祝贺!

67、贺卡贺言 祝贺健康 I wish you a speedy recovery.祝你早日康复。

68、Gappy Father's Day to you! 谢谢祝贺!也祝你父亲节快乐!

69、The manager personally congratulates employees who do a good job. 管理者个人对工作做得好的员工表示祝贺。


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