交通运输用英语怎么说 英语

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交通运输用英语翻译为" transport",在日常中也可以翻译为" Traffic and Transportation",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到52个与交通运输相关的译文和例句。


1. transport

交通运输翻译为 transport 。

示例:停电使交通运输陷入紧急状况。 A power failure created an emergency in traffic and transportation.


2. Traffic and Transportation

交通运输翻译为 Traffic and Transportation 。

示例:救援机构称当务之急不是食品匮乏,而是交通运输不足。 Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.


3. transport -

交通运输翻译为 transport - 。

示例:我们必须要搞好交通运输工作。 We must do a good job in transport and communications.


4. communication and transportation

交通运输翻译为 communication and transportation 。

示例:alternative energy,business,communication,culture,development,global issues,invention,investment,microfinance,poverty,technology,telecom,third world,transportation alternative energy,business,communication,culture,development,global issues,invention,investment,microfinance,poverty,technology,telecom,third world,transportation



1. traffic and transportation(交通运输)

2. international traffic(国际交通运输)

3. law of transportation(交通运输法)

4. pressure on transport(交通运输紧张)

5. traffic engineering(交通运输工程)

英语短语&俚语, the transportation sector transport area ( 交通运输领域 )

12th Five-Year Plan for the Comprehensive Development of Transportation Systems the 12th Five-Year (综合交通运输体系规划 )

a comprehensive transport system Integrated Traffic & Transport System ( 综合交通运输体系 )

a comprehensive transport plan ( 综合交通运输规划 )

a comprehensive transportation hub ( 综合交通运输枢纽 )

manufacture of transport equipment Transportation Equipment Manufacturing ( 交通运输设备制造业 )

Transportation geography ( 交通运输地理学 )

transportation industry Transportation shipping industry Transport Transportation ( 交通运输业 )

Transportation Planning and Management Transport Planning and Management trnsporttion plnning nd mn( 交通运输规划与管理 )


1. So yes, biology has all the attributes of a transportation genius today.

译文:所以是的, 生物学包含着所有 关于交通运输的智慧, 。

2. it relies too much on transportation, chemical fertilization, big use of water and also refrigeration.

译文:这个体系过度使用交通运输, 化学肥料,大量水资源, 以及冷藏处理。。

3. it had to be stockpiled for strategic use and transportation.


4. How long didit take the automobile to overtake the horse and carriage as a means oftransportation?


5. Well-designed vehicles are only part of the transport challenge, though.

译文:车的设计只是交通运输的众多挑战之 。

6. Did you find the transport sector reports?

译文:你发现报告 交通运输部门?。

7. One of the many alternatives in the realm of transportation is the locomotive.


8. in transportation, it's not to move us; it's to move the stuff we make or buy.

译文:在交通运输,它不是移动我们,而是移动 我们生产的和想买的东西。 。

9. The future of transportation is the electric car, not wheelchairs!

译文:交通运输业的未来是电车 不是轮椅!。

10. The solution to queues in the fields of healthcare, education, transportation, and employment is very complicated.

译文:医疗、教育、交通运输和就业等领域排队问题的解决方案很复杂。 。

11. The Apocalypse of Transportation Support of the British Army in the Malvinas islands War


12. Transportation, Storage, Postal and Telecom- munication Services


13. Three-fourths of our oil fuel is transportation.

译文:四分之三的石油被用于交通运输 。

14. One of them is the requirement for economical earth-to-space transport.

译文:其一是 经济的地球到太空的交通运输。

15. Managing the Urban Transportation System: The Need for a New Operation Paradigm, by Anne P. Canby



标签: 交通

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