刮风的英语是" Wind",还经常被译作 cloudy,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到27个与刮风相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. Wind
刮风翻译为 Wind 。
示例:如果刮风的时候夹杂着雨,会怎么样? How about wind combined with rain?
2. cloudy
刮风翻译为 cloudy 。
示例:枯树可能会在刮风的夜晚倒下。 Dead trees may fall on a windy night.
3. hace viento
刮风翻译为 hace viento 。
示例:老是刮风,花草、灌木长不大。 The constant winds had stunted the growth of plants and bushes.
4. wind blowing
刮风翻译为wind blowing。
示例:And the wind, it was a-blowing. 而风,也呼啸着.
1. wind blow(刮风)
2. blowy(刮风的
3. to blow( 吹;
4. windy day( 有风的日子;
赏心悦目的; 刮风的)
5. gustful(a. 美味的, 好吃的;
英语短语&俚语, gusty windig ( 刮风的 )
Windy Rain Windy y Rain ( 刮风下雨 )
When the wind blows ( 刮风的时候 )
blowing sand blowing dust ( 刮风沙 )
windy day windy weather ( 刮风的天气 )
windy a blowy day ( 刮风天 )
Is wind Being the wind Hace viento ( 正在刮风 )
winding road ( 刮风的道路 )
1. Be it the raindrops or the movement of the winds..
2. And when the wind blows or it's raining, or... someone's shooting arrows at you.
译文:还有刮风 下雨 或者有人对你射箭的时候。
3. it pours with rain, there are hurricanes
4. Well, you can make all the storms you want, but i'm not coming back
译文:那好 你可以刮风暴 但是我不会回来。
5. if the weather turns, you let them go early.
译文:阴天刮风的时候 你要提前点儿放.。
6. The sea is rough, is there a storm coming? Maybe - Mister Clubfoot
译文:-浪这么大,会 不会 是刮风啊?。
7. if it's raining we'll be wet, idiot!
译文:刮风下雨来这里, 害我们变落汤鸡 王八!。
8. in the cold, windy night.
译文:在这样寒冷,刮风的晚上 。
9. it's as if she came with the storm.
10. it's raining! The typhoon is coming!
11. "is the wind only blowing or is the sky crying with us?"
译文:"仅仅是刮风,抑或是 天空在为我们哭泣?"。
12. Rain and hail and heat and typhoon
13. When it's windy, i fly a kite.
译文:当天刮风的时候,我放风筝。 。
14. DiMiTRi: it's often windy in March.
译文:迪米特里:xx月里常常刮风。 。
15. "Why is the wind always blowing when we remember our beloved?
译文:为何当我们回忆我们 深爱的人时,总是刮风?。
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