猫的英语单词 _五年级必背词汇767个

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1、 stomach ache

中文翻译: 胃痛 胃疼 肚子痛 胃疼时的饮品

例句:it's a stomach ache, right? 翻译:是生鼓等而已。



例句:By heaven, i will acquaint his majesty! 翻译:天哪 我要去禀告国王陛下。


3、 advocate civilized lifestyle

中文翻译: 提倡文明的生活方式

例句:Yes i'm advocate for civilized behavior, you bet i am! 翻译:是啊,我当然崇尚文明的行为!。

4、 on the alert

中文翻译: 提防 警戒著 随时准备著

例句:Red alert, red alert, it's a catastrophe 翻译:Red alert, red alert, it's a catastrophe。

5、 alleviate e

中文翻译: 减轻 使易于忍受 缓和 在痛苦方面的减轻

例句:"just to alleviate the boredom. 翻译:只为了散散闷气。

6、 Exploring These Alleyways

中文翻译: 探索这些小巷

例句:They alleyways are probably set up on a grid, 翻译:这些小巷应该是纵横交错的。



例句:Bring that mantelpiece to the desk, and anoint the palms! 翻译:把壁炉台搬到桌子旁边, 再给棕榈叶抹油!。



例句:Scar tissue on the anterior wall. 翻译:前壁上有疤痕组织 Scar tissue on the anterior wall.。

9、 anywhere near

中文翻译: 口 接近于 全然 差不多

例句:- What! ? - Yeah, i wasn't going anywhere near it. 翻译:I wasn't going anywhere near it.。



例句:it was an arcane dispute over tariffs. 翻译:这是一场关于关税的神秘争斗。

1、 。

11、 Null pointer assignment

中文翻译: 无效的断点分配 无效的断点分派 无效的续点分派 无效的续点调配

例句:Detector: null pointer dereference and redundant comparisons to null.

1、 翻译:检测器:null指针对null的解引用(dereference)和冗余比较。

2、 。

12、 astronomical seeing

中文翻译: 天 天文宁静度 天体明晰度 天 星象宁静度

例句:Sight-seeing. sight-seeing. 翻译:-seeing. sight -seeing.。


13、 astute a

中文翻译: 机敏的

例句:Wow, that's very astute, 197. 翻译:真有见地 大天才 Wow, that's very astute, 197.。

14、 conducted the autopsy

中文翻译: 进行验尸

例句:The autopsy i just conducted on his pet cat. 翻译:我刚刚给他的猫做了尸体解剖。

15、 precautions averts perils

中文翻译: 有备无患

例句:The kitchen is met with electric equipment increasing, establish electrical outlet more switch precautions averts perils. 翻译:厨房用电器会越来越多,多设插座开关有备无患。。



例句:And one of you of course, is my lovely daughter. Faith. 翻译:be aware that one of you。



例句:Well, things went a little awry today. 翻译:有点乱 Well, things went a little awry today.。

18、 in the balance

中文翻译: 悬而未决 在危急状态中

例句:Everything is connected, everything is balance. 翻译:everything is balance.。



例句:Listen, two monkeys in a bath... 翻译:two monkeys in a bath...。

20、 bay area

中文翻译: 海湾地区

例句:- Mm. ...as far north as San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area. 翻译:旧金山和其湾区周边 San Francisco and the surrounding Bay Area.。

21、 Blue-bearded Bee-eater

中文翻译: 蓝须夜蜂虎 橛唰怨

例句:it's a Blue-cheeked Bee-eater. 翻译:所以叫做蓝颊食蜂鸟。。

22、 river bed

中文翻译: 水文 河床 河身 河底 被河流占有或从前被河流占有的沟槽

例句:Considering the river bed. 翻译:写给投河了结生命的痛苦灵魂。 。

xx年级重点单词表:0,23、 beeped at me

中文翻译: 朝着我按汽车喇叭

例句:You've definitely been beeped. 翻译:肯定呼过了 You've definitely been beeped.。



例句:Why'd you ditch? Well, do you blame him? 翻译:do you blame him?。

25、 In fact you blankly

中文翻译: 其实心疼你

例句:- Well all of them, in fact. 翻译:in fact. - You could?。

26、 Blinked And Asked

中文翻译: 眨着眼睛问道

例句:Just told you everything we knew about Dad was a lie, and you barely blinked. 翻译:and you barely blinked.。

27、 bolsters mature aura

中文翻译: 烘托成熟的气质

例句:- Aura needs help moving the coolers. 翻译:- Aura需要帮忙搬冷却器 - 不要太累! - Aura needs help moving the coolers.。



例句:He hid behind a great bowlder and fell to listening. 翻译:他躲在一个大圆石后面,侧耳倾听。

1、 。

29、 Logis Hotel des Bourbons

中文翻译: 波旁之家酒店

例句:More and more they resemble the Bourbons - and they should be aware of what eventually happened to the Bourbons. 翻译:他们越来越像(法国)波旁皇室了,他们应该知道波旁皇室最后的下场。。

30、 Be In Drunken Brawls

中文翻译: 发酒疯

例句:Domestic violence, drunken brawls. 翻译:家庭暴力 酒后滋事。

31、 broad interests

中文翻译: 广泛的兴趣

例句:- Well, she was always a nutty broad. How? 翻译:she was always a nutty broad.。

32、 Bulky Waste

中文翻译: 大件垃圾

例句:The plane is a little bulky 翻译:这架飞机是有点笨重。



例句:♪ got some words on cardboard 翻译:♪Got some words on cardboard♪。

34、 pixel per centimeter

中文翻译: 也有以每厘米的像素数 厘米的像素数 每厘米的像素数

例句:Hair grows, on average, about one centimeter per month, 翻译:一般说来 头发的生长大约是一个月一厘米 Hair grows, on average, about one centimeter per month,。

35、 cereal product

中文翻译: 粮食制品 谷类制品 谷物产品

例句:Say, like, breakfast cereal? 翻译:breakfast cereal?。

36、 valid certificate

中文翻译: 有效证书 有效凭证

例句:For certificate revocation to work properly, the receiver of the certificate must check to see if it is still valid. 翻译:为了让证书撤消起作用,证书的接受者必须检查它是否仍然有效。。

37、 changing load

中文翻译: 交变负载 交变荷重

例句:-Oh,yeah, that's nice. Lock and load! 翻译:- Lock and load!。



例句:Aigoo, my chastity.. my chastity.. 翻译:哎呦 你 你。

39、 promise cheerfully

中文翻译: 高兴地允诺

例句:Briskly and more cheerfully! 翻译:打起精神,高興點。

40、 A Clash of Kings

中文翻译: 烽火危城 冰与火之歌第二卷 诸王的纷争

例句:- The Clash-- - The Clash! 翻译:冲击乐队 冲击乐队。

41、 have a cold

中文翻译: 感冒 受凉 患感冒

例句:i wish i could retrace my steps and make a different decision. 翻译:] Have a cold ass stare ♪ 怎么?。


中文翻译: 集体商标 商标团体标记 体商标 团体标章

例句:Mm, i don't know about that. 翻译:-collective, no?。



例句:Today we've launched Collusion. 翻译:今天,我们已经发布了Collusion。 。

44、 Colonel Miles Quaritch

中文翻译: 夸奇上校 迈尔斯

例句:Grouped around a table are JAKE, COLONEL QUARiTCH, SELFRiDGE and few ENGiNEERS and OFFiCERS.

1、 翻译:Quaritch上校,Selfridge和一些工程师以及军官围坐在一张桌子周围。

2、 。

45、 command post

中文翻译: 军 指挥所 战地指挥所

例句:The command post is on the phone. 翻译:指挥所在线上。 The command post is on the phone.。

46、 the first commandment

中文翻译: 第一戒律

例句:Have you forgotten our First Commandment? 翻译:你忘记了我们的 第一戒律了吗?。

47、 commented on

中文翻译: 对 点评

例句:And i just commented on it. 翻译:所以就评论了一下 And I just commented on it.。



例句:The carpet guys will never know there's anything beneath it. 翻译:-setting concrete on top of it.。



例句:Oh, i'm picking up Rosie this afternoon. 翻译:-one you talk to? Confide in?。

50、 conservative design

中文翻译: 保守设计

例句:America Works is not some stale, old, conservative agenda. 翻译:conservative agenda.。

51、 continuum mechanics

中文翻译: 连续介质力学

例句:She's part of a continuum. 翻译:她是连续型号 She's part of a continuum.。



例句:Are you heavy on contraceptive pills? 翻译:是不是避孕丸吃得多了?。

xx年级基础单词表:0,53、 traffic cop n.

中文翻译: 口 交通警察

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

54、 hoe the cornfields uproot

中文翻译: 锄玉米地

例句:* Through the open cornfields * 翻译:"穿过整块玉米地"。

55、 Green Lantern Corps

中文翻译: 绿灯军团

例句:i have seen the future of the Green Lantern Corps. 翻译:我已经预见了绿灯军团的未来。

56、 physiological correlate

中文翻译: 生理相关

例句:it did not correlate with the poverty levels. it did not correlate. 翻译:贫穷程度无关。完全没有关系。。

57、 Heartless creature

中文翻译: 没心没肺

例句:Heartless, macho, Reaganite... 翻译:Heartless, macho, Reaganite...。


中文翻译: 可信任特征 还有可信度品质

例句:it is familiar, but with the quality of surprise! 翻译:but with the quality of surprise!。

59、 cumulative effect

中文翻译: 累积效应 蓄积作用

例句:The infarcts are usually small but cumulative in their effect. 翻译:梗塞灶一般较小,但其效应可以累加。

1、 。

60、 Daisy Chain

中文翻译: 菊花链 菊绳 串级链 雏菊花环

例句:Sets off a daisy chain of natural disasters. 翻译:引发了一连串的天灾 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Sets off a daisy chain of natural disasters.。

61、 in damaged condition

中文翻译: 已经有破损

例句:The rest are still "damaged". 翻译:The rest are still "damaged".。

62、 general debate

中文翻译: 广泛的讨论 长时间的讨论

例句:Second, i want the debate. 翻译:I want the debate.。

xx年级大纲词汇:0,63、 defense budget

中文翻译: 国防预算

例句:the defense will portray her 翻译:the defense will portray her。

64、 Depend On You

中文翻译: 依靠 依靠你 取味于你

例句:You can't depend on anyone these days. 翻译:You can't depend on anyone these days.。

65、 Despicable Acts

中文翻译: 卑鄙行径




例句:You're definitely diabetic. 翻译:You're definitely diabetic.。



例句:Was the approval of Thief as a food, or as a dietary supplement? 翻译:它认定"盗贼"是食品 还是膳食补充剂。

68、 dip soldering n.

中文翻译: 浸焊 浸入焊接 沉浸钎焊

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

69、 disadvantage factor

中文翻译: 核 不利因子 不利系数 不利因素

例句:Although later there was an ick factor. 翻译:Although later there was an ick factor.。



例句:Disarmament will not be easy. 翻译:解除武装并不容易。 。

71、 The compound prescription lives disperses

中文翻译: 复方生肌散

例句:- He lives in a Judicial compound. 翻译:- 住在法警大院。

72、 sheet-drape

中文翻译: 席状覆盖层

例句:And who's that under the sheet? 翻译:And who's that under the sheet?。

xx年级常考单词表:0,73、 dreamy state

中文翻译: 梦样状态

例句:He was the dreamy-eyed idealist. 翻译:-eyed realist. He was the dreamy -eyed idealist.。

74、 dual nature

中文翻译: 二重性 双重性

例句:On the Dual Nature of Ligou's Buddhism Outlook 翻译:试论李觏佛教观的双重性。

75、 Dune Buggy

中文翻译: 沙滩车 沙漠用越野汽车 沙地汽车 沙滩越野车

例句:it has a disco, it's got a dune buggy. 翻译:有舞厅, 沙丘汽车。

76、 Helping Each Other

中文翻译: 互帮互助 同事互助

例句:# We fit into each other # 翻译:# We fit into each other #。

77、 be ecstatic

中文翻译: 欣喜若狂

例句:it was an ecstatic experience. 翻译:那是一次欣喜的经历。。

78、 elegant and graceful

中文翻译: 典雅大方 钟灵毓秀 典雅慷慨 文雅而飘逸

例句:The graceful dining furniture is as important as the elegant and unique dishware. 翻译:上好的餐桌餐椅,与精致独特的餐具同等重要。。



例句:Now, i'm an infectious disease epidemiologist by training. 翻译:我是一个受训的 主攻感染性疾病的流行病学家。 。

80、 virtue epistemology

中文翻译: 德性知识论 德性认识论 美德认识论

例句:You've neither, weath nor virtue. 翻译:weath nor virtue.。

81、 equity method

中文翻译: 法 权益法

例句:Okay, i'm gonna check into 27 Equity. 翻译:好吧 我再去查查那个27 Equity。

82、 experience in

中文翻译: 有经验 有

例句:That was a fun experience. 翻译:That was a fun experience.。

xx年级大纲词汇:0,83、 design of experiment

中文翻译: 实验设计 实验计划

例句:The Design and implementation of the Experiment System of ADSP 翻译:实验系统的设计与实现。

84、 sex fantasy

中文翻译: 性幻想

例句:You mean i failed Fantasy Sex 101? 翻译:你是说我挂了性幻想课?。

85、 Feasible Alternative

中文翻译: 可行方案 可行的选择

例句:The alternative is it's unlivable. 翻译:否则... The alternative is --。

86、 feign death

中文翻译: 假死 装死

例句:- You dare to feign ignorance? 翻译:你还装作无知? 他怎麽了?。



例句:This fervour is taking me. 翻译:这热情引领着我.。

88、 flip answer

中文翻译: 轻率的回答

例句:- Flip it, flip it Flip it 翻译:-撩动 撩动 撩动。

89、 And Flourished

中文翻译: 而兴盛

例句:Those that joined, they flourished with the Empire. 翻译:they flourished with the empire.。



例句:Move, you piece of junkyard fodder! 翻译:快动, you piece of junkyard fodder!。

91、 Country Folk

中文翻译: 乡村民谣 乡下人 美国乡村民歌 乡民

例句:Simple everyday country folk? 翻译:普通的乡村人家。

92、 Fore caddie

中文翻译: 前方服务员 前方公务员 火线办事员 后方效劳员

例句:♪ And, oh, the sweetheart fore'er i had ♪ 翻译:而且,哦,爱人 fore'er我。

xx年级常考单词表:0,93、 written form

中文翻译: 书写形式

例句:"or in written or electronic form." 翻译:"或手写或电子形式" "or in written or electronic form."。



例句:They were everywhere, i just froze. 翻译:I just froze.。

95、 further on

中文翻译: 更进一步 再向前

例句:Standing by for further instructions. 翻译:Standing by for further instructions.。

96、 mouth gag

中文翻译: 启齿器

例句:Get the gag out of her mouth. 翻译:把她嘴里的毛巾拿出来。

97、 Gal Circle

中文翻译: 藤木直人 女孩圈

例句:Soft on fish violence and all that. 翻译:-and -release -type gal.。

98、 Light gleamed in the east

中文翻译: 东方闪烁着光亮

例句:Light, light, light, light. 翻译:Light, light, light, light.。



例句:Goofy, goofy, goober, goober 翻译:Goofy, goofy, goober, goober 高菲 高菲高伯 高伯 耶。

100、 bone graft n.

中文翻译: 移植骨 骨移植物

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。

101、 First Graze

中文翻译: 着地点 到弹头的着地点

例句:it's just a graze. Come on. 翻译:擦伤而已 快走 我们得走了 It's just a graze.。

102、 Basebll grip

中文翻译: 自然握杆法 天然握杆法 当然握杆法

例句:Now heave like you mean it! 翻译:Alright, get a grip.。


103、 groundwater table

中文翻译: 地下水位

例句:Groundwater table dynamic change in Hebei-plain in 30 years and the groundwater continuate utilization 翻译:河北省平原区近xx年来地下水动态变化及可持续利用对策。

104、 Hero Tales

中文翻译: 英雄传说

例句:Paul Bunyan was a hero in American folk tales. 翻译:保罗·班扬是美国传说中的英雄。。



例句:it is in its incense heyday. 翻译:香火极盛。

106、 high accuracy

中文翻译: 高准确度

例句:A high degree of accuracy is needed. 翻译:需要高度的准确性。 。

107、 Secret-hinge

中文翻译: 暗铰 家具种类

例句:Germany Hafele hinge hinge or DTC. 翻译:采用德国海福乐铰链或DTC铰链。

1、 。

108、 hollow section

中文翻译: 空心截面 空心型钢

例句:Engineering Section Chief, Section Chief. 翻译:Engineering Section Chief, Section Chief.。



例句:it's an honour. Promotion. 翻译:It's an honour.。

110、 hospitalize the patient

中文翻译: 送病人就医

例句:Hospitalize'? For how long'? 翻译:住院喔 不要啦 住院要住多久。

111、 hustle and bustle

中文翻译: 熙熙攘攘 忙碌

例句:And in the hustle and bustle, no sunshine appears 翻译:∮庸庸碌碌,见不著一丝阳光∮。

112、 pluralistic ignorance

中文翻译: 多数无知 多元无知 人众无知 多数的无知

例句:ignorance of words means ignorance of men. 翻译:对礼仪的无知等于失败。

xx年级常用词汇:0,113、 Immersion test

中文翻译: 浸泡试验 化工 全浸试验

例句:Will there be a test on this? 翻译:Will there be a test on this?。

114、 imperialism view

中文翻译: 帝国主义论

例句:Foreign capital... imperialism... united with reactionary forces... and created the climate... that made the army break with its tradition... which Schneider had taught... and was reaffirmed... by Commander Araya. 翻译:Foreign capital... 帝国主义... imperialism...。

115、 indian corn

中文翻译: 玉米 玉蜀黍

例句:She will perform "The indian Corn Ceremony." 翻译:她会表演「印第安玉米仪式」。

116、 Influence curve

中文翻译: 影响曲线

例句:i wouldn't say it's great, or influence. 翻译:or influence.。

117、 inside and out

中文翻译: 从内到外地 彻底地

例句:So, go back to the car. i've been through it, Lieutenant, inside and out. 翻译:inside and out.。



例句:- Monsieur, insofar as it is in my power. 翻译:目前为止仍然在我控制之下 谢谢对了,先生。



例句:Extreme emotional instability 翻译:情绪极度不稳。



例句:Jump on it, jump on it, jump on it, jump on it 翻译:Jumponit ,jumpon it , jump on it,jump on it。

121、 non-exclusive jurisdiction

中文翻译: 不排他法律管辖区 非专属性管辖权

例句:My preferred license would be at least an exclusive license for iOS and a non-exclusive license elsewhere. 翻译:我的首选许可证将在至少一个IOS的独家许可和非排他性的许可其他地方。。



例句:We're divorced. i lost the hyphen, kept the ring. 翻译:kept the ring.。

xx年级基础单词表:0,123、 latent image

中文翻译: 天 潜像 感光 潜影 隐像 潜在影像

例句:The fogged internal latent image grains are protected by mercapto development antifoggants. 翻译:内潜影颗粒可以通过带巯基的显影防灰雾剂加以保护。。

124、 middle latitude

中文翻译: 中纬度 中间纬度

例句:monsoon subhumid climate of middle latitude temperate zone 翻译:中温带季风半湿润气候。

125、 Leaky Cauldron

中文翻译: 破釜酒吧 破斧酒吧 麻瓜世界和魔法世界的交界

例句:-The Leaky Cauldron. That's in London. 翻译:- 破釜酒吧 在伦敦。



例句:- Length of here! - Length of here! 翻译:出去!。



例句:is this a lengthy Cabinet? 翻译:这次会议长吗? 估计不会 Is this a lengthy Cabinet?。

128、 magnify the photo

中文翻译: 放大照片

例句:- if i could just magnify that, 翻译:- Jess... - If I could just magnify that,。

129、 Majesty Gold Edition

中文翻译: 王权 王权黄金版 英文名称

例句:Do you mean, like, "gold" gold? 翻译:gold gold?。

130、 Jalal's Mane

中文翻译: 加尔的长发

例句:That's his real mane, not extensions. 翻译:这是他的真名哦 不是昵称 That's his real mane, not extensions.。

131、 Marketplace Fairness Act

中文翻译: 市场公平法案 市场公平法

例句:We're not in the marketplace! 翻译:We're not in the marketplace!。

132、 masterful ambiguity

中文翻译: 巧妙模糊

例句:Masterful deduction, Sherlock. 翻译:Sherlock.。



例句:The Newcomb medal? Oh, please. 翻译:纽科姆奖哦 拜托 The Newcomb medal?。



例句:My client and i will end the mediation 翻译:My client and I will end the mediation。

135、 Someone's melancholy is crying

中文翻译: 别人的忧愁在哭泣

例句:~ Crying's not for me, 'cause ~ 翻译:# Crying's not for me, 'cause #。

136、 Nuclear meltdown

中文翻译: 核心熔毁 核泄漏 核熔毕 炉心熔毁

例句:At the time of that nuclear meltdown... 翻译:福岛核电厂爆炸之后。

137、 military operation

中文翻译: 军事作战 军事行动

例句:Could contribute to a high-end military operation. 翻译:-end military operation.。



例句:- Wait a minute, wait a minute. 翻译:-What the heck? -Wait a minute, wait a minute.。

139、 The Mirage

中文翻译: 米拉其酒店 海市蜃楼 海市蜃楼酒店 迷拉吉酒店

例句:Here, water is more often a mirage than reality. 翻译:water is more often a mirage than reality.。



例句:And if there was a mismatch in a fight with someone, 翻译:如果有一个不匹配 在与人打架,。



例句:Only sincere acknowledgement might mitigate your fate 翻译:Only sincere acknowledgementmight mitigate your fate。



例句:Cover the moat! Everybody to the moat! 翻译:快,到护城河边。

xx年级大纲单词表:0,143、 Modernize Your Core

中文翻译: 升级核心

例句:Because you finally engaged your core! 翻译:Because you finally engaged your core!。

144、 Momentous Fall

中文翻译: 重大阵亡

例句:For lo, beneath Judge Jeffrey's feet - you fall! 翻译:- you fall! You fall!。

145、 Good Morning America

中文翻译: 早安美国 晨安美国 美国早安 早安

例句:Good Morning America thanks to you, Kent. 翻译:多亏了你 Kent "Good Morning America" thanks to you, Kent.。

146、 induced mutation

中文翻译: 诱发突变

例句:Objective To observe the effect of menadiol sodium diphosphate induced mutation. 翻译:目的观察甲萘氢醌二磷酸酯钠的诱变作用。。



例句:and there's a mutiny on board. 翻译:在船上还有叛变。 and there's a mutiny on board.。



例句:We don't want the nanny state. 翻译:We don't want the nanny state.。



例句:Naughty, naughty, naughty. 翻译:naughty.。



例句:Doohan: i'll need an EV Transmitter, a main gear absorber and the 3/8's pneumatic tube! 翻译:Machine Operation Navigation of Outer space 外太空航行系统)。



例句:And representing Oregon international Eugene's favorite Norwegian, Arne Kvalheim. 翻译:And representing Oregon International... ... Eugene's favorite Norwegian, Arne Kvalheim.。



例句:Objection, objection, objection. 翻译:反对,反对,反对。



例句:They are obligate aerobes. 翻译:他们是专性需氧微生物。 。



例句:i've come to feel like a criminal, an outlaw. 翻译:an outlaw.。

155、 inside and outside

中文翻译: 内外 里面和外面

例句:- Practice the outside inside, all right? 翻译:- All right. Practice the outside inside, all right?。

156、 Why Should Overstating

中文翻译: 为什么要拔高

例句:Who are you, and why should i care? 翻译:and why should I care?。

157、 Counterfeit Reality Overtakes Reality

中文翻译: 假冒现实将超越现实

例句:portal between this reality and the next. 翻译:portal between this reality and the next.。

158、 massage parlor n.

中文翻译: 按摩院 挂按摩院招牌的 妓院

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。



例句:- That the paternity is a lie? 翻译:证明他不是孩子的父亲?。

160、 pedestrian overcrossing

中文翻译: 人行天桥

例句:The word pedestrian is written only with one S. is that clear? 翻译:"pedestrian" 只有一个S . 明白了吗?。



例句:Just slip on a banana peel The world's at your feet 翻译:Just slip on a banana peel The world's at your feet。

162、 the girl has two penises

中文翻译: 这个女孩有两个鞭 该名女童有两个鞭

例句:How long has it been? Two years. 翻译:How long has it been Two years,。



例句:Class action. Kael Pepper. 翻译:集体诉讼,Kael Pepper。



例句:Penthouse perfection But what goes on? 翻译:Penthouse perfection But what goes on?。

165、 shadow play

中文翻译: 皮影戏 影子游戏 影子戏 光影游戏

例句:As long as you can find Shadow 翻译:只要找到Shadow。



例句:This is merely a precaution. 翻译:This is merely a precaution.。



例句:Nothing precipitate, of course. 翻译:当然不会贸然给你 Nothing precipitate, of course.。



例句:And try to release that pressure 翻译:And try to release that pressure。



例句:He said that Russia accepts American primacy in the world, but that this primacy requires prudent restraint and caution. 翻译:他表示俄罗斯接受美国在世界上的优越性,但这种优越性需要谨慎克制。。

170、 in private

中文翻译: 私下地 秘密地

例句:And in the future, you might want to keep it, and the rest of your senses to yourself. Some things are private, Private. 翻译:Private.。

171、 productive investment

中文翻译: 生产性投资

例句:You're being irrational and counterproductive! 翻译:...拖累大家 ...and counter -productive.。



例句:which is here,right on the property. and where natalie was playing. 翻译:right on the property.。



例句:He is hooked with Officer Pun 翻译:他已經跟潘警官掛了鉤。

174、 lighter punishment

中文翻译: 从轻处罚

例句:But earnestly request the leadership give me a chance to take the lighter punishment 翻译:但恳请各位领导从轻处分 给本人一次痛改前非的机会。

175、 a quagmire

中文翻译: 美国的陷阱

例句:You got caught in this quagmire because of me. 翻译:You got caught in this quagmire because of me.。

176、 Bermuda quicks

中文翻译: 百慕达式短裤 中短裤

例句:Broke. What do you mean, broke? The C-Corp, the investment accounts, even the offshore stuff, Caymans, Bermuda... 翻译:broke? Bermuda...。

177、 Rabbi ben Ezra

中文翻译: 以斯拉 拉比以斯拉

例句:- Him? Larbi Rabbi Slimane. 翻译:Larbi Rabbi Slimane.。

178、 ready money

中文翻译: 现金 现款

例句:Get ready to spend some money. 翻译:Get ready to spend some money.。

179、 reciprocate in line

中文翻译: 直线往复运动

例句:Therefore, the information transmitted is really on Line 翻译:"Line"。

180、 image reconstruction

中文翻译: 计 图像重建 计 图像重构 图象再现 像重现

例句:Reconstruction began when? 翻译:Reconstruction began when?。



例句:- Retro reflective panels? 翻译:好让他进入隐形模式 Retroreflective panels?。



例句:Analysis on the Present Situation and the Restricting Factors of Relique Donation in China 翻译:我国遗体捐献现状及其制约因素的研究。

xx年级要求单词表:0,183、 spontaneous remissions

中文翻译: 自发性复原

例句:The disease has an unpredictable course with exacerbations and spontaneous remissions.

1、 翻译:目前该病的进程难以预计,病情可逐渐恶化或自发性缓解。

2、 。

184、 duty to renegotiate

中文翻译: 再交涉义务

例句:"The people have not only a right, but a duty 翻译:but a duty。

185、 Please reply

中文翻译: 或请覆单 请回复 请答复 请回覆

例句:Please reply ASAP, everyone. 翻译:大家见字请回。



例句:And who speaks for the respondent? 翻译:那么是谁代表答辩人呢 ?。

187、 wet ground three reveres

中文翻译: 三河湿地

例句:aª So get on down and hit the ground One, two, three, just hit the ground aª We gonna bring it to your house 翻译:" so get on down and hit the ground one, two, three, just hit the ground " we gonna bring it to your house。


中文翻译: 黄昏遐想

例句:# Of your silent reverie # 翻译:逃避这痛苦的罹难。

189、 reverse osmosis

中文翻译: 反渗透 逆向渗透

例句:Now reverse osmosis, it's the reverse of this natural process. 翻译:逆渗透作用则是逆转这个过程。 。

190、 revise for

中文翻译: 复习功课

例句:We'll revise that and move on 翻译:We'll revise that and move on。

191、 reward for

中文翻译:的酬谢 作为

例句:But the police promised a $50,000 reward 翻译:000 reward。



例句:You're going to rupture your sutures. 翻译:伤口会裂开的 You're going to rupture your sutures.。



例句:That's not a sacramental wine! 翻译:做弥撒时用酒当做基督的血。



195、 Scenario testing

中文翻译: 基于场景的测试方法 场景测试 情景测试

例句:Testing, testing, one two three. 翻译:Testing, testing, one two three. 。

196、 scrape along

中文翻译: 勉强糊口

例句:Always getting into one scrape. 翻译:Always getting into one scrape.。



例句:One second, one second, one second. 翻译:Oh! One second, one second, one second. - 好的 中场休息 放手了。



例句:And where was your secondary escape route? 翻译:你有备用脱险计划吗 And where was your secondary escape route?。



例句:We had the property next door, but i sold it. 翻译:but I sold it.。

200、 demobilized serviceman

中文翻译: 复员军人

例句:Missile tail demobilized, Captain! 翻译:导弹尾部被破坏了。



例句:Plus, you still get your severance. 翻译:you still get your severance.。

202、 sham marriage

中文翻译: 虚假婚姻

例句:So, this marriage is just a sham? 翻译:所以你们只是假结婚吗。

xx年级重点单词表:0,203、 sharp taste

中文翻译: 辛辣味

例句:On first taste it is vinegary and sharp. 翻译:第一口的滋味酸而尖锐。

1、 。

204、 shift key

中文翻译: 换档键 字母变换键

例句:The first key shift is open knowledge. 翻译:第一个重要的变化是开放的知识渠道。。

205、 coffee shop

中文翻译: 咖啡馆 咖啡店 咖啡厅 咖啡屋

例句:Raffi's Coffee Shop. Can't miss it. 翻译:叫Raffi's Coffee Shop 很醒目。

206、 Silhouette Island

中文翻译: 锡卢埃特岛 剪影岛 卢埃特岛也称剪影岛

例句:This is Silhouette island. 翻译:西尔维特岛...。

207、 no smoke without fire

中文翻译: 无风不起浪 无火不成烟

例句:There's no smoke without fire. 翻译:无火不起烟 There's no smoke without fire.。

208、 sodium alginate

中文翻译: 医 海藻酸钠

例句:The thickness of the submucosal elevation created by 3% sodium alginate in porcine stomach was equivalent to that of sodium hyaluronate. 翻译:在猪胃部注入3%海藻酸钠后,其粘膜下提起厚度与使用透明质酸钠提起厚度相当。。



例句:it's the specialty, you see! 翻译:It's the specialty, you see!。

210、 speech act

中文翻译: 言语行为理论 言语行为 语 语言行为 言语活动

例句:The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix.

1、 翻译:间接论断句经常是省略了言语举动前缀的言语举动。

2、 。



例句:i stole it, and i spent it. 翻译:and I spent it.。

212、 Standardize bankruptcy procedure

中文翻译: 规范破产程序

例句:Dude, i'm trying to be nice, so you can avoid bankruptcy. 翻译:so you can avoid bankruptcy.。

xx年级基础词汇表:0,213、 a complete standstill

中文翻译: 彻底陷入停顿

例句:City traffic is at a complete standstill. 翻译:交通全面瘫痪,警察、消防队、。

214、 rock star

中文翻译: 摇滚歌星

例句:Hey, now, you're a rock star Get the show on, get paid. 翻译:Hey, now, you're a rock star get the show on, get paid。

215、 a statures system

中文翻译: 一个子系统

例句:Here, is that big statures 翻译:is that big statures。



例句:You kidnapped, cheated, stole and robbed 翻译:stole and robbed。

217、 Feel the sting of tears

中文翻译: 让我感受泪水的灼热 感受伤痛的泪水

例句:STiNG [singing ON recording]: 翻译:(STING。

218、 stock investment n.

中文翻译: 股票投资

例句:C.N.N. is going live at

8:00 p.m. with the number

17 翻译:C. N. N.。



例句:creativity,entertainment,storytelling 翻译:creativity,entertainment,storytelling。



例句:But he might be hard to subdue 翻译:只是恐怕难以驯服。



例句:After that, the swelling will subside 翻译:等到完全結疤消腫之後就進行第二次。

222、 Summertime Of Our Lives

中文翻译: 夏日风情 温柔男声

例句:What is this, Days of Our Lives? 翻译:Days of our lives"?。

xx年级必背词汇表:0,223、 Capital surplus

中文翻译: 资本公积 会计 资本盈余 公积金 资金盈余

例句:How can relevant fasten, surplus 翻译:surplus。

224、 symptom complex

中文翻译: 证候 症候群 综合症状 综合征

例句:# The man's got a God complex 翻译:# The man's got a God complex。

225、 pick up the tab

中文翻译: 承担费用

例句:Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. 翻译:快接,快接,快接,快接,快接 Pick up, pick up,pick up, pick up, pick up.。



例句:Keep it taut. Ryan, keep it taut! 翻译:拉紧了, 瑞安, 拉紧了!。



例句:Who taught you about these? 翻译:Who taught you about these?。

228、 The Fighting Tempts

中文翻译: 亿万唱诗班

例句:..tempts my youthful desires. 翻译:"年轻的诱惑着我萌发欲望"。

229、 He Thumped The Door

中文翻译: 他猛击房门

例句:He was dead as soon as he opened the door. 翻译:He was dead as soon as he opened the door。

230、 Todays International Hotel

中文翻译: 天津今天国际酒店

例句:This is an international hotel 翻译:我们的酒店非常国际化。



例句:Linus Let's get back on the topic. 翻译:Let's get back on the topic.。

232、 tractor pump

中文翻译: 拖拉机泵

例句:But for a minister to pump one-and-a-half million into his local football club! 翻译:But for a minister to pump one -and -a。


中文翻译: 商标权的权利穷竭

例句:The Hosted Trademark Management Systems includes three parts: Trademark record keeping; Trademark docketing ; Trademark management . 翻译:租赁方式商标管理系统包括三个部分:商标记录保存、商标记事表和商标管理。。

234、 Organ Transplant

中文翻译: 器官移植 器官移植费用补偿 器官移殖

例句:You ever need an organ transplant? 翻译:你有没有需要 器官移植?。

235、 two or three

中文翻译: 两三个 几个

例句:Alright, one, two and three and go... 翻译:two and three and go。



例句:-No, no, no. Cyrus, that's unacceptable. 翻译:that's unacceptable.。


中文翻译: 难忍的悲

例句:Planning,preparing -- Unbearable. 翻译:preparing - - unbearable.。

238、 All unimportant

中文翻译: 都不重要了

例句:all that's really unimportant. 翻译:这一切真的不重要。



例句:This is a place of unparalleled sin! 翻译:这地方罪孽深重啊! This is a place of unparalleled sin!。

240、 Even Unremarkable

中文翻译: 甚至不起眼

例句:in it, his appendix is noted as present and unremarkable. 翻译:his appendix is noted as present and unremarkable.。

241、 The Veronicas - Untouched

中文翻译: 维罗妮卡组合 遥不可及

例句:The Kongou forces its way through the wildest, most untouched forest in the whole of Africa. 翻译:most untouched forest。



例句:i'm unwilling to take that chance. 翻译:我不愿冒险 {\3cH202020}I'm unwilling to take that chance.。

xx年级常见词汇:0,243、 Underground Vanguards

中文翻译: 地下尖兵

例句:Any idea who they are, this underground network? 翻译:this underground network?。

244、 in various ways

中文翻译: 以不同的方式

例句:Of all the various ways this sucks, 翻译:让我感觉最糟糕的是。



例句:A vestige of the vox populi 翻译:它还是人民心声的遗迹。



例句:His name is Cyrus Grissom, aka "Cyrus the Virus". 翻译:aka "Cyrus the Virus. '。

247、 voluntary contributions

中文翻译: 自愿捐款

例句:The voluntary contributions of the members and associate members of ESCAP;

1、 翻译:亚太经社理事会各成员国和准成员国的自愿捐助;

2、 。

248、 the wall

中文翻译: 迷墙 黑道风云 绝境长城

例句:But this wall, it will fall 翻译:∮ But this wall, it will fall。

249、 double warp

中文翻译: 双经线

例句:Your head's the warp drive. 翻译:Your head's the warp drive.。

250、 high water

中文翻译: 高潮 高水位 水位达到最高点的

例句:Baby: Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water. 翻译:婴儿:Gagagagagaga Gaga gaga gaga guga guga guga wada gaga gaga guga gaga wader guga guga water water water water water water water water water。



例句:Roughly the same age. Same height, same weight. 翻译:same weight.。

252、 sleep a wink

中文翻译: 口语 睡一会儿 打个盹儿 用于否定句 条件句或疑问句

例句:Didn't sleep a wink, did you? 翻译:你一夜没睡是吗? Didn't sleep a wink, did you?。

xx年级常用词汇表:0,253、 wistful thinking story

中文翻译: 渴望的想法的故事 渴望思维的故事 神往思维的故事

例句:♪ And we used to be so wistful ♪ 翻译:* And we used to be so wistful *。

254、 wow gold

中文翻译: 魔兽世界金币

例句:Wow wow wow wow Waterloo, finally facing my Waterloo 翻译:Wow wow wow wow Waterloo, finally facing my Waterloo。



例句:A Study on slow release complex fertilizer wrapt with diatomite 翻译:硅藻土作包裹剂的缓释复合肥的研制。



例句:Of the wreckage we bagged. 翻译:发现了这个 of the wreckage we bagged.。

257、 get it wrong

中文翻译: 误解 算错

例句:But guys might get the wrong idea. 翻译:But guys might get the wrong idea.。



例句:Yellow, yellow to the core. 翻译:Yellow, yellow to the core.。

259、 zinc coat

中文翻译: 镀锌 镀锌层

例句:Was she wearing that fur coat? 翻译:Was she wearing that fur coat?。

260、 Zooms Lens

中文翻译: 变焦镜

例句:We wanted to have hand-held camera with pans, lens flares rack focuses and zooms. 翻译:这是我最喜爱的枪。


标签: 五年级 单词 年级 词汇

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